Zilch (Immortal: Monster)

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Zilch (Immortal: Monster)

Post by Zilch »

Player Name: Michael
Hangouts Handle: shazbut.pbp@gmail.com
Ledger: Ledger

Character Name: Zilch
Power Category: Immortal: Monster
Alias: Monster In Darkness, The Devourer
Occupation: Monstering
Alignment: Aberrant
XP Level: 6
Next Level @ XP: 60,001
Land of Origin: Planet Eikooc of the Sesame System
Childhood Environment: Delicious
Sentiments to Anything: Delicious
Disposition: Zilch has an insatiable appetite. He will happily consume anything and everything, from apples and pie to letters, puppies, and grenades. He doesn't discriminate at all. His disposition is rather like a lion, when well fed he's an rather affable jovial fellow who is intensely curious about his environment. When hungry, he has no qualms about devouring whatever or whomever is a most convenient target.
Insanity: Constant hunger

Flight: Energy

I.Q.: 12
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 12
P.S.: 36 (Supernatural)
P.P.: 24
P.E.: 18
P.B.: 9
Speed: 22 66 260 mph

PPE: 62
M.D.C.: 606 (+45 M.D.C. every 100 lbs devoured within 1 hour)
Age: Well over a millennia
Sex: Male
Height: 7ft
Weight: 400 lbs
Description: You cannot be sure if it is animal or human; perhaps both. A bogeyman. A monster. A roiling shadow obscures its centre, it reaches out like two vast wings. But within, you see an outline of a large figure. Woolly blue arms, powerful hands, and bulging white eyes in an unnatural position atop its head. It makes a very distinct, loud munching sound. "OMM-nom-nom-nom..."

Natural Abilities
  • Perception: 38% (53% in darkness)% (+3%)
  • Charm/Impress: 5%
  • Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 20%
  • Max. Encumbrance: 300 lbs. see rules here
  • Max. Carrying Weight: 10,800 lbs.
  • Max. Lifting Weight: 18,000 lbs.
  • Max. Jumping Ability: 54' long or 27' high 60' long or 33' high
  • Immune to disease.
  • Resistant to fire, heat, and cold (half damage).
  • Immortal (Monster): +1 vs magic, +4 to save vs poison, +4 to save vs possession and +7 to save vs Horror Factor.
  • Enhanced Healing: heals 5 times faster than normal human and half duration for physically debilitating effects.
  • Increase SDC from super powers by 50%.
  • Increase Range: +50% to vision, hearing, and super abilities
  • Horror Factor: 16
  • Natural A.R.: 15
  • Mega-power: Doesn't need air to breathe. Can survive indefinitely in space or any vacuum, underwater, and in a polluted or toxic atmosphere - is impervious to all forms of airborne toxins and gases, except those created by magic. The character retains a sense of smell and taste, and is still vulnerable to most diseases.
  • Achilles' Heel: Loves Sweets: The character loves all manner of sugary desserts and sweets and is easily distracted by them. Even if a dessert is in the same room or walks by (i.e., on a plate), the character is distracted; -6 on initiative and unlikely to notice things around him (won't notice somebody sneaking/prowling past him, or anything out of the ordinary unless it's incredibly obvious). Furthermore, this character tends to believe/trust anyone who offers them a dessert, giving them benefit of the doubt and will rush to their aid or pay them greater attention than anybody else. This also makes the character more vulnerable to seduction by anyone offering him desserts.
Super Abilities
  1. Darkness Control
    • A power that allows the character to create and manipulate darkness.
    • Create Darkness
      • Range: 210 feet (64 m), + 15 feet (4.5 m) / level.
      • Area of Effect: Up to a 45 foot (13.7 m) diameter, + 15 (4.5 m) feet / level.
      • Duration: Five minutes or until the character dispels it.
      • Attacks per melee: Each act of creating darkness counts as one melee attack/action.
      • Effect: Those trapped in the darkness are blind and -8 to strike, parry and dodge. The firing of weapons and energy blasts is equal to shooting wild and likely to hit an innocent bystander or comrade. Note: Infrared optics, thermo-imaging optics, heat sensors and exceptional hearing can be effective in this darkness (reduce penalties by half).
    • Shadow Meld: The ability to become invisible in shadows or darkness. The only requirement is that the shadow or area of darkness must be man-sized or bigger. Exposure to light will dispel the darkness shadow and reveal the character. Ideal for hiding.
    • Nightvision: Can see perfectly in ordinary, magical and his own unnatural darkness.
      • Range: 900 feet (274 m) in normal darkness; 45 feet (13.7 m) in his own, unnatural, darkness.
  2. Immortal - Mega Hero (HU2)
    • Special Power: Immortal regeneration
      • The immortal character can recover from grievous bodily injury and even loss of body parts without actually dying, although he may often appear to be dead. When Hit Points are reduced from a range of zero to 130 points below zero, he is racked with searing pain, is weak as a kitten and can barely concentrate. All combat bonuses are reduced to zero, melee actions per round are reduced to two (and are entirely defensive unless cornered), attributes are down 50%, and performance of all skills is -75%. At this point, the immortal's survival instincts kick in, and his one goal is to get away where he can hide, collapse and heal.

