Quenya "Mercedes" Telerin (Changeling Mystic Knight)

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Quenya "Mercedes" Telerin (Changeling Mystic Knight)

Post by Mercedes »

Player Name: Jessi
YIM Handle: fatal_jd@yahoo.com
Character Name: Quenya Telerin
Alias: Mercedes Kendall, Lady Quenya Telerin Venethrax, The White Devil
Race: Changeling
O.C.C.: Mystic Knight
Alignment: Anarchist
XP Level: 6
XP Points: 35548(Armstrong 19/06/19)
Next Level @ XP: 36,601
Sentiments/Non-Humans: Suspicious of everyone, humans and non-humans alike, but tries to keep that hidden.
Sentiments/Coalition: Hates the Coalition, blames them for loss of friends and family.
Disposition: Mean; the glass is half empty, doesn't get fair share, suspicious, spiteful and vindictive.
Insanity: Obsession: Secrecy. Having grown up a changeling in a world which would probably endeavor to wipe them out, Quenya has become increasingly obsessed with keeping its secrets to itself. Obsession: Wealth/Money. Craves it as a means of keeping free of the desperate poverty that gripped it while growing up.
I.Q.: 11
M.E.: 18
M.A.: 14
P.S.: 24
P.P.: 17
P.E.: 18
P.B.: 11/24
Speed: 27

P.P.E.: 129
I.S.P.: 44
H.P.: 40
S.D.C.: 65
Age: 25
Sex: Sexless
Height: 7' tall
Weight: 180 lbs.
Description: natural appearance is a thin, hairless, slightly yellowed skin humanoid.

Racial Abilities
Shape changing ability: Can alter his shape and size to assume the appearance of any humanoid creature. (p.89 CB1)

Natural Abilities
Perception Bonus: 35%
Charm/Impress: 15%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 30%
Max. Encumbrance: 42 lbs.
Max. Carrying Weight: 480 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 960 lbs.
Max. Jumping Ability: 18' long, 7.5' high

Special Abilities
(see p.93-94 Rifts: FoM)
1. P.P.E. Channeling
2. Fire energy bolts
3. Steal & Redirect ley line energy
4. Impervious to Energy
5. Masters of Combat (bonuses already included)
6. Ley Line Abilities: (same as Line Walker abilities)
  • ☞ Sense ley lines and magic energy
    *Sense ley line: 30 miles (+10 miles/level) 45% (+5%)
    *Sense ley line nexus: 55% (+5%)
    *Sense rift: 70 miles (+10 miles/level)
    *Sense magic in use: 300' (spells, includes rifting [?], techno-wizardry; +100'/level)
    *See magic energy: faint aura when <20 P.P.E. are present, about 1000', uses 1 action

    ☞ Ley Line Phasing
    ☞ Ley Line Rejuvenation
Major Psionic
See the invisible (4)
Sixth Sense (2)
Resist Fatigue (4)
Mind Block (4)
Impervious to Poison (4)
Telekinetic Leap (8)
Telekinetic Push (4)
Enhance Reflexes (10; Rifter 25; 4th level)
Enhanced Perception (10; Rifter 25; 3rd level)
Alter Aura (2; 2nd level)
Empathic Transmission (6; 3rd level)
Telepathy (4; 2nd level)
Telekinesis (minor, varies; 1st level)

Spell Knowledge
Spell Strength: 12
Magic Shield (6)
Armor of Ithan (10)
Aura of Death (12)
Tongues (12)
Energize Spell (12+)
Fists of Fury (10 or 50)
Power Weapon (35)
Invisibility: Simple (6; 5th level)
Breathe Without Air (5; 5th level)
Superhuman Speed (10; 4th level)
Superhuman Strength (10; 4th level)
Fire Bolt (7; 3rd level)
Fortify Against Disease (15; 3rd level)
Time Slip (20; 2nd level)
Deflect (10; 2nd level)
Befuddle (6; 1st level)
Blinding Flash (1; 1st level)

Racial Skills
Language: Dragonese/Elf 94% (+1%)
Literacy: Dragonese/Elf 70% (+5%)
Disguise 75% (+5%)
Imitate Voices & Sounds 84%/78% (+4%)
Impersonation 77%/63% (+4%)

O.C.C. Skills
Language: American 98% (+3%)
Language: Euro 106% (+3%)
Literacy: American 75% (+5%)
Horsemanship: Knight 70%/60% (+5%)
Horsemanship: Exotic 70%/60% (+5%)
Lore: Magic Lore 65% (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters 75% (+5%)
Land Navigation 66% (+4%)
Undercover Ops 70% (+5%)
Tracking 60% (+5%)
Recognize Weapon Quality 65% (+5%)
Forced March
Prowl 70% (+5%)
Seduction 45% (+3%)
W.P. Sword
W.P. Knife
W.P. Paired
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts

O.C.C. Related Skills
*Work parallel bars & rings 75% (+3%)
*Basic climb 40%
*Rappel 70% (+2%)

*Sense of balance 90% (+5%)
*Walk tightrope & high wire 78% (+3%)
*Climb rope 90% (+2%)
*Back flip 90% (+5%)

Streetwise 42% (+4%)
ID Undercover Agent 54% (+4%)
Wrestling (4th level)
Performance 35% (+5%; 1st level)

Secondary Skills
Swimming 75% (+5%)
Wardrobe & Grooming 70% (+4%)
Aerobic Athletics
Radio: Basic 60% (+5%, 3rd level)
General Athletics (3rd level)

Combat Data
HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +4
Strike Bonus: +3
Parry Bonus: +7
Dodge Bonus: +7
HTH Damage Bonus: +9; Additional +2 kicking damage
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +11
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +6
Bonus to Disarm: +4
Other: Entangle +4

Mounted Combat Data
Horsemanship: Knight
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +5
Strike Bonus: +3
Parry Bonus: +9
Dodge Bonus: +9
HTH Damage Bonus: +9;
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: 12 When knocked from a horse
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +6
Bonus to Disarm: +4
Other: Entangle +4
Additional 1d6 to damage
Charge attack does additional 2d6 damage with lance/pole-arm/spear; counts as two actions.
Horse attack: rider can have the mount do a kick attack; typical damage is 2d6 from front legs, 4d6 from rear legs

Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost

W.P. Paired Weapons - allows use of a weapon in each hand
W.P. Knife +3 to strike +3 to parry +2 to throw
W.P. Sword +3 to strike +3 to parry
W.P. Energy Pistol +3 to strike
W.P. Heavy MD Weapons +2 to strike

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +11%
Magic (varies): +2
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): +2
Psionics (varies): +2
Disease: +4
Horror Factor: +2
Last edited by Mercedes on Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:59 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Quenya "Mercedes" Telerin (WIP; needs approval)

Post by Mercedes »


Mercedes' Room

Business Suit and Shoes
Pink Dress and Shoes
White Dress and Shoes
Ceremonial Robes
Non-secure Black Card: 5,910 credits (02/14/2019 Augur)
Non-Secure NGMI Card: 1,747,778 credits (02/14/2019 Augur)
Secure Universal Card: 286,040 credits (02/14/2019 Augur)
Unsecure Universal Card: 500,000 (02/14/2019 Augur)
A sapphire (3,000 credit value)
P.P.E. Battery Talisman
P.P.E. Battery Talisman
P.P.E. Battery Talisman

Carried/In Hand

Worn on Person
Mage Armor, Conventional
N-F40A Heavy Force Field
Pocket Knife (in pocket)

Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Battle Fury Blade
• Attachment: TW Flaming Sword
• Attachment: TW Flaming Sword
• Attachment: Canteen

The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Set of Clothes
• Space: "
• Space: "
• Space: Pair of Handcuffs
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Flashlight
• Space: Compass
• Space: Three Weeks of Food Rations
• Space: 3 Flares
• Space: 50' Rope

Tactical Thigh Holster
• Attachment: Wilk's 237 "Backup"

Tactical Thigh Holster
• Attachment: Wilk's 237 "Backup"

Stored in Vehicle

Gear Stats

TW Flaming Sword
  • Range: melee
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Activation Cost: 14 P.P.E. or 28 I.S.P.
  • Duration of Charge: 10 minutes per activation
  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Features:
    • Device Level: Five
    • P.P.E. Construction Cost: 275
    • Construction Time: 5 days and 15 hours
    • Spell Chain Needed: Primary Spell: Fire Bolt (7). Secondary Spells: Impervious to Fire (5) and Circle of flame (10)
  • Book Reference: p.137, R:UE

Battle Fury Blade
  • M.D.C. of the Weapon: 200, regenerates 20 M.D.C. per day
  • Range: melee
  • Damage: 6D6 M.D.
  • Activation Cost: 40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.
  • Duration of Charge: Battle Fury lasts 12 melee rounds/3 minutes.
  • Weight: 7 lbs.
  • Features:
    • Wielder gets two strike rolls for one expended APM; opponents are -5 to parry second attack
    • Wielder is encased in a suit of magical force with 100 M.D.C. for the duration of the Battle Fury
    • Device Level:
    • P.P.E. Construction Cost: unlisted
    • Construction Time: takes 2-3 months to make
    • Spell Chain Needed: Ensorcel (400), Speed Weapon (100), Power Weapon (35), Invincible Armor (30) and Enchant Weapon (1000).
  • Book Reference: p.317, BoM

