Roughnecks: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

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Roughnecks: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Archive Account »

OOC: You have one post to prepare for whatever Grisabella has in store for Bow Island. This means that if you all need to decide whether or not to stay and fight, it would behoove you to do so in OOC chat or via IM/PM. Also, if you choose to stay and fight, make sure you have updated your character's equipment post to accurately reflect what you're wearing and what weapons you are carrying--all that sort of stuff.

IC: You should have at least an hour to prepare for whatever Grisabella might have in store.

What are your intentions?
Shane Knight

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Shane Knight »

Perception: 18 + 3 = 21
JIC: 9/66%

Robot & Power Armour: 35% of 76%
Radio: Basic: 48% of 85%
TGM wrote:The old man's brows furrow as he responds "Fort MacLeod said they are gearing up for a major conflict. They have closed their gates and are currently doubling their already substantial guard as they anticipate an assault. This is because I contacted them with the news about Lethbridge. You see, Shane, I contacted Grisabella first attempting to corroborate your story. She didn't take kindly to what I had to say...not at all." The old man sighs heavily "I don't have the specifics of what she intends or how she'll do it, but she revealed her true colors to me over the radio. She intends to wipe out Bow she did Medicine Hat. Yes, she admitted to it. I can only imagine what's become of Lethbridge since last I was there in the spring." The Patriarch looks to Shane and says "I'll understand if you want to get out of here as fast as you can, but I ask that you help us defend this village against whatever it is she has planned," the Patriarch pauses and then adds "either way, you'd best be quick in your decision, she indicated she'd be here before nightfall."
Shane receives the news from the Patriarch with a shrug. "I kinda figured that she'd respond that way. It was rather nice of her to tell us when she was coming though. Give us a minute to talk among ourselves and I'll let you know if we are staying."

Shane calls the Roughnecks that aren't already present to join everyone to discuss what is going on. He looks into their eyes one by one. "Well, for those of you that don't know, Grisabella has revealed to the Patriarch that she is going to be attacking before night comes. Turns out our hunches were right. The Patriarch has asked us to stay and help defend the village and I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm staying. I just wouldn't feel right leaving these people to face these monsters alone. I'll leave this up to each of you to decide what is right for you. But, this is what we came here to do. And personally, I want justice for Medicine Hat. What do say" Shane looks for affirmative or negative responses from each team member before saying. "Alright. Let's do this. We don't have much time. I'll get Dave to bring the ATRV in closer. You know what you need so go to it. Let me know when you are ready. I'm going to tell the Patriarch that we are staying and find out where he wants us."

On his way Shane moves over to where the Patriarch is, he'll get on the radio to Dave and tell him to bring the ATRV over to the main entrance so everything is closer at hand. "It looks like we are staying. This is your town and you know your defences best. Where do you want us?"

After receiving any instructions for where the Roughnecks are to be situated, Shane goes over to where Sir Ben, Billy and Ailith are to see if they will be joining them. He addresses the men first. "You guys with us?" Assuming he gets a positive response, he'll say. "Excellent. If you need any ammo, we have extra E-Clips and grenades in the ATRV. Head on over and someone will sort you out."

He addresses Ailith next. "And how about you? You joining us?" Once again, assuming he gets a positive response, and noting her lack of technology, he says. "I'm not sure if you need anything, we have a few spare weapons kicking around if you need them. Just head over to the ATRV and someone will help you out."

Shane moves over to the town entrance and enters the ATRV where everyone is gearing up. "Hey Conner. When you get a free moment could you help me change out my ammo drum to a new full one. I'll be a few minutes getting ready."

Shane enters the cockpit and talks to Dave. "Well, time is short. I'll give you the short version. Our theories were pretty good and the town is going to be attack soon. We are staying to help defend the town. There isn't any place to stash the ATRV so we need you to fly it out of harms way until the battle is over. Keep a low profile and keep her safe for us, Dave."

Shane takes a quick washroom break before getting into his T-42 armour. He loads up the equipment he is taking and heads over to his Sidewinder to prep it for action. Once the ammo drum is replaced and everything is good to go. Shane will take up a position in the town. It's too bad Adri and Kat weren't still with us, the firepower those two have could have made this an easier fight. Well, what can you do.
Last edited by Shane Knight on Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Archive Account »

The Patriarch shouts down to Shane in curt tones from the hip of his robot vehicle. "You just stay clear of friendly fire and defend as best you can from wherever you can!"

Dave nods his understanding and stands ready to assist anyone in retrieving items from the ATRV.

NOTE: The vehicle is an NE-ATRV3 Pathfinder All-Terrain Recreational Vehicle. If the acronym is killing you, just call it the "Pathfinder".
Logan Sharpe

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Logan Sharpe »

Perception: 9+5=14
JIC: 6, 15%
Shane wrote: "Well, for those of you that don't know, Grisabella has revealed to the Patriarch that she is going to be attacking before night comes. Turns out our hunches were right. The Patriarch has asked us to stay and help defend the village and I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm staying. I just wouldn't feel right leaving these people to face these monsters alone. I'll leave this up to each of you to decide what is right for you. But, this is what we came here to do. And personally, I want justice for Medicine Hat. What do say" Shane looks for affirmative or negative responses from each team member before saying. "Alright. Let's do this. We don't have much time. I'll get Dave to bring the ARTV in closer. You know what you need so go to it. Let me know when you are ready. I'm going to tell the Patriarch that we are staying and find out where he wants us."
Folding his arms across his chest, Logan lets Shane’s words sink in for a moment before responding. Attacking a fortified city, huh? Even we weren't dumb enough to do that…. Well, sort of…. Stepping forward, Logan addresses Shane, “Count me in, boss. I want this bastard to pay for his actions just like the rest of us…and this ‘Grisabella’ too if she’s the mastermind behind all of this. We owe it to the victims at Medicine Hat like you said,” I owe it to that kid. Leaving Shane to go address the Patriarch, Logan turns to Reaper and the others, “Reap or anyone else…if you need help suiting up or loading your weapons just give me a holler. I got my weapons locked-and-loaded right up here,” Logan says tapping the side of his head.

Turning to face the Doc, Logan swallows his pride and wishes the man luck in the events to come, “Hey Cai…when this shit goes wide keep your head down…I’d hate to lose the world’s best cyberdoc to a bunch of backstabbing assholes…happy hunting out there!” Moving away from the group for a moment, Logan heads back up into the ATRV and nods a greeting at Dave as he does. Heading into his quarters, Logan takes a seat on his bed and brings forth the pendant from before once more. Attempting to communicate telepathically with it, Logan speaks inwardly, alright pendant…if you’re gonna’ do something now is the time to do it. We have an entire village at risk here and I think we could take all the help we can at this point. …just…if you’re gonna’ do something, try and do it quick, please? Placing the pendant back around his neck, Logan makes sure his rifle is secured to his power pack and heads back into Bow Island. Telepathy: 4 I.S.P.

“Shane!” Logan screams out half-jogging over to his boss, “Listen, boss, you and I got into this town with barely any problems at all. I mean, you took a few scrapes here and there but nothing serious. If we’re gonna’ prepare for a full on assault then I suggest we make sure our air defenses are top notch this time around—one power armor suit gave them a hard enough time as it is. Plus, we ought to plug up that hole I crawled in if we can. Maybe even rig it with some explosives….”
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Archive Account »

Logan stumbles and almost falls as he half-jogs over to Shane; he feels something wrench inside him. A voice manifests within his mind.

Ahhh you are anxious, this situation has you scared. Afraid the dead are going to rise and take vengeance on you?

(Logan: -20 I.S.P.)
Conner Gunsmith

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Conner Gunsmith »

JIC: 8

Before the call came over the radio for the group to meet up Conner points out to Cale what he would like to have. "You've got to get some corn. Maybe some zucchini."

After meeting with Shane and getting the info about what is about to happen the inner shadow begins to stir. Yesss, the time is near. I will be proven right.

Conner follows Shane to the Pathfinder without saying anything as he is stuck in his thoughts. He goes ahead and makes the exchange of drums on Shane's gun and starts to don his exoskeleton armor. As he is getting suited up he speaks to Shane about his concerns. "What are we going to do? I mean I heard what the old guy said, but where exactly do You want us? We need a more clear cut plan then just defend. What are the jobs each of us are responsible for? I know I am just a heavy support piece, but we are not in open ground. I feel I would be best used from a higher position. It gives me a better view of the fight and with types of weapons I pack the best way to use them. Also, what happens if their defences start to fall. Should we move to help out but in doing so spread ourself out thinner or should we have a fall back spot to concentrate our forces? I only bring this up because I don't want to have a repeat of that fight we had with the wizards when we first headed out on this job. Maybe I should see if the old man wants to reinforce the town gate and some of those towers?"

Hopefully after some reasuring words for the group leader Conner finishes putting the armor on making sure to replace the battery with a fresh one and starts to load up the weapons he wants to take with him. When he sees Cale he points out to him what he can use of his. "You can use the servo-harness with the railgun if you want, I am not taking it. I am also leaving the ion rifle and the wilk's big man if you want them."

He grabs one of his empty duffle bags and starts to load it up it things he will have at hand but not directly on him. First in is the Triple Threat Rifle. He makes sure the the e-clip is fully charged and the grenade drum is full. He will place an extra 12 grenades in the bag along with an extra e-clip. Another two spare clips will be placed on his back waist on the magnetics there. Next in are two 150 round belts of plasma cartridges. Conner makes sure to replace the rounds in the vulcan mini-gun that Cale used to shoot down the missiles first. The last in will be hip generator for the Shoulder Cannon. When everything is stored he picks up the Stopper Ion Pistol and places it on his right hip and then the mace and places it on his left hip. No need for replacement clips for the pistol. If it comes down to these last two thing heaven help us. Maybe I should bring in my tools just in case? No. I'll just use the ones they have in there, just need to make sure I know where they are if the situation comes up.

Conner first grabs the duffle bag and heads out to find a nice spot on the wall to set up shop. After dropping off the bag he heads back and grabs the Mini-Gun and Cannon. When he gets back to the spot he connects the hip pack to the cannon and sets up shop so that he can move around and not knock things over or off the wall but still be easily grabbed. When he is done there he will head out and find the old man to see if idea to add extra armor to the gates and towers is something he would like to do.

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Caradoc »

Perception: 19+3=22
JIC: 13
Ailith wrote:Calls after Doc. "Quack? I sound like a duck? This is a rather strange language you speak."?

She follows after Doc as if trying to get an answer from him regarding the quack comment. Overhearing him talking to Shane she patiently waits while studying his language trying to make sense of it. Once doc is done talking to Shane, she interjects, trying to talk to Doc.

"Please explain why you called me a quack and a...[pauses for a moment]...Tree Hugger?"

She runs her fingers through an obviously irritated Tomo's mane while waiting for an answer from Doc.
Dr. Cai Caradoc is amused by this savage who is trying to learn something from him. Like trying to teach a baby particle physics... but I'll indulge the poor woman.

"A 'quack' is someone who boasts extraordinary abilities that on the surface seem amazing to the casual observer, but to the trained eye is merely a show meant to deceive. In other words: a fake. A tree-hugger is someone who loves nature, obviously. Class dismissed."

Doc ignores the heathen woman and listens to the report that the Mayor of Lethbridge is going to attack with some mild amusement. "Of course she would! She recognizes my mind as the one behind exposing her charade... and knows she must destroy me in order to hide the evidence. I told you I'm the best... and obviously fame has its price. Well, they won't find me cowering in a corner!"

Doc pulls out his Arkhon TB-9 Auto-Pistol with flair and exclaims, "That foul matron will soon realize her worst mistake... I never took the Hippocratic Oath! For one, thing... it severely limits your pool of customers. And secondly, it makes it extremely difficult to collect debts. Now, I know you lads want to go off to war and get yourselves killed, so I think the best place for me is slightly behind you so I can drag your sorry selves back behind cover and re-attach your severed limbs. Or take your organs, if you're unsalvageable."

Cai turns to the leader of Bow Island and matter-of-factly states, "Good sir, I am going to set up an emergency aid station behind our main defense. I would like whatever assistants you can provide who are either trained medics, savage witch-doctors, or seamstresses. I'll need lots of beds, some small tables, access to hot water, and as many sheets as I can get a hold of. If you have a refrigerator/freezer I'd like to commandeer it as as well, so I can put organs on ice. I'd also like a good view of our own men so I can see when they go down and need pulled back. Just point me in the direction and I'll do all the work, no need to trouble yourself."

Dr. Cai Caradoc will take up position in a sturdy, large structure closest behind the main line of defense with a decent view of their own forces. There, he will unload everything from the Pathfinder: backpack, portable laboratory, cybernetic limb containers, and Demon Hunting Pack (as well as what the town leader will give him). These items will be placed in the interior of the building, away from windows and exterior walls so they have the most protection from stray fire, but also dust and debris. They will be opened and arranged in a manner around the beds that provides efficient use.

He will gather those who wish to assist him, both from the town and from his comrades and spread them out behind cover on all sides of the building to observe the defenders. He doesn't want anyone to go down without knowing about it, and only his team has radios that he knows of. Assuming at least one person is given to him, he'll make a grand speech. He even make it if no one joins him at all, to be honest.

"Comrades, we gather here today in this small merry band to perform the greatest duty one can aspire to: to make the Modern Man! That's right, we're not really in the business of saving lives here. Oh, we'll do that because it's necessary, but that's only a means to an end. No, what we really seek is to take those poor souls out there who walk around in weak flesh and brittle bone and show them a better way! When they come into this building, they are no longer their old selves. They are now... customers! Each one a potential admirer of my chosen art! Moaning and bleeding out, they will desire the finest artificial limbs, which only I can provide. But more importantly, it will open their minds to all the cybernetics and bionics I can install... each one another step to making them bigger, better, badder and ultimately the best they can be! So help me, comrades. Help me convert the masses! We will save them all for a better future!"

Having given his speech, Doc will revel in their adoration before calling out, "POSITIONS EVERYONE! DO NOT ALLOW A SINGLE CUSTOMER TO BE LOST!" He will then take a position by a window that looks out towards the main defensive position and remain crouched behind cover. He engages his multi-optic eyes to scan their forces for conflict, which ultimately leads to injury.

Medical Diagnosis: 40, 84, 18, 50, 87/87% PASS (to locate casualties in the fog of war and send his assistants - or himself if there's no one to send - to go retrieve them and pull them back to the emergency aid station)
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by William Summers »

Perception: 15+1=16
JIC: 11/25%
Shane Knight wrote:After receiving any instructions for where the Roughnecks are to be situated, Shane goes over to where Sir Ben, Billy and Ailith are to see if they will be joining them. He addresses the men first. "You guys with us?" Assuming he gets a positive response, he'll say. "Excellent. If you need any ammo, we have extra E-Clips and grenades in the ATRV. Head on over and someone will sort you out."
"I do believe I'll be staying to defend this town. Crushing evil and all that, you know." Will gives Shane the thumbs up before heading over to the ATRV. Once there, he'll ask for some grenades (however many will fit in his utility belt on on a bandoleer over his shoulders. Split evenly between Plasma and Heavy HE Grenades) and then ask Shane "Where would you have me sir?" He makes sure his helmet is on and that he is completely covered in his armor before taking the position given to him.
The Man in Black

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Cale »

The Game Master wrote:The older woman's eyes sparkle at the sight of Cale's spices. "Young man, let's get down to some haggling, I think we can certainly come to a mutually beneficial arrangement this day. Make me an offer and tell me what you want and in what quantities."
"Ma'am. I would like Two Pounds of String-beans, a pound of Tomatoes, and three heads of lettuce. I would be willing to part with fresh, unopened packages of the following spices Chili powder, Turmeric, And Cloves." Hearing Conner's request, Cale adds them. "If you can throw in 20 ears of corn and some zucchini and a recipe for the zucchini, I can add a package of Saffron."

Heading back to The Pathfinder with his gains, Cale hears Shane's call for a meeting. Putting the vegetables on the counter, he heads back to listen in.
The Boss-man wrote:Shane calls the Roughnecks that aren't already present to join everyone to discuss what is going on. He looks into their eyes one by one. "Well, for those of you that don't know, Grisabella has revealed to the Patriarch that she is going to be attacking before night comes. Turns out our hunches were right. The Patriarch has asked us to stay and help defend the village and I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm staying. I just wouldn't feel right leaving these people to face these monsters alone. I'll leave this up to each of you to decide what is right for you. But, this is what we came here to do. And personally, I want justice for Medicine Hat. What do say" Shane looks for affirmative or negative responses from each team member before saying. "Alright. Let's do this. We don't have much time. I'll get Dave to bring the ATRV in closer. You know what you need so go to it. Let me know when you are ready. I'm going to tell the Patriarch that we are staying and find out where he wants us."
When Shane finishes speaking, Cale puts his two credits in. "Shane. Before we left MercTown, I said this job didn't smell right. But I would be with you until the end. We are now at the end for good or ill, I'm still with you. We should back up the town defenders until the Slag and her two primary goons show up. Then we should make her our primary target. I'm pretty much ready, I just need to grab my Ion Rifle to add to my on-hand arsenal." And with that Cale goes off to collect his other weapon.
Logan Sharpe

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Logan Sharpe »

Perception: 13+8=18 (Looking for solid cover)
JIC: 15, 21%

While moving back to Shane
Logan lurches sideways as the pendant speaks to him once more. Grabbing at his side, Logan responds in kind. The dead will have their vengeance on me one way or another, pendant. My fear is not that they will consume me…my fear is that my chances of writing my wrongs in this world will end today and in this shithole of a town no less. I will not let my story end here…you can count on that. The fear you taste is only natural for someone like myself who has so much more to live for. Now, will you come to my aid on this day. Or should I just toss you into the waste that I crawled through to get here?

After the meeting has ended, Logan looks for a good spot to hunker down in once the fighting begins. He wants somewhere where he can fire on both aerial units as well as units landing in the town square. Also, he would prefer a location that he can both easily shoot and take cover in, as well as make an escape should the enemy begin to overpower his location. Once a sufficient location has been found, Logan props his energy rifle against the wall and draws forth another cigarette and places the cartridge between his lips. Sparking his lighter, Logan ignites the carcinogen and releases a large plume of smoke. Well here we go again…a week with these crazy bastards and it ain’t anything but the shit time and time again. I don’t hate it though…in fact I kind of like it…makes me feel at home being with a group of sons-of-bitches as stupid as I am. We just gotta’ pull through…one final fuckin’ time. Taking another deep drag of his cigarette, Logan says a silent prayer to himself. I know I ain’t been talking to you as much as I should but…watch over me mom, if you can. Something tells me I’ll need ya’ out here today. Love you. And tell dad I said ‘hey’. Continuing to smoke, Logan readies his weapon and begins looking out for any signs of the invasion. Detect Ambush: 77/35% FAIL!

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Ailith »

Perception: 17+8 = 25

Pre-existing Conditions: Danger Sense/always active, Immune to fire/always active, leading her horse and walking with Doc.

She seems very in control of her emotions after he explains to her the definition of a quack and the bluntness and obvious disdain with which he treats her.
I don't even know this one and he calls me a fake. If I stay here, this one and I will have a meeting of the minds.

She is about to lose control and let her anger show but then stops as the one called Shane asks her if she will stand with them and help defend. She studies Shane for a moment and then removes her bow from her back and replies.

"I will help."

