Hangouts Handle: paulshao80
Character Name: Odo'est Eiblah Me'kone <= Steiblah (pronounced: st-EYE-blah)
Power Category: Heroic Hellion (Raksasha) [Mega Hero]
Occupation: Enlightened Altruist
Alignment: Scrupulous
XP Level: 6
XP Points: 44,536 (Updated 10/1/2024 by Dawg)
Next Level @ XP: 60,001
Land of Origin: Hades (City of Shek'Ra)
Disposition: Fun-loving seeker of life through the establishment of joy and peace. "Feeling good" like this stands in stark contrast to the eons of suffering and anguish (both received and delivered) while dedicated to the demonic cause.
I.Q.: 21 (+7% skills)
M.E.: 21 (+3 vs psi/insanity)
M.A.: 18 (+50% trust/intimidate)
P.S.: 37 (SN: +22 damage)
P.P.: 21 (+3 s/p/d)
P.E.: 26 (SN: +22%/+6 vs magic)
P.B.: 16 (+30% charm/impress)
Speed: 20
PPE: 900
ISP: 1050
HP: 85
SDC: 45
Natural AR: 10
MDC: 1000
Age: 6923
HF: 13 (natural form)
Sex: Can alter at will, leans Male
Height: 1-10 feet tall, can alter at will. Preferred form is 5'6". Natural form is 7'.
Weight: Can alter at will, weighs 130 lbs in preferred form. Weighs 700 lbs in natural form.
Description: Steiblah's preferred form is that of a diminutive, skinny, brown-tabby furred humanoid with the head of a lynx or housecat. Natural form is an oversized and over-muscled version of preferred form. Stripe pattern grows more prominent into a black-striped brown tiger's head.
Natural Abilities
- Perception: 72% (+3%/lvl)
- Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
- Turn into mist at will
- Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
- Dimensional teleport 51%
- Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
- Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
- Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
- Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
Magic Abilities or Spell Knowledge
Spell knowledge: Apparition (20), Aura of Death (12), Aura of Doom (40), Aura of Power (4), Armor Bizarre (15), Charismatic Aura (10), Death Trance (I), Fool's Gold (10), Hallucination (30), Horrific Illusion (10), Illusion Booster (15), Illusion Manipulation (25+), Illusory Forest (45+), Illusory Wall (15+), Illusory Terrain (55+), Mask of Deceit (15), and Multiple Image (7). All Metamorphosis spells and all Protection magic. Plus Cleanse (6), Fear (5), Mystic Fulcrum (5), Create Magic Scroll (100), Animate & Control Dead (20), Tum Dead (6), Exorcism (30), Remove Curse (140), Heal Wounds (10), Electric Arc (8), Carpet of Adhesion (10), Magic Net (7), Deflect (10), Create Wood (10-20), Mend Wood (10).
EP purchased: Life Source (2+), Breathe without Air (5), Cloud of Smoke (2), Create Bread & Milk (15), Globe of Silence (20), Mend the Broken (10+), Talisman (500)
All spells are cast at third level proficiency regardless of the Raksasha’s actual level.
Skill Equivalents (+1% /lvl)
Astronomy 87%
Anthropology 82%
Climb 92%/82%
Computer Operation 108%
Dance 102%
Forgery 87%
Horsemanship: General 107%/82%
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals (all Netherbeasts) 92%/72%
Intelligence 97%
Land Navigation 72%
Literate in Dragonese/Elven, American/English, Demongogian, Chinese, Spanish, Russian 110%
Lore: Demons & Monsters 106%
Lore: Faeries 106%
Math: Advanced and Basic 111%
Pilot Truck, Tanks and APCs, Jet Fighter 82%
Prowl 72%
Radio: Basic 110%
Seduction 67%
Sing 87%
Swim 72%
Streetwise 92%
Wilderness Survival 72%
W.P. Sword
W.P. Knife
WP Energy Pistol
WP Handguns
Combat Data
HTH Type: Special (Raksasha)
Number of Attacks: 7 (+1 @ 8, 12, 15)
Initiative Bonus: +4
Strike Bonus: +7
Parry Bonus: +7
Dodge Bonus: +7
Disarm Bonus: +3
HTH Damage Bonus: +22
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +7
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +7
Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Sword - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4, 8, and 12; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
W.P. Energy Pistol - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
W.P. Handguns - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +22%
Toxins (15+): +10
Magic (varies): +11
Lethal Poison (14+): +10
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws