Character Name: Keiko Tamika Alias: Kei Race: Felinoid- North American Mountain Lion O.C.C.: Temporal Warrior Alignment: Aberrant XP Level: 6 (Frozen) XP Points: 37,901 (Zoe 05FEB23) Next Level @ XP: 37,901 O.C.C.: Shifter Apprenticeship XP Points: 2,121/2,121 (Complete) XP Level: 5 XP Points: 20,336 [UG 01FEB25] Next Level @ XP: 24,961 Sentiments/Non-Humans: Loaded question much? To many different types. She is generally willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. But mess with her and you will regret it. Sentiments/Humans: An interesting lot. Many don't like her. Some do. Some like her for other things...Weirdos. But she is ok with that. If they get too uppity she will just introduce them to the pavement. Sentiments/Coalition: Well what's to say about them. They want her dead for just existing, so screw 'em. Sentiments/Splurgoth: Weary of them. Inter-dimensional beginnings, who have a long history of enslaving people like her. Not that she is actively against slavery, just as long as it doesn't effect her. She knows how much her magic is worth and how the Spurgoth love their control of everything. She will have to keep her temporal abilities hidden while near them. Disposition: Keeps a generally carefree attitude towards life. Life is meant to be enjoyed. So enjoy it...Even if you are having to put your axe through some idiot's head, have fun with it. Enjoy your work. Insanity:
P.P.E.: 666(2d6x2)
I.S.P.: 75
H.P.: 60
S.D.C.: 103
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 190 lbs
Description: Her fur is a base light brown, with splotches of dark grey and brown. Her hair is long, usually kept in a loose pony tail with a single small braid coming down behind her left ear. Her hair is dark brownish red with Auburn highlights.
Racial Abilities
Horror Factor: 9
Nightvision 200 feet
Excellent hearing and smell
Retractable claws (+1d6 SDC to Punch)
Similar to the Ley Line Walker's ability, a Temporal Warrior can feel the surge of energy whenever a Rift is within 50 miles (80 km) +20 miles (32 km) per additional level of experience. She can also tell when a new Rift appears along a ley line she is standing on regardless of the distance. When this happens, she instantly knows the general direction the Rift is located and whether it is big or small. The Temporal Warrior is also able to sense other types of dimensional disturbances such as teleportation and dimensional or temporal anomalies that occur within her sensing range. Note that this sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional and temporal portals/Rifts and not nexus points or ley lines.
Temporal Warriors with this ability have developed a preternatural awareness that occasionally allows them to see moments into the future during combat. While engaged in combat, the Temporal Warrior can activate this ability to catch glimpses of her opponent's actions just before they occur. For the duration, the Temporal Warrior enjoys a +6 bonus to their initiative roll, a +3 to parry and dodge, cannot be surprised by a sneak attack or from behind (even at range), and can attempt to dodge projectiles and energy blasts with no penalty (straight roll with P.P. bonus added only). This ability can be used for a number of rounds equal to half the character's Temporal Warrior levels (round down) in a given 24 hour period. The rounds need not be consecutive, and the ability must be announced before the beginning of the round in which it is used (before initiative is rolled).
Instant Replay
This ability got its nickname from Temporal Warriors using it to bypass security measures and sneak around or escape surveillance. By projecting a brief temporal "echo" of a period of time over this ability's area of effect, the Temporal Warrior with this ability is able to trick outside observers into seeing a repeat of the same period of time in the area of effect all over again. This ability lasts for a number of consecutive actions equal to the character's Temporal Warrior level, and it automatically affects all observers. Temporal Warriors, Temporal Wizards, Temporal Raiders, and other races who have mastered Temporal magic (example: Prometheans from Phase World) are able to make a standard save vs. magic to see through the ruse. Anyone else observing the Temporal Warrior's area of effect from outside of it will see, hear, and sense the same things that happened in the area before the power took effect for the same number of actions the power is active. For example: When Bob, a fifth level Temporal Warrior, uses this ability, it lasts for five consecutive actions. Anyone outside Bob's area of effect who observes that area of effect will see the same things that happened for the five previous actions before Bob activated the ability - and since it is a temporal effect, it works even if they are observing remotely via video or other sensors or equipment (such as thermal imaging). During this ability's use, the Temporal Warrior's area of effect is effectively invisible and immune to detection or observation by anyone observing the area from the outside. This ability lasts for the duration and cannot be cancelled by the Temporal Warrior once it has begun. The Temporal Warrior and other persons within the Temporal Warrior's area of effect are unaffected and perceive things normally. Range: 20' plus 10' per Temporal Warrior level. The Temporal Warrior can reduce the area of effect at the time the ability is used, but cannot change it once it is active. Duration: One melee action per Temporal Warrior level. (6) P.P.E. Cost: 30 points
Dimension Sense: 55%
Shifters are innately attuned to dimensions and dimensional energies. After only a few minutes of concentration (typically 1d6+2 minutes), a Shifter is able to tell the type of dimension (whether it's an Infinite, Parallel, or a Pocket Dimension), how dense the dimensional fabric is (weak, permeable, strong or impenetrable), if the dimension or world can support human life, whether it is rich or poor in magic, artificially created (like a Pocket dimension of a dragon or god), and any type of unusual characteristics of the dimension
that might be evident, all just by "reading" a connecting Rift/dimensional portal linked to that dimension or by meditating shortly after arriving to a new world. If the Shifter is not initially successful on either type of reading, he can try again 24 hours later or after he sets foot in the place.
Dimensional Travel:
The Shifter's most powerful ability is to open a dimensional gateway. For a base cost of 125 P. P. E. , a Shifter can create a one-way dimensional portal permitting only himself and his familiar to pass through it. Each additional person he allows to go through costs him an additional 25 P. P. E. The portal will remain open for one minute (four melee rounds) at most, and the P.P.E. cost must be paid up front. As many as five people can pass through the Rift every melee round, so long as they don't waste time dawdling. This, however, can become very expensive for the Shifter: 20 people = 125 P.P.E. + 20 people in one minute (at a cost of 25 P.P.E. each) = 600 P.P.E.! The Shifter cannot designate specific people to go through, so an enterprising stowaway can jump through the portal and thus deny another person passage. This cannot be done to the Shifter unless he is physically restrained and prevented from stepping through the Rift. The Dimensional Travel ability can target the Shifter's home dimension, a random dimension, or a dimension visited by the Shifter at some time in the past.
When targeting a random dimension, the Rift can open anywhere within the resulting dimension. However, portals are drawn to high P.P.E. places like planets rich in P.P. E . , so it is exceedingly rare that a random portal will appear in the depths of space or on a completely lifeless planet. However, it could lead to a place like Rifts® Wormwood ™ which is inhospitable and dangerous to humans.
Targeting one 's home dimension will create a Rift on a world the Shifter has visited previously, but the portal will open at a random but viable location on that planet. A human Shifter targeting Rifts Earth will not end up in the ocean, but on a landmass, and not in the middle of a desert either. Mid- to high-level Shifters (levels 5-9), can target a specific country or continent, and the highest level Shifters (level 10 and above) can arrive within 50 miles of their desired destination.
Targeting a world previously visited in another dimension means the Shifter (and any passengers) will arrive at a reasonably hospitable, but random location on the desired planet.
For greater accuracy and for two-way travel, Dimensional Portal (1,000 P.P.E.) or Re-Open Gateway (180 P.P.E., but can only re-open a portal to wherever the Rift went to last) are recommended. The Shifter' s sensitivity to dimensional energies is such that the character
can perform these two magic spells at half the usual P.P.E. cost via a special ritual of meditation known only to Shifters. The ritual takes 1d6*10+ 15 minutes to perform, but also means a Shifter can open a dimensional portal almost anywhere provided he has sufficient P.P.E. In addition, the ritual enables the Shifter to hold the Rift open for one minute per level of his experience, close it in a heartbeat at will, and manipulate the size of the portal to whatever he wants, from that of a
man-sized doorway to 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide per level of experience.
Communication Rift: 40%
A Shifter can open a micro-Rift, just small enough to send a message or a small animal familiar through. This is typically how a Shifter contacts an Alien Intelligence. The Rift is pretty stable and unless opened on a nexus point, it is no larger than a grapefruit. On a nexus the Shifter is gambling that, 1) an Alien Intelligence will not gain control and open the Rift further, and, 2) that natural events such as the ebb and flow of the ley lines do not force the micro- Rift to tum into a full-blown dimensional gateway between the two locations. P.P.E. Cost: On or within a half mile (0.8 km) of a nexus point the cost is only 50 P.P.E. On or within a half mile (0.8 km) of a ley line costs the Shifter 1 00 P.P.E., and anywhere else away from ley lines costs 200 P.P.E. Duration: One minute (4 melee rounds/60 seconds) per level of the Shifter's experience, and only he can close the connection, though people at the other end can walk away. Success Ratio: 20% +5% per level of experience for opening the Rift at the exact
location desired. If done as a ritual (which takes 1d6*10+ 15 minutes longer) a +20% bonus is added to the success ratio. The time to open a Communication Rift without a ritual is 1d4 melee rounds of meditation and concentration.
Dimensional Teleport Home: 75 PPE
The Shifter is so attuned to the dimensional nuances that he can always find his way home from another dimension, and at the cost of a paltry 75 P.P.E. Unfortunately, his ability to Dimensional Teleport back home only applies to himself, his familiar and whatever gear he can carry. Sorry, no passengers (a full Rift Dimensional Portal is necessary to take others with him). If the P.P.E. is available, the Shifter can activate this ability and be home in one melee action (about 4 seconds)! The ability to Rift home means the Shifter is often tempted to explore new worlds by stepping through a Rift to god only knows where, because he can almost always get back.
Sense Rifts: 130 Miles
Similar to the Ley Line Walker' s ability, the Shifter can feel the surge of energy whenever a Rift is within 50 miles +20 miles per additional level of experience. He can also tell when a new Rift appears along a ley line he is standing on regardless of the distance. When this happens, a Shifter instantly knows the general direction the Rift is located and whether it is big or small. The Shifter is also able to sense other types of dimensional disturbances such as Teleports and dimensional anomalies that occur within his sensing range. The latter is limited to one half the Shifter ' s usual range. Note: This sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional portals/Rifts and not nexus points and ley lines.
Familiar Link:
Link to the Supernatural
Freya; Norse Goddess of Magic, War, Cats and Witchcraft
Summoning See R:UE p. 123
Spell Knowledge Spell Strength: 17
See Spell List Psionics - Major
Read Dimensional Portal (6)
Range: Touch or one foot (0.3 m) per level of experience. Duration: One melee round per level of experience. I.S.P.: 6 Saving Throw: Not applicable.
Limitations: Applicable only to active (open) dimensional portals and devices that can create a dimensional portal. This power allows the psychic to get impressions from the portal or dimension spanning device, which instills the character with the following information:
Destination is relatively dangerous/hostile or safe to the psychic. This includes whether or not the environment can support human life.
Whether there is a strong (or numerous) presence of the supernatural (i.e. Alien Intelligence, gods, demons, etc.) and whether that presence is evil.
A psychic flash - a brief vision of who was the last person or persons to use the portal, if any (may be none if it is a random Rift that hasn't been used by any living force).
Intuitively sense whether the portal or machine leads to any of the following dimensions: The Astral Plane, Xiticix home world, the Dreamstream, or to another location on Rifts Earth. 175
If a mechanical gateway or device capable of dimensional travel/ opening a dimensional portal, whether it is a creation of magic or science, the psychic will get a basic idea of how to operate it in order to open or close a dimensional portal (similar to Object Read).
(p. 175 RUE)
Sixth Sense (2)
Range: 90 feet Duration: Until the danger passes or happens. Bonuses apply only to the first melee round of the attack from the source of the sensed danger. I.S.P.: 2 Saving Throw: None.
The Sixth Sense is a power that gives the psychic a precognitive flash of imminent danger to himself or somebody near him (within 90 feetl27.4 m). The character will not know what the danger is or where it will come from, nor who it will be directed at when in a group. All she knows is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60 seconds (4 melees)! The Sixth Sense is triggered automatically, without the consent of the psychic, whenever her life is in great peril or the life of somebody she greatly cares about (friend, partner, loved one, etc.). The Sixth Sense is only triggered by an unexpected, life threatening event (a trap or ambush is within 90 feetl27.4 m or a flash flood is rushing his way) which is already set into motion and will happen any second. The power can not be called upon at will to sense for traps or ambush. Instead, it works like an automatic reflex. If the character has used all his I.S.P. the Sixth Sense is temporarily rendered inoperative. Bonuses: The sudden flash of insight provides the following bonuses. All bonuses apply only to the first, initial melee (15 seconds) when the attack/danger occurs. Bonuses are lost in subsequent melee rounds after the danger is revealed. +6 on initiative roll, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge and the character can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind. (p. 176 RUE)
Telepathy (4)
Range: Read surface thoughts up to 60 feet (18.3 m) away or two-way telepathic communication up to 140 feet (42.7 m) +40 feet (12.2 m) per level of experience. Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience. I.S.P.: 4 Saving Throw: Conditional. When a character suspects he is being telepathically probed he can resist, getting the standard saving throw. Mind Blocks will completely prevent telepathic probes or communications as long as the block is up. The power of Telepathy allows the psychic to eavesdrop on what another person is thinking at a particular moment. This is done by focusing on that one individual and picking up on his or her surface thoughts. Surface thoughts are those thoughts and musings uppermost in a target's mind. A deep probe into memory is not possible. Although the psychic can read the thoughts of several people, he can only do so by focusing on one person at a time. Simultaneous, multiple mind reading is impossible for the character. Limited telepathic communication is also possible. The telepath can send a directed thought message to one person at a time. The message must be as brief and clear as possible. Like, "John, I need you immediately. Hurry!" or "Stop! Don't do that." "Come here," "Look out" or "Press the green button." However, two-way telepathic communication is not possible except between two characters both with telepathic abilities. (p. 177 RUE)
Deaden Senses (4)
Range: 160 feet (48.8 m); line of sight. Duration: 2D6 minutes; roll for random determination of duration. I.S.P.: 4 Saving Throw: -1 to save. A form of bio-manipulation that is so subtle that its victims seldom realize they have fallen under the influence of this psionic attack. The psychic is able to induce a physical influence on a single character to make him or her momentarily less alert and attentive to the things around him. Small sounds, odors, movements, and details go unnoticed (+ 1 0% to the psychic on the following skills when used against this befu ddled character: Camouflage, Prowl, Concealment, Palming, Pick Pockets, Cardsharp, Forgery, Seduction, Disguise and Impersonation). And the deadened character is also slow to react; reduce Spd by 10%, -I on initiative, and -5% on skill performance. This power is typically used on guards, sentries, and investigators to make them miss something in a search, not notice the psychic, etc. (p. 167 RUE)
Suppress Fear (8)
Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: One minute per level of experience. I.S.P.: 8 Notes: This power temporarily suppresses the chemical and psychological components of fear in the recipient. As a result, the character is unable to feel fear or is barely frightened even if intellectually he realizes he is in grave danger, or is facing a terrifying monster or situation. This enables the character to think rationally and take calm, calculated action, rather than respond with the typical "fight or flight" reactions of those who are scared. While this power is activated, the character automatically succeeds on any roll to resist Horror Factor, even if magically induced. This power can be used on the psychic himself or on one or two others. (p. 166 RUE)
See the Invisible (4)
Range: 120 feet (36.6 m); double on a ley line. Duration: 1 minute per each level of experience. I.S.P.: 4 Saving Throw: None. Notes: The character can see entities, beings, forces, objects and creatures which can turn invisible or are naturally invisible. Even if the creature has no form per se, the psychic will be able to discern the vaporous image or energy sphere which is the being. This includes ghosts, Entities, Elementals and Astral Beings.
The study of various dimensions. Those knowledgeable in this skill will have studied several different dimensions and will know such things as Hades is the home to demons and what demons live there, Wormwood is referred to as the Living Planet, and Phase World resides in the Three Galaxies where the Naruni and Splugorth are known to trade, among other odd tidbits as they relate to various dimensions. Extremely alien dimensions may impose anywhere from a -15% to -50% skill penalty, while places the character has personally visited on three or more occasion provide a +15% skill bonus.
Combat Data (Alternate) HTH Type: Commando 6th (Frozen)
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +9
Strike Bonus: +8
Parry Bonus: +9
Dodge Bonus: +9
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +7
HTH Damage Bonus: +3
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +5
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +4
Bonus to Disarm: +1
Bonus to Flip/Throw: +1
Other: +1d6 to Sword Strikes
Combat Data (Primary) HTH Type: Aikido 10th (Frozen)
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +7
Strike Bonus: +7
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5
HTH Damage Bonus: +3
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +5
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +6
Bonus to Disarm: +2
Bonus to Auto-Flip/Throw: +7
Other: +1d6 to Sword Strikes
Weapon Proficiencies Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
Rate of Fire: As per the character's hand-to-hand attacks per melee.
Range: Range is listed on page 326 of RUE, but a trained archer can try a shot at 50% greater distance but does so without the benefit of any bonuses to strike or disarm.
Worn on Person MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor N-F40A Heavy Force Field
Leg wraps
Spandex leggings
Loose cotton shirt
Neck- Tinted Goggles Boot Left - silver knife (1d6 S.D.C.) Boot Right - Credit Chit Slung - Tesla Bow Slung - Wilk's 457 Laser Pulse Rifle
Utility Belt Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment:
• Attachment: Binoculars
• Attachment: Omega Blade
• Attachment: Mage Bane
• Attachment: Enchanted Dwarven Cat-o-Nine Tails
• Attachment:
Ammo Belt
• Pouch: 4 E-Clips
• Pouch: Lockpick kit
• Pouch:
• Pouch:
• Pouch:
• Pouch:
Backpack The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Air filter and gas mask
• Space: Mini-oxygen tank (15 minutes of air)
• Space: Laser distancer
• Space: Flashlight
• Space: Extra Clothes
• Space: Dominiko's Note
• Space: Engraved Silver Hair Brush
• Space: Jade Fur Comb
• Space: Venenifer's Stone
• Space:
• Space:
Gear Stats
Omega Blade TW Weapon
M.D.C.: 200, regenerates 20 M.D.C. per day
Range: Close Combat or ranged
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Weight: 5 lbs.
Features: W.P. Sword; one-handed and 4' long.
Modifiers: None.
TW Characteristics:
TW Functions:
Power Bolt
Range: 2500 feet
Damage: 5D6+14
Life Drain
Every time the target is hit, they must save vs magic or suffer a Life Drain, as per the 7th level spell. A failed save means the victim loses half his hit points and S.D.C., plus speed is reduced by half, the character loses one melee attack, and suffers -10% on skill performance. This attack will affect targets in body armor or power armor, but not anything bigger. M.D. creatures only suffer the weapon damage. The weakness will last for 10 melee rounds, after which the victim begins to regain their hit points and S.D.C. as is normal for their healing ability.
Activation Cost: 40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.
Device Level: Not stated
P.P.E. Construction Cost: Not stated
Spell Chains Needed: Ensorcel (400), Power Bolt (20), Life Drain (25), Enchant Weapon (1000).
Physical Requirements: Not stated
Duration of Charge: Lasts 12 melee rounds (3 minutes). Weapon is charged to Deliver Power Bolts or Life Drain. (Must be stated when charged. Second Activation required to switch modes.)
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
• Helmet - 40
• Arms - 20 each
• Legs - 30 each
• Main Body - 60
• Armor OF Ithan (when activated) adds 50 M.D.C. per the spell Magic Features:
All of the following engage for the full duration of activation (or until used up in the case of armor).
※ Armor of Ithan
• • Note: All spell effects at 5th level equivalent.
• Duration: 10 minutes per activation.
• P.P.E. Cost to Use: 30 P.P.E. or 60 I.S.P.
Weight: 11 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to movement and physical skills.
N-F40A Heavy Force Field M.D.C. by Location:
Force Field: 110
Weight: 15 lbs.
Modifiers: none Features:
8 hour duration per E-clip
Book Reference: p.122, DB2 Stored in Keiko's room at the Haven
Haven Room Storage
Stored in The Haven
• A nice Red and Orange summer dress
• Extra Clothes
Enchanted Battle Axe
Weight: 5 pounds
Mega-Damage: 4d6 M.D.
Range: Close Combat
Additional Damage (1 die)
Kittani Plasma Whip
Weight: 3 lbs
Damage: Three settings: 2D4 S.D.C. when not energized, and 1D6 M.D. or 2D6 M.D. per lash when energized.
Maximum Effective Range: Close combat with a reach of 8 feet
Payload: 60 minutes per E-clip, but each activation counts as one minute.
NE-RV07 Ripper Vibro-Axe
Damage: 4D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 hour constant use
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: silver coated
Modifiers: None
Book Reference: p.24, DB8
Last edited by Keiko on Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:30 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Breath in...Slow exhale...Release! Thunk! Keiko knocked another arrow and drew her bow. Hyper focused, the rest of the world fell away. Just her and her target. The edges of her vision blurred and sound muted as her breathing slowed. She could make out the fine detail of the target. Where the red and white met was not even. The red paint had run in some spots creating small imperfections on the target area. The fabric torn from repeated arrow strikes. Her last arrow sitting just off center. She let her breath out, slow and controlled. The bow string was on the edge of her claw hanging on, tension building. Suddenly her claw retracted. With nothing left holding the bow string it drove the arrow forward. The arrow slammed into the target. Right below the first arrow. Still just off to the right. Keiko looked puzzled at the target then back to the bow. She checked the tension of the string and the smoothness of the grip. Everything looks good. Why is it still shooting to the right? This bow has become infuriating. I just want it to fly the way it is supposed to. “Keiko! Time to come in.” Her mother’s voice tore her from her thoughts. ”Coming mother.”
Keiko and her family lived many miles from Omagua out in the woods and farms that supplied grain to the city. They were just part of the larger trade network in the area, and it worked for them. They led simple lives. Hunted for what was needed. Living off the land. It was peaceful. Keiko was on her way to her coming of age trials. She would have to survive in the wild alone for two years. Then, if she survived she would be allowed back into the village as an adult. She practiced day and night as she prepared for the day she would leave her people. The night before her departure was a long one. Her mother cried as she made Keiko her favorite meal. Her father was stern as he helped her pack her pack. Gently giving advice he believed to be the most important. She sat with her family and stories were told of her brothers coming of age trials. The merriment continued well into the night.
As the dawn broke the darkness Keiko was led to the edge of the village near the forest. Everyone was in attendance, maybe just north of a thousand people. Every face was smiling. They knew the goodbye was only temporary. It was as much fact as the sun would rise again the next morning. Keiko turned for one last wave goodbye. As she turned, her fur puffed out as a sense of danger became overwhelming. The crowd saw this and did not react as they were not sure what was happening. Several others began to feel the same. Keiko instinctively dropped her pack, raised her bow, and fired. The arrow shot past the crowd and toward the creature emerging from a portal behind them. Keiko felt the world shift for a moment as the creature caught her arrow and snapped it with one hand. She pulled out a second quiver containing a different set of arrows and slung it on her back. When she looked back up the creature was in the crowd. Moving quickly, disappearing from view for a moment to appear behind its victim. Keiko watched in horror as it drained the life from her brother and father at the same time. Keiko instantly locked those emotions away. They would distract her and she needed to do what she could to save the rest of her people.