  • Damage: 2d6 M.D.
  • Payload: 1 E-Clip will last for approximately 1 hour of use
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features:
  • Modifiers:
  • Book Reference: p.259, R:UE

Mage Armor, Conventional
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Hood: 20
  • Arms: 15 each
  • Legs: 30 each
  • Main Body: 45

Weight: 16 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to physical skills
  • None

Book Reference: p.17, Rifter 22

Wilk's 237 "Backup"
  • Range: 500'
  • Damage: 3D6 M.D. per shot or 6D6 M.D. per double shot
  • Rate of Fire: Single or double shots only
  • Payload: 16 shots per E-clip, 32 shots per LE-clip
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: light weight, superior balance
  • Modifiers: +2 to strike on aimed shots
  • Book Reference: p.205, WB14

N-F40A Heavy Force Field
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Force Field: 110

Weight: 15 lbs.
Modifiers: none
  • 8 hour duration per E-clip

Book Reference: p.122, DB2

P.P.E. Battery Talisman
Magic Features
  • P.P.E.: 50

Book Reference: p.150, BoM
Last edited by Mercedes on Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Quenya "Mercedes" Telerin (WIP; needs approval)

Post by Mercedes »

Character Background

Born on Rifts Earth before the destruction of Tolkeen, in PA 91, Quenya Telerin's early years were happy and stable. Identifying more with the female gender, Quenya was kept secret from the world for about the first ten years of her life. The only interaction she had was with her parents and her three other siblings; usually appearing as her 'brothers'.

As a young d-bee, she learned to assume the shape of the most common species, humans, and how to pass for one. Her 'father' worked as a teacher, a dangerous profession in some areas, particularly the CS. Her 'mother' was a minor psychic and clairvoyant, giving readings for money or food.

Quenya's family moved to the Chi Town ''burbs at the request of a group sponsoring (illegally) education for the poor. After a few years, Quenya's 'father' became very ill and, lacking facilities in the ''Burbs, left with a caravan to make the trek to Lazlo. He was never heard from again. This loss put Quenya's family into a desperate situation, as he was the main source of income. Quenya's 'mother' tried everything she could to keep the family together, but after a bad investment with the Black Market, was permanently indebted to them.

Quenya had a summer long affair with a wealthy CS merchant but it didn't last, and if she were honest with herself, it had only started because she enjoyed the pampering. Soon after, her 'mother' was killed in a mugging and Quenya was on her own, her three 'brothers' scattering one by one. Quenya took to begging and eventually stealing, purse snatching and prostitution as her situation worsened. She traveled from the ''Burbs to the city of Tolkeen, changing her appearance several times along the way.

There, Quenya foolishly tried to steal from a knight in demonic armor who she had seen armed with a fancy-looking weaponry. He caught her and was about to kill her when he stopped. He told her his name was Lord Amroth Dasule Venethrax and he had had a vision of his squire-to-be attempting to slip away with the loot from his most recent kill. Quenya would be his squire. It was not optional. Terrified, Quenya agreed.

She found that he already had two others under his tutelage, and they were already able to control magic to some degree. Quenya had to train hard just to get to their level, for Venethrax expected her to quickly catch up. He threatened her that if she failed, he would leave her in the heart of Xiticix territory, where she would likely be torn apart within moments. The thought of such a gruesome death horrified her and Quenya worked hard, often fighting the other squires, Kazog (an orc) and Caranthir (an elf). They trained for five hours a day, every day, minimum. The rest of the time was spent learning the tenants of the Order and spent in meditation. Somehow, Quenya had the stamina to stick with it. Combat training was intense, usually full contact, and often uneven odds; two versus one.

Venethrax's methods were harsh, though they apparently borrowed heavily from a heavily worn book Quenya had seen her tutor reading called "A'Hi'tory of S'arta". Venethrax regularly beat his three students to see who was toughest, starved them so they needed to steal food, made them sleep outside, amongst other hardships.

Finally, Venethrax, perhaps sensing the impending siege on Tolkeen, moved his squires towards the magic zone. Kazog, Caranthir and Quenya had grown close, almost like siblings. They knew each other's limits, personalities and quirks. Or so they thought.

One night, nearing the end of their training, Venethrax bade his students to kill each other. The survivor would become a full Knight. While Kazog and Caranthir hesitated, Quenya drew her weapons and ran them both through. She long knew that hesitation would mean certain death, and though they were friends, it was better them dead than she. She would live, she would fight and avoid wondering 'what if?'.

