Character Name: Vheldval Ex’tyrin
Alias: Vheld
Race: True Atlantean
O.C.C.: Tolkeen Artifact Hunter
Occupation: Acquiring magical power, the better to avenge himself
Alignment: Aberrant
XP Level: 12
XP Points: 184,150 [UG 01OCT24]
Next Level @ XP: 229,961
Sentiments/Non-Humans: All individuals are evaluated as just that, individuals.
Sentiments/Coalition: In theory, sympathetic to humanity's plight, but views the CS' strategy as over-compensation. Realizes that they will consider him a mortal enemy, and is all too happy to respond in kind.
Disposition: Shy- quiet, tends to be a loner, but sure of himself.
Insanity: Obsessed with revenge. Vheld is driven to exact revenge for wrongdoings committed against innocent people, teammates and (most of all) himself. Very unforgiving, particularly of supernatural monsters, and above all the Splugorth and their minions (see background).
I.Q.: 20 --> 23 with silver ring
M.E.: 30
M.A.: 22
P.S.: 21
P.P.: 15
P.E.: 23
P.B.: 13
Speed: 33
PPE: 345 (+3d6/lvl)
HP: 37 (+1d6/lvl)
SDC: 164
HF: 12 (when people realize he is a True Atlantean)
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 150 lbs. (very skinny)
Natural Abilities
Perception: 82% (+3%/lvl)
+9% to skills.
Charm/Impress: 5%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 70% or None (+5% vs. armed forces personnel)
Max. Encumbrance: 50 lbs.
Max. Carrying Weight: 420 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 840 lbs.
Max. Jumping Ability: 12.5' length & 5.75' height
Can move 27.5 yards each action
Special Abilities
- Increased PPE Recovery- Recovers 10 PPE per hour of rest/sleep, 15 per hour of meditation
- Cannot be physically transformed by any means
- Sense Vampires and Vampire Intelligences- 1000 ft. radius. Cannot pinpoint exact source. 10% chance per level to recognize a vampire on sight.
- Operate Dimensional Pyramids- 95% (+5%)
- Sense Ley Lines and Nexuses- Range: 10 miles per level, 95%+5%/lvl, +10% to sense a nexus
- Ley Line Phasing- Requires 1d4 melees of concentration, maximum of 24 phasings (+2 per level) per 24 hour period
- Dimension Sense- After 1d6+2 minutes of concentration (meditating on a new world or reading an open rift), can tell the type of dimension, how dense the dimensional fabric is, whether it can support human life, magical energy levels, whether it is artificially created, and any other type of unusual dimensional characteristics. When reading a rift, the shifter can also get a sense of how soon it will close, whether or not it was random, etc, at –10% to skill. Can also automatically sense a dimensional vortex 1d6 +1/lvl minutes before it opens.
- Dimension sense can also be used to detect dimension-based magic in use (including teleportation, portals, temporal magic, etc.). Activating this aspect of the power costs one melee action; the sensing may be extended for one minute per level by sacrificing another action. If the skill roll is successful, the shifter can attempt to alter (but not stop) the magic being cast. 100%+5%/lvl
- Open Rifts- By performing a special ritual lasting 1d6x10+15 minutes, the shifter can cast the dimensional portal and re-open gateway spells at ½ PPE cost. The ritual also allows the shifter to hold the rift open for one minute per level, and manipulate the size of the rift. Maximum size is 10 feet by 10 feet per level of experience.
- Communication Rift- Costs 50 PPE within half a mile of a nexus, 100 within half a mile of a ley line, and 200 everywhere else. Lasts one minute per level. Skill is 85%+5%/lvl , +20% if performed as a ritual. If the skill roll fails by less than 20%, the portal still connects to the right continent/world/dimension, but not the specific location the shifter was aiming for.
- Dimensional Teleport Home- For 125 PPE the shifter can teleport himself, his familiar, and whatever he can carry to his home or to selected safehouses.
- Sense Rifts- Automatically senses rifts. Range is 650 miles, +50 per level. Can also sense other dimensional disturbances (teleports, dimensional anomalies, etc) within half that range.