Keiko fired again at the creature as it continued to move through the gathered villagers. The world shifted again and the arrow was deflected by a bracer that shouldn't have been there. Keiko shook off the unease and fired again. Again the world hiccuped and her arrow was deflected. This dance continued for nearly two minutes. All the while the creature was continuing its slaughter of her people. Suddenly as she fired again she saw the warp in time. It controls time! But it's in a predictable manner. I got this. No more! Keiko fired again, it was a sloppy snap shot rushed so she could knock another arrow and fired at nothing. In the middle of flight the world shifted again as the first shot was deflected. The second struck true impaling the creature in the shoulder. It howled in pain and glared at her as it vanished from sight. Keiko dropped her bow and drew her axe. She spun and swung at nothing. Her axe stopped just before it hit the creature. Her wrist in its hand. It snarled at her and flung her into the nearest tree. Her axe flew from her grip as she felt several ribs give way and her breath left her. Stars exploded in her eyes as her head cracked against the tree. She knew she could not remain still as she struggled to her feet and pulled her last arrow from her quiver and held it like a dagger. She swayed as she fought to stay upright against the dizziness setting in. The creature stalked up to her with a low menacing chuckle. ”You have spirit. Good.” The creature took the arrow in the side as it kicked her back into the tree. Stars exploded again but faded into darkness this time as consciousness left her.
Keiko’s head was splitting as the world swam into focus. She slowly sat up in the bed to take in her surroundings. What the hell? Where in Hades am I? And why am I in… Her face flushed and her fur puffed along her spine as she realized she was not wearing the clothes she had been wearing when she was rendered unconscious. Why had it left her alive? What was it doing in her village? As she played the events back through her mind she could see it feeding on the life of her people. The terror in their faces. It started at the oldest. Like it was culling a herd. feeds off life I am but food to it...then why am I still alive? Keeping me for later? No...Then why am I here? Her thoughts were interrupted by the door to the room opening and the creature entered. While still monstrous, the tentative almost respectful way it entered the room intrigued Keiko. ”I trust you are feeling better?” Keiko spitted it with a glare that would make most men whither. ”Your spirit is still very much intact...Good. I have left you some food. On the table.” It turned to leave and inspired her desire to fight or escape, she still asked, ”Why am I here?”
It turned back with a very human-like smile full of warmth, not malice. ”I am in need of an assistant. I’m sure you will fit that role perfectly.” The voice had become like honey in her ears. There was something stirring a deep dark part of her. A part the sought out power and perfection. The part that was continually pushed down in favor of the village. The part the rebelled at being two inches off when she practiced. She shook her head. What the hell was that? Where did my head go? It murdered my family...But it was hungry...Just like I am… So many thoughts whipping through her head at light speed. She barely tasted the meal. And fell back asleep within moments of crawling back into the bed.
Part II
Keiko ducked below a sword swing from CS trooper as she cracked a second troopers chest plate with her axe. She kicked him back leaving her in a circle of four CS troopers. ”Now, boys this is not the least bit gentlemanly. Four big strong men against a cute little kitty cat.” Keiko tilted her head and batted her eyes at them. ”You are unnatural. And we are going to put you down.”
Keiko giggled. ”You’re one to talk little puppy.” The dog boy growled in response. The trooper behind her drew a pistol, but before he could aim it at her, a whip caught the pistol and sent it flying. ”Ah, ah, ah. That’s cheating.” She giggled more as she spun around and cleaved through the trooper to her left. Dropping him to the ground with a wet thump. The rest charged her. Keiko parried two of the blades aimed at her and crushed the armor of the dog boy sending him staggering back from the impact. She moved like a dance, flowing away from danger and always finding the opening. Keiko dropped another trooper with a backhand slash to the neck. The dog boy retrieved the pistol from the ground and fired. Keiko disappeared from the middle of the group and the dog boy’s shot dropped another trooper. The dog boy growled and swore. He and the last trooper began looking around for Keiko. ”She couldn’t have gone invisible. I would have seen her. Where did she go?” Keikos axe appeared first embedding itself in the back of the last trooper. Her whip found it’s way around the neck of the dog boy as she flung him to the ground. He began to crawl away on all fours, ”Don’t run puppy. We still have much to talk about.” The next hit from the whip sent agony coursing through his body. It stopped responding and he collapsed screaming in excruciating pain. When it finally passed he lay there whimpering. Keiko bent down and gently stroked his fur by his ears. Her touch, while soft, caused him to start and weakly nip at her. ”Oh. Poor little puppy. Now where did your masters take Quinn?” ”Quinn? I don’t know who that is.” ”Little puppy, don’t lie to me. I know it was you who helped in hiding him. You may have been good at hiding him, but you can do nothing against me. I will find him. Save yourself the suffering.” The dogboy nipped again at Keiko prompting her to give a resigned sigh. The agony returned and the dogboy screamed out again. This time when it ended he had no more resistance left. ”They are taking him to a research facility, 20 miles north of here. I’ll give you the coordinates. Just please don’t do that again.” After showing her the coordinates on the map, Keiko cracked him in the back of the head rendering him unconscious. ”Rest now little puppy.”
Keiko stepped through the portal and back into her husband's dimension. ”Devon! I’m back. I have Quinn with me. Come here you ungrateful little shit!” Keiko has to drag Quinn back through the portal as it closes. ”Language, my dear. How was your trip?” Devon is sitting in a chair in front of a fireplace with a glass of brandy in his hand. ”It was good. Earth is still just as messed up as I remember it. Oh I did meet an interesting woman while I was there. She was heading in the same direction I was. She lended a hand helping me infiltrate the CS base. She was looking for some kind of artifact. It didn’t seem to be magic. Likely sentimental or history related. Called herself Kianra. Hell of a fighter. Looked a little off for a human, but it’s hard to tell. Anyway here is Quinn.” ”Quinn. My old friend. I told you your service was not finished. Yet you insisted it was.” ”Sir I had done everything you asked. Why, why was I not allowed to leave?” Devon chuckled. ”Because my good man I asked you not to. I am not without reason. I would have been more than happy to have Keiko escort you to your daughters wedding. I’m sure she would have loved the opportunity to dress for the occasion.” Keiko flashed a smile at the thought. ”But instead you ran to the Coalition States of all people. Did you think my reach did not extend there?” ”Honestly no I didn’t. I just want to leave. Please, I have not seen my family in years.” ”Oh don’t be so melodramatic. You ‘see’ your family almost daily. And your work here ensured I had adequate funds to ensure their pleasant lifestyle. I know it’s not the same as holding them everyday, but some things require sacrifices. I hope you are more willing to remain with us this time.” Quinn hung his head at the words. ”Yes, sir. I am here to serve you.” ”Wonderful. Keiko please untie the man.” Keiko removed his bindings with her knife and escorted him to his room. Before she turned to leave, Quinn grabbed her arm gently. ”Why do you stay with him?” Keiko gave him a sly smile. ”Oh, Quinn. I never fit in where I was before. Devon has helped me become more than I ever would have been in Omagua. I have seen places and done things...well that would be telling. But he is kind in his own way. He holds himself to his own code. He never violates it. It has made him few friends among his own kind. Have a good night Quinn.” Keiko pulled away from Quinn’s grip and let him close the door behind himself. As she turned away from the door she could smell food cooking. Oh, he’s cooking steak. He does know just how to treat a woman.
Keiko’s mouth was watering by the time she entered the dining hall. Food was plentiful on the table, and Devon stood behind her chair waiting for her. He motioned for her and she gave him a knowing smile as he assisted in pushing her chair in. ”Before we eat I have a surprise for you.” He whispered in her ear, ”Close your eyes.” She did as he asked. The anticipation swelling inside her. ”Open.” Keiko saw a beautifully ornate bow in Devon’s hands. Made more of clockwork and metal rather than wood. ”Awe. It’s beautiful.” Keiko gingerly took it and tested the string. Before she drew it back she could feel dimensional energy in the weapon itself. She aimed at a blank part of the wall, drew and fired. A bolt of lightning slammed into the wall and skittered across the surface. Powered by dimensional energy. I love it.” Keiko turned to Devon, ”I love it. Thank you.” ”Anything for you my love. I remember how good you were with a bow. I hope your skill has not atrophied.” Keiko was positively beaming with joy. ”It’s perfect.”
Part III
Zap, Zap. Target down. Keiko moved through the course with confidence. Passing through a ruined coliseum, more targets popped up and shot lightning at her. She broke left into a diving tumble and came up firing, dropping the closest target. A few words and she boosted her own agility. Dashing into the open courtyard she weaved between the bolts of lightning all the while firing back with her bow. The deadly ballet endured until one target appeared behind her. She spun but not fast enough to fully dodge the bolt. It took the bow near her hand, ripping it from her grip and sending it sliding across the floor. She cursed out another spell and drew her axe. She leapt over the target and cleaved it in two. She stood there heaving breaths coming from the exertion. ”That....bastard...changed it...again.” ”Well I had to. You had the other sequence memorized. You did it blindfolded with less effort than when you hunt for food.” Devon looked to the destroyed target, ”Although I was expecting you to be a little more gentle with the targets. I will have to set Quinn to make more.” ”It shot my bow.” Keiko growled. Keiko took a breath and her tone softened, ”Sorry, It’s just that it means a lot to me. You gave it to me, Love.” ”And I am pleased that it is precious to you. I have something I need to discuss with you after you get cleaned up.” Keiko nodded to Devon and retrieved her bow. She passed back through the portal to Devon’s mini-dimension. I wonder what is up? Must be something important. Wow I really need a shower.
Twenty minutes and a nice hot shower later, Keiko was still toweling parts of her still damp fur, when Devon came in. He stood there smiling. Keiko threw her towel at him, ”Oh knock that dumb grin off your face.” ”You know I can’t do that, love.” ” I know. But you can help me get dressed at least.” ”Why would I do that. I’m enjoying the view.” ”Oh you’re insufferable.” Keiko opened her closet and began to dress herself. ”You know I was thinking back to when we met. How much you despised me at first. I did not know how close we would grow to be.”
Keiko’s voice came from inside the walk in closet. ”You know it took me time to see you for who you really are. Not what I saw in the field that day. Despite what happened, they died opening my eyes to the greater multiverse. I had returned to see what became of my village. It was like nothing had happened. They all continued in their old ways not changing to fit a new reality. They simply passed it by in favor of the old way. The way of weakness and stagnation. I’m glad they are dead and not a part of an endless circle of...well nothing really. What effect did we have on anything there? Nothing. You were able to give me more than I could ever repay. And when it came down to it. We found we were great in each other's company.” ”Indeed we were.” ”Something wrong? Wait...Did you feel that? Someone just portaled in.” Keiko emerged in a beautiful summer dress and her bow in her hand, ”Were we expecting people?” Devon shook his head, but it was slow and resigned. Like there was something he didn’t want to do. He gently handed Keiko a holodisk. Kissed her and whispered in her ear. ”You can not be here for this part, my love. I am sorry. I love you.” No sooner had the confusion at his words hit her face then Devon opened a portal and pushed Keiko through, closing it behind her.
Keiko landed hard in a meadow. ”No. Devon. Damn it. What the hell!!” She immediately pulled out a small stone from her belt she kept for emergencies. It would take her back to Devon. She pulled in some ambient power to activate the stone. I have to hurry. I don’t know what he is playing at but I’m getting some answers. The world swirled around her, but she was not prepared for when it stopped. The scene before her was one of death and carnage. Parts of beings mortal and other wise were strewn about the living room. Blood of all colors formed pools and ran unchecked down the walls. The stench of decay mixed with the ionizing scent of magic. Keiko readied her bow and proceeded to move though the house looking for Devon. She noticed that items were intentionally smashed or missing. As if someone had taken trophies or were looking for something specific. Nothing was making sense. Why did someone attack us? We have enemies, sure but none how would do this. Not on this level. She checked Quinn’s room. It was remarkably pristeen. Keiko cocked her head at the sight. What? Why is nothing out of place here...Quinn I better find your body. I’m going to dig you a grave one way or the other. Keiko continued to the study where there were more signs of heavy magic use. She could see where temporal spells had warped and broken time. It was all over. More than one person knew temporal magic. With this amount of magic, it has to be another Temporal Raider...or more then one of them...maybe three?