        The character requires 1d4 hours of complete rest/sleep and may appear to be in a coma or dead during this recovery period. When this time elapses, the immortal awakens, achy and sore, but with 4d6 Hit Points above zero and his usual range of abilities, attributes, bonuses, and skills all restored to normal. Bleeding will have stopped and all grievous wounds, broken bones, internal injuries, and similar damage will be well on their way to completely healing within a matter of hours and without any permanent side effects. At this stage (and for the next hour), there are scars, cuts, bruises, lumps and even open wounds (the guy looks like crap), but these will disappear as they continue to heal.

        One hour after awakening from the healing coma, the immortal can bio-regenerate as normal (2d6 Hit Points or 3D6 S.D.C. every 10 minutes - or roughly 1d6x10 H.P. or 2d4x10 S.D.C. per hour). When healing is completed, the character will look strong and healthy without so much as a scratch.

        If the immortal suffocates (which takes five times longer than a normal human; about 15 minutes), or S.D.C. and Hit Points are reduced from a range of 131-300 points below zero, he will collapse and appear dead. This massive amount of damage is likely to mean the immortal will literally have holes blown through him, shattered bones, lost internal organs, and possibly, missing limbs. In this case, the character will appear to be dead and does not regain consciousness for 4d6+12 hours. Once conscious, he heals as above, with missing limbs regrowing over a 72 hour period.
      • Death is possible - Innate Vulnerabilities
        1. Being truly atomized or vaporized means the character is dead; no chance for recovery. However, if the head and approximately one third of the body remains intact, the character will eventually regenerate and return to life. However, this massive amount of damage requires 3d4 years of being in the healing coma. Note: The same is true if the immortal is seemingly blown in half by an explosion.
        2. Incineration. If the head and half of the body is completely incinerated (reduced to ash), the immortal is slain. However, if only reduced to skeletal remains the character will regenerate and return to life. This massive amount of damage requires 1d4x10 years of being in the healing coma. Note: The same is true if the immortal is seemingly blown to bits, but half of him remains, albeit, in pieces.
        3. Decapitation. If the head is removed from the body, the immortal superbeing will appear to be dead. However, the head and body must be buried separately (or completely destroyed). If the two parts are buried in the same grave or left within 20 feet (6 m) of each other, they will be drawn together, reattach and the character will recover within 6d6 days. Even cut apart and separated, neither head nor body will deteriorate for 100 years, and any reunion of the two within that time will result in a miraculous resurrection! After the 100 years, they rot away and the character is dead.
  3. Super-consumption
    • This strange power turns the character's stomach into a bottomless pit, capable of eating nearly anything and his teeth and jaws are capable of chewing steel bars. The stomach of this person transforms 95% of everything eaten into pure energy, meaning that no matter how much he eats, it is digested or harmlessly dispersed without him getting fat or too full. The character can eat even inorganic, non-foods, like stone, metal, glass, rubber or plastic.
    • Supernatural Biting Power
      • Effect: Automatically gets the Supernatural Bite ability and can bite and chew through anything with an A.R. of 17 or less against inorganic materials only.
      • Organic Bite Attack: 2d6 damage when used as an attack on living beings.
      • Inorganic Bite Damage: 6d6+6 damage. This is an attack designed just to cause damage not eat. Also see Eating.
    • Eating and Alter Mouth and Jaw: The jaw can unhinge and the mouth can open to be inhumanly large and hold a large amount of material.
    • Supernatural Biting Power
      • Bite Size: Can bite off or shove into his mouth more than 10 times the size/amount a normal human could put in his mouth
      • Eating: Can chew and swallow two pounds (0.9 kg) of material per level of experience per melee round. That's 6 pounds per round, 24 pounds per minute or 1,440 pounds per hour.

        Remember, can bite and chew anything with an A.R. up to 17, that's most anything short of super-metal alloys, diamonds, and magic items.
    • Hyperactive Metabolism
      • Effect: Nearly 95% of everything the character eats is converted directly into energy. All this excessive energy makes the character energetic and strong.
      • Bonuses:
        • +1 on initiative
        • automatic dodge at +2
        • +1 to strike and parry
        • +6 to damage
        • can leap 6 feet (1.8 m) higher or farther than normal and can run at triple his normal Spd in short bursts lasting up to five minutes long.
        • +30 S.D.C. for every 100 Ibs (45 kg) eaten in the last hour.
        • Impervious to poison and stomach ailments, never gets sick from anything ingested
        • +2 to save vs drugs, and can swallow explosives, chewing them up and knocking them out without exploding.
        • Must eat at least twice his own weight every day. Without food, the character starves to death in 2d6+36 hours.

