Miscellaneous Rules

This is the parent forum for PbP's site-wide rules, and the house rules for the Rifts Earth Dimension.
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Dark Lord
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Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Play by Post RPG's default regarding Palladium's material is to not accept that which is potentially implicit, but to restrict interpretation to that which is explicit.

Encumbrance Rules

The average character can effectively carry and fight with no more than a third of his body weight in TOTAL Gear, Armaments, Armors, and what have you.

Strength & Weight Max of Gear Carried
Normal P.S.: 30% of Body Weight
Augmented P.S.: 60% of Body Weight
Robotic P.S.: 80% of Body Weight
Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight

Encumbrance cannot be greater than the character's maximum carrying weight without incurring penalties.
+10% to max. calculated weight for Men at Arms O.C.C.s
+20% to max. calculated weight for Indefatigable characters

Penalties from Over-encumbrance
up to 10% over encumbrance limit: -10% to the character's Speed attribute.
up to 20% over encumbrance limit: -20% to the character's Speed attribute.
up to 50% over encumbrance limit: -50% to the character's Speed attribute, -1 APM, -4 to Initiative, -2 to all combat bonuses.
Beyond 50% over encumbrance limit: the character is essentially immobilized and unable to defend himself.

Common sense goes hand in hand with the above rules.
When listing your equipment on your PC Sheet you MUST detail where items are typically located.
For example, a Gunslinger carrying 10 handguns has to note the location of each (2 in hip holsters, 2 in boot holsters, 2 strapped to thighs, etc.).
Failure to do so may result in GM intervention and/or the disappearance of those items.

Gaming Notes:
Palladium is somewhat inconsistent about listing weights for items. When it comes to weapons, armor, and other big ticket items Palladium is pretty consistent about noting the weight of such things, but all else is unaddressed.
Small stuff that common sense tells us is under a pound (like notebook & pencils, etc.) should simply be treated as inconsequential--no notations are necessary.
Hand-held computers and other small items of that sort should be treated as weighing 1 lb. each--no notations are necessary.
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Post by Dark Lord »

Jumping Rules
  • Normal, human-type beings:
    • 1 foot of length per 2 P.S. points
    • 1 foot of height per 4 P.S. points
    Augmented/Robotic Strength:
    • 1 foot of length per P.S. point
    • 1 foot of height per 2 P.S. points
    Hyperion Juicers:
    • 1 foot of length per Spd. point
    • 1 foot of height per 2 Spd. points
    Characters with both augmented/extraordinary strength and speed, or with SN strength:
    • 1.5 feet of length per P.S. point
    • 3 foot of height per 4 P.S. points
  • Decrease jumping distance by 50% if character does not take a running start.
  • Characters who have acrobatics and/or gymnastics skills can add 2 feet per level to the length and .5 feet per level to the height.
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Post by Dark Lord »

Supernatural Damage and Melee Weapons

When wielding a hand weapon, supernatural creatures inflict either the weapon damage plus PS damage bonus (in SDC) or their own PS damage as per Supernatural Strength, whichever is greater.


Sir Chubbo (SN PS 30) strike someone full-force with a club (1d4):

His 3d6 MD attack is greater in damage than the 1d4 MD possibile for the club, so his damage is based solely on his SN P.S.

Supernatural beings do NOT add the PS attribute damage bonus to their MD attacks, but may add it to pulled punches that inflict SDC damage instead of MDC.


Sir Chubbo (SN PS 30) strikes a squishy with a restrained attack using a club (1d4):

1d4+15 SDC Damage (Weapon+PS Bonus)

Everyone clear on that now? Notify the appropriate Moderator to handle your PC sheet if you need alterations done to be up-to-date. Sorry if there was a period of confusion about this.

Exception to rule: Gargoyle and Xiticix weapons noted as such.


Xiticix dagger (1d6) wielded by a Xiticix with SN P.S. 30 (3d6):
1d6+3d6=4d6 damage

AS PER: http://forums.palladium-megaverse.com/v ... 37&t=79150
Palladium FAQ wrote:Question: I am getting conflicting info regarding the damage a char with the ability to do an MD punch can do with an MD weapon. i saw a thing in the old rules stating that on a "supernatural creature" gets the PS bonus on top of the weapon damage(or their punch damage, whichever is greater). But, the Splicers book mentions getting the punch damage PLUS the weapon damage PLUS the PS bonus. Can you help me out, anyone? Thanks.
Answer: For SN str in splicers, you get whichever is better of punch or weapon with NO damage bonus for PS (p172/3). It's been argued that weapon + punch makes more sense but by the book, it's weapon *or* punch, not both.
Last edited by Archive Account on Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Normal Beings
  • All R:UE guidelines for squishy beings will be followed including blood loss for each injury sustained.
  • Optional pain or trauma rules are strictly up to the individual GM to use or not as he pleases.
Mega-Damage Beings
  • Psychic Healing of M.D.: direct conversion of S.D.C.-M.D.C., costs twice as much I.S.P.
  • Magic Healing of M.D.: direct conversion of S.D.C.-M.D.C., costs 50% more P.P.E.
  • Medical Treatment of M.D.: Requires state-of-the-art facilities and costs 5x as much as standard medical treatment.
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Post by Dark Lord »

Body Armor Rules & Clarifications

General Body Armor Categories
  • "Light" armor: 30-50 M.D.C.
  • "Medium" armor: 55-80 M.D.C.
  • "Heavy" armor: 85+ M.D.C.
Categorical Armor Modifiers
  • "Light" armor: None to -15%
  • "Medium" armor: -5% to -20%
  • "Heavy" armor: -10% to -30%
  • Common Modifiers: prowl, physical skills, and movement (speed attribute).
  • The technological level of the materials & fabrication are the primary factors considered when applying modifiers to a custom suit of armor.
  • Flavor text regarding perceived classes of armor varies wildly in Palladium books (when it can even be found), so the above is a simple and objective metric to define any class of armor.
M.D.C. & Armor Rating
  • A.R. regarding M.D.C. armor reflects the extent of coverage.
  • Any roll over the A.R. hits the person, not the armor.
  • GMs are going to equate that to a limb strike as main body is always the primary focus of armor coverage.
The Armor Rating of Different Armor Types (in S.D.C. settings)
  • Armor of Ithan: A.R. 18
  • Armored vehicles: A.R. 13 or 14
  • Bionic/Robotic Armor, Full Plate: 18
  • Bionic/Robotic Armor, Heavy: 16-17
  • Bionic/Robotic Armor, Light: 12
  • Bionic/Robotic Armor, Medium: 14-15
  • CS Sky Cycle (new): A.R. 16
  • CS Sky Cycle (old): A.R. 14
  • Force Fields/Magic Barriers: A.R. 19 or 20
  • Heavy Armor/EBA: 15
  • Light Armor/EBA: 13
  • Light Vehicles: A.R. 6-8
  • Medium Armor/EBA: 14
  • Military Vehicles: A.R. 17
  • Power Armor/True Robots: A.R. 16-17
  • Robot Vehicles: A.R. 18
Protection inside Powered Armor
  • Armor cannot have spikes or large/flaring features.
  • Only "Light armor" can be worn inside a PA suit.
  • Force fields cannot be activated when within a PA suit.
  • Robotech Mecha are unique cases and will be handled as such.
Armor with Camouflage/Invisibility Features
  • The Naruni camouflage feature does not extend to anything outside of the armor.
  • Things hidden behind the back or concealed in similar manner may be hidden though simply due to line-of-sight.
  • This rule applies to other armors with similar effects.
"Suit-Up" Time
  • All "Men of Arms" O.C.C.'s take 1d4+4 melees to suit-up.
  • All other O.C.C. archetypes take 1d4+4 minutes to suit-up.
  • This rule also applies to suiting-up in Power Armor Suits.
    • If the pilot has a prep team assisting with the process, reduce to one minute.
  • Mounting a Robotic Mecha takes one full melee regardless of O.C.C.
G.I. Joe Rule
  • If a character's M.D.C. protection is destroyed by an attack, the remaining damage does not transfer to the character.
  • The character is likely to be disoriented and devoid of any gear he had on his person at the GM's discretion.
M.D.C. by Location
  • If no M.D.C. is listed by location, Main Body is treated as the base protection upon which the rest is determined.
    • Helmet: 70% of Main Body M.D.C., but no higher than 100
    • Arms: 60% of Main Body M.D.C. each
    • Legs: 80% of Main Body M.D.C. each
  • Example:
    CA-4 Dead Boy EBA
    M.D.C. by Location:
    • Helmet: 70
    • Arms: 60 each
    • Legs: 80 each
    • Main Body: 100
Force Fields
  • Force fields cannot be worn over existing armor.
  • Force fields can be integrated into Environmental Body Armor, Powered Armor, and Robot Combat Vehicles.
    • Normal installation fee: 30,000-40,000 credits, takes 1D4 days.
      • Rush job: double or more normal fee.
    • All rules on force fields still apply to integrated force fields.
    • Force fields integrated powered from a nuclear power supply can be run indefinitely but are still subject to overload restrictions.
    • Large Scale Force Fields
      • Have twice the M.D.C. protection as the standard model
      • Cost 20 times as much
      • Are only available for borgs, vehicles, or robot combat vehicles with nuclear power supplies
  • A force field must be drawing energy from an E-clip ("on") in order for the field to sense incoming attacks and defend against them.
  • When a force field's M.D.C. is depleted, it overloads and cannot be reactivated for 12 hours.
  • Force fields offer no protection against environmental effects.
  • All force fields regenerate at a rate of 1 M.D.C./melee round, that's 4 M.D.C./minute.
  • Force fields draw their power from standard E-clips only.
    • E-clip Duration:
      • Super-Heavy: 6 hours
      • Heavy: 8 Hours
      • Medium: 10 Hours
      • Light: 12 Hours
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Multi-Function Weapons