Keiko finally came across Devon in the bedroom near where he had pushed her through the portal earlier. His body was mangled and warped out of shape. His head had been removed from it’s shoulders and was resting next to his legs. Keiko lowered her bow and knelt beside her once husband. ”Devon...Why did you send me away? I could have helped you stand against them. I could…” Keiko’s head came up, spilling tears down her face. The holodisk. A message? Why did he say I couldn’t be here for this part...Because I would not have survived. The pain in Keiko’s chest lessened slightly. It no longer felt as if a building was on her chest. She moved to the holo player and inserted the disk. A blurry image of Devon appeared. ”Keiko. I am terribly sorry. I thought we would have more time together. I know how strange that must seem coming from me. This has been on the horizon for years but it seems that being with you has accelerated their timeline. There are others who do not agree with the way you have affected me. In all my time in all the multiverse, you are the only one who was able to balance me. In this balance I found a happiness I had long though passed me by. Something I had believed was for others. You brought me a time of love and I hope, I have been able to provide the same for you. Thank you. Unfortunately this has led to others of my kind believing that I have been weakening in my position. While this is partially true I have passed on to you what I could before the end. The others will be raiding my storehouses by now. I had to keep some secret from even you. Those are the ones that have the best treasure. There are two located in the verse. I can not go into detail. The others have ways of extracting information. You will know when you find it. I love you Keiko.” Keiko’s shoulders shook as the emotions took over and tears ran free. After a few moments Keiko took several shuddering breaths and looked at the frozen image of her husband. Her Eyes blazed with a fury that would have melted through the strongest metal. ”I will. I will kill them all. Every last one who was here or a part of it. They will suffer before the end...I promise. Good-bye. Devon.” Keiko then killed her emotions. Things to do. I can cry more later. Keiko moved back through the house collecting some of the random things left be hind. Her old backup armor and backup axe. ”They took my damn axe. Well just one more reason to find these assholes. Devon gave me that axe. I will find it. DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!” Keiko yelled at nothing. She took a deep breath. ”It was a group. I’m going to need help with this. I wonder what Vort and Venenifer are doing. I know they are always good for some revenge. Going to have to track them down. Always good to have a dragon who owes you. Well likely not after I call in this favor.” Keiko packed up what she could and made her way to a portal that would take her to a dimensional nexus area. There she could go about locating where her hopeful allies were. Keiko took one last look back. And walked through the portal. Quinn was not here...That means I have someone to find. We are going to have a nice long chat.
Range: Near self or up to 30 feet (9.1 m) away. Duration: 12 melees (3 minutes) per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Two Notes:A small globe or sphere of true daylight is magically created. The light is bright enough to light up a 12 foot (3.6 m) area per each level of its creator's experience. Because it is daylight, it can ward off vampires and most other types of undead and demons who fear or are hurt by sunlight, keeping them at bay just beyond the edge of light. The creator of the globe can mentally move it along with himself, or send it up to thirty feet (9.1 m) ahead. The maximum speed at which the globe can travel is equal to a speed attribute of 12.
(p. 91 BOM)
See the Invisible (4)
Range: 200 feet (61 m). Duration: One minute (4 melee rounds) per each level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Four Notes: The character can see Astral beings, entities, Elementals, ghosts, objects, forces and creatures that can turn invisible or are naturally invisible. Even if the creature has no form per se, the mystic will be able to discern the vaporous image or energy sphere that is the being. (p. 92 BOM)
Sense Evil (2)
Range: 90 feet area. Duration: Two minutes (8 melees) per level of experience. Saving Throw: None, except a psychic Mind Block, Alter Aura or a Protection from Magic circle which will prevent the spell from working on anyone in the circle. The psychic's equivalent power of Sense Evil is not blocked by magic circles.
P.P.E.: Two
The Sense Evil invocation enables the spell caster to feel or sense the presence of evil, and especially supernatural evil (demons, Deevils, etc.). It will indicate approximately how many supernatural evil presences are within the 90 foot (27.4 m) area; one, a few (2-6), several (7- 14), or many (more than 15). It can also register the intensity of the evil and pinpoint the general location of the source(s) to a particular room(s), possessed object, or person, or an approximate distance (very close, near, far, etc.).
Evil emanations from human beings, D-Bees and other mortals are much less distinct and can not be sensed as easily or broadly as above. In this case, the spell caster must see a particular individual and cast the spell on that one character. The mage can then detect if the character is Diabolic or not, otherwise he can only sense any immediate evil intention on the part of the targeted individual.
Sense Magic (4)
Range: 120 foot area. Duration: Two minutes (8 melees) per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Four
This magic ability enables the character to sense or feel the presence of magic. Like a Geiger counter, the individual can tell if he is near (within 20 feetl6 m) or far (toward the limit of the range). The ability can also indicate whether a person or obj ect is enchanted/under a magic spell, is in the process of invoking magic, or if magic is being used in the range area. Note: Men of Magic and most supernatural beings do NOT register as magic except when they are actually casting a spell using magic. Psychic powers can not be detected with this spell.
Level 2
Concealment (6)
Range: Small objects up to 40 feet (12.2 m) away. Duration: Five minutes (20 melees) per level of experience. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Six Notes: This magic makes any small object sort of invisible. Actually, it affects the perception of anybody who looks at it. Unless a character makes a successful saving throw, the item can not be seen. This can be applied to an item on one's person or out in the open. Each character who looks at the place where the enchanted object is resting must roll a saving throw versus magic. A failed roll means that particular individual will not see it until the magic lapses.
Only one object is affected each time the magic is invoked. The recipient of this magic can not be living and the object must be smaller than 14 inches in length and height, six inches or less in width, and weigh 14 pounds (6.4 kg) or less. Note: If the object is used as a weapon or picked up by the mage or anyone who does see it, the enchantment is broken and it becomes clearly visible to all. (p. 93 BOM)
Detect Concealment (6)
Range: Area affect: 30 feet (9.1 m). Duration: Instant. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Six Notes:A magic invocation that will instantly negate any Concealment spell(s) and reveal any object(s) which may have been mystically concealed. Can be directed at a specific area or individual, or made to affect an entire area 30 feet (9.1 m) in diameter. (p. 94 BOM)
Turn Dead (6)
Range: Up to 60 feet away. Duration: Instant effect. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Six
The utterance of this invocation will turn/repel 1d6 animated dead per level of experience. This means that those creatures affected will tum and immediately leave the area without harming the spell caster or anyone near him. The dead who are turned will not come back for 24 hours. This magic only affects "animated" dead and skeletons or corpses that are magically animated like marionettes, but will not affect vampires, zombies, mummies, other undead or any corpse or skeleton possessed by a living entity.
Mystic Alarm (5)
Range: 12 feet (3.65 m; one object).
Duration : One year per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Five
The spell caster can protect his or her possessions and domicile by placing mystic alarms on them. The invocation creates invisible, ward-like symbols on any one, specific, non-living object. If this object is touched or disturbed by anyone other than the spell caster, a silent alarm will buzz in the ward creator's head, alerting him to the intrusion. The alarm will alert the mage instantly, even if he is thousands of miles away or in another dimension. Once disturbed, the alarm disappears. The mystic alarm has a limited life of one year per level of its creator.
Level 3
Armor of Ithan (10)
Range: Self or other by touch. Duration: One minute (4 melee rounds) per level of the spell caster. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Ten Notes: This powerful spell instantly creates an invisible, weightless, noiseless, full suit of mystic armor upon the spell caster. Or the magic armor can be instantly created upon anyone, as long as the spell caster invokes the spell while touching the intended recipient. Named after the magic armor of the Dwarven King Ithan, this mystic armor has an M.D.C. of 10 per level of the spell caster's experience. Magic fire, lightning, and cold do half damage to it. (p. 96 BOM)
Invisibility: Simple (6)
Range: Self only (includes clothes and articles on one's person). Duration: Three minutes (12 melees) per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Six Notes: The spell caster and anything he is wearing or carrying at the time of the invocation are turned completely invisible. Any object picked up after the character has become invisible remains visible. Likewise, any item on his person that is dropped becomes visible. Neither normal nor nightvision can detect invisibility; only beings who can naturally, psionic ally or magically "see the invisible" are able to see an invisible person. Infrared and heat detectors can also pinpoint an invisible character. Although the invisible character is imperceptible to the eye, he still retains physical mass. This means he can not go through walls nor can weapons pass harmlessly through him. The character still makes noise, leaves footprints, and physical and magical contact/attacks still affect him as usual. While invisible, the mage can talk, weave spells, walk, climb, run, open doors, carry objects, and perform other acts of physical exertion, including combat, and remain invisible. The invisibility is terminated when the magic's duration time elapses or the mage cancels the spell. Note: If cut, only the blood is visible, and so is anything sprayed on the character. (p. 97 BOM)
Energy Bolt (5)
Range: 150 feet Duration: Instantly. Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. Saving Throw: Dodge of an 18 or higher. P.P.E.: Five
The incantation creates an energy bolt that the mage can mentally
direct by simply looking at his intended target. The bolt may appear to fire from a hand or finger or the eyes, but needs no physical gesture, such as pointing. S.D.C. damage is normally four six-sided dice (4D6), but is increased to 6D6 under the influence of a ley line and 8D6 at a ley line nexus; P.P.E. cost is still only five despite the increased damage capability. One energy bolt can be fired at one target per each spell invocation.
Impervious to Fire (5)
Range: Self or others up to 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m) away.
Duration : Five minutes (20 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E. : Five
A magic invocation that makes the individual temporarily impervious to fire. Normal, magical and Mega-Damage fires do no damage to the enchanted individual or to anything he is wearing or is on his person.
Level 4
Energy Field (10)
Range: Self or others up to 60 feet away . Duration: One minute (4 melees) per level of experience Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Ten
The magic creates a protective field of energy that can be placed around the mage, others, or an object. The maximum area of protection is about 8 feet (2.4 m), which means it can protect a small room full of people (about 6 to 8 individuals) . The energy field appears as a semitransparent wall or bubble that shimmers with a blue-white light.
The field normally provides a total protection of 60 M.D.C. , but is doubled
at ley lines and tripled at a ley line nexus.
Repel Animals (7)
Range: 30 feet Duration: Immediate. Saving Throw: Standard for animals. P.P.E.: Seven
The character can invoke an enchantment that will make even a hostile predatory animal stop, turn, and leave the area without harming the mage or anybody near him. The animal will not return for hours. The enchantment can affect six animals simultaneously.
Shadow Meld (10)
Range: Self. Duration: Two minutes (8 melees) per level of experience. (lv 3) Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Ten
This unique magic enables the spell caster to step into shadows, becoming totally invisible, even to a "See the Invisible" spell. The shadow must be at least five feet tall or long to become an effective hiding place. The shadow serves as a superior means of hiding or moving unseen. The mage can move, walk, or run through the length of a shadow or from shadow to shadow. While in shadow/darkness, the character prowls at a 60% proficiency (or at + 15% to normal skill, whichever is higher).
Intense light will dispel the shadow, leaving the mage revealed. Of course, sanctuary can be found by fleeing into another shadow. Feeble light, less than 10 torches or 300 watts, will only create more shadows.
While hidden in shadow, the character is still susceptible to magic, psionic and physical attacks, although attackers are -5 to strike him (because they can not see him). Area affect magic does not suffer any penalty. Infrared/thermal-optics are the only means that can be used to see somebody in a shadow.
Trance (10)
Range: Touch or within 12 feet Duration: Five minutes per level of experience. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Ten
This enchantment places another character into a zombie-like state in which the entranced victim is in a hypnotic daze, unaware of his environment or happenings around him. He can not formulate thoughts, use skills, or act on his own. While entranced, the individual is only aware of the enchanter' s voice and will follow extremely simple commands, such as stay, sit, follow me, get inside, lay down, give me your hand, etc. The entranced victim can NOT engage in any type of combat to any degree, nor any actions that require skill or thought, and offers no resistance. The magic is meant to incapacitate more than it is to enslave.