  1. Dispersal
    • The superbeing can discorporate and disperse her molecules over a large area, effectively becoming intangible and invisible (even to heat, motion, and other sensors). The character can see and hear everything that transpires within the area he is dispersed over but cannot move, fight, talk, use psionics, or cast spells. All he can do is hide or observe. While dispersed, the character is also invulnerable to all kinetic and energy attacks including fire, heat, electricity, lasers, bullets, punches, kicks, etc. He is, however, still vulnerable to most psionic attacks and magical spells, and can be detected via presence sense and telepathic probes/scans (registering only as an unseen presence).
    • Area of Effect: The character's body disperses up to a 30-foot radius (including mega-hero boost).
    • Duration: The dispersal can be maintained for 5 minutes/level.
    • Attacks Per Melee: Dispersing counts as one action, reforming as two.
    • Bonus: When dispersal is used to dodge gain +3.
  2. Flight: Energy
    • Fly using nothing but expelled energy as a means of propulsion. In this case, the character's legs transform into energy and produce a long energy tail behind him. This energy tail is may of shadows, and is a 12 foot (3.6 m) shadow tail following behind the character. It leaves a traceable trail for those who can see, sense or register it on a tracking device. Few adversaries realize this, however, and many super beings just launching a career as a hero or villain don't know this about themselves either.
    • Speed: 160 mph (256 km) plus 20 mph (32 km) per level of experience.
    • Combat bonuses: +1 attack per melee, +1 strike and parry, +2 dodge when hovering or traveling under 80 mph (128 km), +4 dodge when faster, +4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed.
    • Bonus: +30 M.D.C . (including mega-hero boost)
  3. Immune to Psionics
    • Totally impervious to any psionic power where a save vs psionics is allowed. He is still vulnerable to physical psionic attacks such as Psi-Sword, Mind Bolt, Telekinetic Punch, Pyrokinesis, and so on, but is resistant to mind control magic, drugs and illusion (+2 to save vs them, and even if he succumbs, the penalties resulting from them are half, and the duration of the drug or effects are half).
    • Cannot enjoy beneficial psionics, like Healing and Telepathy, and cannot communicate via Telepathy, Empathy or with the spirit world.
  4. Life Sense
    • Alerts to the presence of powerful life forms who are more than human, such as supernatural creatures, other super beings (including mutants and aliens), Major and Master Psychics, and those imbued with magic. It cannot identify or pinpoint the location of the superhuman life forms but will let the character know they are within his sensing range. Life Sense also warns the character when he is severely injured and his own life is in danger of slipping away. This occurs when the character is down to 20% of his M.D.C. or less, as well as when he has just eaten or been injected with lethal poison/venom. Furthermore, the character can sense when others within range are hurt and dying. In the latter case, the superhuman can actually track the sensation to the injured, dying individual (if a good guy, it is to help find and rescue the person, if a bad guy, it may be to gloat or finish the poor soul off).
    • Area of Effect: 300 foot (91 m) radius per level of experience (including mega-hero boost).
    • Duration: Constant and automatic to sense the presence of superhumans. To track and locate the dying, the character must concentrate and use up two melee actions/attacks per round and every 300 feet (91 m) to find the person(s). Tracking ability is 50% (+5%) (+15% if the dying subject is out in the open and not hiding or buried under debris).


Scholastic Skills

Domestic Skill Program (+10%)
Cook 45%/50% (things you hunt) (+5%)
Mathematics: Basic 55% (+5%)
Play Musical Instrument 55% (+5%) - Percussion/Drums (Professional)

Physical Program (+10%)
--Sense of Balance 60% (+3%)
--Walk Tightrope or High Wire 70% (+3%)
--Back Flip 70% (+2%)
--Basic Prowl Ability 42% (or adds +5% to Prowl skill)
--Basic Climb Ability 50% (or adds +15% to Climbing skill)
--Sense of Balance 60% (+3%)
--Work Parallel Bars & Rings 70% (+3%)
--Back Flip 80% (+2%)
--Basic Prowl Ability 42% (or adds +5% to Prowl skill)
--Basic Climb Ability 35% (or adds +5% to Climbing skill)
--Climb Rope/Rappel 70% (+2%)
Movement in Zero Gravity (P.P. multiplied by 5%) (+5%)
Zero Gravity Combat (Basic)

Wilderness Skill Program (+10%)
Land Navigation 46% (+4%)
Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 40% (+5%)
Track & Trap Animals 35%/45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival 45% (+5%)

Secondary Skills
Language: Trade 4 88% (+1%)
Computer Operation 40% (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters 30% (+5%)
Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 25% (+5%)
Philosophy 30% (+5%)
Radio: Basic 45% (+5%)
Salvage 35% (+5%)
(3rd) Athletics (general)
(3rd) Literacy: Trade 4 40% (+5%)