She retreats a ways as she follows Doc back to get Tomo away from the fight and tethers him behind cover. He snorts his disapproval of the one called Doc and then his demeanor changes as he looks at Dakota and nuzzles her with concern. She strokes his head and leans in next to his ears and whispers.

"Thank you my friend and do not mind the loud one. He seems very full of himself. I will stay nearby until I know where I will be needed and what we face."

She then watches as the others remove themselves to cover and as she looks back at Doc she literally vanishes from his view as she engages invisibility and returns her gaze to Shane.

At least this one shows some sense of control over his emotions and his actions. The others seem to respect him and follow his commands as will I for the moment.]

As Docs rant continues she lifts her eyes up and says a prayer.

"Spirits of the air, fire and earth, I will owe you a great debt if you silence the loud one. If not, then grant me the patience I need to deal with him. Guide my aim and protect those I have joined with to defend this place."

With the end of her prayer she focuses her eyes back to the one called Shane and shuts out the rant of Doc, until he has finished and gone silent and if one could see her, they would notice a slight smile on her face and hear a sigh of relief as the silence sweeps over the area. She tests her bow and sweeps her foot in the earth taking her stance.

Roll to detect Ambush: [12% out of 57%] = Pass

TGM EDIT: quit using bold and " " marks for thoughts/internal monologue. Only use italics.
Last edited by Ailith on Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sir Benjamin Payne

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Sir Benjamin Payne »

Perc: 11+4=15
JIC: 19, 33%
Detect Concealment: 52%| 82%
Horsemanship-cyber knight: 86% |15%

Sir Ben quickly retrieves Sam from the stables and brings the horse to the north section of the wall. The cyber knight double checks all the fittings on the saddle, stuffs his cloak into a saddle bag, and whispers to his comrade, "Be ready for me to come down friend. Together we will exact the justice these beings deserve. If this is our last fight together, let us go out doing what we were made for." Ben says the words with conviction but will not let despair or sadness come into his mind. The knight will do his duty and Sam will do his. Ben pats the horse once on the neck and ascends to the top of the wall.

Once in position Ben will do his best to scan everything he can in his field of vision while prepping his JA-12 for the fight. While the knight has had extensive training with energy weapons, he has always preferred to fight with sword and shield, up close to his opponent. I will do my best to take out as many as they approach the gates but I will abandon the wall if they get inside or we lead a sortie outside.

Ben keeps his eyes outside looking for enemies in the sky and along the ground. He never remains in the exact same position in his little section of the wall but randomly changes his vantage point over time.
Last edited by Sir Benjamin Payne on Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Reaper »

Perception: 17
Initiative: 23
JiC d20 / d100: 9 / 98%
ISP: 16

Precognition: 26% / 58% - 8 ISP
Detect Ambush: 18% / 60%

Reaper goes and gathers some of the items he knows he'll need for the upcoming battle from the ATRV. He picks up one of his cyclone storage boxes filled with 10 mini-missiles and two extra clips for his Naruni Shoulder Cannon and Gallant H-90. He walks his gear to his cyclone and sets it down in front of him. Placing his Valiant Laser Rifle, Naruni Shoulder Cannon, and Gallant H-90 in rifle mode in front of him. he then pulls out his pendant of Minmei and turns it on. Taking a deep breath, he lets her sweet voice fill his mind, and looks forward to how the battle is going to play out. Where would he see himself, and where he would see the enemy approach. His mind passes over the last several encounters with enemies here on Rifts Earth and the other planets he has recently been on. Robotechnology or Rifts Tech, he thinks to himself. Where will Lucius be, how would he control his minions. His mind tries to figure out how the battle will unfold.

After a little while has passed and in a trance like state Reaper takes several deep breaths and tries to collect himself. He grabs connects his Valiant Laser Rifle to the Cyclone. Sets the Naruni Rifle on the ground next to the Cyclone storage box and Gallant. He puts on his helmet and transforms the Cyclone, picking up each rifle, and magnetically locking the storage bin to his hip and turning on the forcefield, he was ready to go. "I am ready to go" he radio's over the comm.
H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8
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Archive Account
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Archive Account »

Conditions wrote:TIME & DATE: 12:00 pm local, 18 January 110 P.A.
WEATHER: 60°F, partially cloudy skies and dead calm, no winds.
EFFECTS: Naked eye visibility to 5,000'.
Ley Line: There is a weak ley line running along the southwest edge of the walled city.
ATRV LOCATION: A few miles south, Dave has reported in and said he has it tucked safely away in a copse of trees.

The various Roughnecks and their few, new, erstwhile allies make their way to the village gates. The sleek, black ATRV is settled just outside the gates and Dave waits by the open airlock to assist the Roughnecks in arming-up. The village Patriarch urges his people into their respective homes and tells the women to get themselves and the children into the subterranean shelters. The temperature steadily warms as time passes until it almost feels like a spring day. The few able-bodied men who have MD weapons make their way to the turrets at the four corners of the town walls and take up defensive positions in anticipation of hostilities.

Conner Gunsmith
Conner grabs all he needs with some assistance from Dave and bids the robot well as he carries his heavy burden up through the western tower where the stairs are for ascending to the top of the battlements. Once atop the battlements he heads for the southern wall and sets up at the center of the wall where there's a small square atop the battlements. He lays the duffel, Mini-Gun, and Cannon down and gets all the weapons situated so that they're within easy reach. He connects the hip pack to the cannon and is considering talking to the town Patriarch when the voices and noises begin in earnest.

Logan Sharpe
Logan wrote:The dead will have their vengeance on me one way or another, pendant. My fear is not that they will consume me…my fear is that my chances of writing my wrongs in this world will end today and in this shithole of a town no less. I will not let my story end here…you can count on that. The fear you taste is only natural for someone like myself who has so much more to live for. Now, will you come to my aid on this day. Or should I just toss you into the waste that I crawled through to get here?
Logan receives no immediate response but instead feels compelled to walk toward the faint blue glow of the ley line that is just barely apparent in the wan morning light. He resists this urge but the feeling makes him aware of the line's presence. Logan heads up the tower to reach the battlements and makes his way toward the internal wall behind the main gate where he props his energy rifle against the wall and draws forth another cigarette and places the cartridge between his lips. It is hours before Logan receives a response from the pendant. Logan feels another pull at his will but his resistance is such that he experiences no wrenching sensation this time. Instead, he becomes suddenly alarmed and knows that danger is suddenly upon him. A half-visible apparition of energy about the size of a juicer's deadball appears before him, apparently furious. Logan's mental walls are erected and so he doesn't so much as hear as sense that the energy being is screaming at him, commanding him, and attempting to control him. This event coincides when the voices and noises from beyond the walls begin in earnest.

Dr. Cai Caradoc
Dr. Cai Caradoc takes up residence in the sturdy stone structure of the town hall. A handful of middle-aged women with line-weary faces, broad hips, and strong backs join him in unlimbering his supplies and helping him set up his tools of the trade away from the two windows of the building. There are two banks of fluorescent lighting overhead which give off a bright, sterile glow to the place. The doctor and his assistants convert the benches and tables in the town hall into makeshift beds and operating tables. When he is satisfied that these primitive accommodations are as good as they can get, he delivers a speech. One of the women actually smiles a bit, the rest of the handful of women simply stand there with their meaty arms crossed below their ample bosoms and over their ample bellies waiting for him to finish. The young savage woman, who has taken up a defensive position just inside the building, breathes an audible sigh of relief when he is finished. It is then that the voices and noises from beyond the walls begin in earnest.

William Summers
Will makes sure his helmet is on and that he is completely covered in his armor before taking the position just inside the ferrier's shop across from the stalls. The structure is about what one would expect though everything in Bow Island seemed to be made of stone reinforced here and there with more modern materials. He is considering this unusual circumstance he finds himself in when the voices and noises from beyond the walls begin in earnest.

Sir Benjamin Payne
Ben passes the arrogant fellow, Logan, on his way to the battlements near the main gates. Once there he keeps his eyes open while prepping his gear. He keeps looking for enemies in the sky and along the horizon and subtly changes his vantage point from time to time to get a better view of things. He's considering what strange company he's kept recently and panning the horizon when the voices and noises from beyond the walls begin in earnest.

Cale Stepanik
Once Cale collects his gear from the ATRV, he heads to the town hall where the Doc is setting up inside for the almost certain casualties that will follow should this mayor start a shooting war. The local grocers are pulling double-duty this day as nurses and stretcher-bearers just inside the town hall. Cale is considering the fair deal he made with them earlier and keeping his eyes on the sky from his vantage in the town square when the voices and noises from beyond the walls begin in earnest.

Ailith Aya'asti
Ailith tests her bow and sweeps her foot across the cleanly-swept stone floor of the town hall. Tomo is in the stall across from the window where she stands. These outlanders' words did not match their actions. They spoke boorishly and with much contempt with one breath, and with the next acted nobly to defend strangers with whom they had little connection and no love lost. She is considering their strangely dichotomous nature when the voices and noises from beyond the walls begin in earnest.

Clay Torres
Clay gathers his gear from the ATRV and takes up position atop the battlement tower at the extreme southeast tower, just south of a turret-mounted rail-gun and a half-dozen men in hodge-podge armor nervously manning the weapon and double-checking the blocks of ammo stationed near it. Once in position and ready, he regulates his breathing and attempts to find his center in the universe through communion with Minmei. [See PM for description of precognitive visions.] He is snapping out of his vision when the voices and noises from beyond the walls begin in earnest.

Shane Knight
Shane gives Dave his orders, gears-up, and takes position in his Sidewinder SAMAS at the southwest corner of the town's battlements. After an hour more or so, Dave relays an encoded message to Shane which he received from a source within the village. Dave states that he is unfamiliar with the encryption sequence but that it was addressed to Shane by name. Dave then wishes Shane and the rest of the team the best of luck and reiterates that he will keep the ATRV ready to swing in and evacuate people should he be called to do so. [See PM to read the encrypted transmission] Shane is considering the implication of this transmission when the voices and noises from beyond the walls begin in earnest.

Everyone begins to sense what feels like minor tremors in the earth. The tremors are continuous for at least five minutes but then suddenly stop. It is at the moment that the tremors cease that a vast, disembodied voice booms from over the town.
"Foolish vermin! You dare to defy me?

The last utterance seems to literally shake structures around the heads of those indoors and the very ground underfoot.
"Surrender now and I promise I shall make you my own slaves, a far better fate than being sold off as food stock to growing army in Calgary. Kneel and be spared...
or die on your feet!"

The booming voice of what sounds like an angry, impatient goddess cuts off and it is readily apparent that life and death decisions must be made NOW. She will brook no waiting. All that is seen across the expanse of white around the town's 30' walls is slowly melting fields of snow.

What are your intentions?

Tip: Starting full combat posts is probably a good idea about now.
Logan Sharpe

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Logan Sharpe »

Perception: 11+5=16
JIC: 2, 04%
APM: 6
Initiative: 16+3+6=25
Sixth Sense: 2 ISP

Noticing the apparition, Logan’s eyes go wide. What…the fuck…is that…. Is this the pendant trying to communicate with me!? Before Logan has any real time to look deeper into the situation, he hears the female voice call out from behind the walls. As the walls shake, Logan braces himself to maintain his balance. No time to worry about that now…it’s time whoop some Lethbridge ass! Keeping behind the cover of the battlements. Logan scans the scene laid out before him and picks his targets based on what he can decipher as the order of importance. If he can manage to spot any leaders, Logan will make sure to prioritize them. His priorities when firing are largest threats first, followed by any leader figures, and finally any supply lines he can find.

Action 1: Fire burst from NG-IP7 from behind cover. Strike: 3+1=4 MISS!
Action 2: Fire burst from NG-IP7 from behind cover. Strike: 8+1=9 Damage: 10 MD
Action 3: Fire burst from NG-IP7 from behind cover. Strike: nat1 MISS!
Action 4: Fire burst from NG-IP7 from behind cover. Strike: 19+1=20 Damage: 30 MD
Action 5: Fire burst from NG-IP7 from behind cover. Strike: nat20+1=21 Damage: 80 MD!
Action 6: Fire burst from NG-IP7 from behind cover. Strike: 6+1=7 Damage: 30 MD

Logan will attempt to dodge any attacks leveled against him (+9 not included): nat1, 19, 16, nat20, 5 & 10
Auto-Parries (+8 not included): 18, 5, 12, 2, 2 & 5

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Caradoc »

Initiative: 14
APM: 5
Perception: 3+3=6
JIC: 19

1. Scans for arrival of the enemy forces (and will continue to do so until he sees them) using his multi-optic eyes. Yells out loud.
2. Doc places the majority of his wide-hipped retinue on the side of the house that faces the enemy approach, but leaves one matron to watch their rear

Contingency 1: If the enemy force is concentrated in one formation, Doc order his women to stay back and run up to get close behind the action in order to cut down the time it takes to move a casualty back to the aid station

Contingency 2: If the enemy is scattered, he will remain in the house until his matrons spot a casualty then dash out to get him/her with the assistance of one brave matron (if they will come, or alone if necessary).

Contingency 3: If the enemy invades the emergency aid station, Doc will call the team and "mayday" his position while attempting to defend the place.

No matter the contingency, Doc will seek the closest cover and return fire if attacked/his emergency aid station is attacked with whatever actions remain:
3. Movement/Seeking cover OR movement to casualty to take him back to aid station ((Medical Diagnosis: 40, 84, 18, 50, 87/87% PASS (to locate casualties in the fog of war and send his assistants - or himself if there's no one to send - to go retrieve them and pull them back to the emergency aid station)))
4. Shoot Arkhon TB-9 Auto-Pistol at attacker. Strike: 19+3=22. Damage: 17x2 (unless FF/Arkhon) = 34 MD OR casualty run
5. Shoot Arkhon TB-9 Auto-Pistol at attacker. Strike: 4+3=7. Damage: 20x2 (unless FF/Arkhon) = 40 MD OR casualty run

Dodge/Parry as necessary: 10+3=13, 5+3=8, 6+3=9, 2+3=5, NAT 1

Dr. Cai Caradoc scans the field, searching for the source of the disembodied voice. Well isn't that peachy. I bet I could tune a voice modulator to epic proportions if some chap would just let me fuse giant amps to his head. Ah, why is bravery confined to the battlefield and not so common in the operating room?

Giggling to himself, Doc calls out as loud as his voice will carry, "You must be one heinous-looking slag if you're afraid to show yourself! Come on over peacefully love, and my scalpels will tart that ugly mug up brilliantly!"

Doc ducks back down below the window and laughs at himself a moment before drunkenly pointing the women to positions to best react to the forces he saw coming in. "Chop-chop, girls! I want to see some heel! No one should be standing around... not with this bloody group. You can all stand to lose a stone or two..." Bracing himself against the wall, Doc pushes off and heads in the direction to best carry out his twisted plans...
Sir Benjamin Payne

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Sir Benjamin Payne »

Perception: 1+4=5 (natural 1)
JIC: 17, 43%
APM: 6
Initiative: 17+4+6=27 (If against a single opponent that is a modern gun or machine than 30)
Sixth Sense: 2 ISP

Sir Ben focuses himself the moment he feels the tremors. Lowering himself to the wall to present less of a target to enemy snipers the knight will attempt to find targets once them enemy shows itself. The knight's target of choice will be flying power armour or ground based power armour or robot vehicles. I can't bring myself to attack and perhaps kill an enemy from such a distance. The cyber knight feels the tingle of his psi-sword wanting to burst to life in his hand.

Action 1: Fire burst from JA-12 from partial cover.. Strike: 13+1=14 Damage: 30 MD
Action 2: Fire burst from JA-12 from partial cover.. Strike: 6+1=7 Damage: 40 MD
Action 3: Fire burst from JA-12 from partial cover. Strike: nat1 MISS!
Action 4: Fire burst from JA-12 from partial cover. Strike: 7+1=8 Damage: 30 MD
Action 6: Fire burst from JA-12 from partial cover. Strike: 15+1=16 Damage: 50 MD
Action 6: Fire burst from JA-12 from partial cover. Strike: 14+1=15 Damage: 50 MD
Action 7: Fire burst from JA-12 from partial cover. Strike: 17+1=18 Damage: 40 MD

If shots are fired at Sir Ben he will use his actions to dodge below the wall, or off the wall should it be an explosive attack.
Dodges:(+9 Included)- 22, 15, 10(natural 1), 16, 24, 23, 26

Parry Rolls if needed +8 Included: 16, 16, 23, 21, 21, 26, 27 (add another +3 if against a single opponent that is a modern gun or machine?
Last edited by Sir Benjamin Payne on Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shane Knight

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Shane Knight »

Perception: 17 + 2 = 19
JIC: 6/13%

Initiative: 16 + 6 = 22

Conditions: Piloting Sidewinder, wearing Belt of Heroism and MDC flight suit.

Electronic Countermeasures: 15% of 65%
Radio: Basic: 43% of 85%
Robot & Power Armour: 65% of 76%
Sensory Equipment: 50% of 65%

Psionics Active: Speed Reading (18 minute duration), Total Recall (to recall cipher to decrypt message)

Shane is very surprised to receive a priority message from his chain of command. He quickly decodes it and reads the message over three or four times to memorize, so that he has a record of it in case his armour is destroyed during the upcoming battle. Why couldn't they have sent this message an hour ago? Right now, my options are pretty limited until we deal with this bitch.

Despite all of the commotion going on around him, Shane calmly flips on his HUD, radar, and combat and targeting computers and surveys the data that is provided. He also switches optics to see if he can make out what is arrayed against them to the south and south-west. Once he figures out what is out there, he'll crouch down as much as possible to make himself a smaller target. He'll relay any data he gets to those in the town so they can prepare for the coming assault. Unless there are any immediate threats to him, he'll stay defensive, to relay information.

APM: 8
Action 1, 2 & 3: Reading message and activating sensors and computers.
Action 4: Relaying information to the rest of the team and town.
Action 5: Either defensive fire (using C-40R Railgun) or dodging. Strike: 19 + 4 = 23; Damage = 30 MD or Dodge: 15 + 12 = 27
Action 6: Either defensive fire (using C-40R Railgun) or dodging. Strike: 4 + 4 = 8; Damage = 10 MD or Dodge: 12 + 12 = 24
Action 7: Either defensive fire (using C-40R Railgun) or dodging. Strike: 14 + 4 = 18; Damage = 30 MD or Dodge: 12 + 12 = 24
Action 8: Either defensive fire (using C-40R Railgun) or dodging. Strike: 17 + 4 = 21; Damage = 40 MD or Dodge: natural 20!

Parry Rolls (+11): 17, 10, 11, 10, 19, 9, 2 & 18.
Auto-Dodge Rolls (+7): 18, 10, natural 20, 6, 12, 10, 19 & 18.
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William Summers
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by William Summers »

Perception: 3+1=4
JIC: 18/50%

Don't reveal your position until the enemy has. Just cause you tell me to make up my mind doesn't mean I have to yell it out loud to you... William stays in the ferrier's shop with his revolver drawn and keeps an eye out from the cracked door or the window. He quietly mutters to himself, "You said you wanted to stay...Let's see what you've got."