Venethrax congratulated her, and told Quenya to meditate on her place in the world. He took her to a large, dark, dank cave and left, telling Quenya that he would return in three days. After those 72 hours had passed, Quenya woke out of her meditation to find a triple circle of Mystic Knights around her. Venethrax told her to kneel. He brought forth her new armor and weapons. He told her that she would accompany him on her first mission; to assassinate a mid-ranked Black Market fence who had betrayed a cyber-snatcher gang, the Nightfiends. It would be a mission to send a message.

Quenya was granted the name Lady Quenya Telerin Venethrax, allowed to take the name of her tutor as a sign of respect. To this Company of Mystic Knights, it was a great honor, although Quenya downplayed it.

She accompanied the elder knight on his mission, successfully posing as his captive and then getting "purchased" by her target's bodyguard. When their guard was down, she quietly eliminated the guard, let her Lord into the compound and the two slew the remaining occupants, leaving the actual target for last. Venethrax enjoyed torturing him for hours, finally putting him out of his misery by eviscerating him. Quenya was just glad the job was over.

Venethrax then ordered his pupil to make her way, and to fulfill the Order of the Mystic Knights. They wanted information. The more information, the better. This she did, by taking on mercenary work. She returned time and again to MercTown, as it seemed like a natural place to find work. At MercTown, Quenya has set up several different identities, in order to keep a means of escape. A convincing liar, she maintains the alter egos of Laura Peters (a human beggar girl), Luke Baxter (a struggling human short order cook), Thrag (an orc, looks a lot like her friend Kazog), Felineil (an elf that looks like Caranthir), Jenny Warrens (a bookish human English teacher), and Meeza Bloodspiller (a female Simvan).

Publicly, Quenya tries to project a manner of an educated English lady. Privately, however, she is crude and brazen, Quenya has no qualms with randomly saying and doing whatever's on her mind no matter how outrageously cruel, depraved or devious. Quenya is devious and crafty, regularly misleading and finagling others to achieve her desired ends. Her desired ends are often ridiculously trivial or marked by schadenfreude.
Last edited by Mercedes on Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Constant Effects: allergic to salt, shape-changed to appear as a beautiful human woman with deep red hair and blue eyes, sixth sense, mystic knight abilities (i.e. impervious to energy, ley line abilities)

Mercedes! Greed unbound!

P.P.E.: 24/104
I.S.P.: 24/38
H.P.: 26/26
S.D.C.: 65/65

Miniaturized Tolkeenite PPE Battery: 160/180 P.P.E.

Knock-Knock: 1/6 shots remaining
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Re: Quenya "Mercedes" Telerin (Changeling Mystic Knight)

Post by Mercedes »

level up dice rolls:

additional H.P. [dice]0[/dice]
additional P.P.E. [dice]1[/dice]
additional I.S.P. [dice]2[/dice]

Constant Effects: allergic to salt, shape-changed to appear as a beautiful human woman with deep red hair and blue eyes, sixth sense, mystic knight abilities (i.e. impervious to energy, ley line abilities)

Mercedes! Greed unbound!

P.P.E.: 24/104
I.S.P.: 24/38
H.P.: 26/26
S.D.C.: 65/65

Miniaturized Tolkeenite PPE Battery: 160/180 P.P.E.

Knock-Knock: 1/6 shots remaining
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Re: Quenya "Mercedes" Telerin (Changeling Mystic Knight)/LEV

Post by Mercedes »

Hit Points: [dice]0[/dice]
P.P.E.: [dice]1[/dice]
I.S.P.: [dice]2[/dice]

Constant Effects: allergic to salt, shape-changed to appear as a beautiful human woman with deep red hair and blue eyes, sixth sense, mystic knight abilities (i.e. impervious to energy, ley line abilities)

Mercedes! Greed unbound!

P.P.E.: 24/104
I.S.P.: 24/38
H.P.: 26/26
S.D.C.: 65/65

Miniaturized Tolkeenite PPE Battery: 160/180 P.P.E.

Knock-Knock: 1/6 shots remaining
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Re: Quenya "Mercedes" Telerin (Changeling Mystic Knight) (Lv

Post by Mercedes »

Level 6 increases:
H.P. [dice]0[/dice]
P.P.E. [dice]1[/dice]
I.S.P. [dice]2[/dice]

Constant Effects: allergic to salt, shape-changed to appear as a beautiful human woman with deep red hair and blue eyes, sixth sense, mystic knight abilities (i.e. impervious to energy, ley line abilities)

Mercedes! Greed unbound!

P.P.E.: 24/104
I.S.P.: 24/38
H.P.: 26/26
S.D.C.: 65/65

Miniaturized Tolkeenite PPE Battery: 160/180 P.P.E.

Knock-Knock: 1/6 shots remaining
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