Super-consumption: hyperactive metabolism
Flight: Energy

Combat Data
HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 8 8 9
Initiative Bonus: +4 +5 +5
Strike Bonus: +7 +8 +9
Parry Bonus: +11 +12 +13
Dodge Bonus: +11 +11 +13 (< 80 mph) / +15 (higher)
Disarm Bonus: +2
Entangle Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: 0
(in M.D.C. setting P.S. does not apply)
+6 additional +4 per 20 mph
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +9
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +4
Automatic dodge +7 (includes +5 from P.P.)
Supernatural punch: 3d6 M.D.C. on a restrained punch, 6d6 full strength punch, or 2d4x10 on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).
Supernatural Bite vs Inorganic: 6d6+6 damage
Supernatural Bite vs Living Beings: 2d6 damage

Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2d4 damage), backward sweep kick, tripping/leg hook kick, roundhouse kick and axe kick.
Leap Kick: (3d8 damage, but counts as two melee attacks)
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20

Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Sword - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4, 8, and 12; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Energy Rifle - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +7%
Toxins (15+): +6
Magic (varies): +3
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): Automatically saves
  • +4 to save vs possession
  • +7 to save vs Horror Factor
  • +2 vs mind control magic, drugs and illusion (even if he succumbs, the penalties resulting from them are half, and the duration of the drug or effects are half).
  • Impervious to poison and stomach ailments, never gets sick from anything ingested
  • +2 to save vs drugs, and can swallow explosives, chewing them up and knocking them out without exploding.
Last edited by Zilch on Tue Oct 08, 2024 11:56 am, edited 111 times in total.
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Post by Zilch »


Carried/In Hand

Worn on Person
HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle

Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Box of Magical Origami Cards
• Attachment: 'Brodkil' Chef's Knife
• Attachment:
• Attachment:

Stored in Room in Grizzelblak
Zilch room sign.jpg
at the door
Spare Backpack
Large Cookie Jar (empty)
Lunch Cooler

Gear Stats
Cosmic Naginata.jpg
Cosmic Naginata.jpg (30.44 KiB) Viewed 1966 times
  • Damage: 1d4*10+Normal Melee Damage
  • Weight:
  • Features:
  • Modifiers: 2-handed
  • Notes: May not fly back to Zilch as the original owner was a fallen cosmo-knight that Zilch devoured.
The weapon can be thrown, in which case it does normal damage (1D4x10 M.D.) and *automatically flies back to its owner.
Throwing Range: 1000 feet (305 m) in an atmosphere, 4000 feet (1200 m) in space.

HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2,000'
  • Damage: 4D6+6 M.D. per shot or 2D4x10+10 M.D. per burst
  • Rate of Fire: single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload: 30 shots per E-clip
  • Weight: 7 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.114, DB2

Magical Origami Cards
Not your usual playing cards. The words 'Thoth' clearly mark the top of the box. Within are various cards with images, each card folds into a different shape as he lays it down on a flat surface.
Known cards:
  • a picture of a naked woman, one foot in a body of water, holding two jugs. She is pouring one jug of liquid into the body of water, another jug onto dry land. Behind her is a large star like icon. Within seconds, the card self-folds itself into an origami bird. It flutters for a few seconds, then it opens its mouth as if trying to sing. Then it unfolds oneself back into a crisp card with no creases.

'Brodkil' Chef's Knife
Shaped like a typical chef's knife, just the thing to debone one's dinner!
Megadamage Bone and Metal alloy knife. 1d6+3 damage plus supernatural strength.

An assortment of storage barrels rigged up to be a crude drumkit for the musically minded space monster. Includes two large aluminum rods that serve as drumsticks.
Last edited by Zilch on Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:14 pm, edited 26 times in total.
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Background Story

Post by Zilch »

Part One: Awakening
"What is this thing Captain?" Janus asked, then bent over, hands on his knees, scraping more dirt and debris from the figure that lay buried in the tomb. Beside him, in the darkness, Captain Monroy shone a light over their find. He fought against the impulse to throw up. "Whatever it is, it sure is ugly."

Janus chuckled, "Oh I don't know. It's from another planet, maybe this furry corpse was a real looker back home where it belongs."

Captain Monroy shot a tension loaded glare at this crewmate's back. "This is a treasure hunt - so where is the treasure?"

"I'm sorry ... Captain ..." Janus' voice quavered in the gloom. "The villagers said this demigod of theirs had a magic sword, it's gotta be here."

"Find it." Into his radio he growled, "Prep for liftoff, we're ditching this rock as soon as we bag the loot."

Captain Monroy had to cut this trip short. The locals, a backward clan of primitives, told his men tales of this sacred burial site in the hills. And a magical treasure. It was close and overlooked the village. The village itself was rich, far richer than he dreamed possible. Gold items of all sorts were stockpiled by the locals; they practically worshipped the stuff. It was the reason they had come. Killing them all was a simple task, but a CAF patrol was bound to notice the incursion into this protected world before long. They'd been lucky so far, and Monroy planned for his cuthroats to be far away before anyone noticed their presence.

Almost every man was aboard the ship. The gold loaded in the hold. This dead monster's sword would be the icing on the proverbial cake. The Captain kicked the corpse’s shaggy head as Janus sweated profusely as he dug.

"Found it," Janus said triumphantly, and he pulled at an exposed sword hilt at the monster's side. Holding it in his hands, he blew dirt off exposing an odd dark metal. "Definitely weird!"

"Valuable!" Monroy sniggered and grabbed it greedily.

He was half-turning towards the exit when all the lights went out.

Part Two: Stowaway
First Mate Hacker paced the bridge of the pirate vessel, hands clenched together tensely as he waited for his Captain. "Radio the Captain again."

"N-Nothing sir," a rat-faced human stammered in reply. "Radio's dead on his end, and no ping from the hovertruck."

"Check the screens again. Anything moving out there?" he said.

The bridge display showed a smoking ruin of a village, bodies lining the streets where they fell. The crew were efficient killers. No signs of life were to be seen anywhere.

"We going to go check on the Captain?" a voice broke in.

Hacker ignored the man, and stabbed a finger at the internal comms, "Hacker here," he said. "Run the engines up to ready. We're leaving." A few seconds later the ship vibrated as the engines thrummed into life. The sound pleased everyone aboard the bridge, they'd be soon safe in the deep black with a fortune in gold.

"Aren't we going to help them?" Mr Rat was speaking now. "We can't just leave them out there."

"You volunteering?" Hacker smiled an ugly smile. For a long moment the air filled with tension. Then the internal comms buzzed and Engineer Hallock's gravel voice filled the bridge.

"Engines ready, we can m-aaAaaARRGHHH!!!" the voice ended with a sudden scream. Mr Rat flicked a switch and the bridge screen showed the Engine Room. Nothing but inky blackness could be seen, but a monstrous crunching could be heard on the audio feed.

Hacker acted at once and pressed the launch button. The ship lurched as everyone was forced into the restraints of their safety harnesses. "Must've missed some bastards in that village. They'll burn in our jets, everything, everyone down there. Once we're in orbit we'll kill whoever is aboard."

Part Three: Derelict
A monster lurked within the derelict vessel. What it was could not be seen; a roiling darkness, bipedal perhaps but larger. Awareness stirred within it, and he felt the air. Thin and cold, much more agreeable than tonnes of crushing soil. The return to consciousness had been slow, and he deduced he must have been oblivious for years, possibly centuries. He examined his lifeless surroundings and saw now that he stood upon the bridge of a derelict spacer of some sort. The screens were black, and the controls had been torn out and partially devoured. Clearly, he had been eating in his sleep.

He floated across the room towards a bloodstained window. Moisture was condensing on the metal walls and forming pools upon the floor. The ship was dying, and the crew either gone.... or the alternative. He patted his stomach. Hunger possessed him, he had not eaten in hours. Famished, he explored the ship while chewing on a discarded assault rifle. His surreptitious wandering through service corridors halted at the sight of a blinking instrument panels.

"What do we have here?” said the voice in the darkness, a tendril of curiosity tickling at his mind. It had been awhile since he'd seen devices like this, but they were not unknown to him. He flicked a switch and a light blinked on and off with a steady pulse.

"Ahh, distress beacon. Excellent. I hope they get here quickly."

Laughter echoed through the empty ship.

"I like fast food."
Mega Hero Experience Table

1 0 - 5,000
2 5,001 - 10,000
3 10,001 - 20,000
4 20,001 - 30,000
5 30,001 - 40,000
6 40,001 - 60,000
7 60,001 - 80,000
8 80,001 - 110,000
9 110,001 - 150,000
10 150,001 - 200,000
11 200,001 - 275,000
12 275,001 - 350,000
13 350,001 - 450,000
14 450,001 - 600,000
15 600,001 - 800,000
Last edited by Zilch on Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:29 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Zilch

Post by Zilch »

Creation Notes
1. Determine random psionics as per Rifts guide. (Does this even apply? Must ask): 1d100: [47] = 47
No random psionics.

Random flavour:

2. a. Odd Skin Color - if you shave him down, what colour is the monster? 1d100: [3] = 3 Yellow!
2. b. Don't roll hair colour.... I want it blue no matter what! This is important... heh heh

3. Unearthly Environment for Alien Homeworld (no stats changes, just flavour text) -> what kind of world does the Monster come from? 1d100: [55] = 55 Vegetation World - lots of green, could be a place with lots of faeries... delicious! Add to background story.

4. p61 PU2, "Monster" - Roll up as a Mega Hero. "The Monster is impervious to disease, and resistant to fire, heat, and cold (all do half damage)."
Used PU2 book not PbP RPG, disregard
Following is wrong. PbP RPG HU2 rules say roll two, or pick one. Disregarding this and doing correctly after powers resolved.
Special Mega-Powers (In HU2 - "If the G.M. allows it, two powers may be selected, provided they do not include numbers 81-00").