W.P. Rifle only applies to the conventional S.D.C. round that the JA-11 and similar multi-function weapons are capable of firing.

If a character only has W.P. Energy Rifle he is proficient with the energy rifle function of the JA-11. He is not proficient with the conventional S.D.C. round function of the JA-11.

See R.U.E. page 328 for rules of using a modern weapon without the required W.P.

This rule also applies to similar multi-function weapons.

To fully utilize all bonuses with all aspects of a multi-function weapon you must have all the required skills for the various functions of the weapon.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Robotech Mecha Conversions

Only stats from 2nd Edition Robotech books will be used.

Macross-Era Mecha
  • VF-Series Valkyries
    • SLMH-V is purely for use in space. Once the 48 hour supply is exhausted, all bonuses in space are halved.
    • Fuel Capacity: Average, useful life span of 12 years before needing a new energy system. With constant use, the life span is cut by half.
  • Destroids
    • Fuel Capacity: Average life span of 22 years before requiring re-energizing. Constant use will reduce that time by about half.
Masters-Era Mecha
  • SLMH-V is purely for use in space. Once this supply is exhausted, all bonuses in space are halved.
  • All ASC mecha operate primarily on fusion power and have an operational lifespan of about 8 years before plant replacement is required.
    • The Logan carries enough SLMH-V to operate continuously for 7 days.
    • The Ajax carries enough SLMH-V to operate continuously for 7 days.
    • The Hover Tank carries enough SLMH-V to operate continuously for 7 days.
    • The Myrmidon carries enough SLMH-V to operate continuously for 10 days.
    • The Chimera carries enough SLMH for 36 hours of constant flight in space.
    • The SC-32 Roc/EC-32 Raven Shuttlecraft carries enough SLMH onboard to get into orbit and operate for two hours. The reusable detachable fuel tank allows the ship to operate in space for 12 hours.
Shadow Chronicles-Era Mecha
  • Protoculture Fuel Capacity: Shadow Chronicles-Era mecha use small protoculture fuel cells about the size of a can of motor oil.
  • Frequent heavy activity and combat reduces the cell"s fuel life by half.
  • Invid protoculture cells are the same as used by the UEEF and are interchangeable. Replacing spent cells and recharging empty Protoculture
  • energy cells requires somebody with the Bio-mechanical Maintenance or robotechnology Engineering skill.
  • The mecha can function with half as many cells for half the period, but the maximum speed and the usual combat bonuses are reduced by half.
    • Alphas & Betas: Sixteen fully charged protoculture cells gives the mecha a reasonably active combat life of about one month.
    • Cyclones: One fully charged protoculture cell gives the mecha a reasonably active combat life of about one month.
    • Silverbacks: Four fully charged protoculture cells gives the mecha a reasonably active combat life of about one month.
    • Condors, & Bioroid Interceptors: Sixteen fully charged protoculture cells gives the mecha a reasonably active combat life of about one month.
  • All armor, mecha, and vehicles designed and built in the Masters Era or later feature laser resistant armor: -50% to damage from lasers
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Psionics Clarifications & Revisions
R:UE, p.366 wrote:Psionic powers will not work on "someone in a sealed, environmental vehicle, like a tank, APC, Robot Vehicle or heavy power armor (250 M.D.C. or more for the main body)"
Note: This is a two-way street. Neither can powers be used from within to effect the outside for the same reason.

Telekinesis (Super)
If Telekinesis (Super or Hyper) is used as an attack against an NPC or Player Character, an attack roll is required and the intended victim receives a saving throw as standard.
Psi-Sword Clarification
Psychics other than Cyberknights must spend I.S.P. for each Psi-Sword manifested.
Ergo, two swords = x2 normal I.S.P. cost.
P.S. damage bonus does not apply to Psi-Swords.
The Psi Sword is a physical attack done through a psionically created weapon.
Previous rule on supernatural strength wrote:When wielding a hand weapon, supernatural creatures inflict either the weapon damage plus PS damage bonus (in S.D.C.) or their own P.S. damage as per Supernatural Strength, whichever is greater.

Bio-Manipulation Revision
Bio-Manipulation: (Any)
Range: 160'
Duration: until successfully saved against
I.S.P.: 10
Saving Throw: Standard; if a character successfully saves against the attack he is not affected at all. This applies to all seven bio-manipulative attacks. Each melee after the first, the effected target of the attack may make a saving throw to throw off the effects of the manipulation. Each melee subsequent to the first, the target gets a +2 bonus to his saving throw. (+2 on 2nd melee, +4 on 3rd melee, +6 on 4th melee, etc.)
Telemechanics Clarification
R:UE, p.183 wrote:Range: By touch or up to 5 feet (1.5 m) away.
Should read:
Clarification wrote:Range: By touch
At no other point in the psionic power description is anything but BY TOUCH stated.
Astral Projection Clarification

Projection Type One: Coexistence
  • Description: The psionic projects his astral form into the dimension in which his material body exists.
  • Astral Abilities: Float or fly at up to 670 mph, see the invisible (LOS), intangibility, invisible to sensor systems and cameras, can see and hear as usual.
    Astral Limitations: Must use telepathy or empathy to communicate, cannot speak to, smell, or touch anything on the material plane.
  • Usable Powers:
    • Detect Psionics
    • Induce Sleep
    • Psychic Diagnosis
    • Suppress Fear (Self Only)
    • Alter Aura
    • Deaden Senses
    • Ectoplasm
    • Mind Block
    • Nightvision
    • Telekinesis
    • Telekinetic Punch
    • Telekinetic Push
    • Clairvoyance
    • Commune with Spirits
    • Empathy
    • Mask I.S.P. & Psionics
    • Mask P.P.E.
    • Presence Sense
    • Read Dimensional Portal
    • Remote Viewing
    • See Aura
    • See the Invisible
    • Sense Dimensional Anomaly
    • Sense Evil
    • Sense Magic
    • Sense Time
    • Sixth Sense
    • Speed Reading
    • Telepathy
    • Total Recall
    • Bio-Manipulation
    • Electrokinesis
    • Empathic Transmission
    • Group Mind Block
    • Group Trance
    • Hydrokinesis
    • Mind Block Auto-Defense
    • Mind Bolt
    • P.P.E. Shield
    • Psionic Invisibility
    • Psychic Omni-Sight
    • Pyrokinesis
    • Radiate Horror Factor
    • Telekinesis (Super)
    • Telekinetic Acceleration Attack
    • Telemechanic Mental Operation
    • Telemechanic Paralysis
    • Telemechanic Possession

Projection Type Two: Entering the Astral Plane
  • Description: The psionic's astral self exists exclusively in the Astral Plane and so has no perception of or contact with the dimension in which his material body exists.
  • Usable Powers: All psionic powers normally available to the psionic are usable on the Astral Plane.

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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Approved Rifter Material for The Players' Keep

  • This list is not comprehensive.
  • The default answer to whether something from a Rifter is allowed is no.
  • I will add approved Rifter O.C.C.'s and other specific material to this list on a case-by-case basis as such is proposed through the regular submission process. Classes should be inquired after during your chat with Dark Lord regarding your character concept, and other Rifter material should be explicitly inquired after in your submission. Please note that "explicitly" means you must directly inquire whether something is permissible. If you leave it up to me to infer such a request, I will simply deny that request.
  • Occasionally, I will also add approved Rifter material to this list on a case-by-case basis as such matters come up in the course of gameplay.
  • DMs can choose to exclude any of this content, but they cannot choose to include anything not approved here.

Rifter 1 Rifter 5
  • City Operator O.C.C.
  • Wilderness Operator O.C.C.
  • Armorer O.C.C.
  • Barnstormer O.C.C.
Rifter 12
  • Rogue Skills
    • Fast Talking 20% (+4%)
    • Blind Fighting 25% (+5%)
    • Listening and Awareness 16% (+4%)
    • Security Systems 20% (+5%)
    • Backstab (Assassin OCC Only)
    • W.P. Vital Points
      • The benefits of this skill are only applicable in unarmored, S.D.C. melee combat when the target is a humanoid; Assassin O.C.C. only.
Rifter 19
  • Create Rope
  • Summon Grains
  • Trough of Water
  • Wand Magic
    • Wizard Ability (not a skill or a spell)
    • Restricted to the Palladium Fantasy Wizard O.C.C.
Rifter 21
  • Familiars of Rifts
    • New Familiar Powers
      • Note: The following are enhancements that can be made to a familiar at the time it is bound to its wizard master. The P.P.E. cost to infuse each of these abilities into a familiar is permanent. The spent energy is lost, and cannot be recovered even if the familiar should be killed.
    • New Spells (familiar-related)
    • Unusual Familiars Found on Rifts Earth
    • Elemental Familiars
    • Creatures from Previous Books
Rifter 25
  • New Psychic Classes
  • Intuitive Warrior P.C.C.
  • Enthraller
  • Kinetic Master
  • New Psionic Powers
    • Healing Powers
      • Psionic Purge
      • Restore Memory
    • Physical Powers
      • Enhanced Reflexes
      • Resist Damage (Restricted to resistance to only kinetic damage)
      • Resist Energy
      • Resist Magic
      • Resist Psionics
      • Strength of Mind
    • Sensitive Powers
      • Clairvoyant Prediction
      • Enhanced Perception
      • Extended Presence Sense
      • Mind's Eye
      • Psionic Seeking
      • Sense Psionics
      • Sense Supernatural
    • Super Psionic Powers
      • Alter Memory
      • Alter Personality
      • Cause Hallucination
      • Empathic Charisma
      • Empathy: Superior
      • Hypnotic Control
      • Induce Amnesia
      • Induce Insanity
      • Mentally Control Others
      • Psionic Blast
      • Shared Perception
      • Telekinetic Blast
      • Telekinetic Force
      • Telekinetic Shockwave
      • Telepathic Suggestion
      • Telepathy: Superior
    Lost Magic
    • Strength of Utgard Loki/Might of Palladium
    • Reduce Object
    • Spirit of the Wolf
    • Commune With the Dead
    • Sphere of Invisibility
    • Diminish Others
    • Expel Demons or Deevils (effectively same as Expel Demons in BOM)
    • Turn Objects Invisible
    • Teleport Self
    • Geas
Rifter 32
  • Journeyman Chef O.C.C.
  • Coalition 'Cookie' O.C.C.
  • High Cook O.C.C.
  • Associated, new culinary skills
Rifter 37 Rifter 52
  • Atlantean Equipment
  • Atlantean Armor Additions
Rifter 45
  • Archery Proficiencies (Limited to 1 possible proficiency, and limited only to those O.C.C.s who specialize in the art of the bow.)
Rifter 50
  • Space Magic
Rifter 55
Triax Update Revised O.C.C.s from Rifts World Book 5: Triax and the NGR
  • NGR Medical Officer
  • NGR Infantry Soldier
  • NGR Field Mechanic
  • NGR Cyborg Soldier
  • NGR Power Armor Commando
  • NGR Robot Combat Pilot
  • NGR Intelligence Division Agent
  • & all New Skills Available to NGR Military Personnel
Rifter 67
The Mutant Bees of Earth
  • The Mutant Bees of Earth- for settings where mutant animals are appropriate
  • The Bee Colony of Timbuk and associated backgrounds/martial arts- restricted to the After the Bomb setting
Rifter 76
Beasts of the Elemental Realm

Reviewed Rifter Material Not Allowed On-Site
Rifter 3
  • Spatial Mage & Spatial Magic
Rifter 10
  • Space Magic: entirely inapplicable to Play by Post RPG; this is a PW exclusive
  • Nova saber
Rifter 12
  • TR-490 Saracen & electromagnetic weaponry
Rifter 17
  • Dweomer Mage O.C.C
  • Dweomer Magic
Rifter 25
  • P.P.E. Channeling
Rifter 29
  • Arken Warrior O.C.C.
  • War Magic
Rifter 30
  • All "A Cut Above" content
Rifter 31
  • Starship construction rules: entirely inapplicable to Play by Post RPG; this is a PW exclusive
Rifter 52
  • New Magic Tattoos not allowed (from those listed on pages 48-59)
  • Floating Shield (Ghost Shield)
Last edited by Archive Account on Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:30 pm, edited 37 times in total.
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Dark Lord
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Dual O.C.C. Rules

  • Dual O.C.C.s are permitted on Play by Post RPG, but they are subject to approval by your GM and the Dimension Master for your setting, just as an initial character is.
  • Go first through your GM and get his/her approval before seeking out Dimension Master.
Dual O.C.C. Definition
The term "Dual O.C.C." can be misleading. This process may be better termed "switching O.C.C.s." You may never advance in more than one O.C.C. at a time, but you can switch from one O.C.C. to another. You may only switch O.C.C.s a maximum of one time (with some specific exceptions, listed below), but you may switch back to your previous O.C.C. (again, only once, no hopping back and forth between O.C.C.s).