Evil men of magic often use trance on prisoners or intended victims of a human sacrifice.
While entranced, the person can not be made to reveal secrets, betray a friend, harm himself, or act against his alignment. All physical attributes function as if they are half of what they really are; thus, a speed of 10 is 5 while entranced. The victim of a trance will remember nothing of the events that occurred while entranced. Can not affect people inside power and M.D.C. body armor, robots, or vehicles.
Multiple Image (7)
Range: Self
Duration : One minute (4 melees) per level of experience. (4 Min)
Saving Throw: -4 to save. Viewers may be able to see through the illusion and identify the true person, but must roll to save vs magic at -4.
P.P.E.: Seven
An illusion that creates three identical images of the mage, each of which mimics his every movement exactly. Only piercing the false image with iron will dispel that particular image. This is a great way to confuse, scare and distract an opponent. Provides the mage with a bonus of +2 on initiative, +2 to dodge, and + 1 to strike.
Carpet of Adhesion (10)
Range: 30 feet (9. 1 m) per level of the spell caster.
Duration: 10 melee rounds (two and a half minutes) per level of spell caster.
Saving Throw: Special.
P.P.E.: Ten
The spell caster creates a sticky carpet, up to 10 feet wide by 20 feet long, that will adhere firmly to anyone who touches it. The victim stays stuck until the carpet spell time elapses or until the spell caster cancels the spell. The carpet can be cast on a floor, table, wall, etc., or actually cast upon a person. The spell caster can create this super-flypaper up to 90 feet (27.4 m) away and can alter the size and shape (without exceeding the stated limit of 200 square feet.
Saving Throw: If a successful saving throw vs magic is made, that player rolls two six-sided dice to see how many melee rounds it will take him to pull free. Those failing to make the saving throw are stuck for the entire duration of the spell. Effective even against cyborgs, power armor, and robots.
Level 5
Superhuman Strength (10)
Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: 2 melee rounds (30 seconds) per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Ten
The incantation magically gives the character a Supernatural P.S. of 30 and a P.E. of 24, as well as adds 30 S.D.C. for the duration of the magic. Supernatural strength, endurance and bonuses last for the duration of the magic.
Calling (8)
Range: 2 miles per level of experience. Duration: Five minutes per level of experience. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Eight
The Calling is like a limited form of telepathic communication in which the mage can mentally call a specific individual. To use "the call," the mystic must know the person's whole name (first and last), must have personally met the individual (even if only briefly) and must be within range. The call sends a telepathic message to that particular character, calling him or her by full name, and leaves an impression of where the caller can be found. A typical call message will be something like "Erick Wujcik, come to me." or "Richard Burke, I need you." Pranksters might use the spell for harassment purposes: "Joseph Prosek, you are a goose-stepping noodle head," or "Erin Tarn, you are a D-Bee loving blowhard." Only the individual to whom the call is made can hear it, no one else. If a successful saving throw is made, the Call, and impression of location, is heard only once. If the saving throw is not successful the Call will repeat itself over and over again, three times per melee round, until the spell elapses or the person goes to the mage. Nothing except a Mind Block can block out the call. A failed roll means the call keeps coming and coming, compelling the individual to answer it.
Sustain (12)
Range: Self or two others by touch. Duration: 24 hours per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Twelve
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal. This spell is a must for serious explorers and dimensional travelers.
Level 6
Tongues (12)
Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: 3 minutes (12 melees) per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Twelve The magic enables the character to perfectly understand and speak all spoken languages; 98% proficiency. An understanding of written languages is not provided by this magic. See the Eyes of Thoth. (p. 114 BOM)
Fleet Feet (20)
6th level Wizard spell/invocation Range: Self by spell or ritual Duration: 12 Melee rounds. (Two melee rounds per level of experience) Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 20
Fleet feet is an extremely popular and powerful magic spell; it is its popularity and therefore commonness that makes it a 6th level spell.
The incantation doubles the physical prowess, speed and mobility of the enchanted person for 30 seconds (2 melee rounds) per level of the spell caster. This means the character's speed, and P.P. are doubled (providing increased P.P. bonuses to strike, parry and dodge) and perhaps most notably, the character's physical attacks per melee round are all doubled for the duration of the spell. While the character is a veritable whirlwind of action, the enchantment does have some drawbacks. He is moving so fast and doing so much that the character is -2 on initiative and not likely to see a surprise attack coming (in most cases a surprise attack or strike from behind is automatic). Furthermore, the performance of delicate skills like picking locks or pockets, carving, writing, etc., are all at -20% and the character cannot control his precise movement.This spell will not effect the mage's spellcasting or psionics, but only his physical actions. Consequently, all future spellcasting or psionics cost twice as many actions. Cannot be cast into a Talisman, nor used in alchemical enchantments.
Call Lightning (15)
Range: 300 feet; line of sight. Duration: Instant. Damage: 1d6 M.D.C. per level of the spell caster. (4d6) Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Fifteen
This spell creates a lightning bolt which can be directed at any specific target up to 300 feet away. The lightning bolt shoots down from the sky, hitting the desired target. The target or area must be within the spell caster' s line of vision. The lightning bolt does one six-sided die ( 1d6) of M.D. per level of the spell caster.
Compulsion (20)
Range: 60 feet and within line of vision. Duration: 24 hours. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Twenty
The spell caster can implant a sudden desire or need in another character's mind. The focus of the irresistible impulse should be something reasonable and attainable, although the motive may seem quite irrational . The enchanted character will be consumed with the object or action
of the implanted compulsion, whether it be something very simple, like a craving for a candy bar, or the need to visit somebody, or something more extravagant. The victim of this enchantment will be obsessed with attaining whatever it is for the full duration time of the incantation or until it is attained. A "remove curse" will instantly negate the compulsion.
Time Slip (20)
Range: Self. Duration: Half a melee round (7 seconds). Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Twenty
The invocation momentarily suspends time, enabling the spell caster to slip seven seconds into the future. The mage can move forward seven seconds while all around him are caught in the past. The magic is such that the character can not physically hurt any living creature, but can move about the physical environment, open doors, grab an item, run, etc. The effect will appear, to others, as if the character disappears for an instant and then suddenly reappears a few seconds later. All around him lose two attacks that melee round, but the mystic retains all of his. The time slip is ideal for a quick escape. Note: Whatever actions the sorcerer takes within the seven seconds are unseen and unknown to the other characters.
Level 7
Constrain Being (20)
Range: 30 feet Duration: Two minutes (8 melee rounds) per level of experience. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Twenty
This invocation is useful for controlling lesser supernatural creatures, such as most entities, sub-demons (Gargoyles and Brodkil included), lesser demons and Deevils, Minor Elementals, and similar. The enchantment forces the being to obey the spell caster to a very limited
degree. Mainly, the mage can hold the thing at bay with an order like : "Back, stay back," "Go . . . begone," "Stay there . . . don 't move." "No ." "Stop." "Back away." No commands more elaborate than this will be obeyed. The Constrain Being incantation works in the same way as a cross holds a vampire at bay . As long as the mage and his allies stay out of the creature ' s reach, the magic will hold it at bay. If it can reach out and hurt somebody, it will. If it is attacked, the enchantment is broken and it is free to lash out at everybody. Note: Possessing Entities and greater supernatural beings are not affected by this magic, nor are non-supernatural beings such as dragons, Faerie Folk, or mortal humans, D-Bees, or aliens.
Level 8
Exorcism (30)
Range: 30 feet (9. 1 m). Duration: The spell lasts 3 minutes, results last 6 months or longer. Saving Throw: Standard; 12 by spell or 1 6 by ritual . P.P.E.: Thirty
Exorcism is a powerful magic that forces a possessing supernatural being to relinquish its control over the enslaved person, animal or object. Forced out of its host body, the evil intelligence will try to possess any other human or animal within the immediate area (30 feet line of vision). The horrid thing gets two attempts at possession. Fortunately, the exorcism incantation protects the person who was its original victim with a bonus of + 12 to save vs possession and the mage conducting the exorcism gets a bonus of +6 to save vs possession. Anybody else in the area has no extra bonus and is in great peril. If the evil force fails in both of its attempts to take possession of a host body, roll percentile dice:
01-52 %: The evil intelligence is instantly returned to its own dimension.
53-00%: The being can continue to exist in our world, but must immediately
flee the area and can not return for at least six months. Note: Ritual exorcism always has a greater chance for success but takes 20 minutes. An exorcism can be repeated by the same character on the same victim as often as needed Gust be certain the sorcerer has sufficient P.P.E.).
Invincible Armor (30)
Range: Self or one other by touch.
Duration : Three minutes per level of the spell caster. (12 Min) (100 MDC)
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Thirty
Although not quite as "invincible" as the name suggests, this impressive magical armor encases the wearer in a suit of shimmering, translucent plate armor, complete with full helmet. The armor has 25 M.D.C. per level of the spell caster, and regenerates damage at the rate of 1d6 M.D.C. per melee round. The armor offers complete environmental protection from heat, cold, disease, pollution, toxic gases, fumes, etc., and provides the wearer with an independent oxygen supply. Furthermore, all energy attacks, magic or mundane, inflict only half their usual damage to the armor! Should the armor be destroyed, it absorbs all the extra damage and disappears in a flash of light. No damage is carried over to the wearer. Note: Magical armor can not be placed on giant Automatons, power armor or robots. Limitation : Cumbersome; the wearer is - 15% to prowl, climb, swim or perform other physical skills.
Power Weapon (35)
Range: One weapon by touch.
Duration : Two melee rounds (30 seconds) per level of the spell caster. 8 Rounds
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Thirty-Five
This spell temporarily infuses an S.D.C. melee weapon (knife, spear, sword, club, etc.) with great magical energy. For the duration of the spell, the weapon will inflict the Mega-Damage equivalent of the S.D.C. weapon; i.e. a knife that does I D6 S.D.C. now does I D6 M.D., or a mace that does 2D6 S.D.C. now does 2D6 M.D., and so on. In the alternative, this spell can be used to increase the damage capability of Mega-Damage melee weapons (Vibro-Blade, etc.) or M.D. magic weapons (rune sword, TW-weapons, etc.) by 25%. So a magical flaming sword that normally does 4D6 M.D. now does 5D6, a Vibro-Blade that does 2D6 now does 4D4 M.D., etc. Note : This magic does not work on long-range weapons like the bow and arrow, projectile weapons or energy guns. Casting this spell on the same weapon repeatedly has no cumulative effect.
Level 9
Summon and Control Canines (50)
Range: Varies. Duration: Five hours per level of experience. Saving Throw: Standard, but only if a part of the player characters' group. Wild animals do not get a save, they just come as summoned. P.P.E.: Fifty
All pentacles or pentagrams are used for summoning or potentially evil intent. The Chinese Geomancers found that circles represent mutual support, the cycle of life, and flowing energy. But the pentacle, the five pointed star, represented mutual destruction and evil. That is why
all protection magic incorporates the circle symbol and all summoning utilizes the pentagram.
The Summon & Control Canines pentacle calls 1d4 canines (dogs, wolves, etc.) plus one additional canine per level of the summoner' s experience. The animals will b e under the complete control of the mage, obeying his every command, and will fight to the death. The pentacle will also give the sorcerer the power to control any other canines which were not originally summoned, within 200 feet (61 m) and his line of vision, as long as he remains in the pentacle. The canines originally summoned will obey the mage in and out of the pentagram for the duration of the enchantment, then leave.
Phantom Mount (45)
Range: 40 feet
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience. (40 Minutes)
Saving Throw: Not applicable.
P.P.E.: Forty-Five
This spell creates a translucent, specter-like horse composed of faint blue and white magical energy. This magical riding animal can be ridden
by the spell caster only, and/or commanded to fight; it is typically used like a warhorse. As long as the spell caster stays within 40 feet of the Phantom Mount, the magical energy construct remains in this world and obeys its creator' s every command; simple commands identical to those one might use on a normal horse or riding animal. However, if the two are separated by a distance greater than 40 feet and not reunited within 30 seconds (two melee rounds), the mount vanishes.