What if I roll? 1d100: [34] = 34 - Tremendous S.D.C. - Add 1D4x100+160 points to the character's other S.D.C

Tremendous Physical Strength: +20 to supernatural P.S., and death blow on a 16-20 (if desired; must announce intention to kill).
Doesn't need air to breathe. The Monster can survive indefinitely in space or any vacuum, underwater, and in a polluted or toxic atmosphere - is impervious to all forms of airborne toxins and gases, except those created by magic. The character retains a sense of smell and taste, and is still vulnerable to most diseases
Special Mega-Powers : One pick - Doesn't need air to breathe. The Monster can survive indefinitely in space or any vacuum, underwater, and in a polluted or toxic atmosphere - is impervious to all forms of airborne toxins and gases, except those created by magic. The character retains a sense of smell and taste, and is still vulnerable to most diseases.

5. Super Abilities & Other Powers of Immortals: 1d100: [67] = 67 Two Major super abilities and three Minor.

6. The Reason for Being on Earth - does this even apply? Earth a no no, so do we mean wherever he starts? 1d100: [30] = 30
Sad and Angry Loner

7. Familiarity with Earth - Advised to disregard all reference to Earth. Ignore.

8. Education & Skills: (Monster (PU2) states "Maximum education is High School or Two Years of College.") 1d100: [76] = 76
Martial Artist
  • Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
  • +1 attack per melee round.
  • 3 Ancient W.P.s
    1. W.P. Sword
    2. W.P. Targeting
    3. W.P. Blunt
  • 4 Physical skills (+10% when applicable)
    1. Boxing
    2. Acrobatics (+ 1d6: [6] = 6 S.D.C.)
    3. Zero Gravity Combat (Basic)
    4. Gynmastics (+ 2d6: [4, 5] = 9 S.D.C.)
  • 1 Domestic Skill Program (+10%)
    • Basic Mathematics
    • Select three of choice
      1. Play Musical Instrument 35% (+5%) - Percussion/Drums
      2. Play Musical Instrument 35% (+5%) - Percussion/Drums (Professional & +10% bonus)
      3. Cook 35% (+5%)
  • 1 Wilderness Skill Program (+10%)
    • Wilderness Survival
    • Select Four Wilderness Skills
      1. Hunting
      2. Land Navigation 36% (+4%)
      3. Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 30% (+5%)
      4. Track & Trap Animals 20%/30% (+5%)
  • 6 Secondary Skills of choice - is primary language free?
    1. Language: Trade 4 88% (+1%)
    2. Literacy: Trade 4 40% (+5%)
    3. Computer Operation 40% (+5%)
    4. Housekeeping 35% (+5%)
    5. Radio: Basic 45% (+5%)
    6. Salvage 35% (+5%)

    Movement in Zero Gravity (P.P. multiplied by 5%) (+5%) -> free for aliens born in space

    Level 3 skills:
    1. Running (+ 4d4: [3, 2, 2, 2] = 9 Spd, + 1d6: [4] = 4 SDC)
    2. Athletics (general) ( 1d6: [6] = 6 Spd, 2d4: [3, 4] = 7 S.D.C)
    9. Money (tradeable/sellable goods): 1d100: [1] = 1
    1d6: [5] = 5 x 1000 credits in tradeable/sellable goods

    10.Human Clothes and Disguises (does a monster need clothes? roll for it): 1d100: [3] = 3
    None (who wants to look like one anyway?)

    11. Battle Armor or Hero Costume - 1d100: [95] = 95
    Has acquired 1D4+2 ( 1d4+2: [1]+2 = 3 ) sets of modern body armor that has been worked into the character's wardrobe as part of his costume; may be concealed or obvious armor. See page 343 of HU2.

    12. Personal Weapon (Type of Ancient Weapon) - 1d100: [51] = 51
    Sword (lol!) - powers: 1d100: [25] = 25 , 1d100: [100] = 100
    • The weapon is +1 to strike and parry, and retums when thrown immediately after hitting (or missing) its intended target.
    • Demon Slayer, does 3D6 damage against most opponents, but inflicts 1D6x10 against demons and evil gods.
    If using modern weapons, select one handgun, one rifle and one heavy weapon or energy weapon (4D6 damage per blast, and weapon selection may include 1D4+1 dozen rifle or hand grenades), and the character gets 1D4x10 full clips of ammo for each. All weapons are of outstanding quality.

    4d6: [1, 6, 2, 4] = 13 = 12
    4d6: [6, 2, 6, 2] = 16 = 14
    4d6: [4, 3, 1, 5] = 13 = 12
    4d6: [4, 4, 1, 4] = 13 = 12
    4d6: [1, 6, 2, 4] = 13 = 12
    4d6: [2, 5, 5, 6] = 18 = 16 + 1d6: [2] = 2
    4d6: [2, 2, 5, 1] = 10 = 9
    4d6: [3, 4, 4, 3] = 14 = 11

    + 1d6+1: [2]+1 = 3 to P.E.
    + 1d6+1: [3]+1 = 4 to P.P.
    + 1d6+1: [3]+1 = 4 to Spd
    + 2d6+10: [5, 1]+10 = 16 to P.S. (Supernatural Strength).