- Familiar Link- Creates a telepathic and empathic link. The shifter cannot take any other actions while seeing through the familiar’s eyes. If the familiar is killed, the shifter permanently loses 10 HP and has a 50% chance to go into a coma for 1d6 hours.
- Summoning- To resist a creature must roll above the shifters MA on 1d20 three out of five times, including ME bonuses and bonuses to save vs. mind control. A natural 20 always wins.
- Link to the supernatural- Currently linked to Hecate, a Goddess of Magic.
- Flaming Flamberge- 60 PPE to activate, for 15 minutes per level, 3d6 MD
- Protection from vampires- 60 PPE to activate for one hour per level. Makes the character impervious to the bite and mind control powers of vampires and related undead.
- Eye of Mystic Knowledge- Inverted Triangle (This tattoo can only be used for evil purposes). 40 PPE to activate. Can recognize magic circles, symbols, wards, and runes as being genuine articles involved in magic. 86% skill to read magic scrolls. 74% chance to recognize possession or enchantment, 62% skill to identify/read specific wards and symbols, 50% skill in correctly identifying magic circles, 40% skill in accurately reading runes, 30% chance of correctly identifying a magical item, including weapons and artifacts. Inscribed around Vheld's right eye.
- Chain Encircling a Skull- 50 PPE to activate, one minute per level. Impervious to mind control of all types and +3 to save vs. psionic attacks of any kind. Inscribed on the left side of Vheld's neck.
- Phoenix Rising from the Flames- 248 PPE to activate, touch or within 12ft. range. Restores up to 50 HP and 50 SDC or 100 MDC. Cures all types of common diseases, magic minor disorders, magic sickness, minor curse, and petrification. Addiction and insanity are not cured. Resurrection permanently costs 1d6 HP, 2d6 PPE, and one PE attribute point but Vheld gains one MA point. Only possible if performed within six hours of the moment of death- dead person restored with 3 HP, all limbs and organs regenerated, and all wounds healed without scarring. Inscribed over Vheld's heart.
Level 1
Blinding Flash (1 or 4)
Cloud of Smoke (2)
Globe of Daylight (2)
Sense Evil (2)
Sense Magic (4)
Thunderclap (4)
Level 2
Aura of Power (4)
Cloak of Darkness (6)
Concealment (6)
Manipulate Objects (2+)
Turn Dead (6)
Level 3
Armor of Ithan (10)
Breathe Without Air (5)
Energy Bolt (5)
Invisibility: Simple (6)
Light Target (6)
Negate Poison/Toxin (5)
Level 4
Carpet of Adhesion (10)
Charismatic Aura (10)
Chromatic Protection (10)
Energy Field (10)
Magic Net (7)
Multiple Image (7)
Repel Animals (7)
Seal (7)
Shadow Meld (10)
Trance (10)
Watchguard (10)
Level 5
Calling (8)
Charm (12)
Distant Voice (10)
Energy Disruption (12)
Eyes of Thoth (8)
Featherlight (10)
Implosion Neutralizer (12)
Lifeblast (15)
Mental Blast (15)
Sustain (12)
Level 6
Barrage (15)
Call Lightning (15)
Compulsion (20)
Frequency Jamming (15)
Ice (15)
Impervious to Energy (20)
Mask of Deceit (15)
Sheltering Force (20)
Targeted Deflection (15)
Time Slip (20)
Tongues (10)
Words of Truth (15)
Level 7
Constrain Being (20)
Dispel Magic Barriers (20)
Fly as the Eagle (25)
Mental Shock (30)
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20)
Level 8
Exorcism (30)
Expel Demons/Deevils (35)
Invincible Armor (30)
Lightning Arc (30)
Locate (30)
Luck Curse (40)
Sorcerous Fury (70)
Level 9
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70)