William will act defensively until he gets a gauge of the forces at hand. If attacked, he will blast them with his revolver.
Initiative: 6+4=10
Action 1: Dodge: 7+7=14 or Fire Thundergun - Strike: 3+1+4=8. Damage: 7 SDC to Mortals. 14 MD to Practitioners and Creatures of Magic. 50 MD to Supernatural Beings.
Action 2: Dodge: 5+7=12 or Fire Thundergun - Strike: 6+1+4=11. Damage: 9 SDC to Mortals. 14 MD to Practitioners and Creatures of Magic. 10 MD to Supernatural Beings.
Action 3: Dodge: 3+7=10 or Fire Thundergun - Strike: 12+1+4=17. Damage: 9 SDC to Mortals. 20 MD to Practitioners and Creatures of Magic. 20 MD to Supernatural Beings.
Action 4: Dodge: 5+7=12 or Fire Thundergun - Strike: 11+1+4=16. Damage: 14 SDC to Mortals. 17 MD to Practitioners and Creatures of Magic. 20 MD to Supernatural Beings.
Action 5: Dodge: 15+7=22 or Fire Thundergun - Strike: 4+1+4=9. Damage: 7 SDC to Mortals. 23 MD to Practitioners and Creatures of Magic. 20 MD to Supernatural Beings.
Action 6: Dodge: 8+7=15 or Fire Thundergun - Strike: 16+1+4=21. Damage: 10 SDC to Mortals. 17 MD to Practitioners and Creatures of Magic. 60 MD to Supernatural Beings.

Parry (+7 included): 17, 19, 12, 24, 13, 23

TGM Note: for brevity's sake I'll let you know that all the red monsters are Supernatural Beings, and the Mayor and Lucius are both mages.
The Man in Black
Conner Gunsmith

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Conner Gunsmith »


Conner is still kneeling down when the voice speaks out. He cranes his vision skyward to see if anything is above them and sees nothing. He stands up with the six foot long cannon along with him already in place. What the fuck? Where did that come from? He looks over at his leader and shrugs his shoulders.

What ever bitch. Not only I'm not going down, but by the end of this fight you will be on your knees in front of me! And the darkness inside moves. And all will see what we truely are.

Only after that does he notice that the snow is actually melting and beads of sweat start to form on his forehead. The first thing in his sights gets to feel the wrath of his anger. If the first target gets destoryed he will move onto the next closest.

APM: 7
Action 1: Stand up and look around
Action 2: Fire the NE 77H: 12+1=13, Dam: 42 MD
Action 3: Fire the NE 77H: 19+1=20, Dam: 62 MD
Action 4: Fire the NE 77H: 11+1=12, Dam: 42 MD
Action 5: Fire the NE 77H: 9+1=10, Dam: 22 MD
Action 6: Fire the NE 77H: 6+1=7, Dam: 22 MD
Action 7: Dodge

Dodge Roll (+5): 19
Parry Rolls (+5): 9, 16, 15, 9, nat 20, 16, 14

TGM EDIT: I can't tell if those defensive bonuses are already added or not. I will assume the bonuses have been added unless it's stated otherwise.

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Cale »

Perception: 18
JIC: 12, 03%

Radio: Basic (80% / 46%)

/Yo Boss. The Slag is here. Must of brought some big friends. Permission to de-bone the fools when they get close?/ Cale radios over the company frequency.

Running up to walls, the Mega-iron Chef looks for anything that would signal the position of the enemy forces. Raising his NG-IP7 up, he scans for any forces in sight. Upon seeing them, he will target the biggest threat to him. Having a good target, he will start firing 3 shot bursts and moving on when it dies.

Actions: 5
Initiative: 16

Action 1: 3 shot bursts Strike: 3 Dmg: 20
Action 2: 3 shot bursts Strike: 18 Dmg: 40
Action 3: 3 shot bursts Strike: 19 Dmg: 20
Action 4: 3 shot bursts Strike: 17 Dmg: 20
Action 5: Reserved for dodging Roll: 21

Strike Roll:
Dmg Roll:

TGM NOTE: Make sure to indicate direction of intended travel from here on out.
Last edited by Cale on Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Ailith »

Initiative: 18+3 = 21
Perception: 15+8
APM: 7/8
JIC: 16/34%
Pre-existing Conditions: Active Abilities: Danger Sense, Immunity to Fire, Invisible, Bow in Hand.

She remains at the ready as she listens to the tremors in the ground and studies them looking for the cause and direction...she looks up at the sound of the voice and looks over at Tomo who is pawing nervously at the floor of his stall. She then looks back in the direction of the tremors and continues to listen to them until they go silent. She then sniffs the air attempting to get a read on any smells incoming and identify them. She will also use her tracking heat signatures ability to see what if how many are out there.

Based on what her earth and air and fire senses tell her, she will remain on the defensive and target areas where things might come over the walls or through the gates. She will react and focus her fire on targets the others are focusing on. If any get by the first defense she will engage hand to hand when they get in range of her war club.

Attacks: [Bow 1d4x10 MD, x2 against demons, x3 against intelligences]

1. Roll to strike :15 + 5 = 20 [Dmg: 30 MD] Leaving building.
2. Roll to strike: 09 + 5 = 14 [Dmg: 20 MD] Identify seismic disturbances, direction and source: [Range 8 miles] 24% out of 69%
3. Roll to strike: 19 + 5 = 24 [Dmg: 40 MD] Sense and Track heat signatures: [Range 2000 feet] 47% out of 59%
4. Roll to strike: 11 + 5 = 16 [Dmg: 30 MD] Identify Scent: [Range 1/2 mile] 46% out of 52%
5. Roll to strike: 16 + 5 = 21 [Dmg: 10 MD]
6. Roll to strike: 20 + 5 = 25 [Dmg: 40x2 = 80 MD]
7. Roll to strike: 05 + 5 = 10 [Dmg: 20 MD]

TGM NOTE: You should know better. Using skills and abilities costs actions in a combat post. The identify/sense/identify cost you your first three possible attacks. Also, you were inside a building. That's going to pretty much STOP your abilities to sense heat (no LOS) and ID scents beyond the range of the walls. Similarly, it cost you an action to leave the building.

2nd TGM EDIT: No defensive rolls? You're braver than I thought.
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Reaper »

Perception: 12+1=13
Initiative: 19+8=27
JiC d20 / d100: 15 / 1%

Equipment of Note:
Sensory Equipment - Radar: Airborne Targets - 40 miles, Land Targets - 10 Miles, can track 25 Targets
Combat Computer - +2 for built in weapons +1 for Hand Held weapons.

Clay's eye's squint as he tries to understand his vision. "Bugs," he says gritting through his teeth. He turns on his private comm to Shane, "I think they brought bugs to the party. Flying critters that can rend armor apart. We need to be on our 'A' game, or we are all toast." With that he cranks up his radar and computer targeting system. He scans the horizon for any of the incoming enemy, especially aerial targets.

Raising his Railgun, he starts to eye the sky. When the first flying target appears, he lets loose with a burst of his railgun. Only moving on to the next nearest target once one is down.

Action 1. Sensory Equipment: 14% / 55%
Action 2: Weapon Systems 25% / 55%
Action 3: Attack with HRG-70 - 4000ft Range: 7+6=13 Damage: 1d4x10+10=30
Action 4: Attack with HRG-70 - 4000ft Range: 20(Nat!)+6=26 Damage: 1d4x10+10=20*2=40
Action 5: Attack with HRG-70 - 4000ft Range: 19+6=25 Damage: 1d4x10+10=30
Action 6: Attack with HRG-70 - 4000ft Range: 5+6=11 Damage: 1d4x10+10=20

TGM EDIT: No defensive rolls? You're braver than I thought.
H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8
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Archive Account
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Archive Account »

Conditions wrote:TIME & DATE: 12:00 pm local, 18 January 110 P.A.
WEATHER: 60°F, partially cloudy skies and dead calm, no winds.
EFFECTS: Naked eye visibility to 5,000'.
Ley Line: There is a weak ley line running along the southwest edge of the walled city.
ATRV LOCATION: A few miles south, Dave has reported in and said he has it tucked safely away in a copse of trees.
Updated Map Here

To the north...
Logan and Sir Benjamin Payne witness something amazing and terrifying as a gargantuan, forty foot tall, red-skinned beast suddenly appears out of nowhere.

Upon its back ride two people of note amid a host of what appear to be small, grey-skinned demons that greatly resemble gargoyles. Logan recognizes them both immediately. The woman is none other than Grisabella Akakios, the supposed mayor of Lethbridge. The other guy is her bodyguard, the mage that introduced himself as Lucius.
The two Roughnecks on the walls also spot an odd-looking figure down in the melting snow; it's the mayor's other bodyguard, and he appears translucent, as if a ghost.

To the east...
Reaper is the only one along the west side. He sees something from straight out of a nightmare appear before his eyes out of thin air. It looks to be about twelve feet tall, red-skinned and rippling with muscle. It's mouth full of pointy teeth and protruding tusks tell him that this son of a bitch means business.

To the south...
Shane, Reaper, and Conner both see a dozen, six foot long, red monsters that look like hellish versions of something between a grasshopper and a housefly appear out of nowhere. The beat of their wings is actually what's causing the buzzing sound that fills the air and the sight of them is terrifying. Ailith, William, and Caradoc also see the swarm of airborne monsters from within the walls of the town.

To the west...
Shane can see what looks to be a creature of nightmarish characteristics and proportions materialize from a cloud of mist. It has to be twenty feet long and by the size of the depressions it's making in the earth the damn thing must weigh tons.

Action 1
The ghost-like figure known to the Roughnecks as Jo Pelosi, one of the mayor's bodyguards, walks swiftly toward the north wall.

Reaper quickly checks his sensors to verify that they're reading correctly. His sensors confirm what his eye say: there's a dozen airborne contacts to the south as well as this giant, demonic-looking dude to the east. As he recognizes the insect nature of the airborne threat he nearly loses all control of his faculties as some inner wellspring of hatred and revulsion drives him to target them to the exclusion of all else until they are eradicated.

Sir Benjamin Payne first burst from his JA-12 strikes the ghostly dude dead center and passes through harmlessly, burning a small crater into the earth instead. The ghostly apparition looks up and smiles at Sir Ben and even winks at him as he closes distance to the wall.

Logan sees the immense size and obvious demonic nature of the gargantuan beast and his nerves lock up. He nearly loses control of his bladder at the sight of that thing and how small the humanoids are on top of it in that war carriage.

Shane Knight's eyes race at breakneck speed as he commits the message scrolling across his helmet's HUD to memory.

Ailith recognizes the airborne monsters as evil and unnatural as soon as she sees them and wastes no time in getting outside the town hall.

The twelve-foot tall demon runs and then leaps with its powerful legs across nearly a hundred feet of distance and lands atop the eastern wall.

The monstrous flying insects (1-4) swarm on Shane and attempt to bite and claw his power armor, he is able to almost instinctively slap and swat the strike away, however, as he makes sure his systems are primed.

The monstrous flying insects (5-8) swarm Conner in his Naruni armor and immediately start to bite and claw at his armor.

The monstrous flying insects (9-12) swarm Clay in his Cyclone Battloid and start to tear at his irreplaceable robotechnological armor.

The twenty foot tall, three-legged, drooling monster just beyond the west wall makes a single, powerful leap and lands atop the town's defensive wall.

Cale sees a large red-skinned blur from the corner of his eye and half-turns to see it. The giant demonic-looking monster lands on the top of the eastern wall as Cale watches. He swings the barrel of his NG IP-7 into line and shoots. The shot goes wide but it manages to get the demon's attention.

Caradoc scans the skies as the buzzing sound suddenly gets louder and he catches sight of the red-skinned bug-monsters in the sky and the red-skinned demonic-looking giant atop the eastern wall.

Conner stands up, looks around, and begins to freak out a bit as he realizes the buffeting he's receiving is from giant red insects and not the wind. They're tearing his armor to shreds!

William Summers sees the giant demon land atop the eastern wall and knows from that moment forward that this will certainly be a fight to the finish. Demons rarely flee a fight as they simply discorporate and return to their native plane when “slain” here on Earth. He brings his Thundergun into line and fires at the demonic-looking giant. The shot goes slightly wide and the blast from his gun gouges a chunk from the wall beneath its feet which captures its attention.

Grisabella laughs in a booming, feminine voice from atop her demonic warmount as she and her minions reveal themselves. “Empires are made on split-second decisions, and lives won and lost in a moment. Today, I will see a third of you in chains while the rest of you feed my minions and me!” As she says this, her hands begin moving in a manner that is reminiscent of that which mages often use. The sky immediately overhead the walled town begins to darken and taken on a reddish hue.

Grisabella's Warmount lunges forward and smashes into the gates of the north wall. The beast is so large that Logan and Sir Benjamin can both clearly see the top of its shoulders, back, and the carriage upon which Grisabella and Lucius ride. The battlements beneath their feet shake when the beast slams the walls, its strength must be immense.

The crews of the two northern turrets swing their coaxial rail guns into line with the huge netherbeast and begin pouring nickel-ferrous slugs into its hide at hypersonic speeds. The first blast catches the beast in the head and the second its massive hide. The head blow almost seems to stun it for a second...almost. The town defender in her Warmonger suit rockets to the top of the main gate battlements and lands nearly beside Sir Benjamin. The crew of the southeastern turret swings their single rail gun mount into line with the demon atop the eastern wall and opens fire, the burst barely nicking the big, red brute. The patriarch's big war machine twists its torso to face the west and looses a large volley of mini-missiles that catch the three-legged demon flat-footed atop the walls and explode across its red hide.

Lucius begins moving his own hands in typical mage fashion as he becomes visible.

Action 2
Jo walks through the north wall thirty feet directly beneath Sir Benjamin as though it weren't even there. Logan sees him materialize seemingly out of nowhere as he emerges from the other end of the wall. The smirk he's wearing says that this guy is even cockier than Logan.

Reaper calibrates his weapon systems as quickly as he can.

Sir Benjamin Payne takes a knee so as to have the best cover from hostile action and opens fire on the giant beast assaulting the north wall. The laser blast leaves a small pock mark in the beast's massive hide.

Logan fires a burst from his NG-IP7 from behind the cover of the crenelated walls, the blast leaves a small pock mark in the beast's massive hide.

Shane Knight coolly gauges his sensors and determines that these are the only radar-detectable airborne threats within range of his sensors. His sensors and optic systems also tell him that these monsters all radiate a great deal of heat though the humanoids atop the massive beast to the north seems fairly normal for humanoids in this regard. Shane quickly relays this information to those other Roughnecks with such technological capability and interconnectedness.

Ailith pauses to let her feet feel the vibrations in the earth. There is a large, heavy, 3-legged disturbance just beyond the walls to the west and an even larger, heavier quadruped to the north and just beyond the walls.

The twelve-foot tall demon looks down at the characters arrayed against him and sees the faces of the terrified villagers hiding in their homes and looking out from their windows. He utters a single word with a grunt and a massive gout of flame erupts from the earth and shoots as high as the town walls, looks to be about thirty feet thick and sixty feet wide.

The monstrous flying insects (1-4) swarming around Shane are once again frustrated by the agility with which the Roughneck bats them away harmlessly.

The monstrous flying insects (5-8) continue to swarm Conner but he regains his wits and manages to swat away half their attacks.

The monstrous flying insects (9-12) swarming Reaper are rapidly tearing his shit to pieces as his mind focuses on future retaliation.

The three-legged demon leaps down into the town, his massive feet crushing the barren stalls of the market as he lands.

Cale unleashes another burst at the demon on the eastern wall, this time catching it flat in the chest. The demon staggers back a half-step, clearly hurt by the attack.

Caradoc hears the sounds of destruction coming from within the walls to the west, sees the conflagration to the east, notes the swarming insects to the south, and can see the massive shoulders of a gargantuan beast to the north. No place looks safe.

Conner swings the massive shoulder cannon into the path of one of the giant, flying insects and blasts it. The bug-monster wobbles in mid-flight momentarily, clearly hurt by the blast.

William Summers fires his Thundergun and this time strikes the demon on the eastern wall in the midsection.

The sky overhead continues to darken and taken on a reddish hue and begins to form what looks to be clouds.
Grisabella's warmount smashes the wall once again an those nearby can see stones start to crack and clouds of dust begin to rain down.

The two northern rail gun turret crews continue to pour slugs into the hide of the massive beast that's wrecking the walls. The defender piloting the Warmonger makes a rocket-assisted leap across the distance between herself and the carriage atop the netherbeast, landing directly in front of Grisabella and Lucius. The three-legged demon out of sight momentarily, the Patriarch switches targets and Reaper sees one of the insects explode as a powerful energy beam strikes it dead-center. The crew manning the single rail gun in the southeast turret catch the demon on the east wall from the inside of its right leg with a withering fusillade, staggering it mightily. The crew manning the missile launcher manage to plant another explosive warhead in the side of the three-legged demon as they still have a decent firing solution.

Lucius completes his incantation and a wide arc of electrical energy explodes from his fingertips and literally vaporizes the middle third of the Warmonger with the expulsion. The top half of the defender in the Warmonger suit flies back and down, landing with a sickening thud on the earth in front of the gates.

Action 3
Jo's ghostly form looks up to see Logan, crouches down low, and hurls himself with unnatural strength. On the way to the top of the battlement, his form ceases being ghostly-looking, and he looks like a fairly ordinary guy.

Reaper blasts one of the nearby insects swarming him with his rail gun.

The jarring of the walls causes Sir Benjamin Payne's next shot to be wildly off and instead of harming the beast, it kills a cute and fuzzy bunny rabbit a hundred yards distant.

Logan moves to swing his NG IP-7 into line with Jo's midsection but ends up miscalculating and instead drops the gun...down to the courtyard thirty feet below.

Shane engages his PA's ECM suite in the hopes that it might help to some degree and turns to retaliate against his attackers.

Ailith sniffs deeply from the air, but the most she can determine is that the red-skinned monsters in the air are very, very warm. There is likely a link between the sudden warm spell and their recent arrival.

The twelve-foot tall demon vanishes from sight.

The monstrous flying insects (1-4) swarm Shane but manage only to do minor damage to his forcefield.
The monstrous flying insects (5-8) swarming Conner receive the operator's full attention and he manages to smack them each away as they come in to attack.
The monstrous flying insects (9-11) manage to tear up Reaper's armor some more as he fixates.

The three-legged demon crashes directly through a stone and wood structure in the town, those nearby can hear the screams of the people trapped in the rubble even over the din of combat.

Unable to see his previous target through the towering wall of flame, Cale half-spins as he hears the three-legged legged demon crash the a nearby building and plugs it once with his rifle.

Caradoc urges the matrons forward by virtue of his own example and steps outside to aid those in what sounded like a building collapse. Seeing the demon still stomping its way through the building, Cai puts his arms out to stop the matrons, instead biding his time for a better opportunity.

Conner tracks the bug's movements and follows up his first blast with an even more devastating second blast. The giant, red fly explodes and its steaming pieces litter the earth just beyond the southern wall.

William Summers redirects his aim to one of the flies (9) harassing the team's operator and fires his Thundergun, blasting its hide.

The red clouds overhead take on the distinctive dark, red color of blood and the air even seems to take on a reddish tint. "I tried to avoid a direct confrontation but noooo, you had to use reason! So now, instead of a peaceful surrendering of your freedom and lives to me, I must take them by force!"

Grisabella's warmount smashes the north wall again, this time jarring the wall so hard that Sir Benjamin struggles for a moment to keep his footing.