Conditions that Must be met to Switch O.C.C.s
  • You must be at least 5th level in your starting O.C.C.
  • You must have reached a new level of experience but not yet leveled up in your current O.C.C.
  • You must meet all of the prerequisites for the O.C.C. to which you intend to switch.
  • You must receive the approval of Dimension Master and your individual GM.
  • You must find an in character teacher/mentor/facility and receive the proper training. The specifics of this provision will be determined by your GM and may involve side quests and some down time. This requirement may also be fulfilled during the training period (see below).
  • The O.C.C. you wish to switch to must be of the correct type.
O.C.C. Categories that you can Switch to.
  • Which O.C.C. you can switch to depends on your current O.C.C. and other aspects of your character.
    • Scholar/Adventurer O.C.C.s: All classes may switch to any scholar/Adventurer O.C.C. for which they meet the prerequisites.
    • Man-at-Arms O.C.C.s: All classes may switch to any Man-at-Arms O.C.C. for which they meet the prerequisites.
    • Practitioner's of Magic O.C.C.s: Only other practitioner's of magic and O.C.C.s/characters with an affinity for magic (to be determined by the GM on an individual basis) can switch to practitioner of magic O.C.C.s. No one who is a master psychic (with this exception), who has super powers, or who has bionic or more than minor (more than 2 small implants, GM discretion) cybernetic implants (except bio-systems) can switch to a practitioner of magic O.C.C. Some other O.C.C.s, such as the Tattooed Men class, may not be able to switch to practitioner of magic O.C.C.s for reasons specific to the O.C.C.
    • Psionic O.C.C.s: Psychics may switch to other O.C.C.s (except magic O.C.C.s), but only master psychics may switch into a master psychic O.C.C. (i.e., master psychics at character creation, or a PC who has used points to upgrade). An O.C.C. which grants only minor or major psionics should be treated as if it falls under one of the other categories (whichever is most appropriate).
Racial Character Classes
  • It should be obvious that no one can switch to an R.C.C. without a particularly nasty encounter with a Gene-Splicer, Bio-Wizard or vampire. If something like that happens, treat the class switch the same way you would following a juicer conversion, or follow the specific canon transformation rules for the species (such as vampire conversion rules).
  • Characters with R.C.C.s cannot switch to an O.C.C. unless their species is normally able to choose an O.C.C. instead of the species R.C.C. (in which case the procedure is the same as for a human).
  • D-bees and other species that normally choose O.C.C.s and do not have strict, skill-based R.C.C.s are treated the same as humans for purposes of the Dual O.C.C. process.
Conversion Characters
  • Heroes Unlimited conversion characters are strictly limited to a Scholar/Adventurer O.C.C. This is actually a canonical conversion rule that is set in stone.
  • Other conversion characters follow the normal rules for Dual O.C.C.s.
Juicers, Borgs, Crazies and Other Procedure Based O.C.C.s
  • O.C.C.s such as these are the only exception to the rule that you may only switch O.C.C.s once.
  • Anyone who undertakes a procedure which dramatically changes their character and is associated with a specific O.C.C. must immediately switch to that new O.C.C. following these rules. In addition to Juicer's, Borgs and Crazies, this rule applies to less common procedure based O.C.C.s such as bio-borgs and tattooed men, among others.
  • The physical (or magical, etc.) bonuses granted by these procedures are granted as soon as they occur (unlike other classes where no bonuses are granted until the apprenticeship period passes), but the character must still pass his or her apprenticeship before gaining any new skills.
The Process of Switching
  • When the character begins their new training, they begin at level zero in the new O.C.C. The character must earn experience points equal to the new O.C.C.'s second level (if Men of arms or adventurers) or third level (if magical or psychic). When that amount of experience points is acquired, the character has passed their apprenticeship and is now at first level in his new O.C.C.
  • The experience points and level of the old O.C.C. should be marked (Frozen). All new experience points should be listed on a new line. GMs and players, be sure to erase the apprentice experience once enough is gained for the player to reach first level in the class (so as to avoid confusion).
  • Any experience from the old O.C.C. that exceeds the amount needed to reach a new level is transferred to the apprenticeship tally when the choice is made to switch O.C.C.s (invariably there will be roll over experience because of the way GMs track experience points).
What Happens to the Old O.C.C.
  • The character may still use the skills and abilities of the old O.C.C., but they are frozen at the level obtained prior to switching O.C.C.s.
Old Skills
  • All O.C.C. skills and O.C.C. related skills from the old O.C.C. are frozen at the level reached when the switch occurs unless the same skill is granted by the new O.C.C. (a duplicate skill) or you take the same skill again as one of your new O.C.C. related skills. In that case the skill will advance each level normally. A duplicate skill may also be taken at later levels using O.C.C. related or secondary skills. In that case it will advance again once it has been taken.
  • Secondary skills from the old O.C.C. do not freeze. They are based on the individual interests of the character and not on any O.C.C. training. They advance each level as normal.
  • Skills gained from special processes such as the knowledge upload procedure, Mindwerks M.O.M. implants, or some other strange source, are not related to the O.C.C. and do not freeze. They advance each level as normal.
  • You must note on your character sheet which skills are frozen. Example: Cook--30% (Frozen).
Old Special Abilities
  • You retain all old special abilities unless they are destroyed by a procedure (such as magical abilities being destroyed by bionic implants).
  • Your special abilities no longer advance in power. This means that if you were a fifth level spell-caster when you switched to a scholar class you will always cast spells at fifth level proficiency (the same applies for psionics or any other special power with level based effects). If you move from one class to another with similar special abilities (such as a ley line walker switching to the shifter O.C.C., both of which can cast standard spells), then your level of proficiency is frozen until you advance further in the new class than you did in the old class, at which point it will begin to advance again normally.
  • Levels of P.P.E., I.S.P., etc. are also frozen unless the new class also grants them (at which point follow the rules for increases listed in the new class).
What You Get from the New O.C.C.
  • You gain no new abilities during the apprenticeship period.
  • Once you reach first level in the new O.C.C. you gain the following:
  • You receive all the O.C.C. skills of the new class and half of the O.C.C. related skills (round up odd numbers). If the new O.C.C. grants additional O.C.C. related skills at later levels, you gain all of those skills normally. You gain all percentage bonuses the O.C.C. grants to these skills, unless the skill is a duplicate of a skill already known from the old class. For duplicate skills only apply the highest O.C.C. bonus to the skill (so if the new class grants +15% and the old class granted +10%, you would immediately add 5% to the skill).
  • You receive none of the new secondary skills the O.C.C. normally grants at level one, but you continue to gain secondary skills at later levels as listed in the O.C.C. or the House Rules. Secondary skills are things your character picks up outside of O.C.C. training and they are largely unaffected by the switch.
  • You receive all of the special abilities of the new O.C.C.
  • If the new class grants a base level of P.P.E. or I.S.P., you gain the full amounts granted by the O.C.C. unless your old O.C.C. also granted base levels of P.P.E. or I.S.P. In that case, you compare the base amounts granted by each O.C.C. If the new O.C.C. grants a larger base amount you add the difference. Example: if your old class had a base P.P.E. of 2D6x10 + P.E. number and the new O.C.C. grants a base P.P.E. of 3D6x10 + P.E., then you would roll 1D6x10 and add the result to the character's current P.P.E. If the dice types don't match cleanly ask your GM to decide on the appropriate dice for you to roll. If your new O.C.C. grants less P.P.E. or I.S.P. than your old O.C.C. then you add the amount of P.P.E. or I.S.P. that the O.C.C. grants on new levels of experience.
  • P.P.E. or I.S.P. increases granted at new levels are carried out normally under the rules of the new O.C.C.
  • You receive increased H.P. as if you gained a level normally.
Rules For Hand to Hand Combat and Other Bonuses
  • You never add together bonuses from two different Hand to Hand skills. The only exceptions to this are adding Power Armor/Robot combat bonuses to Hand to Hand bonuses while in a suit of power armor or a robot vehicle, and adding bonuses from zero-gravity combat training to Hand to Hand bonuses while in zero gravity.
  • If your character has more than one Hand to Hand combat skill as a result of the adoption of a new O.C.C. your character will retain whichever HTH skill is the most advanced. Expert is more advanced than Basic, Martial Arts and Assassin (equal) are both more advanced than Expert, and so on. You will use the bonuses afforded to your character by the appropriate HTH skill that is retained. Be sure to take into account those which have already been incorporated into your character sheet from your previous HTH skill.
  • You retain all special moves obtained from old Hand to Hand combat skills, but they are frozen at the last level of advancement.
  • If your new class grants you the same Hand to Hand skill, that skill will remain frozen until you pass the level obtained by your old class, at which time it will advance again normally. The same principle applies to duplicate W.P.s.
  • Obviously you never gain bonuses from a physical skill (or any other skill) twice, even if your new O.C.C. grants them automatically. Physical skills with percentages can be duplicated as normal, but still do not grant duplicate physical bonuses.
  • Bonuses granted by the O.C.C. itself (rather than a Hand to Hand or other skill) are treated in the same way. That means that if one O.C.C. gave you a bonus of +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact and the new O.C.C. gave you a bonus of +2 to roll, your bonus would be +3 (in addition to bonuses from other sources). If your O.C.C. gives you a die number bonus (such as +1d4) then things are slightly more complicated. If your old bonus was static (such as +2), then you roll the new die bonus and keep the higher result (so if you had +2 and you rolled a 3 on a +1d4 then you would have a three). If both your old and new O.C.C. had a die number bonus then you roll a die equal to the difference in bonuses. Example: If your old O.C.C. had +1d4 to P.S. and your new O.C.C. has +1d6 then you roll +1d2 (coin flip or half result on most dice) and add the result.
  • Your character will not receive any new equipment as a part of this process aside from from those which might be a fundamental part of a procedure-based O.C.C.
Switching Back to the Old O.C.C.
  • You can switch back to your old O.C.C. later if you wish, but switching back is final. You will retain the skills and abilities from the second O.C.C., but they will be forever frozen, except for duplicate skills which will advance under the above rules.
  • You must wait until you have reached a new level of experience in the second O.C.C. (but have not yet leveled up) before you can switch back to your old O.C.C. At that point all your skills and abilities in the old O.C.C. will be unfrozen and you will immediately gain the level you would have gained if you had never switched classes (so if you switched classes at level 5, right when you had enough experience to move to level six, then you return at sixth level).
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