D-Step (50)
Speed of the Snail (50)
Summon and Control Canines (50)
Dessicate the Supernatural (50)
Level 10
Banishment (65)
Control and Enslave Entity (80)
(T) Dimensional Pockets (20 temporary/140 long term)
Meteor (75)
Mystic Portal (60)
Reality Flux (75)
Summon and Control Rodents (70)
Summon Greater Familiar (80)
Summon Shadow Beast (140)
Level 11
Anti-Magic Cloud (140)
Energy Sphere (120+)
Firequake (160)
Illusory Terrain (55 for simple, 120 for elaborate)
Mindshatter (130)
Re-Open Gateway (180)
Summon & Control Animals (125)
Level 12
(T) Dimensional Envelope (60 temporary/380 long term)
Ensorcel (400)
Heavy Air (200)
Summon and Control Entity (250)
Level 13
Protection Circle: Greater (300 to create, 20 to reactivate)
Summon Lesser Being (425)
Talisman (500)
Time Hole (210)
Level 14
Annihilate (300)
Summon and Control Sea Serpents (350)
Level 15
Dimensional Portal (1000)
Summon Ally (600)
Teleport: Superior (600)
(T) Time Warp: Space and Time (800)
Void (700)
Spells of Legend
Sanctuary (1500)
Warrior Horde (1100)
O.C.C. Skills
Language (Native): Greek/Atlantean 109% (+1%)
Literacy: Greek 109% (+5%)
Language: American, Dragonese/Elf 95% (+3%)
Literacy: American, Dragonese/Elf 99% (+5%)
Intelligence 99% (+4%)
Detect Ambush 104% (+5%)
Lore: Dimensions 94% (+5%)
Lore: Demons and Monsters 109% (+5%)
Lore: Magic 104% (+5%)
Speak Demongogian and Faerie 110% (+3%)
Prowl 114% (+5%)
Land Navigation 103% (+4%)
Wilderness Survival 109% (+5%)
W.P. Sword
W.P. Energy Rifle
HtH: Expert
O.C.C. Related Skills
Lore: Faeries and Creatures of Magic 104% (+5%)
Zoology 104% (+5%)
Tracking 99% (+5%)
Lore: Psychics and Psionics 104% (+5%)
--Sense of balance 95% (+3%)
--Work parallel bars & rings 105% (+3%)
--Back flip 104% (+2%)
--Climb 34%
--Climb rope/rappel 93% (+2%)
Boxing (10th Level)
Lore: D-Bee 74% (+5%, 7th Level)
Undercover Ops 64% (+5%, 4th Level)
Leadership (3rd Level)
Lore: Galactic Aliens 49% (+5%, 2nd Level)
Secondary Skills
W.P. Staff
Basic Math 114% (+5%)
Horsemanship: Exotic 99/89% (+5%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
Mythology 99% (+5%)
Computer Operation 109% (+5%)
Pilot Hovercycles, Skycycles, and Rocket Bikes 115% (+3%, 10th Level)
Running (10th Level)
First Aid 89% (+5%, 7th Level)
Skin and Prepare Animal Hides 74% (+5%, 7th Level)
Computer Programming 59% (+5%, 4th Level)
Research 69% (+5%, 4th Level)
W.P. Targeting (4th Level)
Lore: Geomancy and Ley Lines 44% (+5%, 1st level)
Lore: Vampires 34% (+5%, 1st level)
Combat Data
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: 0
Strike Bonus: +2
Parry Bonus: +7
Dodge Bonus: +7
HTH Damage Bonus: +9
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +7
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Other: KO/Stun on Natural 18-20, Karate Kick (2d6 damage), Critical strike on natural 18-20, Paired Weapons, Backhand Strike (1d4 damage), Body Flip/Throw.
Weapon Proficiencies
Sword- +5 strike/+4 parry/+3 throw
Staff- +4 strike/+4 parry/+2 throw
Energy Pistol- +6 strike
Energy Rifle- +6 strike
Targeting- +2 strike
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/death: +16%
Magic (varies): +11 (+1 at lvl. 13)
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +14
Psionics (varies): +9
Horror Factor (varies): +9 (+1 at lvls. 15)
Possession (varies): +14 (+1 at lvl 15)
Mind Control (varies): +8 (+1 at lvl 15)
Spell Strength (varies): +5 (+1 at lvl. 13)