Phantom Mount Stats:
M.D.C.: 30 +5 per level of the spell caster' s experience. (50 MDC)
Size: Varies as is appropriate for the spell caster.
Attributes: I.Q. 7, P.S. 25, P.P. 20, P.E. 22, Spd. 66 (45 mph/72
km); all physical skills are supernatural and the magical essence is impervious to pain, poison, cold, heat, and fear. Horror Factor: 9.
Combat: Three physical attacks per melee, does 1D6 M.D. with kick from the front legs, or 3D6 M.D. from kick with rear legs (cannot use weapons). The rider can also use the magical mount for charging attacks that add 1D6 M.D. to damage with a melee weapon, but uses 2
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to dodge, +3 to roll with impact or fall; no parry.
Desiccate the Supernatural (50)
Range: One up to 50 feet away per level of experience, or two by touch.
Dam age: 3d6*10 M.D. (or Hit Points, whichever is appropriate).
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: -1 to save.
P.P.E.: Fifty
Desiccate is a vicious spell designed for use against supernatural monsters. It will not work against any opponent in full environmental armor (body armor or power armor), or safely locked inside an armored M.D.C. vehicle or room. Likewise, it will not work against ordinary mortals, human or D-Bee. Only supernatural beings, good or evil, including spirits in physical form, sub-demons (Gargoyles, Brodkil, etc.), demons, Deevils, Elementals, Spirits of Light, demi-gods, godlings, gods, avatars (the life essences of Alien Intelligences, including vampires), angels, and others. It is important to note that the sphinx, dragons, unicorns, Faerie Folk and a handful of other superhuman beings possessing supernatural strength and abilities, but known as creatures of magic, are not supernatural creatures (they are more magical than supernatural, or at least not in the same way as demons and gods) and are immune to this magic.
The spell works by drawing moisture out of the target, killing it in a matter of 2D4 seconds, and hopefully reducing it to a withered husk. Regenerating creatures will be unable to Bio-Regenerate damage caused by this spell until they replenish their body ' s water supply. Creatures that do not incorporate water in their bodies (i.e. pure energy) will not be harmed by this spell. Water Elementals suffer double damage.
A successful save vs magic means the creature suffers half damage.
Level 10
Summon and Control Rodents (70)
Range: 600 feet ( 1 83 m). Duration: Five hours per level of experience. Saving Throw: Standard animal. P.P.E.: Seventy
This pentacle of summoning produces an army of mice or rats that obey the will of the sorcerer who summoned them. As long as the mage stands in the pentagram he can control any other types of rodents.
Note: Familiars are NOT affected. The sorcerer can summon 30 rodents per level of experience. Mouse and rat bites inflict one point of S.D.C. damage each. Mice have one attack per melee, rats have two. All are + 1 to dodge and are excellent climbers (90%).
Summon Greater Familiar (80)
Range: Immediate area.
Duration : Special.
Saving Throw: Special : battle of wills.
P.P.E.: Eighty
This spell summons forth a lesser demon or supernatural being to serve the spell caster by becoming his familiar. This can be achieved by signing a pact (see Witch) or by a battle of wills. The spell caster can impose his will over the demon through a brief mental wrestling match. Roll a twenty-sided die five times; if the spell caster rolls under his Mental Affinity (M.A.) three times out of five the demon will be submissive and become his familiar. (See Witch and greater familiar section; numbers 1 to 8 all apply). If the spell caster loses the mental wrestling match the demon is likely to attack (1 -50%) or just disappear (51 -00%).The familiar demon is likely to challenge his new master once a month, requiring another mental wrestling match and/or a show of power and punishment. The demonic familiar will be fairly loyal but may cheat, question, or lie to his master. Note: Characters of a good alignment (including Unprincipled) will NOT use this spell or associate with supernatural evil.
Control & Enslave Entity (80)
Range: 30 feet (9. 1 m). Duration: 48 hours per level of experience. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Eighty
Another incantation used to control supernatural forces. This magic does not summon entities, but does enable the practitioner of magic to control them when encountered. The mage can control two entities per each of his levels of experience. All varieties of entities are susceptible
to this enchantment. Each individual entity gets to make a saving throw vs magic. A successful save means it is not controlled by the caster. A failed roll means it will obey the mage to the best of Its ability (some are barely intelligent).
Banishment (65) LTS
Range: 100 feet
Duration: Two weeks per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard.
P.P.E.: Sixty-Five
A useful invocation for controlling supernatural beings is Banishment. The magic forces one lesser supernatural being/demon, per experience
level of the spell caster, to leave the immediate area (600 feet). The creature( s) can not return for at least two weeks per level of the spell caster' s experience. Each lesser being gets to roll to save vs the magic. A successful save means it is not banished and can stay to cause trouble. As always, a Banishment ritual has a greater chance of success ( 16 or higher is needed to save.)
Deathword (70) LTS
Range: 30 feet; clear sound.
Duration : Instant effect.
Dam age: 2D6 + 1D6 points of damage per level of the spell caster.
Saving Th row: Standard to save vs magic (takes damage, but no coma). To survive death, roll to save vs coma. Greater supernatural beings and gods are +3 to save, in addition to likely natural bonuses to save vs magic.
P.P.E.: Seventy
Upon casting this spell, the mage selects one target and speaks the word of death to him; a single word. As long as the target is within range and can clearly hear the word (although none can ever seem to remember it), there is no save, and damage is inflicted regardless of magical defenses, body armor, or Immunities. If the mage can whisper the Deathword into the ear of his intended victim, the damage inflicted is doubled!
Against S.D.C. creatures, the spell damage goes direct to Hit Points. Against Mega-Damage creatures, it inflicts Mega-Damage. In both cases, the magical nature of the attack and the shock to the body causes the character to lapse into a death-like coma for 1d4 hours unless the victim saves vs magic (a successful save means he only suffered damage; no coma). A failed roll means coma. The coma state is so "death-like" that only the most sophisticated medical equipment or a high level psychic healer can determine that the character is not actually dead ! After the coma period elapses, the victim must successfully save vs coma or die!
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) LTS
Range: Self, or one other by use of ritual only.
Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None; standard if an unwilling victim.
P.P.E.: One Hundred
This incantation enables the spell caster to transform himself into any real, living creature: animal, human, D-Bee, insect, fish or whatever. The usual limitations and abilities still apply. The mage can also transform himself to resemble a supernatural creature, but does not possess any of its powers or abilities, only his own normal, human abilities (LQ., memory, attributes, Hit Points, S.D.C., skills, etc).
A character other than the practitioner of magic can be transformed, but a lengthy ritual magic must be performed to do so. The individual who is metamorphed will remain in that form until the spell's duration elapses or the mage who invoked it cancels it.
Speed Weapon (100) LTS
Range: Touch.
Duration : One melee round per level of the spell caster. (4)
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: One Hundred
The Speed Weapon spell infuses a melee weapon (sword, ax, mace, club, etc.) with magical energy that enables the user of the weapon (the mage or anyone) to use it with amazing speed, if not agility (no additional combat bonuses). Thus, when using the enchanted weapon, the character has twice as many attacks per melee round! The additional attacks are possible only with the enchanted weapon, so if a different weapon or action is taken, it uses up the equivalent of two of the magic weapon' s attacks. For example, a character with six attacks per melee round now has 12 if he uses all of his melee attacks/actions with the enchanted Speed Weapon. Each pair of attacks with the enchanted weapon effectively counts as one of the character' s usual attacks. Thus, if he uses the Speed Weapon to strike four times, he uses up two of his usual attacks, but if he decides to use his blaster once or to dodge an incoming attack, that action uses up two of the possible attacks with the Speed Weapon (parry does not use up an attack action). Note: This spell can not be used on magic weapons, including Bio-Wizard, Rune, or Techno-Wizard weapons nor on Automatons, power armor, robots or vehicles.
Level 11
Re-Open Gateway (180)
Range: 10 feet (3 m). Duration: One melee round per level of experience (at most). Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: One Hundred Eighty
The Re-Open Gateway spell enables the sorcerer to "re-open" an already existing and active, or permanent, dimensional portal. This includes the dimensional portals found in stone pyramids, select nexus points like the Devil's Gate in St. Louis, and The Monster' s Rift in Calgary, and similar. The portal will automatically open to the last dimension/world location accessed from that portal. Once opened, anything, friend, foe, or monster, can pass through the gateway from either side, simply by stepping into the mass of swirling blue energy. Thus, it is not wise to open a portal for very long, especially if one does not know exactly where the gateway leads. The spell caster can close the Gateway in an instant, at will, but may need to roll initiative to see whether or not he closed it before "something(s)" nasty comes through (G.M. ' s discretion). Note that due t o the nature o f this spell, those passing through may only go one way.
Energy Sphere (120)
Range: 100 feet (30.5 m). Duration: Two days per level of experience, or until used up. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: One Hundred Twenty
Energy Sphere creates a globe of blue energy similar to that seen along ley lines. The mage can create this sphere through the expenditure of 120 P.P.E. but then must pump additional P.P.E. into it within the next 10 minutes or it fades away. This additional energy (up to 100 P.P.E. per level of the spell caster) must come from the mage, another sorcerer, dragon, god, blood sacrifice or drawn from a ley line nexus when energy is high (eclipse, solstice, etc.). The magic energy contained in the basketball-sized energy sphere will follow the mage wherever he goes, floating in mid-air above his right or left shoulder, and holds the energy until he needs it. This storage of potentially large amounts of energy can be drawn upon by either the mage who created it or one specific person whom the mage gives the sphere to as a gift or reward (in this case, only that person can draw upon the energy).
Anti-Magic Cloud (140) LTS
Range: 100 foot (30.5 m) radius per level of the spell caster. (400 feet)
Duration : 20 melees per level of the spell caster. (80 Melees)
Saving Throw: Special. Only a Natural (unmodified) 18, 19 to 20 saves against the cloud, and even these lucky few will find their magic reduced to half strength.
P.P.E.: One Hundred Forty
Those who are ignorant of the great old magics insist that this spell never existed, that it is impossible, merely another myth. They are wrong. This incredible spell creates an ominous, dark gray-brown cloud large enough to hang over an entire town. It can not be dispelled magically or by manipulating elemental/atmospheric conditions. The cloud ' s effect is as singular as it is spectacular; it simply negates all magic ! Spell casters can not use magic of any kind, Techno-Wizard devices, potions and charms are impotent. Any object of magic (except runes and magic weapons) is rendered harmless as long as it is under the Anti-Magic Cloud. The magic returns when the cloud is canceled.
Only the creator of the cloud is not affected, giving that mage a tremendous advantage over other sorcerers caught in the cloud. If outside the cloud's range the magic abilities return, but any magic that enters it falters (as above) and magic spells cast from outside into the cloud covered area are negated the instant they enter the Anti-Magic Cloud.
Mindshatter (130) LTS
Range: Touch.
Duration : Special; 24 hours minimum.
Saving Throw: -2 to save against the initial mental attack, standard every
24 hours thereafter.
P.P.E.: One Hundred Thirty
Mindshatter is a crippling spell used when the target is wanted alive (for whatever reason) but incapacitated. The spell caster must touch his or her victim, but any contact will suffice, even through environmental body and power armor. Magical energies then rage through the target's mind. The victim' s psyche is (temporarily) shattered, causing the character to lose sight of his self and very existence. For the duration of this enchantment, the victim has no sense of time or being, and memories, skills, fighting abilities, goals, alignment, and awareness are gone. The victim is effectively magically lobotomized, becoming a walking zombie with only faint glimmers of awareness (may be momentarily fascinated by a butterfly, console a frightened child, giggle, and so on). Every 24 hours, the character gets to make a saving throw vs magic. If the save is a failure, the character remains vegetized for another 24 hours. If the save is successful, the victim shows signs of awareness and self, regaining 10% of his lost memories, self-awareness and abilities every 12 hours, until restored to normal. Thankfully, the character has no recollection of being a vegetable, although he may recall especially vivid things as a feeling or image; i.e. the face of a person who showed him kindness, the face (ring, symbol, etc.) of a tormentor, a place that frightened him or was the scene of an atrocity or happy event, and so on.