M.D.C. to S.D.C. Conversion Rules for the HU2 Dimension

Living Creatures
  • Lesser M.D.C. Beings: 1:1 conversion for beings of 120 or less M.D.C.
  • Greater M.D.C. Beings: 30% become H.P., 50% become S.D.C.
  • Alien Intelligences, Demon Lords & Similar: 10% become H.P., 30% become S.D.C.
  • Creatures of Magic and Supernatural Beings: 1:1 M.D.C. to S.D.C. conversion
  • Inanimate Structures: 1:1 M.D.C. to S.D.C. conversion
Armor Rating
  • 50 or less M.D.C. Body Armor--A.R.: 13
  • 75 or less M.D.C. Body Armor--A.R.: 14
  • 125 or less M.D.C. Body Armor--A.R.: 15
  • 300 or less M.D.C. PAs or RCVs--A.R.: 16
  • 500 or less M.D.C. PAs or RCVs--A.R.: 17
  • 700 or less M.D.C. PAs or RCVs--A.R.: 18
  • Conventional Vehicles--A.R.: 8
  • Armored Vehicles--A.R.: 13
  • Military Vehicles--A.R.: 17
  • Force Fields & Magical Barriers--A.R.: 19-20
  • Armor of Ithan--A.R.: 18
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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Prowl Clarifications
  • Prowl vs Perception is covered here.
  • Prowl is only possible at 50% or less of one's top movement speed when in spaces that provide cover, and 10% when in relatively "open" spaces.
  • Robot combat vehicles, powered armor, and other vehicles are incapable of prowl unless such is specifically indicated.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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Rifts, Ultimate Edition, page 93: wrote:Rogue Scholar Special O.C.C. Ability
Storyteller & Teacher
Rogue Scholars are natural born storytellers and educators with a flair for making dry subjects like history, science and math sound exciting and fun. A passion that enables them to teach others over a period of time (equal to a Secondary Skill after 1D6+8 weeks of lessons; with at least 12 hours a week devoted to the teaching and another 10 hours of study by the student).
Working this out in a PBP format is problematic and necessitates consistent if arbitrary rules.

General Temporal Facts
The amount of time required as noted in the skill description is significant.
Most adventures on Play by Post RPG take around 6 IRL months to complete.
Most adventures on Play by Post RPG usually span a week or two of in-game time.
Most adventures on Play by Post RPG usually span a few months of MercTown time.

Arbitrary rulings derived from the above facts

Rogue Scholar Application
Only Secondary Skills can be taught.
Rogue Scholars can teach a single Secondary Skill to all the willing members of their group.
Any character so involved must be present for the entire duration of the period of instruction.
--A consistent post rate and no untracked absences in this period is required.
The period of time required to teach a skill is TWO FULL-LENGTH ADVENTURES.
--In-town mini-adventures/encounters do not count toward this total, though if a GM runs a full-length adventure in MercTown this is an acceptable equivalent.

Non-Rogue Scholar Application
Only Secondary Skills can be taught.
Non-Rogue Scholars can teach a single Secondary Skill to only one member of their group at a time.
Non-Rogue Scholars must be 6th level or higher in a given skill in order to teach it.
Any character so involved must be present for the entire duration of the period of instruction.
--A consistent post rate and no untracked absences in this period is required.
The period of time required to teach a skill is TWO FULL-LENGTH ADVENTURES.
--In-town mini-adventures/encounters do not count toward this total, though if a GM runs a full-length adventure in MercTown this is an acceptable equivalent.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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China 1 & 2 Rules & Clarifications
  • Source: World Book 25: China 2, pages 141-142
Losing the Power of Chi
All Chi-based powers are diminished outside China, even in places where there are numerous ley lines and powerful magic. The channeling of Chi is unique to China, and though Chi can be found everywhere to varying degrees, it is weak and much more difficult to tap, channel and use outside of China itself. The following modifiers apply to all China characters who use Chi-based powers and abilities, including Mystic Martial Art Powers, anywhere else on Rifts Earth (and most of the Megaverse for that matter).
  • Permanent I.S.P. Base/Chi: Reduce by half.
  • Available amount of I.S.P./Chi one can draw from the area: Reduce by half.
  • Range of Chi (I.S.P.)-based attacks, abilities, powers and weapons: Reduce by half.
  • Duration of Chi (I.S.P.)-based abilities, powers, attacks and weapons: Reduce by half.
  • Chi (I.S.P.) damage (or damage bonuses from Chi (I.S.P.)-based attacks, magic, powers and weapons): Reduce by half. Not applicable to magic weapons and items.
  • M.D.C. acquired from Mystic Martial Art Powers: Reduce by 30%.
  • Combat Bonuses: Reduce by one point each; includes those from Mystic Martial Art Powers (not skills).
  • Number of Attacks per Melee Round: -1 APM for characters higher than sixth level.
  • P.P.E.: Reduce by half (when applicable, leave alone if balanced with other characters in the world.)
Trained to Sense and Manipulate Chi
  • The character has been taught how to gather and direct Chi (the life force that exists even in very weak P.P.E. environments) so that it can add Mega-Damage to otherwise ordinary weapons.
    • House Rule:
      • I.S.P. Cost: 5 (10 outside of China)
      • Duration: Two hours per level of experience.
      • Limitation: Weapons manipulated in this manner must remain in contact with the character who manipulated them. No more than three such weapons can be manipulated at any given time.
Gun Master O.C.C.
  • Source: World Book 25: China 2, p.138
  • Tao Jen Qiang - "The Way of the Patient Gun"
    • 3. S.D.C. Bullets into M.D. Rounds.
    • I.S.P. Cost: Two points per melee round of shooting total per gun (4 I.S.P. if two guns are being fired that melee round).
      • House Rule: I.S.P. Cost: 10 points per 15 rounds. (This is the same as the Psi-Slinger.)
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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Default Secondary Skill Progression

If an O.C.C. has no listed secondary skill progression, and it is not explicitly stated that the O.C.C. receives no new secondary skills, it is assumed that this is an editorial oversight, and this default will be applicable:

Default Secondary Skill Progression: +2 new secondary skills at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
These secondary skills are still limited to either the O.C.C. Related Skills tree of that class, or to the (general) Secondary Skills tree, depending on which (setting-dependent) skill system is being used.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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Carpet of Adhesion

  • CoA is not breakable through brute strength.
  • CoA creates an AoE spell effect.
  • CoA is visible and avoidable; if it's already in place, one can avoid it if one sees it.
  • CoA is indestructible, but permeable.
  • CoA is not divisible by the mage upon casting--it is always one contiguous thing. As it is not destructible, that to which it is affixed cannot be divided either; the CoA holds everything together.
House Rules
  • Means by which one transcends physicality will enable an automatic escape. Thus teleport, intangibility, and similar means are sufficient to this end.
  • Targets of a CoA spell may attempt to dodge the spell effect.
    • If the target of the CoA has a leap ability in excess of 15' across, or can move 50'+ per action, the Saving Throw is a Dodge of 14 or higher.
    • If the target of the CoA has neither of those two abilities, the Saving Throw is a Dodge of 18 or higher.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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Commitment of Interest

Whenever deemed necessary, players must create their next character with a lot more depth. For every flaked character a player has on their ledger, the player must increase the required background length by one paragraph. If the player has any number of retired characters, they must increase their required background length by one paragraph. These requirements stack. To show your commitment of interest to the new character, you must complete the following steps.

Step 1
20 Questions
  • Below are listed 20 questions which should begin to flesh out a personality sketch of your new character. You should have no less than a full sentence for each question, and at least a third of them should be several sentences long. Don't worry about overwriting this. Be as verbose as you'd like. This is a worksheet you'll use later in the process. Do not procede until you complete this.

Code: Select all

[list=1][*]What emotion best describes your character?
[*]What emotion does your character evoke in others?
[*]What does your character need most?
[*]What is your character’s goal in life?
[*]How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished?[/list][b]Background[/b]
[list=1][*]Where did your character come from?
[*]When did you grow up?
[*]What values does your character hold?
[*]How does your character dress?
[*]What are your character’s means?[/list][b]Details[/b]
[list=1][*]What are your character’s personal tastes?
[*]What are your character’s opinions?
[*]What is your character’s comfort zone?
[*]Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life?
[*]What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks?[/list][b]Play Details[/b]
[list=1][*]What kind of story does your character belong in?
[*]What role does your character fill?
[*]What should the other players know about your character?
[*]What is your play style?
[*]How do you want your character to die?
Step 2
Wish List & Goals
  • Once you have completed the 20 questions, you need to fill out some ideas for your characters goals and desires. This is not abstract. This is a listing of everything your character wants in the short and long term - and you will change it OFTEN. This is simply a draft. Below is an explanation of the categories and what should be in them. The list of goal tropes is a helpful tool in completing your goals.
    Wish List
    • These seem best for a simple, clean list of items wanted, maybe with a short reason or particular feature why it's wanted. This way the gear givers on high can potentially see a trend within their groups for what to add to a campaign. All without having to directly ask what everyone wants next or take guesses. Please note this has nothing to do with your character's initial gear outlay. This is your goals going forward. If you want a dragon rod, a Glitter Boy or a UAR Enforcer, this is the place to say so. You're not likely to get those things, but if ever there was a place for it, this is it.
      • Limit in Scope - 5 items seems fair, 1 per major category plus extra if so desired.
      • Gear Focused - Things that can be bought or found, to give GMs an easy reference for potential loot or AGMs/Mods room to upsell during in-town shopping.
      • Meta Encouraged - Easiest way to show player interest in new or foreign equipment a character would not have knowledge of.
      • Edited Frequently - To keep up with current desires of player and/or character.
    • Goals drive a character, so can be as simple or complex as them. There are generally 3 types; Short, Mid, and Long Term. Each has its own nuances but they often build into a character arch covering several levels. And isn't that why most of us are here? And with all that said, they do share some common points.
      • Definable - The goal. The reason for it. The complications. The possible solutions. Every goal can and should have those.
      • Strictly In Character - No solution should be something the character is unaware of but the player knows.
        • Example: Someone with no knowledge of magic should know the materials they need to build TW features into their armor. That said, a valid solution is researching what they would need (either picking up a Lore skill or doing a bit of In Character question asking).
      • More To It - While throwing credits at a problem is a valid solution, that shouldn't be the only solution. Otherwise it's just a shopping list.

      Short Term Goals
      • Time Frame - Should be reasonable to accomplish during a single adventure or mini adventure.
      • K.I.S.S. - Short term goals should have pretty straightforward solutions. Not to say they won't lead to more complex problems once they're accomplished. Make sure to include at least two solutions. More is better.

      Mid Term Goals
      • Time Frame - Two to three adventures at most. Or a single one focused on the goal.
      • Steps - The big difference between short and mid term goals are the number of steps or actions to get to the end. Make sure to include at least two solutions. More is better.

      Long Term Goals
      • Time Frame - Two to three levels of advancement at least, with some sort of solid final conclusion.
      • Change - Accomplishing long term goals should be character changing in some way. In that respect, they should be talked about with your GM/AGM and potentially worked into the campaign. Make sure to include at least two solutions. More is better.
    Wish List

    Code: Select all

    [b][u]Wish List[/u][/b]
    [list][b]Item 1[/b]:
    [b]Item 2[/b]:
    [b]Item 3[/b]:
    [b]Item 4[/b]:
    [b]Item 5[/b]:
    [b][i]Short Term Goals[/i][/b]:
    [list][b][i]Goal 1[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Solutions (Goal 1)[/i]:
    [b][i]Goal 2[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Solutions (Goal 2)[/i]:
    [b][i]Goal 3[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Solutions (Goal 3)[/i]:
    [/list][b][i]Mid Term Goals[/i][/b]:
    [list][b][i]Goal 1[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1)[/i]:
    [b][i]Goal 2[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2)[/i]:
    [b][i]Goal 3[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3)[/i]:
    [/list][b][i]Long Term Goals[/i][/b]:
    [list][b][i]Goal 1[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1)[/i]:
    [b][i]Goal 2[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2)[/i]:
    [b][i]Goal 3[/i][/b]:
    [i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3)[/i]:
Step 3
  • The player must now use all of the collected information to complete their character's background entry, as required by the number of flaked and retired characters they have. They must also attach a Goals and wish list post to their character sheet (after the background sheet) and keep it updated for a period of three quadrimesters, minimum. A GM is perfectly within their rights to demand a player update their wish list and Goals entry if they feel it is stale or dated.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Interdimensional Character Transfer

No character who has spent any time in the Phase World setting will ever be allowed to transfer to the Rifts setting.
  • With the permission of your original GM, your proposed new GM, you may transfer a character from one game or dimension to another.
  • In order to accomplish this, follow these steps:
  • Step 1
    • Contact your GM and work out WHY you are no longer desiring to play the character in that game or dimension and what your remedy would be. Maybe you'd prefer to play in another setting. Maybe you just have a desire for something new after three or four years of playing the same character and don't think you have the time for another character slot. Maybe you think the character is underutilized in the current setting. The GM should then have time to respond to you and fix the situation. If the GM cannot quickly fix the situation, then the player and the GM move on to the next step.
    Step 2
    • Once the original GM and the prospective new GM have agreed on a timeline and method of inclusion and transferral, then both GMs would contact TGM and convince him that they both agree and that this should happen. TGM then approves or disapproves based on the GM's suggestion.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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Dimensional Origin Conversion Skills
Ancient/Fantasy Characters
  • PFRPG men of arms and intelligent monster races receive:
    • Radio: Basic
      1 Language skill (+15%)
      1 Piloting skill
      1 Pilot Related skill
      3 Modern W.P.s of choice (any)
      3 skills from either communications or espionage (+10%)
  • PFRPG men of magic, priests & scholars receive:
    • Radio: Basic
      2 Language skills (+20%)
      1 Piloting skill
      1 Modern W.P. of choice (any but heavy)
      4 skills from either Technical or Science
  • Add this as the header for these skills to your character sheet:

    Code: Select all

    [u][b]Conversion Skills[/b][/u]
    [size=85][color=#008000][i]Conversion for Fantasy Characters (p.39 RCB1). All skill gained at 3rd Level & All skills from R:UE[/i][/color][/size]
    [size=85][color=#FF0000][i]Many high-tech skills and devices remain a mystery beyond their ability to grasp (science & engineering fields).[/i][/color][/size]
20th & 21st Century characters
(Includes: BTS, Dead Reign, HU2: CS, Nightbane, Systems Failure)
  • Radio: Basic (+15%)
    1 Language skill (+10%)
    3 Piloting skills (+5%)
    2 Pilot Related skills
    2 Modern W.P.s (any)
    2 skills from either Technical, or Rogue, or Wilderness (+10%)
  • Add this as the header for these skills to your character sheet:

    Code: Select all

    [u][b]Conversion Skills[/b][/u]
    [size=85][color=#008000][i]Conversion for 20th Century Characters (p.39 RCB1). All skill gained at 3rd Level & All skills from R:UE[/i][/color][/size]
    [size=85][color=#FF0000][i]-20% Penalty when using skills to operate in unfamiliar, high-tech Rifts science & engineering fields.[/i][/color][/size]
High-Tech characters
(Includes: Chaos Earth, Robotech, HU2:G, Phase World)
  • Radio: Basic (+20%)
    Computer Operation (+15%)
    2 Language skills (+10%)
    3 Piloting skills (+10%)
    2 Pilot Related skills (+5%)
    2 Modern W.P.s (any)
    2 skills from either Technical, or Science, or Wilderness
    Note: Those characters with Mecha/Robot piloting skills will automatically know Robot Combat: Basic & Pilot Robots & Power Armor (basic).
  • Add this as the header for these skills to your character sheet:

    Code: Select all

    [u][b]Conversion Skills[/b][/u]
    [size=85][color=#008000][i]Conversion for High-Tech Characters (p.39 RCB1). All skill gained at 3rd Level & All skills from R:UE[/i][/color][/size]
    [size=85][color=#FF0000][i]-10% Penalty when using skills to operate in unfamiliar, high-tech Rifts science & engineering fields.[/i][/color][/size]
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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'Borg Physical Beauty Options

The following are aesthetic options regarding all 'Borg characters in any setting:
  • Light Machine (55% partial cyborg) options:
    1. Face: P.B. Modifier: Pick one.
    2. Natural face, roll 3D6 as usual (+1D6 if a 16-18 is rolled).
    3. 3D6+6 if a sculpted human face is used and the character wants to be attractive (may be the original face tweaked and modified to look better).
    4. 1D6+4 if the face is the standard robotic one without any human facial features (as depicted in the illustration).
    5. 1D4+3 if a monstrous, frightening or inhuman face (animal, insect, etc.) is used; Horror Factor 10.
    Heavy Machine (Full conversion [over 55%] cyborg) options:
    1. Face: P.B. Modifier: Pick one.
    2. Natural face, roll 3D6 as usual (+1D6 if a 16-18 is rolled).
    3. 3D6+6 if a sculpted human face is used and the character wants to be attractive (may be the original face tweaked and modified to look better).
    4. 1D6+4 if the face is the standard robotic one without any human facial features (as depicted in the illustration).
    5. 1D4+3 if a monstrous, frightening or inhuman face (animal, insect, demon, etc.) is used; Horror Factor 11.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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Death Blow Rules Revision

Death Blow: A special attack designed to kill an opponent in one or two strikes!
  • The attack does double normal damage, plus P.S. bonuses, and it is so devastating to a creature's body that it cannot bio-regenerate injury from a death blow for 1D4 hours! Must be declared before use. A death blow costs 2 actions to execute.
    Canon Rules wrote:Death Blow:
    • Death Blow, ranges are instead converted to a bonus like a maneuver such as Pin, or Entangle, etc. Death Blow of 20 is a +1 to strike. 18-20 is +3 to strike, etc. No additional strike bonuses other than P.P. are added as one attack action.
    • Death Blow without limitations is usable at will and receives full strike bonuses, including P.P. but counts as two actions.
    • Any successful modified strike 5+ (1-4 is an automatic miss) is a Death Blow to be parried, dodged, or rolled with impact. Damage is normal +P.S. and only double damage +P.S. on a Critical Strike.
      (This version would allow more frequent and weaker Death Blows but is easier to resist with the occasional critical Death Blow.)
  • This attack can be used with punches and kicks or handheld weapons such as swords, clubs, etc. It is not applicable to guns and does not work very well through armor except as outlined below. Does not work on ghosts, spirits, ethereal beings, energy beings or astral travelers/beings, and force fields (mundane, magical, or psionic).

    S.D.C. vs S.D.C.: Death Blows is an attack straight to hit points of an S.D.C. being. Death Blows do double damage, +P.S. bonus to a non-M.D.C. being not wearing armor.
    • Armor must be removed or penetrated by beating its AR rating to deal damage to H.P.
    • If Death Blow is against a natural A.R. and the strike roll does not beat it, damage is done only to the S.D.C. instead of H.P.
    • Roll with impact reduces Death Blows damage to half.
    • Example:
      • Bob lands a successful Death Blow strike against Doug.
        Bob has a P.S. of 20, and his combat training makes his normal melee strike do 1d6 damage.
        Bob rolls his melee strike damage (1d6), rolls a 5, doubles that number, then adds his P.S. bonus (+5). [1d6x2+5] Bob's total damage is 15 damage direct to Doug's hit points.
        Doug successfully rolls with the strike, and so the damage is halved, rounding down.
        Doug takes 7 damage direct to hit points.
    M.D.C. vs M.D.C.:
    • Attacker must be a being capable of delivering M.D.C. attacks or use attacks such as a Demon Slayer ability, otherwise S.D.C. beings are unable to use Death Blow on M.D.C. beings.
    • Death Blows do double damage, +P.S. bonus to M.D.C. being not wearing armor. (See above example)
    • Death Blows against M.D.C. beings wearing M.D.C. armor inflicts half the total damage to the armor and the other half to the being underneath on a successful strike, (Hey I felt that!); against S.D.C. beings wearing M.D.C. armor half is inflicted to armor and the other half goes to S.D.C. similar to fall/impact damage of 1d6 S.D.C. per 10 M.D.C. or less that would have been sustained. If no S.D.C. remains then damage goes towards H.P.
    • On a successful roll with impact, damage to an unarmored being is halved.
    • On a successful roll with impact to a being wearing M.D.C. armor, the damage passing through the armor to the being inside the armor is negated. I.e. On a Death Blow of 16 M.D. and a successful roll with impact, half would go to the armor (8 M.D.), none of the damage would go to the M.D.C./S.D.C. of the being inside the armor.
    • It goes without saying the importance to roll with impact against a Death Blow.
    Ancillary Rules:
    • Attack vs Robots, Power Armor, bots, borgs: Cannot be made unless a called shot to a critical component such as head or power supply, cybernetic/bionic organ, etc, in which case double damage, +P.S. bonus is inflicted to that part of the robot or armor.
    • Save vs Coma/Death: If the H.P. or M.D.C. of a being is 50% or less when they suffer a Death Blow then they must roll vs Coma/Death from the trauma of a Death Blow. At 25% remaining H.P./M.D.C. target must save again vs Coma/Death for each hit, but at a -10% penalty. This penalty is cumulative. Failure to save results in coma and requires medical treatment to regain consciousness. A successful roll with impact prevents this.
    • Abilities that add critical damage multipliers or similar such as Back Stab add their multipliers to the damage of the Death Blow if the ability's conditions to use are met. (Same formula as cited in above example.)
    • No PP can be used to make a Death Blow.
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Dark Lord
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Consistent Knockdown Rules & Modifiers