The two northern rail gun turret crews continue to pour slugs into the hide of the massive beast that's wrecking the walls. The southwest missile turret launches a missile at one of the insectoid monsters swarming around Shane but it misses and spirals off into the distance. The crew manning the single rail gun in the southeast turret adjust their aim to target the rampaging three-legged monster in town and rake its hide with hypersonic slugs. The patriarch retaliates against the marauding monster in his town with a tri-barreled burst of rail gun fire that would utterly devastate lesser threats.

Lucius spots Sir Benjamin Payne among the crenelated walls and starts gesturing toward him.

Action 4
Jo doesn't much pause as he lands atop the battlement next to Logan "Yo," he says rather nonchalantly, and then punches Logan in the chest (despite his attempt to dodge to one side) with the force of a bullet causing him to stagger back on his feet.

Reaper lines up his rail gun with another one of the bugs and cuts loose. His shot is true and the monster is bisected like a biology lab experiment.

Sir Benjamin Payne takes a knee so as to have the best cover from hostile action and opens fire on the giant beast assaulting the north wall. The laser blast leaves a small pock mark in the beast's massive hide.

Logan channels his inner strength and gives Jo a TK push. The force pushes Jo back two steps. He looks back at the crenelation upon which the back of his thigh is pressing then back at Logan, "Dude, you're a psychic? Ha! This is gonna be easy."

Shane relays the information he's gathered to the rest of the Roughnecks and the town defenders via a common radio frequency. Those Roughnecks without radios are left out of the loop.

Ailith identifies the red-skinned monsters in the vicinity by smell: they're demons. The scent of it fills her nostrils as if she were practically bedding one of them.

The twelve-foot tall demon is nowhere to be seen, but Ailith suddenly feels the distinctive impact of a watermelon-sized fist backhanding her. She flies sideways into the stone structure west of where she was standing.

The monstrous flying insects (1-4) attempt to bite and claw Shane's power armor suit but he dodges and evades them almost like the insects they resemble.
The monstrous flying insects (6-8) continue to swarm over Conner but aside from one slashing gouge against his right arm he fends off their diving passes brilliantly.
The monstrous flying insects (9-10) continue to swarm over Reaper and take apart his mecha piece by piece as they swoop in for they diving attacks.

The twenty foot tall, three-legged, drooling monster charges at the Patriarch's giant robot across the courtyard.

Cale plugs away once more with his rifle, blasting the massive side of nasty, three-legged beef. The ion blasts are certainly having an effect, but Cale gets the notion that this is like chipping away at the walls of Chi-Town with a jackhammer.

Caradoc sees an injured child who's only half-buried and should be easy to rescue. Rushing in with the matrons close behind for extra muscle, Cai unloads his Arkhon TB-9 Auto-Pistol into the butt-end of the tri-pod of nastiness. His scientific eye can't help but notice that the monster has no sign of an anus and he considers the possibility that such is the reason why it's so hostile.

Conner unloads another particle beam up the arse of one of the flying shitheads that keep dive-bombing his ass.

William tracks Conner's most recent shot and follows suit with a blast from his Thundergun. The flying menace looks more pitiful than menacing now.

Grisabella shouts in something akin to ecstasy and the blood-red cloud above finishes coalescing and it begins raining blood.

Grisabella's warmount whips a tusk around across the crenelations toward Payne. Though he attempts to jump over the tree trunk-sized tusk, it catches him square in the chest and literally sends him flying. He hits something else and when he looks up and shakes off the dizziness he finds himself outside the walls lying in a melting drift of snow.

The two northern rail gun turret crews continue to pour slugs into the hide of the massive beast that's wrecking the walls. The southwest missile turret launches a missile at one of the insectoid monsters swarming around Shane and nearly blows the thing out of the air. The crew manning the single rail gun in the southeast turret adjust their aim to target the rampaging three-legged monster in town and rake its hide with hypersonic slugs. The patriarch continues pouring destruction upon the monster in the courtyard.

Lucius finishes his incantation and redirects the energy toward the northwestern rail gun turret and its crew. Another massive arc of lightning leaps from his fingertips and this time destroys the weapon emplacement. The crew begin to drag away one of their own that was injured and makes their way west and south across the battlements.

Action 5
Jo smiles and swings for Logan's chin this time but Logan has learned the value of defense by now and so ducks and jukes, keeping himself safe for the moment, but on the defensive.

Reaper blasts one of the injured, flying nuisances from the sky with a follow-up blast from his rail gun.

Sir Benjamin Payne takes a knee and opens fire on the giant beast assaulting the north wall. The laser blast leaves a small pock mark in the beast's massive hide.

Shane Knight finally opens fire on the pesky nuisances flying around causing havoc, winging one heavily as it gains altitude for another series of strafing attacks.

Unable to see her assailant, Ailith sights Conner having trouble with a whole host of flying nasties and takes aim from where she's at on the ground. She becomes visible once again as the magical arrow takes flight, finds it mark and the demonic-looking winged insect plummets from the sky.

Ailith smiles with satisfaction as the monster falls from the sky, but the next thing she knows is the sensation of her face smashed against the stone building once again as her invisible assailant hits her with the force of a wrecking ball.

The charge of the three-legged demon ends with a bone-jarring impact that makes every item not nailed-down in the town jump and clatter. The Patriarch's large RCV is just able to maintain its footing, but has taken visible damage.

Caradoc hurriedly motions for the matrons to follow him as he rushes forward. There's a timber pinning the little girl and Cai gives the matrons instructions on how to extricate her as he blasts the beastie in the back again. The matrons seem much more suitable to heavy lifting than Cai, especially at this juncture.

Conner blasts another insect with his particle beam gun, grinning quite contentedly with this particular purchase.

William Summers tracks Conner's most recent shot and follows suit with a blast from his Thundergun, adding more punishment to that which the operator had already delivered.

Grisabella grips the reins of her beast in one hand while seemingly writing in invisible cursive or conducting an invisible orchestra with the other.

Lucius begins moving his own hands in typical mage fashion as he gestures toward the remaining weapons emplacement.

Action 6
Jo swings for Logan's face again but the mindmelter is more nimble than Jo anticipated. Jo's smile slips away.
Reaper blasts the remaining bug that's harassing him as it gains altitude. He can already see that it's turning to swing back and make a new series of strafing passes.

Sir Benjamin Payne continues to open fire on the giant beast assaulting the north wall. The laser blast leaves a small pock mark in the beast's massive hide.

Shane manages to nick one of the insectoids with his rail gun with his next burst.

Ailith doesn't even bother to lean up this time and instead sights, pulls, and totally fucks another insect-monster right out of the air from behind Conner.

Again, Ailith finds herself hammered by a brutally strong, undoubtedly demonic, opponent. Her face bounces off of the stones of the town square as she's punched in the back of the head. She can just barely hear the grunting of frustration from her attacker as he hits her.

Conner fires again but this time his shot goes wide.

William makes his way out side as he looses the last blast from his Thundergun's charge and fells the last bug that was attacking Conner. The scene that's unfolding here is simply beyond his ability to express in words.

The blood that's been raining down, coating everyone and everything begins to pool and creep toward the town center where it can be seen to coalesce into a larger pool.

Lucius finishes his incantation and redirects the energy toward the northeastern rail gun turret and its crew. Another massive arc of lightning leaps from his fingertips and destroys the weapon emplacement. The crew appear to have all died in the electrical attack.

Action 7
Jo changes things up by swiftly whipping out a roundhouse kick, but Logan isn't there. He's ducked the blow again just in time. Jo is starting to look positively frustrated, "Hold still so we can get this over with, okay?"

Sir Benjamin Payne pours more fire on the giant beast assaulting the north wall. The laser blast leaves a small pock mark in the beast's massive hide.

Shane Knight blasts another of the winged pests, nearly killing it before his peripheral vision really starts to soak up how the scene around them is changing.

Ailith fires again but this time her shot goes wide. Her eyes grow wide as she bears witness to the scene that's developing here. She also notes that she's not being hit by invisible-demon-asshole anymore. The thought occurs to her that perhaps he got bored since she wasn't screaming or crying out.

Cale's considering just what the fuck they've gotten themselves into when he feels the earth suddenly begin shake behind him as though a really big dude was running at him. He tucks and rolls to one side and feels a whoosh of air as something big and invisible passes by.

The blood that's been raining down and coalescing into a larger pool at the center of town begins to recede in area as a shape begins to take form at the center and draws more of the blood into its form.

Action 8
Shane Knight catches the bugger he'd just nailed previously and finishes it off as it was turning around to attack once more.

One of the strange eye-stalks on top of the three-legged demon whips around and gazes at Cai as he's scolding a matron for being too fat and slow. He feels a disturbing, tingling sensation that courses across his skin like the mos disturbing goosebumps ever.

The construct made of blood that's been forming in the center of town finally takes shape into a lizard-like shape with bat's wings and a long, sinewy neck and tail. Yes, that's right, there is what appears to be a dragon of blood that has formed near the center of town.

What are your intentions?

Reaper: -4 rail gun bursts
Sir Benjamin Payne: -7 bursts (21 shots)
Logan: -5 shots
Shane Knight: -4 bursts
Ailith: -N/A
Cale: -4 bursts
Caradoc: -2 shots
Conner: -5 shots
William Summers: -6 shots (Thundergun's charge is SPENT)

Ailith: (-54 personal M.D.)
Sir Benjamin Payne: (Main Body: -42 M.D., -12 personal S.D.C.)
Reaper: (Helmet: -14 M.D., Main Body: -40 M.D., Left Forearm Shield: -39 M.D., Right Forearm Shield: -7 M.D., Right Leg: -8 M.D.)
Conner: (Helmet: -9 M.D., Main Body: -6 M.D., Left Leg: -18 M.D., Left Arm: -6 M.D., Right Arm: -15 M.D.)
Shane: (Forcefield: -17 M.D.)
Logan: (-20 additional I.S.P. {You've been sapped again.} Main Body: -14 M.D., -2 actions next melee from dodges beyond your APM)

GM NOTE: Cale, you are only equipped with the NG IP-7 and the NG-45LP. You left everything else behind in the ATRV.
Conner Gunsmith

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Conner Gunsmith »

Perception: 18+3=18
JIC: 16
Initiative: 17+1=18
APM: 7

After disposing of the last of the bugs Conner starts to take in the sites. It looks otherworldly. The sky is red with blood and living nightmares are walking the earth. I can’t do this! I’m not a soldier. Sure I can use big guns, but fighting things like these!

Shut up and let me do the work. Connor then feels the oddest sensation. He sees everything but it is not through his eyes. Everything is playing on a giant wrap around screen that moves as he moves. The sound is clean and crisp as if it is being channeled in by a high-end stereo system. The action starts up again but he is not in control. Something is off. Touch and weight. There is none. He is standing in a void watching a movie or someone playing a video game. He feels out with his mind to find out whom or what is controlling him. When he locates the thing it does not surprise him. It’s his other self. The one that wants revenge and blood, but this time it is colder like a machine.
The minute it takes over everything changes. He knows what need to be done. All the emotions leave. All the feels disappear. There is only one purpose one goal. To survive and to take revenge.

At the sight of the dragon he knows that it is a time for a change in weapons. Conner kneels down and drops the NE-77H and picks up the NE-700 mini-gun. The minute he stands up he points the gun at the dragon and lets loose.

APM: 7
Action 1: Turning around and looking into the town.
Action 2: Kneeling down and swapping out guns
Action 3: Standing up and pointing the NE-700 at the dragon
Action 4: Fire a burst from the NE-700 at the dragon: Strike: 10+1=11, Dam: 190 M.D.
Action 5: Fire a burst from the NE-700 at the dragon: Strike: 12+1=13, Dam: 140 M.D.
Action 6: Fire a burst from the NE-700 at the dragon: Strike: 18+1=19, Dam: 140 M.D.
Action 7: Dodge

Dodge Roll(+5 included): 11
Parry Rolls(+5 included): 13, 19, 17, Nat 20, 11, 14, 15

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Caradoc »

Perception: 16+3=19
JIC: 3
Initiative: 20
APM: 5

1. Use Bionic Arm to help lift timbers off little girl (keep this action going until no longer needed), talk
2. Assess the girl's medical condition with Medical Sensor Hand: Medical Doctor Diagnosis: 18/87% PASS
3. Scan through debris with multi-optic eyes/amplified hearing by changing settings, locating survivors and calling them out for matrons
Contingency 1: If the girl is in critical condition, take her back to the aid station and start surgery immediately. Medical Doctor Treatment: 50/77% PASS
Contingency 2: If the girl can wait and there is a casualty on the battlefield being attacked or the matrons are attacked, shoot the attacker to create a distraction/draw them away:
3. Shoot w/ Arkhon TB-9 Auto-Pistol, Strike: 4+3=7, Damage: 14x2 (unless FF/cerasteel)=28 MD
4. Shoot w/ Arkhon TB-9 Auto-Pistol, Strike: 6+3=9, Damage: 15x2 (unless FF/cerasteel)=30 MD
Contingency 3: If the girl can wait and there are casualties on the field but no attackers, help speed up the process by lifting/carrying, etc. along with matrons.
Dodge/Parry as necessary: NAT 20, 10+3=13, 6+3=9, 17+3=20, NAT 1+3=4

Dr. Cai Caradoc is not pleased. Poor little girls make terrible customers! Just awful! Rich little girls, on the other hand, make the best! There's the constant refittings as their bodies continue to grow... the latest styles... having different attachments for different occasions... constant retouching... the suntan injections... rich girls paid for my degree, yes sir! Poor little girls though... well let's just say I had best save her from needing me just yet. Wouldn't want her to go broke trying to stay up with the Jane's and crying herself to sleep each night.

Bending down, Doc uses his relatively new bionic arm's additional strength to make the job go quicker. "Put your backbone into it ladies! And looking at some of your backsides, there's plenty of it so don't be shy!" Once the timber is up and the matrons are escorting the girl to safety, Doc will take cover again behind the nearest debris/wall and scan the area for the next casualties.

Contingency 1 lines:
If the girl they rescue is in critical condition, Doc rushes her immediately to the emergency aid station, lays her down on a bed and calls his nurses around. "All but two of you take up watch. Only grab a casualty if there's no monsters around. I want the slowest runners in here with me. Now, let's get this girl prepped! I will be going in quick, so keep up. Where's that hot water? Keep the dirt out of the wounds. Let's go!" Those around him will note that the Doc loses his crazy-talk if/when he treats the little girl, as if he reverted back to his old self before... whatever happened.

Contingency 2 lines:
If instead he finds casualties and they are being attacked/approached by monsters, he will say instead, "To arms! The competition is trying to bleed us dry by stealing my clients! Circle around X way, keeping out of sight. I'll draw off the leaches with my cosmic fire stick. Huzzah!" Doc will then make his way forward to a good covered firing position as fast as possible and starting shooting at the bastards.

Contingency 3 lines:
If he finds them and they are free of attackers, he'll point them out and tell his burly women, "Hark! Customers ailing and in need of a brochure and consultation ahead! Set your feet in motion and bring me back that bottom dollar!"
Logan Sharpe

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Logan Sharpe »

Perception: 2+5=7
JIC: 13, 26%
Initiative: 14+3=17
AMP: 6

Feeling the full force of the punch knock him back a step or two, Logan cocks an eyebrow and takes notice of his opponent. Under his breath the psychic mumbles, “This bastard is strong…” Testing his strength, Logan shoves the man telepathically. Noticing his telekinetic attack having little effect on the man, Logan grits his teeth and plays defense for a while. That blow should have pushed him clear off of that ledge! He’s stronger than I thought. Dodging Jo’s attacks left and right, Logan continues to mull over a plan of action. He knows I’m a psychic, which means he’ll probably underestimate me seeing as how he enjoyed that fact. What he doesn’t know is how good of a psychic I am, which means I have a slight advantage…I just gotta’ get creative with it. With no weapon at my side I’ll have to rely on my gifts.
Jo wrote: Jo is starting to look positively frustrated, "Hold still so we can get this over with, okay?"
Let’s dance homeboy….

Action 1: Sacrificed to dodge.
Action 2: Sacrificed to dodge.
Action 3: Bio-Manipulation: Paralysis. Strike: 15. Duration: 13 minutes
Contingency: If Bio-Manipulation works.
Action 4: Run over to the ledge facing that bitch, her asshole mage, and that ugly beast.
Action 5: Empathic Transmission on Beast: Fear. Strike: 15
Action 6: Bio-Manipulation on Lucius: Paralysis. Strike: 7. Duration: 11 minutes
Contingency: If Bio-Manipulation did not work the first time.
Action 4: Summon Psi-Sword
Action 5: Strike w/ psi-sword aiming at the neck. Strike: 14+5=19. Damage: 29 M.D.
Action 6: Strike w/ psi-sword aiming at the neck. Strike: 17+5=22. Damage: 29 M.D.

Auto-Parries (+6 included): 14, nat1, 21, & 21.
I.S.P. from Ley Line: 2
Sir Benjamin Payne

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Sir Benjamin Payne »

Perception: 12+4=16
JIC: 14, 9%
Initiative: 19+4=23
AMP: 7
Climbing: 55%|82%
Climbing: 66%|82%

Sir Ben is slightly shocked at how far he flew of the wall, but the knight wastes no time in reacting to his situation. The big man begins a sprint that will take him behind the large beast, but he keeps himself far enough away to avoid a kick from the massive legs of the demon. As he runs Sir Ben demonstrates one of his cyber knight skills by taking aim at the chains securing the saddle that the two humanoids are secured in. The knight fires three bursts attempting to sever the chains from front to back on his side of the beast.

Well that does it for the rifle. Ben lets the empty rifle fall to the ground and concentrates on running and avoiding any attacks directed at him. If the knight has time once he arrives at his destination he will make an attempt to climb up the beast's tail onto its back.

Action 1/2: Fire called burst(chain closest to the front) from JA-12 while running. Strike: 14-3=11 Damage: 20 MD
Action 3/4: Fire called burst(chain closest to the front) from JA-12 while running. Strike: 11-3=8 Damage: 50 MD
Action 5/6: Fire called burst(chain closest to the front) from JA-12 while running. Strike: 3-3=0 Damage: 0
Action 7: Jump onto tail and climb.

Parry Rolls if needed +6 Included: 11, 11, 22, 23, 10, 19, 22
Shane Knight

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Shane Knight »

Perception: 13 + 3 = 16
JIC: 13/19%

Initiative: 12 + 6 = 18

Conditions: Piloting Sidewinder, wearing Belt of Heroism and MDC flight suit.

Lore: Demon & Monster: 23% of 45%(roll for bugs), 15% of 45%(roll for Magot), 69% of 45%(roll for blood dragon)
Lore: Magic: 73% of 30%
Robot & Power Armour: 20% of 76%

As Shane concentrates his fire on the giant grasshopper/houseflies attacking him, he tries to figure out what the creatures are that have appeared. He hasn’t seen these flying bugs face to face before. He has no problem remembering the Magot and what it can do from facing one during their travels in Morogot. Big, bad and ugly and can to people to stone with a look. I remember what that one did to Sebastion back in Morogot. Turned him into a statue. Good thing we killed it quick. Have to do the same to this one. If he finishes off the bugs he’ll turn around and target the Magot if he can target him from where he is. (OOC - I'm not sure if the blood dragon is blocking his field of fire.) Otherwise he'll fly into the air to get into a firing position on the Magot.