Gravity Field (180)
Range: The spell can be cast up to 10 feet (3 m) away per level of the caster.
--The area of effect is as follows: for 1G it is a 50 foot (15.2 m) radius per level of the caster
--As an offensive spell for more than one gravity level the area of effect is reduced to a 5 foot (l.5 m) radius per level of the spell caster.
Duration: Special, see below.
Saving Throw: Dodge!
P.P.E.: One Hundred and Eighty
-This spell can be very useful if a ship's gravity generator is offline. The first option the mage has is to create one standard gravity (1 G) to a 50 foot (15.2 m) radius per level for one hour per level of his experience.
-The second option for this spell is an offensive attack. The mage can affect a five foot (1.5 m) radius per level of experience, and create up to 2 Gs per level. This only lasts for fifteen seconds per level of the spell caster and affects everyone in the radius of effect, even the mage! The only way out is to dodge with a natural 16 or a modified 20 or greater, or, perhaps, to crawl out. Note: The listed effects are for S.D.C. creatures that live in roughly one gravity. Supernatural creatures don't feel the effects until 6 Gs. This spell also affects cyborgs and those in power armor, and robots, all of whom start to feel the effects at 4Gs.
The effects of being caught in a heavy gravity field are as
At 2 Gs the character's Spd, combat bonuses and attacks per melee round are reduced by one third; skill performance is -10%.
At 3 Gs the character's Spd, combat bonuses and attacks per melee round are reduced by half; skill performance is -25%.
At 4 Gs the character cannot remain standing on his feet, must get on all fours and crawl slowly; Spd, combat bonuses and attacks per melee round are reduced by 75%; skill performance is -50%.
At 6 Gs the character is pinned to the ground and can barely manage to pull himself along inch by inch. Spd is reduced to only 5%, the character has only one attack/action per melee round, has no combat bonuses whatsoever, and furthemore, is -5 on all base rolls. Skill performance is likewise, barely possible at -90%, takes three times as long to do and is a Herculean effort.
Note: Mega-Damage beings suffer the effects of 2 Gs.
At 8 Gs the character is pinned to the ground and cannot move. The body feels tremendous pressure, as if a great weight were crushing him, and takes 1d6 S.D.C. damage per melee round. The individual remains conscious for the number of minutes equal to his P.E. attribute.
Note: Mega-Damage beings suffer the effects of 3 Gs.
At 10 G's the damage is 4D6 S.D.C./Hit Points per melee round (1d6 M.D. to Mega-Damage beings) and the character remains conscious for a number of melee rounds equal to his P.E. attribute number.
Note: Mega-Damage beings suffer the effects of4 Gs.
At 12 Gs and beyond, all mortaI/S.D.C./Hit Point creatures suffer 1d6x10 S.D.C'/Hit Points per melee round (2D6 M.D. to Mega-Damage beings) and the character remains conscious for a number of seconds equal to his P.E. attribute number.
Note: Mega-Damage beings suffer the effects of 6 Gs.
Level 12
Summon and Control Entity
Range: Not applicable. Duration: 24 hours per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Two Hundred Fifty
An impressive ritual, the magic invocation plucks an Entity (specific type can be designated) out of its native dimension, and magically teleports it to appear before the sorcerer. The alien being is automatically under the mage' s control and will obey him without question. The Entity can be used for any purpose: manual labor, protection, assault, etc.
The mage can have the Entity return to its own world at any time before the duration of the invocation elapses. After the duration time elapses, however, the Entity slips out of the mage' s control and remains in our world. If it suits the Entity, it may elect to work with the sorcerer or it can be enslaved by other magic means. An unhappy or vengeful Entity may attack the mage at the first opportunity after the spell elapses. One reason to return it before that happens.
Soultwist (170) LTS
Range: 100 feet (30.5 m); line of sight or touch.
Damage: 6D6 M.D. or Hit Points, as is appropriate.
Duration : Doubt and temptation for a minimum of 3D4 weeks; physical damage is instant.
Saving Throw: -6 to save. A successful save means no physical damage and only minor doubt and temptation, reevaluation.
P.P.E.: One Hundred Seventy
Soultwist is a spell that attacks the target' s life force and inner spirit, as well as the physical body. Due to its insidious nature, the physical aspect of this attack does M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures or damage direct to Hit Points to mortal S.D.C. beings. This damage can not be healed by normal means and can only be restored by a priest, god or supernatural servant/minion of a god (must be of the appropriate faith or ethics, good or evil as is appropriate).
More significant is the damage done to the character' s spirit. Suddenly, the victim of the Soultwist doubts himself, his goals, life and god(s). He is racked with uncertainty about his views of life and the morals, ethics, beliefs and alignment that once governed his actions and motives. This character suddenly sees (not necessarily accepts) the opposite views. Thus, a character of good alignment will recognize and consider evil and spiteful actions. A noble, honest character will consider lies and cheating. A religious character will have doubts about his god and the people who serve him, and so on. On the other hand, an evil character will suddenly find a conscience and compassion. He may hesitate at murder and treachery, and find himself open to acts of goodness and kindness.
Whether or not these self-doubts and reevaluation of character have any lasting effect on the character (i.e. change of alignment, rejecting a
god or king and taking up a new one, etc.) is left entirely to the player of that character.
Time Hole (210)
Range: Self.
Duration : Special.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Two Hundred Ten
The mage can teleport himself and his possessions into a sort of stasis field in a limbo-like dimension. The Time Hole is a white void the wizard inhabits. He controls a 20 foot (6 m) area per level of experience and can not go beyond this area of control. There is nothing to see or do in the Time Hole, except for what the character may have brought with him. Likewise, there is no food or water except what is taken into the strange dimension.
The advantage of the Time Hole is that a man of magic can effectively disappear for days or weeks and be nowhere to be found. In this way the mage can hide away from enemies when he needs to recover from physical damage or P.P.E. exhaustion. He can also use the time to prepare for combat, make plans or to study in absolute isolation and seclusion.
In the Time Hole time passes normally, so the character will age as usual. However, outside the Time Hole, time is moving at a much slower rate, thus for every 12 hours inside a Time Hole, only two hours pass in the outside world of humans. This means the mage can spend two days/48 hours in the Time Hole but appear to have been gone for only eight hours. The mage can stay in a Time Hole for 24 hours (four hours real time) per level of experience.
Level 13
Create Golem (Ritual) (700/1000) LTS
Range: Touch.
Duration : Exists until destroyed.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Seven Hundred (Stone) or One Thousand (Iron)
The sorcerer first draws a pentagram in animal blood. Second, he sculpts a Golem (humanoid shape) from clay. Third, he places two onyx gems, valued at no less than 1000 credits each, for eyes. Fourth, he places a heart, molded out of iron, into the clay body. Lastly, the mage recites the ritual ceremony. At the end of the ritual, the mystic places a single drop of his blood on the behemoth's forehead to bring it to life. The process permanently drains the mage of six S.D.C. points.
Both the stone and iron Golems are mystical Mega-Damage creatures born of magic and almost indestructible. Since they are not of flesh and blood, psionic and magic attacks designed for the human physiology and mind control do NOT affect them. That means Charms, Sleeps, Fear, Bio-manipulation, Illusions, Paralysis, etc., have no effect. Since the horrid thing was never Alive, Turn Dead is useless, as is Banishment, Negation and Remove Curse.
Physical attacks and energy magic can hurt a Golem, but do half damage (even explosives). In many respects, a Golem is like a mummy, only bigger and tougher. It can not speak, nor read or understand complex commands. It has no emotions, no fears, and is like a robot waiting for a direction. Golems will obey only the person who created it. When the creator dies, the Golem will follow his last command until it is destroyed.
Golem :
• Horror Factor: 16
• I.Q. 6 , Supernatural P.S. 25, Speed 8 , Height: 6-18 feet
• Four attacks per melee, damage is by Supernatural P.S. (2D6 M.D. punch or kick, 4D6 M.D. from a power punch or full speed ram attack).
• No bonus to parry or dodge or on initiative.
• Impervious to many psychic and magic attacks. Magic energy attacks, rune and TW weapons and normal weapons, like guns, knives, and explosives, only do half damage.
• Impervious to normal fire and cold (magic fire and cold does half damage).
• Does not breathe air or need nourishment, thus impervious to gas attacks, disease and can survive underwater at any depth. Also Impervious to possession and Horror Factor.
• M.D.C. 35 stone or 80 iron, but regenerates 1d6 M.D. per melee round. Note: If the heart is made from Iron with a diamond worth 8000 credits or more at the center, double the M.D.C. (70 Stone or 160 for Iron).
• Regenerates completely, even if seemingly blown to bits. Regenerating to its original form within 24 hours unless its heart is removed from the chest cavity.
Level 14
Level 15
Dimensional Portal (1,000)
Range: A few feet (one meter) away. Duration: 30 seconds (2 melee rounds) per level of the spell caster, or one minute (4 melees) per level of experience when performed as a ritual. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: One Thousand
The dimensional portal invocation opens a two-way door to another dimension. The mage can open a door to a specific world or randomly. This is the only way a greater supernatural being can enter into our dimension. Once the dimensional portal closes, the only way back in or
out is to open another portal. One of the real dangers of using this magic is that some "thing" unwanted often slips through.
Teleport: Superior (600)
Range: Self or others; distance o f 300 miles per level of experience. (1200 miles) Duration: Instant. Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The mage can instantly transport himself and up to 1,000 lbs, per level of experience (4,000lbs), hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there is always a chance of a miscalculation. The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects within 20 feet of him. The total number of people and items which the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle.
Temporal Spells
D-Phase (20)
Range: Self only. Duration: 15 seconds (one melee round) per level of experience. Saving Throw: Not applicable. Limitations: One's speed of movement is reduced by 75% while in phase. P.P.E.: Twenty Notes: This spell warps and bends the dimensional aspects of reality to allow the spell caster to walk through solid matter, like doors, M.D.C. walls, etc., and requires great concentration. Loss of concentration means a failure to complete phasing through an object, which causes a flash of light and the person goes flying 3D6 feet back from where he started, suffers 2D6 Hit Point damage, feels icy cold to the touch, and is dazed for ID4 melees (has only one melee attack and has no combat bonuses while dazed). This "pop back" also occurs when the duration time of the spell elapses when the character is still phasing inside a solid object. The character may be affected by a lack of air when phasing through a large amount of solid matter, such as thick castle walls, hill or mountain. The character must hold his breath for the period of time it takes to phase through the solid object. If his air supply is used up while in phase, he loses concentration and is "popped back" to where he started with the usual results.