Knockdown Modifiers
  • Targets weighing more than 1,000 pounds, and those in liquid or aggregate form (like pebbles or sand), are immune to knockdown effect from human-sized aggressors. (This also scales.)
  • Targets weighing from 500-999 pounds suffer a 50% chance of knockdown.
  • Targets with enhanced strength can spend an action to brace against the blast, reducing the chance of knockdown as follows: Extraordinary/Augmented Strength--50%, Superhuman/Robotic Strength--33%, Supernatural Strength--immune.
Knockdown Effects
  • 1D4 damage
  • Lose one action
  • Lose initiative
Maintain Balance
The target of a successful knockdown attack can attempt to Maintain Balance. Either a successful Sense of Balance skill roll, or a successful roll (over the opponent's strike roll) means that the character will immediately regain his balance and remain standing. He can continue to fight but the act of retaining balance means he used up one melee attack/action. Maintain balance is mutually exclusive with roll with impact.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Holding Breath

Holding One's Breath is equal to the character's P.E. in melees if still; if active, 1/4 that total, 1/2 if the character has a swimming skill.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Black Market Benefits
Black Market Sourcebook wrote:Unless noted otherwise under a specific Black Market O.C.C., a Black Marketeer character can start with one criminal enterprise of choice, from the list below. This represents his personal business within the Black Market.
Can indicates the capacity to do a thing, not that such a thing is a given.

As such, and because PBP is not a perfect translation of a tabletop experience, it is required that any such enterprise be earned through the course of gameplay on site. The GM of a Black Market character will oversee this process.

Since it's already described that "A successful business should be making twice what it spends on operating expenses. A very successful business should be making 3-4 times its operating expenses," the character's business can fail like any other enterprise. As there's no legitimate way for a character to roleplay earning revenue via his business in the course of gameplay, all that a GM can stipulate are the operating expenses of the enterprise. What revenue the character earns will first be consumed by the enterprise as operating expenses. The character's GM has sole control over this. If a character cannot earn sufficient revenue to cover the enterprise's operating expenses each quad, the business will be shuttered/fail as being unable to pay its bills. Players of Black Market characters and their GMs should work out such details prior to the character's first adventure.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Gold & Universal Credit Conversion

NOTE: 16,000 universal credits to a pound of gold is the standard conversion rate for prices on site listed in UC.
As gold coins are variable in weight, the calculation of such will vary based on the gold currency type used.

Eastern Denomination Coins
1 Gold Crown - Weight 200 coins = 1 pound (80 credits each)
2 Gold Crown - Weight 150 coins = 1 pound
5 Gold Crown - Weight 100 coins = 1 pound
20 Gold Crown - Weight 50 coins = 1 pound
50 Gold Crown - Weight 25 Coins = 1 pound
(80 credits per Gold Crown)

1/2 Gold Crown - Weight 200 coins = 1 pound
1 Gold Crown - Weight 150 coins = 1 pound

Western Denomination Coins
5 Gold Imperial - Weight 150 coins = 1 pound
10 Gold Imperial - Weight 100 coins = 1 pound
25 Gold Imperial - Weight 50 coins = 1 pound
50 Gold Imperial - Weight 25 coins = 1 pound
100 Gold Imperial - Weight 10 Coins = 1 pound
(20 credits per Gold Imperial)

1 Gold Imperial - Weight 200 coins = 1 pound
5 Gold Imperial - Weight 150 coins = 1 pound
10 Gold Imperial - Weight 100 coins = 1 pound
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

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Experience Tables for Rifts Black Market O.C.C.s
  • Black Market Banker OR Black Market Merchant/Trader
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    [OOC=Experience Chart]Experience Chart for Black Market Banker OR Black Market Merchant/Trader [Delete the one that does not apply]
  • Black Market Case Man
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    [OOC=Experience Chart]Experience Chart for Black Market Case Man
  • Black Market Con Artist OR Deathspike Infiltrator/Observer
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    [OOC=Experience Chart]Experience Chart for Black Market Con Artist OR Deathspike Infiltrator/Observer [Delete the one that does not apply]
  • Black Market Enforcer
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    [OOC=Experience Chart]Experience Chart for Black Market Enforcer
  • Black Market Expediter
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    [OOC=Experience Chart]Experience Chart for Black Market Expediter
  • Raider OR Black Market Information Broker
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    [OOC=Experience Chart]Experience Chart for Raider OR Black Market Information Broker [Delete the one that does not apply]
  • Black Market Refurbisher
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Rules for Drinking/Intoxication

Save vs Non-Lethal Toxins per each "drink" consumed (include P.E. bonus if applicable).
Each failed save within an hour incurs a -1 penalty to the next saving throw
  • Drink: a 2 oz. "shot" of hard liquor or a 12 oz glass of beer, wine, etc.
Modifiers from Intoxication
  • 1st failed save: -5% to skills, +1 to initiative, +2 vs. Horror Factor, +5% vs. social skills/abilities, +1 to roll w/impact
  • 2nd failed save: -10% to skills, +3 to roll w/impact, -2 to initiative & all other combat bonuses for 1 hour
  • 3rd failed save: -15% to skills, -1 APM, -4 to initiative & all combat bonuses, -10% to Spd. for 1 hour
  • 4th failed save: -20% to skills, -1 APM, -6 to initiative & all combat bonuses, -20% to Spd. for 1 hour
  • 5th failed save: -25% to skills, -2 APM, -8 to initiative & all combat bonuses, -30% to Spd. for 1 hour
  • 6th failed save: -30% to skills, -3 APM, -10 to initiative & all combat bonuses, -50% to Spd. for 1 hour
  • 7th failed save: -50% to skills, -4 APM, -12 to initiative & all combat bonuses, -75% to Spd. & must make Sense of Balance check every 20' traversed or else fall for 1 hour
  • 8th failed save: fall unconscious within 1D4 minutes; Save vs Lethal Toxins; alcohol poisoning or other effects at GM discretion
Specialty Cases
  • Characters with low P.E. attributes (less than 3D6) or races described as having weak constitutions (Changelings) must consume half as much as a normal being to be similarly affected.
  • Characters with Extraordinary P.E., natural M.D.C. beings, highly increased healing rates, Juicer & M.O.M. augmentation, the "Tolerance to Alcohol" Special Ability, Dwarves, Alcoholics, and similar (minor) edge cases (GM discretion) must consume twice as much as a normal being to be similarly affected.
  • Supernatural P.E./Supernatural Creatures must consume three times as much as a normal being to be similarly affected.
  • Creatures of Magic must consume four times as much as a normal being to be similarly affected.
  • Special Concoctions (like "Slam" p.100, MercTown) can be created (brewery or chemistry), or purchased which are much stronger than normal alcoholic drinks.
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Re: Miscellaneous Rules

Post by Dark Lord »

Wielding Two-Handed Weapons in One Hand
Characters meeting the following P.S. requirement can wield two-handed melee weapons in one hand:
Normal P.S.: 25+
Robotic/Superhuman P.S.: 21+
Supernatural P.S.: 17+

Notes and limitations
  • Weapons with mechanisms or abilities that specifically state they require both hands to function cannot be wielded in one-hand. This includes bows. Pre-existing canon requirements for specific weapons supersede this rule.
  • Does not apply to any modern weapons.
  • Cannot be used in conjunction with any aspect of paired weapons.
  • These weapons were not designed to be wielded in this manner, and may have a chance to break at the GM’s discretion.
  • Characters with the W.P. of given item do not lose their bonuses. Those without the needed W.P. suffer a -2 to strike and parry while wielding one-handed, in addition to any other appropriate penalties, regardless of P.S. score.
  • GMs have absolute discretion to apply additional strike penalties to items based on any factors they want- size, unwieldiness, moving parts, weight, or structural integrity. GMs are also encouraged to make use of the item breakage rules in this context, particularly for improvised bludgeons and other similar items.
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