YIM Handle: thornn01
Character Name: Jason Long
Alias: None
Race: Human
O.C.C.: Alpha Tactical Armored Corps-Hover Tank Pilot
Alignment: Unprincipled
XP Level: 9
XP Points: 99,397 (Updated 10/1/2024 by Dawg)
Next Level @ XP: 72,001
Sentiments/Non-Humans: Aliens and D-Bees are just people...its their actions that determine if they are good or bad, not their race
Sentiments/Coalition: Hates the institutional racism, reminds him of the worst parts of the ASC leadership back home
Disposition: Calm soldier who thinks he's seen it all. Proud to be in the Armored Cav, with their traditions and history going back to the time of the chariot. In this new world he is hoping to live up to those high standards.
Insanity: Addiction: Nicotine (He just doesn't feel right without a cigar in his mouth or readily at hand. He easily goes through a box of 20 a week.)
Phobia: Flying (He is a tanker, not a fighter pilot. Tankers love the ground, its their friend. High altitude where you can be seen means you can be hit by things like tanks.)
XP Table
I.Q.: 21
M.E.: 13
M.A.: 17
P.S.: 23
P.P.: 21
P.E.: 13
P.B.: 9
Speed: 16
P.P.E.: 6
H.P.: 49
S.D.C.: 52
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Description: Short curly black hair in a military cut, a mustache, and dark eyes. Solidly built and always in uniform or armor that is slightly battered but well cared for.
Natural Abilities
Perception Bonus: 71%
Charm/Impress: 0%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 45%
Max. Encumbrance: 60 lbs.
Max. Carrying Weight: 360 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 720 lbs.
Max. Jumping Ability: 9’ long/ 4’ high
Special Abilities
Common Skill Set
Language: English--103% (1%)
Literacy: English--108% (2%)
Mathematics: Basic--108% (3%)
Computer Operation--108% (3%)
Pilot: Automobile--109% (2%)
Pilot: Hovercycles & Hover Vehicles--126% (4%)
O.C.C. Skills
Combat Driving
Land Navigation--91% (4%)
Mecha Elite Combat Training: ASC Veritechs (Ground)
Military Etiquette--97% (5%)
Pilot: Ground Veritechs (all)--121% (5%)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs--115% (4%)
Radio: Basic--112% (5%)
Weapon Systems--107% (5%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
Hand to Hand: Expert
Conversion Skills
Radio:Basic--107% (5%)
Language: Spanish-- 81% (3%)
Language: Zentraedi-- 81% (3%)
Pilot: Robots & Power Armor—94% (3%)
Pilot: Jet Packs—87% (4%)
Robot Combat: Basic
Navigation—91% (5%)
Sensory Equipment—82% (5%)
W.P Heavy Military Weapons
W.P Handguns
W.P. Heavy M.D.Weapons
Law: General—77% (5%)
General Repair & Maintenance—77% (5%)
M.O.S.--Military Police
Combat Driving
Intelligence--90% (4%)
Interrogation--102% (5%)
Recognize Weapon Quality--92% (5%)
Surveillance--92% (5%)
Undercover Ops--97% (5%)
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Shotgun
Supplementary M.O.S.--Scout/Reconnaissance
Electronic Countermeasures--97% (5%)
Intelligence--95% (4%)
Land Navigation--91% (4%)
Mecha Elite Combat Training: Ground Veritechs
Pilot: Ground Veritechs--117% (5%)
Prowl--87% (5%)
Surveillance--97% (5%)
Tracking (People)--107% (5%)
Track & Trap Animals--87/97% (5%)
Wilderness Survival--103% (5%)
Demolition--69% (3%)
Demolition Disposal--69% (3%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert 40% (+5%)
Chemistry: Analytical 25% (+5%)
Chemistry 30% (+5%)
Mathematics: Advanced 45% (+5%)
Secondary Skills
Basic Electronics--82% (5%)
Swimming--102% (5%)
Cook--87% (5%)
Research--77% (5%)
Pilot: Boats: Sail Types 67% (+5%) (RP Bonus; Approved by Consumer 3/27/24)
Penalties -10% when using advanced skills and knowledge to operate in or on Rifts (therefore, unfamiliar) high-tech areas, especially medical, science, electrical, mechanical, and bionics.
Favorable Contact: Tennessee Jack Crabtree - Headhunter Academy
Fortune and Glory - +3 initiative bonus
Combat Data
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +4
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +7
Dodge Bonus: +7
Body Block/Tackle: 1d4
Pin/Incapacitate: 18-20
Crush/Squeeze: 1d4
HTH Damage Bonus: +3
Bonus to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3
Bonus to Disarm: +2
Critical Strike on unmodified 18,19,20
Paired Weapons
Judo Flip
Robot Combat Data: ASC Veritech (Ground) Mecha Elite Combat Training
Number of Attacks: 8
Initiative Bonus: +6
Melee Strike Bonus: +8
Ranged Strike Bonus: +7 (8 with built in weapons)
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +9
Bonus to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact: +6
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +7
Bonus to Disarm: +5
Robot Combat Data: Robot Combat Basic
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +4
Hand to Hand Strike Bonus: +6
Hand to Hand Parry Bonus: +7
Dodge Bonus: +7
Bonus to Roll with Impact: +4
Strike Bonuses for built in weapons: +2
Robot Combat Data: Power Armor: Basic
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +4
Hand to Hand Strike Bonus: +6
Hand to Hand Parry: +7
Hand to Hand Dodge: +7 normal / +9 flying
Bonus to Roll with Impact: +5
Damage: Punch: 1D6MD
Kick: 1D4MD
Leap Kick: 2D4MD
Body Flip/Throw: 1D4MD
Body Block/Tackle: 1D4MD
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Blunt-- +3 to strike
W.P. Handguns-- +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Pistol-- +2 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle-- +3 to strike
W.P. Shotgun-- +3 to strike
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons-- +3 to strike
W.P. Heavy Mega-Damage Weapons-- +2 to strike
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 0
Magic (varies): 0
Lethal Poison (14+): 0
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): 0
Insanity (12+): 0
Psionics (15+): 0
Horror Factor: +3