APM: 8
Action 1: Attack flying bugs (2-4) targeting Shane with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 18 + 4 = 22; Damage: 30 MDC.
Action 2: Attack flying bugs (2-4) targeting Shane with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 7 + 4 = 11; Damage: 20 MDC.
Action 3: Attack flying bugs (2-4) targeting Shane with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 15 + 4 = 19; Damage: 40 MDC.
Action 4: Attack flying bugs (2-4) targeting Shane with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 3 + 4 = 7; Damage: 10 MDC.
Action 5: Attack flying bugs (2-4) targeting Shane with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 19 + 4 = 23; Damage: 20 MDC.
Action 6: Attack flying bugs (2-4) targeting Shane with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 13 + 4 = 17; Damage: 20 MDC.
Action 7: Attack flying bugs (2-4) targeting Shane with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 15 + 4 = 19; Damage: 30 MDC.
Action 8: Attack flying bugs (2-4) targeting Shane with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 12 + 4 = 16; Damage: 30 MDC.

Parry Rolls (+11): 10, 13, 4, 2, 15, 12, 8 & 7.
Auto-Dodge Rolls (+7): natural 20, natural 20, 15, 8, 17, 10, 17 & 18.
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Reaper »

Perception: 10+1=11
Initiative: 14+8(Cyclone)=22
JiC d20/d100: 19 / 8%

Systems of Note:
Forcefield Active - 220 MDC
Sensory Equipment - Radar: Airborne Targets - 40 miles, Land Targets - 10 Miles, can track 25 Targets
Combat Computer - +2 for built in weapons +1 for Hand Held weapons.

"God damn bugs! Worse than the fucking Invid," he mutters to himself. He takes aim at the last bug that was on him, and fires. "Take that back to your queen bitch!" After the bug is finished, he flips on his forcfield. Let's see how those Naruni guys know their pin point barrier's.

The Naruni Forcfield clicks on, the alien technology powered by the tremendous energy of protoculture. He quickly scans for aerial combatants and notices the bugs that are attacking Shane. "Got your back boss," he radio's over to Shane as he continues to shoot at the flying insectoid monstrosities.

If the insectoids are all destroyed he will do the following...

Clay's eye's dart across the battlefield, taking in the death and destruction. What would Minmei do? His eyes widen with realization as to know that the ultimate answer, was his beloved Minmei, and the Minmei attack. He reaches for his pendant, and turns it on.
Minmei's sweet voice bellowing out as loud as it can wrote: Life is only what we choose to make it.
Let's just take it,
Let us be free.
Video of the song
Combat Actions:
Action 1: Attack with HRG-70 at nearest bug - 4000ft Range: 12+6=18 Damage: 1d4x10+10=40
Action 2: Turn on Forcfield
Action 3: Attack with HRG-70 at nearest bug - 4000ft Range: 5+6=11 Damage: 1d4x10+10=40
Action 4: Attack with HRG-70 at nearest bug - 4000ft Range: 5+6=11 Damage: 1d4x10+10=30
Action 5: Attack with HRG-70 at nearest bug - 4000ft Range: 20(Nat!)+6=26 Damage: 1d4x10+10=20*2=40
Action 6: Attack with HRG-70 at nearest bug - 4000ft Range: 12+6=18 Damage: 1d4x10+10=50
Action 7: Attack with HRG-70 at nearest bug - 4000ft Range: 10+6=16 Damage: 1d4x10+10=40

Auto-Dodge (+15 not included): 18, 17, 18, 9, 9, 17, 9
Auto-Dodge is correct at +15 - 7 from PP, 2 from Commando, 6 from Cyclone
H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8
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William Summers
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by William Summers »

Perception: 12+1=13
JIC: 17/12%
Skills: Demon Lore: 27/55% - PASS

Conditions: Thundergun: 3/6 shots. Bolt Pistol: 5/8 shots. Armor Of Ithan: 40/40 MDC, 3/3 minutes

What kind of person could do this... Obviously one tied into such darksided things as these demons. I'd recognize a Magot anywhere from my studies. Let's see if I can't slow it down some.
On his way out of the ferrier's shop, William begins the chant and handmotion that he's done an infinite number of times before that brought up his magical armor. Then he switches to a separate phrasing and gesticulation in order to bring to life an ultra-sticky area between Cale and the Magot. He then lets some of his mana flow into his trusty Thundergun while bringing out his other amazing pistol. He hadn't trained in shooting all this time just to do this one handed... That kinda thing is for the norms. He is a battle magus.

Initiative: 9+4=13

Action 1: Cast Armor of Ithan on self.
Action 2: Cast Carpet of Adhesion on ground in front of Magot.
Action 3: Recharge Thundergun and draw Bolt Pistol.
Action 4: Fire Thundergun at Magot. Strike: 19+4+1=24. Damage: 50 MD. Fire Bolt Pistol at Magot. Strike: 16+4+1=21. Damage: 18 MD.
Action 5: Fire Thundergun at Magot. Strike: 8+4+1=13. Damage: 10 MD. Fire Bolt Pistol at Magot. Strike: 13+4+1=18. Damage: 17 MD.
Action 6: Fire Thundergun at Magot. Strike: 13+4+1=18. Damage: 60 MD. Fire Bolt Pistol at Magot. Strike: 17+4+1=22. Damage: 16 MD.

Parry (+7): 25, 14, 23, 9, 15, 15
The Man in Black

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Cale »

Perception: Nat 20 = 21
JIC: 7, 46%

Seeing the Dragon made out of blood fully form, our fearless cook mutters in a soto voice. "That is soooo going to ruin the meal. Let me deal with it quickly."

Turning towards it fully, he then calls out on the company frequency. /Ladies and gentlemen, this is you friendly neighborhood cook. This is an menu update. We seem to be running out of the giant flies. The Magot still pretty fresh, but his furry friend decided to go invisible on us. But, the Slag brought out a new friend to play with in the form of a Dragon made of blood. I'll try to tenderize it until someone can give me a hand and finish roasting it./ With that, Cale fires while moving into point blank range, hoping for his smaller size will hinder it when the dragons return attacks come for him.

Initiative: 14
Actions: 5
Action 1: Radio: Basic (80% / 11%)
Action 2: 3-shot burst at Blood Dragon Strike:17 Dmg: 40md
Action 3: 3-shot burst at Blood Dragon Strike:16 Dmg: 40md
Actions 4 & 5: Dodging Rolls: 21 & 19

Strike Rolls:
Dmg Rolls:
Dodge Rolls:

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Ailith »

Perception: 12+8=20
Initiative: 15+3=18
JIC: 9%/54
APM: 6/7
Pre-existing Conditions: [Personal MD = 150], Danger Sense, Immunity to Fire, Bow in Hand. Invisibility non active.

Now outside the building she had set herself in. Her Danger sense is going off in every direction around her. The smell of the demons are filling her nostrils almost overwhelming her senses. She focuses her mind on the threats around her and ignores the pain inflicted on her by the invisible assailant who now appears to have left her alone for the moment. She curses in her native language under her breath and reactivates her invisibility as she moves. "Demons!" She narrows her eyes as all her fire senses go off when the wall of flame appears and immediately moves in the direction of the flames. Once they are within her sight, she will attempt to use her powers over the elements of fire and over earth, and will attempt to extinguish the flames. In her mind she calls on the spirits for their aide. "Spirits of Fire and Earth, grant me your power over the fire and extinguish these flames so they do not hurt these innocents."

1. Recasts her invisibility
2. Senses the wall of flame and moves in their direction.
3. First attempt to extinguish flames [30 feet + 5 feet per level = 45 feet]\
4. Second attempt to extinguish flames
At this point she will move in the direction of the monster that just summoned the wall of flame. Attempt to dodge any incoming attacks either area of effect or directed at her.
5. Roll: 15 + 12 = 27
6. Roll: 18 + 12 = 30
7. Roll: 10 + 12 = 22
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Archive Account
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Archive Account »

Updated Map Here

Action One
Caradoc uses his bionic arm to help lift the timbers off of the little girl while he shouts out directions to the matrons.

Reaper blasts the nearest bug with his HRG-70 and notes with some satisfaction as it takes a serious hit, wobbles in flight, vanishes from sight, and presumably buzzes off in the Northerly direction in which it was heading.

Demon Flies (#2, #3, #4) continue to attack Shane though due to his nimble ducking and weaving only one manages to even land a glancing blow to his force field.

Lucius notices Sir Ben, and turns to pay attention to him.

Shane Knight recognizes the flying threats as demon flies, flying demonic beings from the dimension of Hades. Like all true demons, it can see the infrared spectrum of light, see the invisible, tum invisible at will, magically knows all languages, and is, of course, impervious to fire. He levels his C-40R Rail Gun at the nearest one and blasts it.

Ailith wills herself invisible once again and vanishes from sight.

Conner turns around to look into the town.

Logan is too preoccupied to notice the blood dragon or clouds of blood as he's engaged with the sandy-blond fellow intent on killing him. He attempts to seize control of and halt Jo's motor functions, but Jo doesn't even miss a beat and punches Logan square in the chest once again. A smirk of satisfaction returns to Jo's face as Logan's feet stumble back two steps.

The Magot and the Patriarch are locked in a brutal struggle that is blasting huge chunks of the demon's hide all across town, but the Patriarch looks to be steadily losing and his robot is smoking from a number of rents in its armor. The southwest missile launcher sends a missile into the side of the blood dragon that seems to sink into it's side before exploding against the blood-soaked cobblestone beneath it. The southeast turret crew opens up a bit and rakes the side of the Magot with nickel-ferrous slugs.

Grisabella doesn't seem to even notice Ben but instead seems to continue weaving spells.

The blood dragon breathes a red cloud not unlike fire, but more akin to plasma at Cale who stands rooted in place, shocked and horrified at the sight before him as the cloud envelops him. Looking down out of instinct he sees his armor scorch and peel as though burning in an odd, dark red acid bath.

William Summers invokes a defensive spell to protect himself.

Grisabella's massive mount attacks the gate once again, shivering it in its massive, reinforced frame.

Action Two
Caradoc assesses the girl's medical condition with a slow wave of his medical sensor hand and determines that the girl's left leg has nearly been severed from her body halfway up the femur. She is also suffering from a few broken ribs and numerous lacerations and abrasions, none of which are even remotely as serious as her leg injury. She is delirious, in incredible pain, and rapidly losing blood. She'll be dead within minutes from blood loss if she doesn't receive immediate medical attention.

Sir Benjamin targets one of the four chains on this side that anchoring the carriage to the beast's back and blasts one of the links in the chain with his JA-12 in half.

Reaper turns on the Naruni force field which has been integrated into his Cyclone's systems.

Demon Flies (#2, #3, #4) continue to attack Shane though due to his nimble ducking and weaving only one manages to even land a glancing blow to his force field.

Ailith suddenly feels a painful, lancing grip atop each of her shoulders and shortly finds herself being hauled skywards.

Lucius looks to be weaving a spell from atop his lofty perch.

The Magot and the Patriarch are locked in a brutal struggle that is blasting huge chunks of the demon's hide all across town, but the Patriarch looks to be steadily losing and his robot is smoking from a number of rents in its armor. The southwest missile launcher sends another missile into the side of the blood dragon that seems to sink into it's side before exploding against the blood-soaked cobblestone beneath it. The southeast turret crew opens up a bit and rakes the side of the Magot with nickel-ferrous slugs.

Shane levels his C-40R Rail Gun at the nearest demon fly and blasts it.

Ailith finds herself momentarily shocked, confused, very much airborne, and unsure what to do. Still, she manages to reach out with her elemental bonds and snuff some of the flames before the fires are beyond her range.

Conner stands rooted in place, shocked and horrified at the sight of the twenty foot tall image of the blood dragon in the town square that's burning Cale's armor from his body with a gout plasmatic fire-blood.

Logan summons his Psi-Sword, confident that he can manage Jo in single combat. Over Jo's shoulder, Logan sees a demon coalesce from the blood-drenched battlements and rise to an impressive ten feet in height. Logan is caught flat-footed at this sight and catches a punch square in his face. His visor cracks slightly and Logan stumbles and falls over the crenelations. For a split-second he feels weightless and then gravity takes him to his inevitable destination and his body crunches within his armor as he smashes to the hard cobblestone at the foot of the wall thirty feet below.

The blood dragon aims to breathe its unusual brand of fire at Cale once again, but the cookie battle-hardened by the betrayal at the Sorcerer's Revenge leaps to one side and comes up from a shoulder-roll firing his rifle. The blast scorches the beast's bloody hide, incinerating a fist-sized chunk of it in a cloud of pink steam.

William Summers runs toward the conflict between the Magot and the Patriarch's robot, recharging his Thundergun with a touch along the way.

Just south of Cale's position, interposed between himself and the blood dragon, a blazing wall of orange flame, that stretches sixty or so feet across and which towers about twenty feet tall manifests out of nowhere. Not only is the wall a blazing inferno, but it also darts and rears and shrieks a terrible scream as if it were alive. The sudden appearance of yet another wall of flame, this one even more terrifying than the last causes the cookie to break out in a cold sweat of sheer terror and he's momentarily rooted in place, his legs numb and unresponsive in fear.

Grisabella's massive mount attacks the gate once again, shivering it in its massive, reinforced frame.

Action Three
Caradoc scans through the debris with his cybernetic senses and locates two more likely survivors. He calls out for the matrons to grab them as he hefts the little girl's limp form from the rubble.

Reaper uses his Cyclone's HRG-70 to blast one of the bugs harassing Shane. The burst of rail gun rounds shreds the carapace of the thing and it falls to snow outside the wall.

Demon Flies (#3, #4) continue to attack Shane though due to his nimble ducking and weaving only one of the remaining two demon flies manages to even land a glancing blow to his force field.

Ailith is disoriented in the air as whatever is carrying her spins and twists through the air until she suddenly finds herself falling. She hits the ground with a painful thud as she catches sight of the Cyber-knight running in her general direction.

Lucius continues to weave his spell.

The Magot and the Patriarch are locked in a brutal struggle that is blasting huge chunks of the demon's hide all across town, but the Patriarch looks to be steadily losing and his robot is smoking from a number of rents in its armor. The southwest missile launcher notices its actions aren't harming the blood dragon and switch targets. Their next missile catches the Magot in the side with a massive explosion. The southeast turret crew opens up a bit and rakes the side of the Magot with nickel-ferrous slugs.

Shane blasts another one of the demon flies from the sky with his C-40R Rail Gun.

Ailith gets to her feet and takes stock of her situation and the scene unfolding around her.

Conner takes a knee in order to swap out his guns.

Logan scrambles to his feet and sees his gun lying nearby.

Jo shouts down at Logan over the din of combat, laughing, "Had enough pretty-boy?" then leaps down to face Logan once again.

The blood dragon lunges to swipe a claw through Cale, but the Roughneck culinary master is quick enough on his feet to duck in place and avoids the swipe of the dragon's claws as it swings through the flames. Something about that tickles the back of Cale's mind as he notices the dragon doesn't catch fire or even seem to take notice of the screaming wall of flame.

William Summers continues to sprint toward the conflict between the Magot and the Patriarch's robot.

Grisabella's massive mount attacks the gate once again, this time deafening cracks reverberate throughout the town as the frame begins to buckle and crack.

Action Four
Caradoc rushes the injured child back to the town hall and lays down like a slab of meat and starts to prep her for surgery as he makes his diagnosis.

Sir Benjamin follows up his previous shot to one of the four chains anchoring the carriage to the beast's back but only manages to blast the beast's hide.

Reaper blasts the remaining demon fly that's harassing Shane, but doesn't manage to take it down with his rail gun burst.

The demon fly (#3) continues to dog Shane, but the leader of the Roughnecks is able to bat it away with the backhand of an armored gauntlet.

Lucius finishes his spell and the ground begins to rumble, crack, and spew forth clouds of sulfur and gouts of fire around Sir Ben. Ben finds it nearly impossible to maintain his footing, and thanks whatever gods may be that he is wearing environmental body armor.

The Magot and the Patriarch are locked in a brutal struggle that is blasting huge chunks of the demon's hide all across town, but the Patriarch looks to be steadily losing and his robot is smoking from a number of rents in its armor. The southwest missile crew launches another missile but this one goes horribly astray and impacts the ground at Cale's feet blasting his armor and sending him flying. The southeast turret crew opens up again but their aim is similarly tragic and instead catches William in the back, sending him flying through the screaming wall of flame and through to the other side. His Armor of Ithan "pops" as the rail gun rounds burst into it and his Battler armor sizzles a bit as he's thrust through the wall of flame.

Shane nicks the last demon fly that's still harassing him with a burst from his rail gun.

Conner regains his composure, stands and levels the NE-700 at the blood dragon in the town square below.

Logan's psi-sword slices through the air at Jo's neck and encounters a protective field which shimmers as his psychic blade strikes it. Jo grins and attempts to seize Logan, but the mind melter uses the man's own strength and effectively slips from his grasp before he's able to gain a grip.

The blood dragon wing blasts Cale and sends him stumbling.

William looks up from the pasting he's just received to see the Magot and Patriarch locked in a death struggle and casts Carpet of Adhesion on the ground in front of the Magot even as the massive beast's two front feet step into the writhing mass of grasping magic tendrils.

A massive wall of ice forty feet wide and twenty feet tall manifests in front of William a split second after he's able to cast his own spell. The wall effectively blocks his line of sight to what is beyond.

Grisabella's massive mount attacks the gate once more, and this time the beast sunders the massive barriers. Huge blocks of stone and reinforced concrete rain down in the area and a gaping hole exists where once stood a seemingly impregnable gate. The gate doors remain standing but they are smashed in and it is only a matter of time before they are shoved apart and the path into town cleared for Grisabella's march into the town proper.

Action Five
Caradoc calls the few matrons that are still in the town hall around. "All but two of you take up watch. Only grab a casualty if there's no monsters around. I want the slowest runners in here with me. Now, let's get this girl prepped! I will be going in quick, so keep up. Where's that hot water? Keep the dirt out of the wounds. Let's go!"

Reaper uses his Cyclone's HRG-70 to blast the last bug harassing Shane. The burst of rail gun rounds shreds the carapace of the thing and it falls to snow outside the wall. In the split second he spares, he can see that all the carcasses of the bugs are dissolving into ash on the melting snow below.

Lucius looks as though he's beginning to weave another spell.

The Magot struggles against the magical bonds adhering its massive forward paws to the ground.

The last demon fly eradicated, Shane turns around to take stock of the scene in the town.

Conner unleashes hell in a burst from his NE-700 at the dragon below. The plasma cartridges find their mark, and pepper the bloody hide of the construct with destruction.

Jo moves in to seize Logan once again, but this time, Logan trips and lands right in the man's grip of steel. Jo seizes the moment and grasps Logan by his arms at the elbow, pinning them to his side as he says, "Let's see if this is as easy as pulling the wings off of a fly."

William fires his Thundergun and Fire Bolt Pistol into the Magot's battered and oozing, gargantuan hide.

Action Six
Sir Benjamin Payne fires his JA-12 again, but the shot only passes harmlessly overhead the beast.

The last demon fly eradicated, Reaper turns around to take stock of the scene in the town.

Lucius finishes his spell, and a short, powerful wind gusting at high speed shoves Ailith to the ground and rolling back a few feet, her bow tumbling from her hands. She is just outside the area of rumbling earth and gouting fire in which Sir Ben is seemingly trapped and her bow is within that area.

The Magot struggles against the magical bonds adhering its massive forward paws to the ground.