(p. 244 BOM)
T-Dep (20)
Range: 90 feet (27.4 m). Duration: One minute (4 melees) per level of the spell caster. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Twenty Notes: The T-Dep spell plays havoc with the victim's perception of time. The victim of T-Dep will not know what time it is other than day or night. He will feel tired and confused, believing that he has been busy (fighting, working, etc.) for a much longer time than he really has. The character will forget about any appointments within the hour and misread clocks (including internal clocks), believing it to be much later than it really is. Confused characters may think it's time to go home from a job, or that it's bedtime, or that it is time to leave for an appointment that is really scheduled for much later. Food will be under-cooked or overcooked, experiments stopped prematurely, doors locked and alarms set sooner or later than they should, and so on. While under the influence of this spell the character is -10% on all skills (rushing to get it done in a timely manner) and -60% if the skill requires the measurement of time or the setting of instruments to time (such as Demolitions). The following penalties also apply during combat: -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, - 3 on initiative, and lose one melee action/attack. Coordinated attacks are impossible. (p. 245 BOM)
See Dimensional Anomaly (30)
Range: Self. Duration: Two minutes per level of experience. Saving Throw: Not applicable. Limitations: None. P.P.E.: Thirty Notes:Once the general location of a dimensional anomaly is known, the spell caster can see it by casting this spell. Anomalies such as dimensional envelopes and pockets are suddenly visible, as well as characters transformed into fourth dimensional beings, two dimensional beings, and the invisible energy essence of alien intelligences and entities. It does not reveal time holes. (p. 246 BOM)
Wink-Out (20 per minute)
Range: Self Duration: Varies Saving Throw: Unwilling travelers can try to save; standard. Limitations: The spell only affects the spell caster unless he is fifth level or greater. Experienced wizards can take two people with them but must be touching both at the moment the spell is cast. The exact spot that the character warped from is the exact location that he reappears. P.P.E.: 20 for one minute. The spell caster can increase the number of minutes he is "winked-out" at an additional cost of 10 P.P.E. per each minute; five minute maximum (costing 60 P.P.E.). Notes: The character appears to have disappeared or teleported to a different location - it is impossible for an observer to tell which might be the case. In reality, the spell caster has really created and stepped into a very temporary time hole in another dimension. Time inside the wink-out time hole passes at the rate of 15 seconds per minute; i.e. one minute in the normal world will seem like one melee round (15 seconds) to the character in the time hole, while five minutes will seem like 75 seconds to the time traveler who winked-out. During the wink-out phase, the character cannot be located by normal, psionic or mystical means, it is as if the spell caster has vanished off the face of the planet (and he has). While winked-out, the character can use his time (15 seconds per minute that he is winked out) to reload weapons, draw new weapons, prepare to cast a spell, hide any small object on his person, destroy an item, drink a potion, and similar tasks. Note, nothing can be left behind in this unstable dimensional pocket of temporal space. (p. 246 BOM)
S-Dep (50)
Range: 90 feet (27.4 m). Duration: One melee (15 seconds) per level of the spell caster. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Fifty Notes: A devastating spell that cuts off the sensory perception of the victim to his own body! Sounds are muffled, unclear and distorted and there is no sense of time. The victim also loses the sense of touch (does not feel pain, heat, cold, wind, rain, etc.). While the character can continue to function to some degree without feeling, it dramatically affects his movement, as well as judgment of speed, distance, direction, depth, and own physical strength and movement. He can be seriously wounded or dying and not know it, or trip over his own feet. Victims of S-Dep are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, are always the last to attack (no initiative), -5 to save vs illusionary magic, -50% to perform a skill, have only one melee action per round and speed is reduced to one-third. Events that occurred while under the S-Dep spell are only foggy, dream-like remembrances with a distorted sense of what really happened. In addition, psionic characters cannot use any psi-powers except Mind Block. While under the influence of this spell, the psionic is impervious to all mind attacks. (p. 246 BOM)
Incantation: "Cloud the vision of my enemies. Numb their limbs. Mute their hearing. Sensory Deprivation!"
Dimensional Pockets (20 Temporary; 140 Long-term)
Range: Self only. Duration: Varies. Temporary pockets last up to one hour per level of the spell caster. Long-term pockets can exist for years; six months per level of experience. Saving Throw: Not applicable. Limitations: Items must all be small, ideally something that can be picked up and held with one hand. About 30 lbs (13.6 kg) can be stored in a Dimensional Pocket, depending on size. P.P.E.: Temporary: 20, long-term: 140. Notes:This spell is similar to Dimensional Envelope except that the dimensional pocket/area is much smaller and portable, hence the reference to "pockets." The character can reach into a dimensional "pocket," another limbo dimension, to retrieve items that he has placed there earlier. Items can be just about anything that could fit in a backpack, clothing, handguns, energy clips, diary, bottle of aspirin, etc. The Dimensional Pocket spell requires a physical orientation, which means the person really does seemingly pull impossibly large or numerous items from his pocket(s), back-pack, bag, box, purse, or sack. Without a physical sack, bag, or pocket the power cannot work! The character will typically select one favorite pocket or bag as his focus of orientation. To anybody else the pocket is just an ordinary pocket or container that holds the usual amount of stuff. The ordinary looking pocket/bag will appear to be empty unless the character investigating can see dimensional anomalies. This means that the Temporal Wizard, warrior and raider can see into the pocket and remove items, as well as Shifters, many alien intelligences like the Splugorth, and characters with the spell of See Dimensional Anomalies. Practitioners of magic and the occasional psionic with the ability to focus and concentrate (M.E. 17 or higher) can plunge their hand into the pocket, feel around and remove items, but only if they know that the pocket/bag is magical. Wizards seldom have more than one or two long-term dimensional pockets themselves and rarely sell "magic" bags with more than three years of life in them. The retail cost for such a bag can range from 90,000 to a million credits, however the maker of the magic bag seldom gets more than 20%. (p. 247 BOM)
Time Warp : Fast Forward (70)
Range: Self. Duration: Varies. Saving Throw: Unwilling travelers can try to save; standard.
Limitations: The spell only affects the spell caster unless he is fifth level or greater. Experienced wizards can take two people with them but must be touching both at the moment the spell is cast. The exact spot that the character warped from is the exact location that he reappears. One can only travel forward in time, never backwards ! P.P.E.: Seventy
This power is similar to a Teleportation spell only the character is transcending time, not space. Instead of skipping a physical distance of miles/kilometers/space, the character skips through time, projecting himself at some point forward in time. For the time traveler, only three seconds pass. For him, whatever has transpired during the time he skipped is unknown to him nor does it affect him directly, just as the person who teleports from one location to another miles away, does not see the places he would have had he driven a vehicle across those miles.
Time Warp: Slow Motion (45)
Range: Area effect; 30 ft (9.1 m) per level of experience. Duration: One minute (4 melee rounds) plus. Saving Throw: None, unless a fellow temporal being (standard). P.P.E.: 45 for one minute, add 10 P.P.E. for each additional minute (no limit). Notes:The spell caster affects the space-time continuum of a particular area and slows the time and corresponding speed and movement of all creatures in that area, except himself. This gives him a dramatic edge in combat and sleight of hand skills. The concept behind the spell is that everybody around the spell caster moves slower (although they see their movement as normal), while he moves faster. Bonuses: During the slow motion time warp the spell caster is effectively + 1 to strike, + 3 to parry and to dodge, + 4 on initiative, + 10% on pick pocket, pick locks, palming and computer operation, + 10 on speed and has one additional melee action/attack.(p. 247 BOM)
Time Warp: Stop Time (70)
Range: Up to 10 feet (3 m) away per level of the spell caster. Area of Effect: 5 foot (1.5 m) diameter +2 feet (0.6 m) per additional level of the mage. Duration: One melee round (15 seconds) per level of the spell caster. Saving Throw: Not applicable. P.P.E.: Seventy Level: Considered a 9th level spell.
This powerful Temporal Magic spell freezes time in the area affected. Everyone and everything caught in the area, stops as if time is standing still (and it is, in that area). At the end of the duration, all characters who were stopped in time have no idea what happened. For them, it is as if nothing happened and it is the very next second. The only way one might suspect is when they see that their watch is off by so many seconds or minutes. Anyone or anything that enters the area of effect, including the spell caster, is also stopped in time. As a temporal distortion, no hostile action can be taken against anyone stopped in time, but while they are stopped, the spell caster (and company) may be able to take some quick action, snoop around,
steal something outside the area of effect, make good their escape, and so on. Everything that happens around the characters while they are temporarily frozen in time is unseen and unknown to them, because it didn't happen in their time frame. Teams of Temporal Warriors have been known to cast this spell at several strategic areas, stopping time around them, to provide a clear, quick path to a particular place, item or objective. (DB 13; p. 128)
Incantation- Time, Master of all and Master of none, flowing and constant. By my will head my command...Time Stop!
Time Warp: Causality Loop (250)
Range: 100 feet (30 m) plus 20 feet (6.1 m) per level of experience to a 10 foot (3 m) area per level.
Duration: 15 minutes and repeats one time plus once per additional level of the spell caster. Repeats once at level one, twice at level two, three times at level three, etc.
Saving Throw: Special.
P.P.E.: Two Hundred and Fifty
Level: Considered a 12th level spell.
Note: This is one of the new spells uncovered m the ruins of Ghenhey.
The spell caster creates a Temporal Causality Loop which makes time repeat the last fifteen minutes once per level of the spell caster. This spell affects all people in the area of effect. Those who are caught in the loop repeat the last 15 minutes of their lives, completely unaware that events are repeating. They simply have an odd sense of deja vu. Should it repeat again, all characters get to make a saving throw, but at -3 to save. If it repeats again, they get to save but with a penalty of -2. The penalty goes down each time until the saving throw is standard. Example: A 4th level Temporal Wizard casts the spell on a group of pursuers. At the point of the spell being cast, those in the affected area go back in time and repeat the last 15 minutes. Because the Wizard is 4th level, the group repeats the last 15 minutes FOUR times, giving the spell caster up to an hour head start. On the first loop, no one saves and time repeats until the point of the spell being cast, and 15 minutes has passed. The second loop, people start to realize something is wrong, but they are -3 to save. The third loop, they are -2 to save. By the fourth loop, they all realize they are caught in a time loop, but are -1 to save. If a saving throw was successful, that individual character pops out of the loop, but some or all of his companions may still be going back in time to relive the experience. And because they are actually going back in time and reliving the exact experience, even characters who make their saving throw are with them because they were with them when it all first happened. However, the character free from the loop can take action, but at least 15 minutes have passed, and his attacker may be long gone or up to no good, anywhere. When the spell ends and the characters are all free of the time loop, it is as if they just lost the time they were caught in the Causality
Any mage familiar with Temporal Magic will sense a temporal anomaly after the first Causality Loop, and immediately know what is happening. He can also try to take measures to cancel and stop the magic loop. Negate Magic can work, but suffers a penalty of -5, Dispel Magic Barriers is -8, Anti-Magic Cloud has a standard saving throw, and Time Maelstrom is +3 but the characters all suffer the effect of that spell.
Sense Time (20)
Range: Self or 2 by touch. Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience. Saving Throw: Standard. P.P.E.: Twenty Notes: A very useful spell created by Temporal mages, it first was developed to negate the effects of a Time Deprivation spell (T-Dep), providing the afflicted person with another saving throw at +3. The second effect of the spell allows the the recipient of the enchantment to know the exact time, down to the second, without the need for an actual timepiece.
Combat Spells
Superhuman Agility (15)
Range: Self or other by touch or within 20 feet (6.1 m); line of sight. Duration: Two melee rounds per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Fifteen Notes: This enchantment empowers the recipient with the balance, reflexes and agility of a jungle cat. Without the need of any training the character can walk a tightrope or narrow ledge at a base skill of 88%, as well as fIght, leap and dodge on narrow beams, tightropes and ledges without fear of losing his balance and falling. The character is also totally unafraid of heights when this spell is in effect. Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to parry, +5 to dodge and +5 to roll with impact. Automatic Dodge (+5; the act of dodging - moving out of the way of an attack - without spending one of his own melee attacks).
Automatically rolls with impact from falls, when struck by a moving vehicle or when struck by explosions/ concussive blasts (including sonic blasts). +20% to Climb/Rappel skill. (p. 14 Merc Adventures)
Incantation- Grace of a cat, speed of a cheetah, grant us this boon. Agility!
Fighting Spirit (20)
Range: Self or other by touch. Duration: 2 melees per level of experience. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.: Twenty Notes: For the duration of the spell's effect the caster is imbued with the hand to hand fighting ability of a high level warrior. The spell provides the following bonuses: +2 attacks/actions per melee round, + 1 on initiative, + 1 to strike with guns, +3 to strike in melee combat, +2 to disarm, parry and dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear, +2 to save vs possession, Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20, karate kick (ID8 S.D.C.), jump kick, Paired Weapons, leap attack and judo flip/throw. While the spell is in effect, the caster moves with an agility, confidence and skill (normally) beyond his own natural abilities.
(p. 16 Merc Adventures)
Incantation- Let your will carry the battle, let none keep you down. Fighting Spirit!