    Assigning Attributes:
    PE 12 + 3 = 15 +1(Running) +2(Gymnastics) +1(Acrobatics) = 19
    PS 14 + 16 = 30 +2(Boxing) +1(Athletics) +2(Gymnastics) +1(Acrobatics) = 36
    IQ 12
    Spd 12 + 4 = 16 + 6(Athletics) = 22
    MA 12
    PP 18 + 4 = 22 +1 (Gymnastics) +1(Acrobatics) = 24
    PB 9
    ME 11

    Natural A.R.: 1d6+9: [6]+9 = 15
    Height: 1d4+6: [1]+6 = 7 feet
    Hit Points: 2d6x10: [1, 1] = 2 = 20+P.E. attribute number and 2D6 per level of experience. ( 2d6: [1, 6] = 7 + 2d6: [5, 1] = 6 level 2 and 3. Does this apply for level 1 also? I don't think so. Ugh ok if it does here's a roll: 2d6: [5, 5] = 10 ).
    Enhanced Healing: 1d4: [4] = 4 +1 times faster than normal human.
    S.D.C.: 1d6x10: [5] = 5 = 50+60. (H.P. and S.D.C. are combined and doubled, with the total becoming M.D.C., in Mega-Damage environments.)
    Horror Factor: 1d6+10: [6]+10 = 16
    Bonuses: +1 attack per melee round, + 1d4: [2] = 2 on initiative, + 1d4: [1] = 1 to pull punch, + 1d4: [4] = 4 to save vs poison, +2 to save vs possession and 1d6: [5] = 5 to save vs Horror Factor.

    Mega hero 'supernatural' creature - +1 to save vs magic (unless that's his vulnerability), and +2 to save vs possession and Horror Factor.

    Superpower rolls: 2 Major, 3 Minor

    Minor Power "Greater choice of individual powers": 1 for category then 3
    1d100: [12] = 12 and 1d100: [54] = 54 , 1d100: [37] = 37 , 1d100: [58] = 58
    Life Sense (PU1)
    Abnormal Energy Sense (PU1)
    Mechanical Awareness (PU1)

    Major Power "Greater categorical choice": 3 for category then 1
    1d100: [12] = 12 , 1d100: [3] = 3 , 1d100: [56] = 56 and 1d100: [43] = 43
    Darkness Control (HU2)
    Force Manipulation (PU3)
    Monstrous Form (PU3)

    Minor Power "Greater choice of individual powers": 1 for category then 3
    1d100: [54] = 54 and 1d100: [26] = 26 , 1d100: [29] = 29 , 1d100: [81] = 81
    Flight: Hover (PU1) - Not allowed on PbP RPG -> 1d100: [40] = 40 Flight: Insect (PU1) Not allowed on PbP RPG -> 1d100: [14] = 14 Flight: Glide (HU2)
    Flight: Hover (PU1) - reroll 1d100: [2] = 2 -> Flight: Energy (PU1) - appears as shadow. (Energy Wings provides this as an option, and seems fitting here also)
    Flight: Winged (HU2)

    Minor Power "Greater choice of individual powers": 1 for category then 3
    1d100: [7] = 7 and 1d100: [69] = 69 , 1d100: [12] = 12 , 1d100: [66] = 66
    Dispersal (PU3)
    Dwarfing (PU3)
    Dispersal (PU3) - reroll 1d100: [87] = 87 -> 1d100: [87] = 87 -> Alter Physical Structure of Limb (PU1) 1d10: [8] = 8

    Major Power of choice : Super-Consumption
    OOC Comments
    1d6: [2] = 2 1d6: [2] = 2 1d6: [2] = 2 1d6: [5] = 5 1d6: [3] = 3 1d100: [25] = 25 1d100: [76] = 76 1d100: [84] = 84 1d100: [65] = 65 3d4: [4, 3, 2] = 9
    OOC Comments
    - special abilities:
    • Predator's sense of smell - 66% (+2%) (+20% to follow blood scent)
    • Increased Strength and Endurance - + 2d6: [6, 4] = 10 P.S., + 1d4: [2] = 2 P.E.
    • Predator's vision - Sharp eyesight; perfect 20/20 daylight vision, Nightvision 2000 feet (610 m).
    • Bio-Regeneration
    • Bio-Regeneration Superior
    • Combat Reflexes (Offensive)
    Other transformation effects:
    • Claws 2D6 damage
    • Extra height: 1d4: [2] = 2 ft
    • Extra weight: 1d4: [2] = 2 x 50 lbs = ?
    • Monster Body: Prefer not to roll. Instead transformation makes the Monster look like this:
      Evil-Cookie-Monster.jpg (26.36 KiB) Viewed 3645 times
    • +10% to Climb skill
    • S.D.C.: 3d6: [6, 4, 1] = 11 x 10+40 = ? / +1D4x10 S.D.C. per level of experience. (Level 3 = 3d4: [4, 3, 2] = 9 x 10 = ?)
    • Alignment Change - shift one level towards Evil.