Shane has no view of Ailith, Sir Benjamin Payne, Logan, or Caradoc. What he does see is a town that is quickly being engulfed in destruction.

Conner pours another volley of destruction into the back of the blood dragon and it explodes in a huge gout of debris from the cobblestone pavement beneath it and blood that paints the town square a vivid red and black.

Jo squeezes with one hand and Logan can feel the immense pressure on his right arm as protective plates and meshes begin to pop and rupture, the high-tech Naruni armor buckling under Jo's incredible strength.

William fires his Thundergun and Fire Bolt Pistol into the Magot's battered and oozing, gargantuan hide.

Another screaming wall of flame twenty feet tall manifests just below the southern wall. Shane, Reaper, and Conner all inwardly recoil at the sight of it and the sounds emanating from it, but remain steadfast.

Action Seven
Sir Benjamin Payne takes note of Ailith's sudden arrival and her own predicament as well as the location of her bow only a dozen or so feet from him. He finds that it's nearly impossible to stand and recognizes the danger of the shooting gouts of flame erupting from the earth around and below him.

Reaper and Conner both take stock of the situation as they're able to see it and wince as they see that a number of ten foot tall demons dripping in blood, or perhaps, made of blood have appeared along the northern battlements.

Jo squeezes with his other hand and Logan feels the immense pressure on his left arm build as the high-tech Naruni armor begins to buckle in Jo's grip.

TGM note to all Players: If I can't tell if your defensive bonuses are already added or not I will assume the bonuses have already been added unless it's stated otherwise.

Total Expenses
(I'm not tracking P.P.E. or I.S.P., continue to track those as normal, yourselves. Save for when Logan gets drained, of course.)
Reaper: -8 rail gun bursts
Sir Benjamin Payne: -10 bursts (30 shots)
Logan: -5 shots
Shane Knight: -8 bursts
Ailith: -N/A
Cale: -5 bursts
Caradoc: -2 shots
Conner: -5 shots, -2 Vulcan bursts
William Summers: -2 shots Thundergun, -2 shots Fire Bolt Pistol

Total Damages
Ailith: -69 M.D.
Sir Benjamin Payne: Main Body: -42 M.D., -12 personal S.D.C., Sir Ben is moving at 10% his normal speed and must dodge jets of flame shooting up from the ground.
Reaper: Helmet: -14 M.D., Main Body: -40 M.D., Left Forearm Shield: -39 M.D., Right Forearm Shield: -7 M.D., Right Leg: -8 M.D.
Cale: Helmet: -18 M.D., Left Arm: -18 M.D., Right Arm: -18 M.D., Left Leg: -18 M.D., Right Leg: -18 M.D., Main Body: -68 M.D.
Conner: Helmet: -9 M.D., Main Body: -6 M.D., Left Leg: -18 M.D., Left Arm: -6 M.D., Right Arm: -15 M.D.
Shane: Forcefield: -37 M.D.
Logan: Main Body: -30 M.D., Helmet: -13 M.D., Right Arm: -21 M.D., Left Arm: -23 M.D., -14 personal S.D.C.
William: Main Body: -16 M.D.
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Reaper »

Perception: 13+1=14
Initiative: 5+8=13
JiC d20/d100: 3 / 66%

Systems of Note:
Forcefield Active - 220 MDC
Sensory Equipment - Radar: Airborne Targets - 40 miles, Land Targets - 10 Miles, can track 25 Targets
Combat Computer - +2 for built in weapons +1 for Hand Held weapons.
15 seconds of the Dreaded Minmei Attack! wrote:We can find the glory we all dream of.
And with our love, we can win.
The music fills Reaper’s ears as it starts to blare out over the battlefield. Minmei’s sweet voice provoking emotions in all that can hear her power. Grisabella, Clay thinks to himself. Take her down, and there will be no reason for this fight. His left arm rises up, and the targeting reticule zooms in on Grisabella, who is on top of her war mount. Two high explosive armor piercing mini-missiles fly toward her.

He quickly pulls two missiles from the hip pack, loads one and starts to run along the battlements, leaping across the chasm. The jets on the Cyclone kick in and lifts Reaper higher into the air. Seeing Logan’s predicament, "Logan, keep your head down." He lets loose a blast from his new trusty Naruni Rifle before landing on the other side. Taking a moment on the other side, Clay reloads the remaining mini-missile, and takes aim for Grisabella (or Lucius if Grisabella is gone/dead) again. Two more mini-missiles fly towards the leader of the attacking forces. Clay then proceeds to follow up with two quick additional shots from his Naruni Rifle

Note: If Grisabella is dead, he will turn on Lucius, and then Jo (or if something suddenly pops up in his face on the battlements)

Action 1: Attacking Grisabella - HEAP Mini-Missile 20(nat!)+6=26 Damage: 2d4x10x3=210
Action 2: Reload Mini-Missile
Action 3: Attacking Jo - Run and Fire Naruni Rifle 13+6-6(shooting wild)=13 Damage: 2d4x10+20=50
Action 4: Reload Mini-Missile
Action 5: Attacking Grisabella (or Lucius if she's dead) HEAP Mini-Missile 19+6=25 Damage:2d4x10x2=140
Action 6: Attacking Grisabella (or Lucius if she's dead) Fire 12+6=18 Damage 2d4x10+20=50
Action 7: Attacking Grisabella (or Lucius if she's dead) Fire 17+6=25 Damage 2d4x10+20=40

Autododge (+15 not added in): 10, 13, 7, 3, 2, 19, 19

TGM EDIT: You need to specify the number of mini-missiles fired and the type of weapon used each time; specificity is key to clear posts.
H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Caradoc »

Perception: 16+3=19
JIC: 7
Initiative: 12
APM: 5

1. Give instructions to collect other 2 survivors, get equipment ready.
2. Check for Breathing. Medical Doctor Treatment: 95/77% FAIL
3-4. Stop the Bleeding (tourniquet). Medical Doctor Treatment: 63/77% PASS (while giving directions)
5. Treat for Shock. Medical Doctor Treatment: 05/77% PASS
Dodge/Parry as necessary: 14+3=17, 7+3=10, 3+3=6, 5+3=8, 11+3=14
The Game Master wrote:Caradoc assesses the girl's medical condition with a slow wave of his medical sensor hand and determines that the girl's left leg has nearly been severed from her body halfway up the femur. She is also suffering from a few broken ribs and numerous lacerations and abrasions, none of which are even remotely as serious as her leg injury. She is delirious, in incredible pain, and rapidly losing blood. She'll be dead within minutes from blood loss if she doesn't receive immediate medical attention.
"Get those other two casualties in here post-haste!"

Dr. Cai Caradoc dons a pair of disposable surgical gloves and asks the nurses to ready the Qwik-Clot, a tourniquet, and to load the Hypo-Spray Injector with painkiller. Having given his instructions, he leans down and checks the girl's breathing. (Fail treatment) "OH MY GOD! SHE'S NOT BLOODY BREATHING! ... Yet she's moving around. Oh no, not again! Dear Eye-In-The-Sky, please do not send me any more zombies, re-animated corpses, or flesh-eating children. We're all full up here!" ((Presumably, one of the matrons will point out that she is indeed breathing and he's just losing it so he can continue... if not, well hell he'll still try and save her for a fulfilling unlife as an undead girl.))

Having determined she is breathing or no longer needs to in this life, Doc immediately sets to stopping the bleeding amputated leg. And there's only one way to do that... tourniquet. He looks at his nurses grimly and says, "Inject her with the painkiller and hold her down, damn it. This is going to be a story to tell her grandkids... Give her something to bite down on if it's handy." Taking the strip of cloth in hand, he waits until the nurses give him the nod, then he pulls wraps it around the leg as close to the amputated section as medically recommended (passed treatment). "Qwik-Clot, stat!" Sticking his hand out, he expects the tube to be there in less than a second. If not, he'll just grab it himself and apply it directly to the wound. "I am not losing this girl today, my fat friends. She is going to be a lifetime customer of Dr. Cai Caradoc, let me tell you! I'll have lines around the block the next time I come up north. Perhaps not all for treatment, but most definitely for autographs."

If he's gotten this far without trouble, Doc will lastly check for shock:

(1) Sweaty but cool skin (clammy skin).
(2) Paleness of skin.
(3) Restlessness or nervousness.
(4) Thirst.
(5) Loss of blood (bleeding).
(6) Confusion (does not seem aware of surroundings).
(7) Faster than normal breathing rate.
(8) Blotchy or bluish skin, especially around the mouth.
(9) Nausea and/or vomiting.

((Not sure how far he'd reasonably get this round so I'll just copy/paste what can't be completed to the next one))
Logan Sharpe

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Logan Sharpe »

Perception: 15+5=20
JIC: 7, 20%
Initiative: 2+3=5
APM: 6

Feeling his body jerk wildly, Logan is only able manage a low, “…ugh…” as he slams into the hard ground below. Blinking his eyes a few times, the psychic notices two things: for one, Connor is going to have to fix his visor and two…here comes that asshole Jo once more. Righting himself, Logan takes a massive hack at Jo’s neck but becomes aggravated when the attack becomes absorbed by some invisible wall. Damn! I can’t crack this son of a bitch. Gotta’ be a weakness somewhere…. Moving to dodge yet another attack, Logan misses his footing and feels himself landing within the iron-grip of his opponent who in turn makes sure Logan is immobile for the time being.
Jo wrote: "Let's see if this is as easy as pulling the wings off of a fly."
Struggling to break free, Logan begins to worry as he feels the seams in his Naruni armor begin to crack under the immense pressure. Shit, shit, shit! This is not where I want to be right now. What the hell can I do!? Hell, I don’t want to die here…not like this! Think kid, think! Turning internally as Jo tries to tear off Logan’s arms, the mind-mage calls out to the pendant, “I found you in the grave of a once great knight, who fought for honor and valor. Now I don’t claim to be such a man…hell I ain’t even close. But that was the past. And to be honest, I never really got the chance to see what it felt like to do good in this world rather than evil. I used to think that killing never bothered me because there was something different about me, but I was wrong. See I figured it out—killing never bothered me because I didn’t know that saving lives gives you a better feeling than taking them. I guess what I’m trying to say is this….” Logan lurches slightly as the pressure tightens around his arms, “If you help me out right now…instead of sitting idly by and watching…then I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to live up to the honor of your previous owner. Or you can watch me die…this choice is yours.”

Action 1: Use Telekinesis undo the right buckle on Jo’s forcefield Strike: 10+2=12
Action 2: Use Telekinesis undo the left buckle on Jo’s forcefield Strike: 8+2=10
Action 3: Use Telekinesis to grab survival knife from belt Strike: 12+2=14
Action 4: Stab Jo in the temple with knife. Strike: 12+2=14 Damage: 6+1=7
Action 5: Stab Jo in the temple with knife. Strike: 10+2=12 Damage: 2+5=7
Action 6: Stab Jo in the temple with knife. Strike: 16+2=18 Damage: 3+5=8
:arrow: If the straps are not undone by first two actions as stated above, then continue attempting to undo them given the strike rolls that would be used for the knife attacks.
:arrow: If Jo dies at any time during this combat round, Logan will gather up his NG-IP7 Ion Rifle and head West then South down the alleyway next to the crumbled building.
:arrow: If the straps fall and Logan re-engages in hand-to-hand combat with Jo, then he will dodge as necessary.

Dodge (+6 included): 21, nat20, 24, 23, 19 & 22
Last edited by Logan Sharpe on Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sir Benjamin Payne

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Sir Benjamin Payne »

Perception: 2+4=6
JIC: 2, 43%
APM: 7
Initiative: 14+4=18

Ben's moment of success at shooting one of the chains securing the platform quickly dissipates as he badly misses his second two shots. That demon must be stopped or it will kill every innocent in this town. Just as the knight is re-evaluating his plan, the ground beneath him begins to shake and shoot jets of flame into the air. Sir Benjamin soon finds that all other thoughts have left his mind as he focuses on avoiding the flames and trying to keep his feet. The knight is dimly aware that one of his teammates, the dark skinned warrior, is near him in this fight. His teammate, as well as all other distractions leave Ben's mind though, as he fights to stay alive. The knight uses all of his skills to determine when and where the jets of flame might appear, a sudden rent in the earth, or a sizzling sound that might precede the flames.

Should the knight get within striking distance of the beast he will dive directly at it, as close behind the front leg as possible. Just as the cyber knight is about to contact the demon he will summon his psi-sword and attempt to plunge it as far into the giant demon as possible.

Action 1: Dodge jets of flame while attempting to reach the giant demon. Dodge: 7+6 =13
Action 2: Dodge jets of flame while attempting to reach the giant demon. Dodge: 8+6 =14
Action 3: Dodge jets of flame while attempting to reach the giant demon. Dodge: 15+6 =21
Action 4: Dodge jets of flame while attempting to reach the giant demon. Dodge: 3+6 =9
Action 5: Dodge jets of flame while attempting to reach the giant demon. Dodge: 9+6 =15
Action 6: Jump toward the demon, (through a jet of fire if it will put him in striking distance)
Action 7: Summon psi-sword and stab as far into the demon as possible. Strike: 4+5 =9 Damage 15MD (If he doesn't make it to the demon please use this as a further dodge).

Parry Rolls if needed +6 Included: 18, 12, 22, 20, 17, 14, 21
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William Summers
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by William Summers »

Perception: 7+1=8
JIC: 18/44%

That's what happens when you give up your position, Summers... William books it for the other side of the Magot to try to find a place where whoever is putting walls of fire and ice in front of him hopefully can't see him. Unfortunately, he comes across his new teammate, Logan in a bit of a bind. William decides to help him out and lets loose a few blasts of magic pistol energy to see how this guy likes picking on someone his own size. "Hey! Come get some!"

Initiative: NAT1
Action 1: Run past Cale and Caradoc and cast Armor of Ithan on self.
Action 2: Run toward Logan and fire at Magot. Thundergun: Strike: 10+4+1=15. Damage: 30 MD. Bolt Pistol: Strike: 16+4+1=21. Damage: 15 MD.
Action 3: Fire at Jo. Thundergun: Strike: 14+4+1=19. Damage: 8 SDC to Mortal Beings, 14 MD to Practicioners and Creatures of Magic, 50 MD to Supernatural Beings. Bolt Pistol: Strike: 14+4+1=19. Damage: 15 MD.
Action 4: Fire at Jo. Thundergun: Strike: 13+4+1=18. Damage: 8 SDC/14 MD/30 MD. Bolt Pistol: Strike: 2+4+1=7. Damage: 16 MD.
Action 5: Fire at Jo. Thundergun: Strike: 19+4+1=24. Damage: 10 SDC/15 MD/60 MD. Bolt Pistol: Strike: 13+4+1=18. Damage: 13 MD.
Action 6: Fire at Jo. Thundergun: Strike: 15+4+1=20. Damage: 11 SDC/19 MD/20 MD. Bolt Pistol: Strike: 11+4+1=16. Damage: 18 MD.

IF at any point, his Armor of Ithan is breached, William will cast it on himself again over any other course of action.

Parry (+7 included): 15, 19, 14, 16, 15, 20
The Man in Black
Conner Gunsmith

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Conner Gunsmith »

Perception: 9+3=12
JIC: 11
Initiative: 9+1=10
APM: 7
“Nothing but a stain. This is why I bought you sweetie.” The machine lets a small grin slip from its cold interior and shifts targets to the next large enemy. With the Magot in his sights he pulls the trigger and unleashes another burst of pure death. Upon impact the machine is filled with disgust. The massive weapon has no effect of the monster.

You fool! We are fighting demons from the pits of hell and you bring the one weapon that they are impervious too! You are useless!

He next calls over to the team leader; there is a cold and calculating sound to it. “Shane this is Conner. I engaged the magot but my current weapon has no effect against it. Switching to engage the four hostiles on the northern wall by Logan’s position.”

Starting on his right he open fires on the thing furthest away from Logan. If it does not fall after the first volley of plasma Conner will send another its way. Regardless if it falls that time the next two bursts will be at the monster to the left of it. His last shot will be at the man that was with the mayor when they meet.

What are you doing? Swap out weapons again. Use the cannon or the laser rifle with the grenades.
QUIT! There is no time. One of our teammates is in trouble and their safety comes first. There are still people manning the gun towers and they are already attacking the creature. Plus, when I can get a better veiw of the queen bitch I want to have the heaviest hitting gun ready.
But if it has no effect against these things what use will it do?
These hell spawns might be impervious to this weapon but I doubt she is.

Radio: Basic: 69%@89%

APM: 7
Action 1: Fire at Magot: Strike: 9+1=10, Dam: 110 M.D.
Action 2: Call over to Shane
Action 3: Fire at Demon 4: Strike: Nat 20, Dam: 180x2=360 M.D.
Action 4: Fire at Demon 3: Strike: 10+1=11, Dam: 180 M.D.
Action 5: Fire at Demon 1: Strike: 9+1=10, Dam: 200 M.D.
Action 6: Fire at Grisabella: Strike: 5+1=6, Dam: 160 M.D.
Action 7: Fire at Jo: Strike: Nat 20, Dam: 140x2=280 M.D.

Parry (+5 included): 19, 19, 7, 21, 15, 6, 12
Shane Knight

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Shane Knight »

Perception: 6 + 3 = 9
JIC: 14/18%

Initiative: natural 20

Conditions: Piloting Sidewinder, wearing Belt of Heroism and MDC flight suit.

Robot & Power Armour: 21% of 76%
Radio: Basic: 22% of 85%

As the last the of the Demon Flies is blasted from the sky near Shane, he turns and directs his attention to the battle going on in the town. He sees that the Magot is stuck courtesy of a spell and is beaten up and battered, so he decides to leave it to the Patriarch to finish it off. Logan seems to be in some difficulty, but I can’t risk attacking from here. I could kill him if I miss. Hopefully someone steps up and comes to his aid.
Conner wrote:He next calls over to the team leader; there is a cold and calculating sound to it. “Shane this is Conner. I engaged the Magot but my current weapon has no effect against it. Switching to engage the four hostiles on the northern wall by Logan’s position.”
His thoughts are interrupted by a radio transmission from Conner. His response is simple, "Acknowledged, Conner."

Shane decides the best course of action is to attack the two mages and concentrates his attacks on Grisabella and Lucius. He looses a volley of mini-missiles and follows up with a burst from his rail-gun, continuing in this pattern until they are destroyed. If Grisabella is killed he will switch targets to Lucius.

APM: 8
Action 1: Attack Grisabella with volley of 4 mini-missiles (2AP, 2 Plasma). Strike: 19 + 6 = 25; Damage: 120 MDC AP + 50 MDC Plasma (Double damage from AP)
Action 2: Attack Grisabella with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 10 + 4 = 14; Damage: 10 MDC.
Action 3: Attack Grisabella (Lucius if Grisabella is killed) with volley of 4 mini-missiles (2AP, 2 Plasma). Strike: 17 + 6 = 23; Damage: 40 MDC AP + 110 MDC Plasma
Action 4: Attack Grisabella (Lucius if Grisabella is killed) with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 16 + 4 = 20; Damage: 20 MDC.
Action 5: Attack Grisabella (Lucius if Grisabella is killed) with volley of 4 mini-missiles (2AP, 2 Plasma). Strike: 12 + 6 = 18; Damage: 50 MDC AP + 90 MDC Plasma.
Action 6: Attack Grisabella (Lucius if Grisabella is killed) with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 19 + 4 = 23; Damage: 20 MDC.
Action 7: Attack Grisabella (Lucius if Grisabella is killed) with volley of 4 mini-missiles (2AP, 2 Plasma). Strike: 14 + 6 = 20; Damage: 50 MDC AP + 70 MDC Plasma
Action 8: Attack Grisabella (Lucius if Grisabella is killed) with C-40R Rail Gun. Strike: 13 + 4 = 17; Damage: 30 MDC.

