G-Mail: justinbow01@gmail.com
Ledger link: here
Character Name: John Altfeld
Alias: Pebbles
Race: Human Experiment
O.C.C.: Wilderness Scout / Rogue Scholar
Alignment: Anarchist
XP Level: Wilderness Scout 8 (FROZEN)
XP Points: Wilderness Scout 53,000 (FROZEN) Mr Rogers 11OCT23
Next Level @ XP: 53,001
XP Points: Apprenticeship 2,000
XP Level: Rogue Scholar 5
XP Points: 18,731 (Updated 2024-10-04 Mr Rogers)
Next Level @ XP: 21,574
Sentiments/Non-Humans: From what I've seen, people are people. Some will accept what tradition hands them and others will blaze their own path. Doesn't matter your species or where you're from. It's the individual - and some are destined for greatness. We live in a world with literal gods and you're worried about whether your neighbor's ears are too long.
Sentiments/Coalition: The strong owe a duty to the weak and the weak to the strong. The Coalition squanders their strength brainwashing their own citizens, keeping them down. They treat the people in the burbs like garbage. They kidnap and torture, kill and commit genocide. They are a cancer and to support them even through inaction is to give them aid.
Disposition: John is friendly, outgoing, and interested in others. He wants to make the world a better place. Seeing him in action can be jarring for an observer - cold, calculating and logical. Which is the real John? Spend much time with him and his dislike of the Coalition becomes clear, and behind the happy exterior is a deep drive to improve himself, create something lasting, and make a mark on the world, no matter the cost.
Insanity: Obsession: Destroying the Coalition States - John's capture and experimentation at their hands has made him hate the country to a pathological degree. He wants nothing more than to destroy them.
This color is used to indicate bonuses from Growth at +1/+10/+35/+86 feet
This color is used to indicated a change when in Pebble Form
This color indicates all 'permanent' magic item bonuses
This color indicates bonuses from my Talo mind worm
I.Q.: 22
M.E.: 18
M.A.: 17
P.S.: 27 (28/37/62/113 Supernatural)(+10 Augmented)
P.P.: 21
P.E.: 43
P.B.: 10
Speed: 16
P.P.E.: 16
I.S.P.: 17
H.P./M.D.C.: 148
S.D.C.: 242
M.D.C.: +300 +15/+150/+525/+1,290
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8" (6'8"/15'8"/40'8"/91'8")
Weight: 200 lbs. (250/2,700/9,950/24,500)(X4)
Description: Though naturally of average height, John is broad-shouldered, and heavily muscled with black hair and bluish white skin. However, most of the time he uses his ability to increase his size to maintain a greater stature, in line with Juicers and Borgs. His eyes feature purple irises. When not in armor, he wears workmanlike outdoor clothing in the wilderness, and a casual dress shirt and jeans in town.
Wilderness Scout Special Abilities
Cartography - 80% (+5% per level). Character can produce highly accurate maps with a wide variety of tools. Computer mapping requires the Computer Operations skill. (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Rogue Scholar Special Abilities
Storyteller & Teacher
Find Books & Historical Artifacts -- +20% to Find Contraband, 40% discount, 50% from Black Market in exchange for 12 hours service, max of 30,000 credits every 24 hours.
Recognize Authenticity 70% (+3% per lvl)
Professional Restoration 70% (+3% per lvl)
Super Abilities
Multiple Lives (EP Mutation from Animal Abilities: Housecat 1st Level)
Growth (EP Purchase 1st Level)
Divine Healing (Mutated from Force Manipulation 1st Level)
Alter Physical Structure: Pebbles
Extraordinary Speed (EP Purchase 1st Level)
Healing Factor (EP Purchase 1st Level)
Space Native (EP Purchase 1st Level)
Radar (EP Purchase 1st Level)
A Note on Combining APS Pebbles and Growth
Natural AbilitiesPerception: 86%
Charm/Impress: 0
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 45%
Horror Factor: 0/10/14/21* 18
*Conditional: Automatic for civilians/1st-2nd level enemies; capped at 18 for experienced NPCs; Dragons, Gods and etc are not affected.
Psychic Abilities
From a Talo Mind Worm!
Max. Encumbrance: 84 lbs. (300/3,240/11,940/29,000 lbs.)(576 lbs. or X 4 up to Max. Carrying Weight when Supernatural)Max. Carrying Weight: 540 lbs. (8,400/11,300/18,600/33,900 lbs.) (3600 lbs. or +3,000 when Supernatural)
Max. Lifting Weight: 1,080 lbs. (14,000/18,500/31,000/56,500 lbs.) (7,200 lbs. or +5,000 when Supernatural)
Max. Jumping Ability: 25.5' long, 12.25' high (42’/54’/93’/169.5’ long, 19.75’/27.25’/46’/84.75’ high) (48' long or +15' if Supernatural, 19' high or +7.5’ if Supernatural)
Crossover O.C.C. Skills / EP Purchased Skills
Language: American--116% (+1%)
Literacy: American--152% (+5%) (Rogue Scholar OCC, started as Wilderness Scout lvl 1 secondary skill)
Computer Operation--122% (+5%) (Rogue Scholar OCC, started as Wilderness Scout lvl 1 secondary skill)
Appraise Goods (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 4, re-selected as lvl. 8 OCC Related, +15% and Magic Focus RUE pg. 323, Rogue Scholar OCC, Military Goods Focus)--117% (+5%)
Performance (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 4)--87% (+5%)
Public Speaking (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 4, Rogue Scholar OCC)--102% (+5%)
Language: Spanish (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 4)--94% (+3%)
Tracking: People (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 4)--87% (+5%)
Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 4)--97% (+5%)
Detect Concealment (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 4)--87% (+5%)
Research (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 7, Rogue Scholar OCC)--112% (+5%)
Lore: Cattle & Animals (EP Purchase Wilderness Scout lvl. 7)--87% (+5%)
Wilderness Scout O.C.C. Skills
Language: Gobblely--90% (+3%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Language: Dragonese--90% (+3%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Athletics (General) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Cooking--87%/97% for game (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Climbing--92% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Fishing--92% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Horsemanship: General--91% (+4%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Identify Fruits and Plants--82% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Hunting (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Land Navigation --87% (+4%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Pilot: Hovercycle--105% (+3%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Prowl--100% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Radio: Basic--87% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Track and Trap Animals—77%/87% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Wilderness Survival--87% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Rogue Scholar O.C.C. Skills
Language: Demongogian--95% (+3%)
Language: Faerie Speak--95% (+3%)
Literacy: Dragonese 88% (+5%)
Literacy: Demongogian 88% (+5%)
Literacy: Faerie Speak 88% (+5%)
Mathematics: Basic 98% (+5%)
Computer Programming 73% (+5%)
Creative Writing 68% (+5%)
Find Contraband 65% (+4%)
History: Pre-Rifts 88%/80% (+4%)
History: Post-Apocolypse 88%/83% (+5%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (Ground) 88% (+5%)
Wilderness Scout O.C.C. Related Skills
Lore: Demons & Monsters--92% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Lore: Magic (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
--General Knowledge: 92% (+5%)
--Recog. Magic Circles, Runes, etc: 82% (+5%)
--Recognize Enchantment 69% (+4%)
Carpentry--81% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Gymnastics (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
--Sense of Balance 90% (+3%)
--Work Parallel Bars & Rings—98% (+3%)
--Back Flip—104% (+2%)
--Climb Rope/Rappel—91% (+2%)
Boxing (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Wrestling (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Kickboxing (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Forced March (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Juicer Football (lvl. 2)--73% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Detect Ambush (5th level OCC Skill)--62% (+5%) (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Rogue Scholar O.C.C. Related Skills
Lore: Dimensions--63% (+5%)
Masonry--83% (+5%)
Lore: Psychics & Psionics--73% (+5%)
Ventriloquism--55% (+4%)
Palming--48% (+5%)
Concealment--44% (+4%)
Anthropology (3rd lvl OCC Skill)--63% (+5%)
Sign Language (3rd lvl OCC Skill)--53% (+5%)
Secondary Skills
Barter--87% (+4%) (Wilderness Scout lvl 1)
Physical Labor (Wilderness Scout lvl 1)
Mythology (Wilderness Scout lvl 3 Secondary Skill)--87% (+5%)
Swimming (Wilderness Scout lvl 6 Secondary Skill)--87% (+5%)
Gambling: Standard (Rogue Scholar lvl 2 Secondary Skill) 53% (+5%)
Leather Working (Rogue Scholar lvl 2 Secondary Skill)--63% (+5%)
Combat Data
HTH Type: Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu (EP Increase from HtH Expert through Golden Dragon Dojo - FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12 (+12/+12/+14/+14) - +2 with sword or staff
Dodge Bonus: +19 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
HTH Damage Bonus: +15(+25)
MDC HTH Damage Bonus: +4 from HTH, +4 DMG from punch/kick per 20 MPH. From Standing - +8 Damage
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +17
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Bonus to Maintain Balance: +3
Critical Strike 18-20 and from Behind
Death Blow on Natural 20
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Knife--+3 to Strike +3 to Parry, +4 to Strike When Thrown (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
W.P. Sword--+3 to Strike, +3 to Parry, +2 to Strike When Thrown (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
W.P. Blunt--+3 to Strike, +3 to Parry, +1 to Strike When Thrown (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
W.P. Heavy Energy & Rail Guns--+3 to Strike (FROZEN Wilderness Scout lvl 8)
W.P. Energy Rifle (Rogue Scholar)--+2 to Strike
W.P. Targeting (Rogue Scholar)--+2 to Strike
Paired Weapons (from Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu)
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +96% (+98%)
Magic (varies): +11 (+18) (+19 vs. illusions)
Lethal Poison (14+): +19 (+21)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +19 (+21)
Insanity (12+): +2
Psionics (15+): +5 (+6) (+7) (+9)
vs. Horror Factor: +4 (+6)
Disease: +12 - Impervious to Disease Except Extraordinarily Virulent Virus or a Designer Bug due to PE 30+
Possession: (+2) (+4)
Mind Control:(+1)