    The Achilles' Heel
    Rules say GM choice... let's roll a random roll until review: 1d100: [22] = 22 = Vulnerable to Light

    PPE: 1d6*10: [3]*10 = 30 + 1d6+4: [2]+4 = 6 + 1d6+4: [3]+4 = 7
Level 4: + 2d6: [5, 2] = 7 M.D.C. -not added yet. Update once XP confirmed and don't forget HtH lvl 4 yields +1 APM

Minor Power: Category: 1d100: [64] = 64 Impervious & Resistance

1d100: [96] = 96 Impervious to Sound & Vibrations (PU1)
1d100: [32] = 32 Immune to Psionics (PU1)
1d100: [25] = 25 Immune to Melee Attacks (PU3)

Level 5: 2d6: [4, 2] = 6 M.D.C.
Level 6: 2d6: [6, 6] = 12 M.D.C.
Last edited by Zilch on Thu Oct 03, 2024 2:59 am, edited 7 times in total.
M.D.C.: 440/581
Hyperactive metabolism M.D.C.: 45/45
Assuming Zilch ate at least 100lbs of food in the last hour
P.P.E.: 62/62
Nightvision: Can see perfectly in ordinary, magical and his own unnatural darkness. Range: 900 feet (274 m) in normal darkness; 45 feet (13.7 m) in his own, unnatural, darkness.
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JIC: [roll]1d20[/roll], [roll]1d100[/roll]
Perception: 38% (53% in darkness) / [roll]1d100[/roll] [color=red](FAIL)[/color]

Conditions: [inline=Life Sense]Range: 900 feet. Alerts to the presence of powerful life forms who are more than human, such as supernatural creatures, other super beings (including mutants and aliens), Major and Master Psychics, and those imbued with magic. It cannot identify or pinpoint the location of the superhuman life forms but will let the character know they are within his sensing range. Life Sense also warns the character when he is severely injured and his own life is in danger of slipping away. This occurs when the character is down to 20% of his M.D.C. or less, as well as when he has just eaten or been injected with lethal poison/venom. Furthermore, the character can sense when others within range are hurt and dying. In the latter case, the superhuman can actually track the sensation to the injured, dying individual (if a good guy, it is to help find and rescue the person, if a bad guy, it may be to gloat or finish the poor soul off).[/inline], [inline=Super-consumption]The character's stomach into a bottomless pit, capable of eating nearly anything and his teeth and jaws are capable of chewing steel bars. The stomach of this person transforms 95% of everything eaten into pure energy, meaning that no mater how much he eats, it is digested or harmlessly dispersed without him getting fat or too full. The character can eat even inorganic, non-foods, like stone, metal, glass, rubber or plastic.[/inline]

Initiative: [roll]1d20+5[/roll]
APM: 8

Action 1: Cosmic Naginata Strike [roll]1d20+9[/roll], Damage [roll]1d4*10+6d6+6[/roll]
Action 2: Cosmic Naginata Strike [roll]1d20+9[/roll], Damage [roll]1d4*10+6d6+6[/roll]
Action 3: Cosmic Naginata Strike [roll]1d20+9[/roll], Damage [roll]1d4*10+6d6+6[/roll]
Action 4: Cosmic Naginata Strike [roll]1d20+9[/roll], Damage [roll]1d4*10+6d6+6[/roll]
Action 5: Cosmic Naginata Strike [roll]1d20+9[/roll], Damage [roll]1d4*10+6d6+6[/roll]
Action 6: Cosmic Naginata Strike [roll]1d20+9[/roll], Damage [roll]1d4*10+6d6+6[/roll]
Action 7: Cosmic Naginata Strike [roll]1d20+9[/roll], Damage [roll]1d4*10+6d6+6[/roll]
Action 8: Cosmic Naginata Strike [roll]1d20+9[/roll], Damage [roll]1d4*10+6d6+6[/roll]

Parries (+13 included): [roll]1d20+13[/roll], [roll=95291]1d20+13[/roll], [roll]1d20+13[/roll], [roll]1d20+13[/roll], [roll]1d20+13[/roll], [roll]1d20+13[/roll], [roll]1d20+13[/roll], [roll]1d20+13[/roll],

Auto Dodge (+7): [roll]1d20+7[/roll], [roll]1d20+7[/roll], [roll]1d20+7[/roll], [roll]1d20+7[/roll], [roll]1d20+7[/roll], [roll]1d20+7[/roll], [roll]1d20+7[/roll]

If opportunity presents itself bite victim's weapon [roll]1d20+9[/roll], rendering it useless (damage [roll]6d6+6[/roll])
M.D.C.: 440/581
Hyperactive metabolism M.D.C.: 45/45
Assuming Zilch ate at least 100lbs of food in the last hour
P.P.E.: 62/62
Nightvision: Can see perfectly in ordinary, magical and his own unnatural darkness. Range: 900 feet (274 m) in normal darkness; 45 feet (13.7 m) in his own, unnatural, darkness.
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