Parry Rolls (+11): 3, 3, 15, 19, 10, 10, 14 & 2.
Auto-Dodge Rolls (+7): 12, 17, 19, 4, 10, 2, 19 & 15.

((OOC - Bonuses are not included in Parry and Auto-Dodge rolls))

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Cale »

Perception: Nat 20 (21)
JIC: 6, 52%

Extra HF rolls: 12, 13, 9

"Damn, the slaggers are herding us towards the Majot before I can get to Logan. Alright. Lets do this." The fearless chef starts heading over to help his falling comrade, taking bursts of oppertunity.

Initiative: 19
Actions: 5
Action 1: Move towards Logan taking burst shots Strike: 19 Dmg: 40MD
Action 2: Move towards Logan taking burst shots Strike: 11 Dmg: 40MD
Actions 3 thru 5: Reserved for dodging Rolls: 23, 11, 21

Strike rolls:
Dmg rolls:
Dodge rolls:

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Ailith »

Perception: 14+8=22
Initiative: 18+3=21
JIC: 17%/65
APM: 6/7
Pre-existing Conditions: [Personal MD 85], Danger Sense, Immunity to Fire, Bow laying nearby. Invisibility non active.

After hitting the ground, she lays there a moment, her body wracked in pain and breathing very labored. She looks up into the sky looking for whatever attacked her and took her airborne. Her instincts for survival kick in a moment later and she rolls over looking around and realizing now that she is outside the compound with no protection and looks up at the incredibly large beast just a few feet away from her attacking the walls. Thoughts are circling through her mind and she looks about for attackers as she scrambles for her bow, prepared to dodge any incoming attacks.

"These demons can see right through my invisibility so might as well just save the energy. Spirits of the Air, Fire and Earth, again I ask your protection for this town, the people, the ones defending it and for myself that I may stop these responsible for the destruction."

Being behind the beast and seeing the fire shooting up around the beast she quickly llifts off from the ground and gets above the beast and above the flames to see what is happening. She sees ben dancing for his life and focuses her fire abilities to stop the flames shooting out of the ground around the beast and causing Ben to dance like mad to avoid them.

"Spirits of fire come to my aid and extinguish these flames and protect the one that they threaten"

Actions: [stunned for a moment from previous round and having regained her senses]

1. Spots and scrambles for her bow to retrieve it and even though she is immune to the fires around her she still avoids them if she can.

2. Activates her flight powers and lifts above the beast while watching for more of the flying attackers

3. Once above the beast, spots Ben dancing around the fires trying to close on the beast and riders.

4. Immediately focuses her powers over fire against the fires exploding out of the ground and attempts to extinguish them to aid Ben.

5. Will attempt to dodge any incoming attacks as she attempts to extinguish the fire.
[Dodge: 18+12+2 while flying = 32]

6. Will attempt to dodge any incoming attacks as she attempts to extinguish the fire.
[Dodge: 15+12+2 while flying = 29]

[Unless attacked and has to dodge, she will focus on the flames from behind the beast and continue to attempt to extinguish them]
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Archive Account
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Archive Account »

Updated Map Here

Action One
Shane launches a volley of four mini-missiles across the town at the Mayor Lethbridge. The simultaneous strike of the quartet of missiles washes the top of her war mount in a fiery blast, moments later she is nowhere in sight to those atop the battlements and within the town.

Jo squeezes ever tighter and Logan can hear inside his helmet as the seals burst at the elbow of his armored right arm; the armor is near collapse.

Ailith scrambles for her bow, avoiding the fires as best as she is able.

Lucius makes a hand gesture and takes to the sky. He cuts through the air like an arrow on a vertical ascendancy heading south, and is over the center of town in mere moments.

Cale runs towards Logan, taking a shot of opportunity at the massive Magot as he runs.

Sir Benjamin Payne Dodge moves to dodge a jet of flame he sees erupting from the ground but is too late and catches a blast of fiery heat full in his face. His helmet saves him from what would have been a terminal worsening of his not-so-good looks.

The invisible demonic insect take another bite from Ailith's hide just as she gets her bow in hand.

The Magot vanishes from sight; in its place is a large cloud of light smoke or steam which begins drifting south.

Reaper uses his chin to activate the holo-pendant hanging around his neck; a mild glow from the hologram fills his HUD with an eerie greenish-blue light.

Caradoc shouts out instructions to the matrons to collect the other two survivors as he preps his surgical instruments.

Grisabella's war mount begins to trod over the shattered gate and through the broken and crumbling reinforced stone of the north wall. Its massive forty foot tall height blocks out everything behind it.

Conner fires a burst from his massive weapon at the Magot. The burst may as well be like a garden hose spraying a cloud and the rounds instead impact the cobblestone of the town square where it stood, blowing smoking holes into the town center.

Ailith sees the woman who was just riding atop the giant demon-beast fly backward from a massive missile blast and land in a sprawl just behind her mount; her clothing as she lay on her back is smoking slightly and she is prone on her back.

The four demons atop the northern battlements leap across the alleys and onto the tops of nearby buildings apparently intent on making their way to the remaining defenders on the southern wall.

Logan uses his telekinetic powers to undo the clasp over Jo’s right shoulder which holds fast his forcefield harness. The clasps comes undone almost as easily as if his own fingers were working the mechanisms.

The Town Defenders switch targets as the Magot disappears and another missile and burst of rail gun fire tear into the massive hide of the beast as it labors its way through the previously formidable gate-wall. The patriarch's mecha stumbles back to its feet, little better than a smoking scrapheap with an impressive rail gun mounted atop.

William Summers runs past Cale and Caradoc and casts Armor of Ithan on himself. Overhead, the enemy mage flies with stunning alacrity, obviously under the effects of an incantation or TW effect replicating the novice spell known in the mag community as Fly as the Eagle or some similar spell.

Action Two
Shane sees nothing but a smoking blast mark atop the beast where Grisabella previously stood. He quickly switches targets as he spies her mage bodyguard, Lucius, rapidly approaching and sends a burst from his C-40R rail gun at the flying mage. A shimmering field not unlike the one installed on his SAMAS ripples slightly as the flechettes find their mark.

Jo's steely grip clamps down like a vice on Logan's left arm, and this time the armor gives way after only a split second's resistance. The overlapping composite plates and high-tensile fiber mesh give way and Logan's brain explodes with pain as his left arm is severed cleanly just above the elbow by the buckling composite plates. Logan's vision swims as he fights to retain consciousness as his life likely depends on it. Jo smirks, "Well, almost as easy as pulling wings from a fly."

Ailith takes to the air with her bow now in hand and lifts above the beast while watching for more of the flying attackers.

Lucius flies in a zig-zag pattern in the air as he flies roughly in Shane's direction, his hands moving in a circular motion as if he were gathering up a large snowball. The gas mask covers most of his face, but Shane would bet anything that underneath that mask his lips are moving.

Cale keeps running towards Logan, and takes the opportunity to fire a wild burst into the air overhead toward the flying mage. The burst goes wide as the mage is flying in a zig-zag pattern and disperses harmlessly in the sky.

Ben struggles forward, doing a low crawl as fast as he can on his belly, using his arms to pull him as he uses his knees to push him onward. His progress is painstakingly slow due to all the shaking and rumbling of the earth beneath him which often flattens him face-down into the hot, venting dirt.

Ailith feels something unseen breeze past her angrily.

The large cloud of light smoke drifts further south.

Reaper sees nothing but a smoking blast mark atop the beast where Grisabella previously stood. He quickly switches targets as he spies her mage bodyguard, Lucius, rapidly approaching and sends a pair of Mini-Missiles corkscrewing through the air as the sounds of Lynn Minmei's famous song loudly echoes in Clay's ears, and he just knows his enemies must be trembling in confusion, awe, and fear of the great and powerful Minmei much like the Zentraedi of his dimension learned of the magnitude of her powers. The mini-missiles slam into the airborne mage and for a moment all that can be seen is the wash of fire. A split-second later, the mage blasts out of the cloud, singed and his garb smoking.

Caradoc checks to make sure the girl is respirating, gets a false signal, sees the girl's small frame rise with an inhalation, and moves on to the next procedural step in the operation safe in the knowledge that the girl is well and truly alive.

Grisabella's war mount smashes well and truly through the northern wall and shuffles forward into the town.

Conner feels a slight shudder in wall beneath his feet as he calls over the radio to Shane.

A cloud of smoke begins to rise from the still prone figure of the fallen mayor. (Only Ailith sees this.)

Logan undoes the clasp over Jo's left shoulder much as had done the right one.

The Town Defenders launch another missile and burst of rail gun fire tear into the massive hide of the beast as it labors its way toward the interior curtain wall. The patriarch's mecha lurches forward a moment then takes a step back, keeping its distance from the carpet of adhesion as it begins to reorient and to maneuver around it.

William sprints past the slower Cale, sending paired blasts from his pistols at the massive beast approaching the archway of the curtain wall. The blast from his MageFire pistol having almost no visible effect while his Thundergun's blast barely leaves a minor scorch on the huge monster's hide.

Action Three
Shane sends a quartet of mini-missiles at the flying mage whose eyes go wide at the sight of the rapidly approaching rockets. The mage jets upward in a sudden change of vector and the volley of mini-missiles go spiraling beyond the castle walls to explode somewhere in the distance.

Jo's right hand tightens and that same explosion of pain occurs in Logan's head as his right arm is separated from the rest of his body just above the elbow. "There now, that wasn't so bad was it? Perhaps Grisabella will let you live on as a freakish pet of hers after this is all over." Jo drops Logan's shuddering form to the cobblestone street below even as his harness slips from his shoulders and clatters to the ground. A remarkably confused look crosses his face at this occurrence.

Ailith spots Ben crawling among the venting earth.

Ben struggles forward, doing a low crawl as fast as he can on his belly, using his arms to pull him as he uses his knees to push him onward. His progress is painstakingly slow due to all the shaking and rumbling of the earth beneath him which often flattens him face-down into the hot, venting dirt.

Ailith feels a stabbing lance of pain along her backside, and the whooshing pulse of wings beating the air behind her.

Reaper quickly pulls two missiles from his hip pack, loads one and starts to run along the battlements, leaping across the chasm. (Note: You're taking extreme liberties with your actions here, but it's good drama, so I'll let it pass this time.)

Conner is lining up his next shot when he feels an impact like a wrecking ball slam into the side of his helmet. He staggers from the blow but manages to somehow keep his feet, and not fall from the crenelated walls to the courtyard thirty feet below.

The war mount gives a mighty shove at the narrow battlements spanning the main street. The top of the curtain wall shatters and rains debris below, mere feet from Jo and Logan's position and the two Roughnecks charging towards it on foot.

Conner manages to not only keep his footing after the surprise blow, he lands a devastating burst on the easternmost demon, stitching it from navel to brow with powerful plasma cartridges. The demon explodes in a shower of blood.

The figure of Grisabella's fallen form is now completely shrouded in a rapidly rising black cloud of smoke nearly as tall and wide as the north wall, and coalescing into a massive, ominous shape. (Only Ailith sees this.)

Logan fights unconsciousness and uses the telekinetic powers of his mind to grab the survival knife from his belt as he lay prone on his back and bleeding profusely from the stumps of his arms.

The Town Defenders launch another missile and burst of rail gun fire tear into the massive hide of the beast as it labors its way toward the interior curtain wall. The patriarch's mecha shambles around the carpet of adhesion, and begins to reorient and to turn to face down the war mount breaching the curtain wall. A burst of chatter washes over the Roughnecks' frequency "This might be it, boys! My mecha's structural integrity is down to ten percent; I'm making my last stand here. If I fall, get as many of the villagers out of here as possible."

William blasts Jo with his Thundergun as Will catches sight of the man. The blast has an obvious impact but doesn't look to be a terrible punishment.

Action Four
Shane targets Lucius with a burst from his C-40R rail gun, and cuts loose with it into the mage's midsection. A shimmering bluish-white bubble flickers as each flechette finds its mark.

Jo smirks a nasty, devilish grin and looks straight into William's eyes, "Another bird whose wings need to be clipped, eh? Bring it on, Sally!" The man dashes the short distance between the two of them, and smashes into Will's forcefield like he's been shot the impact is so powerful.

Ailith immediately focuses her powers over fire against the fires exploding out of the ground and snuffs out a thirty foot area around Ben. While now safe from the fires, he's still moving at a crawl due to the shaking of the earth.

Lucius begins making motions with his hands again after having been interrupted by Shane and Reaper's combined assaults.

Ben struggles forward, doing a low crawl as fast as he can on his belly, using his arms to pull him as he uses his knees to push him onward. His progress is painstakingly slow due to all the shaking and rumbling of the earth beneath him which often flattens him face-down into the hot, venting dirt. The fires around him begin to die out, but the unending quaking of the earth below doesn't cease.

Ailith feels another painful nip from her backside. She's starting to feel a bit battered and bruised now.

The large cloud of light smoke drifts further south and west toward Shane's position.

Reaper sees the scuffle between Jo and William as well as Logan's prone, bleeding and dismember body lying just past the two combatants and levels a blast from his Naruni rifle. The heavy cartridge catches the mutant human flat-footed and annihilates him in a blast of super-heated plasma.

Caradoc is assigning duties to a hustling duo of older women as he applies a tourniquet to the young girl's leg that quickly staunches the blood loss. Some movement catches his eye and he looks up momentarily to see a three foot-long, one foot tall, iguana-like creature with a set of tiny sharp teeth, clawed toes, and lashing tail. It has chrome-colored, metallic skin, with streaks of dark blue that look like fiber optic cables running over its body. It's watching you from across the room with its head cocked to one side.

Another flattening blow like a pile-driver comes out of nowhere to smash into Conner's chest as he tries to stand his ground atop the battlements.

The war mount strides through the rubble of the curtail wall's arch as though it were so much papier-mâché. The beast doesn't even take note of where its massive footfalls land as Jo's body is crushed to a pulp underfoot as it lashes forward with a massive tusk-swipe at William who happens to be in its way. The tree trunk-sized tusk catches him dead-center and sens him flying through the air. His protective magic spell pops like a soap bubble upon impact but takes the brunt of the damage. His body flies through the air in a vertical, eastward arc and he lands hard on his side on a nearby rooftop.

Conner maintains his focus and levels and targets a demon en route to ravage William on a nearby rooftop. The devastating burst finds its mark along the midsection of another roof-hopping demon, and it explodes in a geyser of blood.

A smoky black figure rises over the shattered remains of the northern wall as the familiar voice of their nemesis booms and echoes. "You fools dare stand athwart destiny? By refusing to submit yourselves to my rule you have chosen the same fate as those pathetic mages and healers in Medicine Hat!" As the figure coalesces it becomes readily apparent to all that the figure taking shape is that of a massive and presumably ancient black dragon.

Logan raises the knife into the air before him with his mental powers in time to see Jo obliterated by a fiery blast of plasma. The wash of heat from the blast reaches his nose through the gaping rents in his armor as he fights the red tide of pain and black veil of oblivion.

The Town Defenders launch another missile and burst of rail gun fire tear into the massive hide of the beast as it labors its way toward the interior curtain wall. The patriarch's mecha shambles around the carpet of adhesion, and begins to reorient and to turn to face down the war mount breaching the curtain wall. The Patriarch's mecha lurches into position, its turret-mounted quad-rail gun swivels to orient on the massive beast and begins dumping hundreds of flechettes into the monster's blood-red form.

William quickly takes stock of his predicament and casts Armor of Ithan on himself again.

Action Five
Shane targets Lucius with another volley of four mini-missiles. The mini-missiles find their mark even as the spell-caster is in mid-invocation and erupt with an explosive fury that consumes his area of space in a blazing cloud of plasma. His limp and smoking form hurtles through the sky in an arc that ends with his body smashing onto a rooftop just inside the eastern wall.

The quaking and fires beneath Ben cease all of a sudden and he's able to get to his feet in one swift motion.

The large cloud of light smoke drifts further south and west toward Shane's position.

Taking a moment after he lands on the other side of the eastern battlements, Clay reloads the remaining mini-missile into his Cyclone's launcher.

Keeping one cybernetic eye on the curious lizard-thing, Cai treats the girl for shock. She readily stabilizes under his care. Her skin is pale from blood loss and cool to the touch, but she's unconscious and still, and her respiration is regular and even.

Conner receives another jackhammer blow to the side of his robust Naruni suit from seemingly out of the thin air to his right.

Conner opens up with another burst from his Vulcan mini-gun and absolutely shreds the westernmost roof-hopping demon in mid jump.

"Even should you escape, the MercTown authorities have been informed of your war crimes; you have no safe refuge in this dimension or any other where I cannot find you or where you're welcome. Flee now or I'll raze you where you stand!" The voice of Grisabella's gargantuan, monstrous form echoes through the town and across the valley.

William gets off of his back, and stands up to get a better vantage on the field of battle that is this war-torn town.

Action Six
Shane attacks the massive black dragon that is Grisabella with his C-40R rail gun from across the town. The rounds from the rail gun find their mark but there is no discernible effect on its massive form.

Ben takes stock of his situation in a moment. Ailith is overhead, what looks to be a massive shadow dragon looms before and over the north wall easily sixty feet in height and with a wingspan that boggles his imagination. Where once the city gates stood there is now a gaping hole through which the devil-woman's massive beast must surely have passed. From inside the town echo the screams of innocents, and the explosions and rapport of explosions and gunfire.

The large cloud of light smoke drifts further south and west toward Shane's position.

Reaper attacks the massive black dragon that is Grisabella with with pair of HEAP mini-missiles that corkscrew across town. The mini-missiles fly true and find their mark but the missiles seem to simply be absorbed into the massive, black form. The way they impact just doesn't look right to Clay, something's off.

Once again, Conner is lining up his next shot when he feels an impact like a wrecking ball slam into the side of his helmet. He staggers from the blow but manages to somehow keep his feet, and not fall from the crenelated walls to the courtyard thirty feet below. This time, however, his aim goes wide and the burst he had leveled at the giant black dragon goes streaming off toward the western horizon.

William sees that Cale is much closer than himself to Logan's position and levels his following paired blasts into the massive back of the beast trudging its way through the main street of the town.

Action Seven
Shane attacks the massive black dragon that is Grisabella with with volley of 4 mini-missiles from across the town. The mini-missiles fly true and find their mark but the missiles seem to simply be absorbed into the massive, black form.

Sir Benjamin Payne finally makes his way free of the perimeter of violent earth and summons his psi-sword.

The large cloud of light smoke reforms into the massive hulk of the Magot on the street below Shane's position.

Reaper blasts the dragon with his Naruni rifle and again notices that the impact just doesn't seem right.

Conner unleashes a massive burst or plasma cartridges into the massive form of the dragon that seems to leave rippling, concentric holes across its body.

Action Eight
Shane attacks the massive black dragon that is Grisabella with his C-40R rail gun from across the town. The rounds from the rail gun find their mark but there is no discernible effect on its massive form.

