Megaversal Arena Rules

Moderators: Game Masters, AGMs

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Sum of All Fears
Dimension Master
Posts: 376
Joined: Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:24 pm

Megaversal Arena Rules

Post by Sum of All Fears »

Welcome to the Megaversal Arena!!!

Make sure you fully understand the following rules for the Arena!!!

Frequency: The Arena will be an annual event.

Overall Arena Rules:
- No MG is allowed to be spent in the arena.
- All characters must be currently existing and active characters. (NACs are acceptable). No Retired/Flaked Characters.
- All combat posts will be sent to Sum of All Fears via PM with dice rolls. This is to prevent the second poster from having a leg up in being able to see what the first poster is doing. (PvP Only)
- Only one character per player is allowed per tournament. (Players can have different characters in 2v2 and 1v1 as they are different tournaments) This is to prevent one player from having two of their characters face off against each other.
- Character’s can participate in both the 1v1 and 2v2 tournaments.
- The arena stands outside the normal PbP RPG timeline. Characters in the arena will remain in any current adventures.
- XP will be provided for participants.
- MGP will be provided within site site guidelines.
- The GM running the arena is prohibited from character participation. Sad face for me…
- All spells/psionics known and gear owned by your character are available for use.
- Any MGP purchases after a character has volunteered for the arena will not be active until the arena has completed. Once your character volunteers for the arena, their stats and gear are effectively frozen until the tournament is over.
- Initial match-ups are randomly determined by a bracket system.
- HU and superpower conversions will be completed in accordance with existing site conversion rules.
- Melee combat will follow the Phase World rules for SN PS damage and Melee weapons. (SN PS Damage + Weapon Damage)
- No gear is looted from your opponents. Now if your opponent drops something and you pick it up during the match you can use it, but it will not stay with you.

1v1 Rules:

- All contestants are allowed one prep action prior to the start of combat.
- Leaving the arena in any manner, to include temporary dimension hopping, or sending your opponent out of the arena via similar means will result in an immediate forfeit.
- The fight continues until one party is dead. Don’t worry the Arena prevents you from actually dying…maybe…

2v2 Rules:
- Each Team is allowed one prep action prior to the start of combat.
- Either team member leaving the arena in any manner, to include temporary dimension hopping, or sending your opponent out of the arena via similar means will result in an immediate forfeit.
- 2v2 teams can choose their partners or be paired randomly. Pairings are permanent for the duration of the 2v2 tournament. No take backsies!
- Only on hand equipment can be shared between the 2v2 partners.
- 2v2 can have three different objectives:
  • Team elimination (Kill the other team)
  • Shatter the crystal (Each team has a crystal. Objective is to destroy the opposing team’s crystal while protecting your own.Two round revive counter on death. Revive at initial starting location.)
  • King of the hill (The team holding the center point of the map the longest out of 4 minutes wins. One round revive counter on death. Revive at initial starting location.)
- Revival strips all previously activatable effects to include magical, technological, and superpowers. (Basically you start fresh.)
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Talon (PW: GA); Lynch (Spooks)

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