The Magot leaps for Shane but the nimble leader of the Roughnecks ducks and rolls to the right as the massive demon clips the crenelated battlements and lands on the other side.

The enormous black dragon whips its head from right to left slowly bathing practically everything and everyone in an ocean of flames. Reaper is the first one caught in the tidal wave of fire and he's awestruck as he sees the indicator on his installed Naruni forcefield go from 50% to 99% damage. Cale and Conner are the next ones to feel the wrath of the dragon's fire as they both see their armored visors melt, peel back then vaporize before their vision goes black and their charred bodies collapse in a heap. Shane is the last one to get caught in the wash and sees his own Naruni indicator drop from 95% to 45% in only a few moments as the flames bathe his forcefield in a torrent of fire.

Total Damages
Ailith: -90 M.D.
Sir Benjamin Payne: Main Body: -42 M.D., Helmet: -12 M.D., -12 personal S.D.C.
Reaper: N-F40A Heavy Force Field ― -208 M.D.
Cale: DEAD
Conner: DEAD
Shane: N-F40A Heavy Force Field: -137 M.D.
Logan: -20 additional I.S.P. (You've been sapped again.), Main Body: -30 M.D., Helmet: -13 M.D., Right Arm: - 40 M.D.--destroyed, Left Arm: -40 M.D.--destroyed, 0 personal S.D.C., -12 H.P., -2 H.P. every minute (4 melees), Reduce skill performance by 90%; -4 to strike, parry, dodge and roll.
William: Main Body: -16 M.D., AoI: Reactivated and at full strength, -14 personal S.D.C.

Total Expenses
(I'm not tracking P.P.E. or I.S.P., continue to track those as normal, yourselves.)
Reaper: -8 rail gun bursts, 2 Naruni cartridges, 4 HEAP mini-missiles
Sir Benjamin Payne: -10 bursts (30 shots)
Logan: -5 shots
Shane Knight: -12 bursts, -8 plasma mini-missiles, -8 AP mini-missiles
Ailith: -N/A
Cale: -6 bursts
Caradoc: -2 shots
Conner: -5 shots, -8 Vulcan bursts
William Summers: -5 shots Thundergun, -5 shots Fire Bolt Pistol
Conner Gunsmith

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Conner Gunsmith »

“THE PAAAAIIINNN!!! AAAAHHHH!!!” For a brief moment there is nothing else in Conner’s world but the searing pain of fire. White, intense and all consuming and then everything goes black. And then everything melts away, he is back in the void.

“NNOOOO! This can’t be happening not know. We have not gotten our revenge!” The machine roars at the darkness.

“Give it up, it’s over. We did our best but it was not enough. Maybe with the actions that we did at least the rest of the team has a chance to live.”

The darker Conner spins around with a look of disgust on his face. “What!? You think we made some kind of noble sacrifice for the team. Are you kidding me? Is that some kind of joke or is another sorry excuse from a pathetic loser. This just shows how much of one you really are. First you could not protect the ones you love, then it moved to only the ones you called friends and then finally to yourself.” He is nearly frothing at the mouth with anger.

“HA, you where the one in control at the end. You are the one that just wanted to shot everything and not caring about dodging. All you would have had to do was duck behind the wall, but NOOO you had to be the badass who saves the day. This world is unfair; I know this now and have come to except it. Sometimes you lose friends and loved ones. It may hurt, but you must not give up and dive into the pits of hell to turn into a monster for the purpose of revenge.”

The other Conner is now visibly shaking with anger. “SHUT UP! I will not accept this. I will not go quietly. When we are brought back I will go on a war path like none have seen before.”

“Enough! You are not in control anymore. Yes, I created you out of need for survival, but you are nothing but a machine. You are a weapon that I made for battle just like a gun or armor nothing else. This was my life and I lived it the way I wanted and I will let end in the way I want. Now go and rest. If I have of need for you again in the afterlife I will call out.”
The darker self begins to fade away with its head lowered in defeat when a light breeze of warmth pushes against Conner. On it he hears the voice of a female. “Rest now my love, it will be ok.”

“Emma is that you? Yes it is; I know it has to be you. Only you could bring warmth to me in a place of darkness like this.”

As the voice speaks again the coldness of the void is melted away. “You will be ok. Rest for you will need your strength for what you need to do next. Know this; I will be there with you. I always have.”

The warmth grows along his body and through it. There is light everywhere and he closes his eyes. He feels his feet side out from under him and lifts up so that he is now in a laying position.

“Emma I’m coming home.”
Logan Sharpe

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Logan Sharpe »

Perception: 2+5=7
JIC: 19 | 59%
Initiative: 15+3=18
APM: 6

Action 1: Use Stop Bleeding on self. -2 ISP from Ley Line
Action 2-6: SEE BELOW

Watching as his arms slowly fall to the ground, Logan nearly vomits all over himself. He stumbles backwards, just as his opponent Jo feels the crushing attack from Reaper’s Naruni rifle. Logan could not care less about Jo for the moment, nor the surging tide of Grisabella’s army as it washes over Bow Island. His focus is on survival…and then repenting for his past sins. Using what little energy he can from the present Ley Line, Logan makes an attempt to stop the bleeding from his arms as he slides his bloody frame down the side of the nearest wall. Slumped over with his ass sitting in a pool of his own blood, Logan uses the internal radio built into his Naruni helmet to signal the Doctor, “Cai…it’s Logan….” Struggling to fight back the darkness Logan continues, “I need you man…now. This ain’t one of our fuckin’ jokes, bud, this is for real. I’m north of your position, slumped over against the battlements behind the building with the angled brown roof.”

Logan continues to talk on the radio, mostly to himself but with Cai as the clear recipient of his words, “I don’t know what hurts worse Doc, me losing both of my arms or having to finally submit to your ways of medicine being superior,” laughing slightly, Logan is stopped by his own bloody coughs. “Fuck it though…I don’t care if you’re better. Hell I’m glad you’re better than me…at least right now anyways. Just get me back into this fight Doc, give me one more shot to stick my boot up that fuckin’ mage’s ass! One more shot to…to….” Logan’s eyes shut for a brief moment before suddenly reopening. “…to finish what I started with you all. I tell you what though, Doc…I’m ok with it if it ends here for me, I really am. Finally I felt like I belonged somewhere, ya’ know? If I go out, I’m just glad it’s with a sense of purpose, and not as some low-life assassin who kills for the glory of another man. Do me one favor though, Doc…besides giving me new arms that is—if I don’t make it, find out what happened to that boy back in Medicine Hat...just find out…just….”
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Reaper »

Perception: 16+2=18
Initiative: 19+8(Cyclone)=27
JiC d20 / d100: 16 / 9%

Systems of Note:
Forcefield Active - 15 MDC / 220 MDC
Sensory Equipment - Radar: Airborne Targets - 40 miles, Land Targets - 10 Miles, can track 25 Targets
Combat Computer - +2 for built in weapons +1 for Hand Held weapons.
15 seconds of the Dreaded Minmei Attack wrote:Still, we must fight or face defeat.
We must stand tall and not retreat.
"Where the fuck did a dragon come from!" he says to nobody in particular. The sweet voice of Minmei filling his ears, and his heart. "We have to do this, we must do this!" With the same determination that Minmei held in the last stand against the Zentraedi, he pulls another two missiles out of the box. He then leaps off the edge of the wall outside of the town, landing in the snow. He quickly reloads both of his missiles, as he runs down the length of the wall. "Dammit, how am I going to kill that bitch. Center mass, and wing hits don't appear to be working."

Clay peers around the corner to get a better look, and possible weak spot on the dragon, he levels his left arm, the targeting reticule zooms in on the spot where the smoke is generating. Reaper notices a shadow of figure standing within the smoke,"Time to take this bitch down, Minmei style." His eye's narrow as he starts to sing along with the song, "Must stand tall." Two armor piercing missiles launch towards the figure. His other arm brings up the railgun and fires off a burst at the same target, "And not retreat!"

Attack 1 - Pull Missiles and Drop from Battlements
Action 2 - Load Mini-Missile and running toward the corner of the battlements
Action 3 - Load Mini Missile and running toward the corner of the battlements
Action 4 - Peer around corner and assess the situation Intelligence 37% / 63%
Action 5 - Called Shot: Firing Missiles (2) HEAP - at the figure in the shadows of the dragon. Strike: 17+6=23 Damage 2d4x10x2=140 MD
Action 6 - Firing Railgun at the figure in the base of the dragon. 10+6=16 Damage 1d4x10+10=50 MD
Action 7 - Firing Railgun at the figure in the base of the dragon. 14+6=20 Damage 1d4x10+10=40 MD

Auto-Dodge (+15 not included): 20(NAT!), 8, 12, 4, 6, 17, 10
Last edited by Tiree on Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: edited post with information provided by TGM
H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Caradoc »

Perception: 9+3=12
JIC: 14
Init: 10
APM: 5

1. Give orders while observing chrome lizard. (see rolls below)
2. Listen to Logan and finish work on girl.
3. Give orders and head out to get Logan with one other matron
4-5. Continued movement to Logan (total distance crossed after 3 actions: 72 feet)
Dodge/Parry as necessary:
TGM wrote:Caradoc is assigning duties to a hustling duo of older women as he applies a tourniquet to the young girl's leg that quickly staunches the blood loss. Some movement catches his eye and he looks up momentarily to see a three foot-long, one foot tall, iguana-like creature with a set of tiny sharp teeth, clawed toes, and lashing tail. It has chrome-colored, metallic skin, with streaks of dark blue that look like fiber optic cables running over its body. It's watching you from across the room with its head cocked to one side.
As Dr. Cai Caradoc finishes up the tourniquet on the little girl, he looks over at the chrome lizard and raises a cybernetic eyebrow. "Ohhhh kay. Do you fair ladies keep robo-lizards for pets around here per chance?"

What the devil is that? An automaton? A cybernetic lizard? Do tell, little fellow, do tell!

Skills to identify chrome lizard:
Electrical Engineer -- 23/67% PASS (determining point of fiber optic cables on exterior)
Mechanical Engineer -- 82/57% FAIL (determining power source/locomotion)
Biology -- 34/77% PASS (determining nature of the beast: cybernetic or robotic ... or other?)
Bioware Mechanics: 14/72% PASS (determining extent of cybernetic purpose)
Veterinary Science -- 64/76% PASS (determining extent of original animal if any)
Logan Sharpe wrote:Logan uses the internal radio built into his Naruni helmet to signal the Doctor, “Cai…it’s Logan….” Struggling to fight back the darkness Logan continues, “I need you man…now. This ain’t one of our fuckin’ jokes, bud, this is for real. I’m north of your position, slumped over against the battlements behind the building with the angled brown roof.”
As Logan begins to speak, Doc turns to the nurses in attendance and says quietly, "Finish up with the ragamuffin. She won't bleed out with the Qwik-Clot on that leg but it needs cleaned so it doesn't get infected. I have someone in critical condition on the line."

Oh the quack has really done it now! His big mouth no doubt got him in trouble and someone finally took exception to it. And here I am, cleaning up his mess. Can he pay? Of course not! He just expects me to pull extra limbs out of my darkest orifice and slap them on his bleeding stumps so he can go off traipsing about just as reckless as ever! Well he's got another thing coming! He owes me now!

When Logan finishes, he replies, "Don't move, Logan. Don't move one inch. Keep your arms elevated over your head and DO NOT MOVE. We're coming to get your charlatan ass." He grabs the strongest, youngest, fastest, most-able bodied nurse he sees in the building and says, "You're with me. The rest of you, get those two survivors from the girl's house and do what you can for them. I'll be back with a critical customer ASAP!" Cai finishes the last word as he exits the building and runs full-speed north towards Logan's position, dodging and parrying any incoming attacks.

If that blathering prick gets me killed trying to save his worthless hide, I'll haunt him until some deity takes pity on his immortal soul and separates us through some arcane means. Even then, I will do what I can to circumvent such chicanery and go back to making every waking moment of eternity as painfully annoying as possible!
Logan Sharpe wrote:Logan continues to talk on the radio, mostly to himself but with Cai as the clear recipient of his words, “I don’t know what hurts worse Doc, me losing both of my arms or having to finally submit to your ways of medicine being superior,” laughing slightly, Logan is stopped by his own bloody coughs. “Fuck it though…I don’t care if you’re better. Hell I’m glad you’re better than me…at least right now anyways. Just get me back into this fight Doc, give me one more shot to stick my boot up that fuckin’ mage’s ass! One more shot to…to….” Logan’s eyes shut for a brief moment before suddenly reopening. “…to finish what I started with you all. I tell you what though, Doc…I’m ok with it if it ends here for me, I really am. Finally I felt like I belonged somewhere, ya’ know? If I go out, I’m just glad it’s with a sense of purpose, and not as some low-life assassin who kills for the glory of another man. Do me one favor though, Doc…besides giving me new arms that is—if I don’t make it, find out what happened to that boy back in Medicine Hat...just find out…just….”
As Doc runs north, he listens to Logan but first sends a team-wide message, "This is Doc. Running north with one fat nurse to retrieve Logan. He's lost both his arms. Cover my approach if you can... I'm going to be vulnerable out there!"

Why do I get the sinking feeling I'm going to be completely ignored by my teammates, and overly attended to by the monsters running amok in this backwater brick shithouse?

Having informed the team, he keeps booking it north while trying to calm Logan from going into shock. He does this by shaking Logan free of any notion that this changes things for the worse. "Of course my ways of medicine are superior, you nincompoop. I've been telling you that all along! Man was not meant to stay in this weak, mortal shell. I am going to fix you right up, you simpering fool. I'm going to make your arms the pinnacle of cybernetic art. You will serve as a symbol to all of the purity inherent to the Modern Man! There's a reason you need years of schooling to do what I can do and only a silly whim to do what you do. Because my way is master craftsmanship, and yours is junk science! You're lucky no patient of mine ever dies. unless they can't pay. Then that's their fault, not mine. So you're going to have to live with me showing you up and deal with this little ragamuffin from Medicine Hat, while I listen to you incessantly whine the whole way!"

If that doesn't keep that idiot alive long enough to argue with me, I don't know what will. Better he be hopping mad then giving up and dying on me.

If Doc actually gets to Logan this round, the first thing he does is check to make sure he's still breathing.

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Ailith »

Perception: 19+8=27
Initiative: 16+3=19
JIC: 7%/40
APM: 6/7
Pre-existing Conditions: [Personal MD 115], Danger Sense, Immunity to Fire, Bow in left hand. Invisibility non active. Flight Active.

After saving Ben's life extinguishing the fire, Dakota swings around in midair activating her thermal sight and her luck fetish. She then focuses behind her where the two fast attacks came from. Once the target is in sight, she will bring her Tomahawk from her belt with her free hand bringing it down on the bug with the full force of her super natural strength intent on severing it in two, while blocking the creatures attacks with her fetish bow in the other hand. Somewhere in this action she spots the shadow of a figure at the base of the tail of the Dragon, but with her assailant attacking her, she re-focuses on the assailant

[ Dual Weapons].

If she is able to dispatch the target with one blow she will turn her focus on the Shadow at the base of the Dragon with her thermals still active. If she is not able to kill the target with one blow, she will continue to fight it until it is dead and then turn on the shadow. Her visage suggests she is royally pissed off and in some intense pain but she is a spirit warrior and remains focused in spite.

Actions: [Scenario One-killing the bug in one hit]
1. Swings around while activating her thermal sight
2. Activate her luck fetish [+1 to Initiative, +1 to strike, +5% to all rolls]
3. Locates target and pulls her tomahawk while parrying the attacks with her bow in her left hand.
4, Attacks target with her tomahawk [See parry rolls below]
[Roll to strike: 17 + 10 = 27 Dmg: 4d6 + 2d6 (sns 31 + Tomahawk) = 20 MD + (8 MD x 2 for demon)]
5. After killing the bug, she will focus her attention on the Shadow as she puts her tomahawk away and two hands her bow taking aim on the shadow
6. Roll to hit [Not an Aimed Shot] [Roll: 18+6 = 24 Dmg: 30 MD x2 against Demons]
7. Dodge any attacks incoming from other directions [Roll to Dodge: 09 + 14 = 23]

Actions: Scenario 2 [Bug doesn't die on first attack and continues to attack till it does]
1. Swings around while activating her thermal sight
2. Activate her luck fetish [+1 to Initiative, +1 to strike, +5% to all rolls]
3. Locates target and draws her tomahawk while parrying the attacks with her bow in her left hand.
4. Attacks target with her tomahawk [See parry rolls below]
[Roll to strike: 17 + 10 = 27 Dmg: 4d6 + 2d6 (sns 31 + tomahawk) = 20 MD + (8 MD x 2 against demons)]
5. Attacks target with her Tomahawk [Roll to strike: 11 + 10 = 21 Dmg: 14 MD + (10 MD x 2)]
6. [Roll to strike: 19 + 10 = 29 Dmg: 17 MD + (07 MD x 2)]
7. Dodge any incoming attacks from other directions then the bug

Parries with Bow (+10 included): 25, 17, NAT20, 23, 19
Last edited by Ailith on Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sir Benjamin Payne

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 5: Finale

Post by Sir Benjamin Payne »

Perception: 1+4=5
JIC: 12,46%
APM: 7
Initiative: 17+4=21
Prowl: 29%|47% (success)
Lore Demon and Monster: 38%|42%(success)
Detect Concealment 31%|52%(success)

Conditions: Psi Sword, Psi Shield(15 ISP) 80MDC 5min remaining

The cyber knight slowly retunes his focus to the area around him and is shocked by the events that have transpired in the few seconds he was fighting through the fire, I don't know why the fire stopped but I don't know if I would have made it out if it had continued to attack me.

Ben's first impulse is to head through the gap in the wall and save the innocents undoubtedly being ravaged by the giant demon. Once the sheer size and power of the dragon reaches Ben's mind he is able to pull back and realize he is in a position to deal with the greater threat to the town. Moving as quietly as he can, and summoning his psi-shield, he attempts to circle around behind the dragon, wary of any attacks that might be directed his way. As he moves the knight wracks his brain to think of what might be the best type of attack to direct at the shadow dragon. Ben also keeps his eyes peeled for any areas on the dragon that may look different or perhaps more solid and less shadow. Should the knight remember anything about this type of dragon that is where he will direct his attack. If nothing comes to mind Ben will hit anything he may have spotted that looks different than the rest of the dragon. If nothing presents itself the knight will simply try and plunge six feet of psi-sword as high into the center mass of the dragon as possible.

Action 1: Quietly moving behind the dragon while looking for weak points. Dodge: 4+6 =10
Action 2: Quietly moving behind the dragon while looking for weak points. Dodge: 17+6 =23
Action 3: Quietly moving behind the dragon while looking for weak points. Dodge: 19+6 =25
Action 4: Quietly moving behind the dragon while looking for weak points. Dodge: 20+6 =26 (Natural 20)
Action 5: Quietly moving behind the dragon while looking for weak points. Dodge: 12+6 =18
Action 6: Quietly moving behind the dragon while looking for weak points. Dodge: 5+6 =11
Action 7: Attack weak point or centre mass of dragon with psi-sword. Strike: 17+5 =22 Damage 9 MD

Parry Rolls if needed +6 +2(shield) Included: 15, 13, 21, 20, 27, 22, 18
Last edited by Sir Benjamin Payne on Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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