Megaversal Arena Suggestion Box

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Sum of All Fears
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Megaversal Arena Suggestion Box

Post by Sum of All Fears »

Got an idea for the Arena. Throw it here! We might read it. Who knows maybe you will be able to experience the pain of your idea in all it's glory!
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Talon (PW: GA); Lynch (Spooks)
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Dawn Breaker
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Re: Megaversal Arena Suggestion Box

Post by Dawn Breaker »

Had a thought for the Megaversal arena. would it be allowed for players to use monsters/Creatures from the various books and duke it out with them?
Say Player 1 takes a Balrog and Player 2 a Gargoyle of some sort..

Current Adaption
- does not suffer from dehydration, heat blisters, sunstroke, fatigue, or discomfort usually associated with extreme heat and sun exposure.
- temperatures up to 1 60 degrees Fahrenheit have no ill effect (feels like a warm Spring day)
- only needs the equivalent of two glasses of water (roughly 1 6 ounces) per 24 hours to function at 1 00%
- Even exposure to temperatures up to 200 degrees inflicts only 20% of its normal damage and penalties.

-APS Merury: An attacker must roll a 16 or higher to strike and inflict damage. All kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc. ) that inflict damage (from a roll to a strike of 16 or higher) only do half the damage!
Explosions do only 10% of their normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 1D6 melee rounds (in under two minutes).

- The skin has a Natural A.R. of 14. An opponent's roll to strike must be 15 or higher to inflict damage. Rolls under 14 may hit but do NO damage.

- Heals at a rate of 1d4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute 2d4x10 H.P. or S.D.C. per hour for serious injury (heavy trauma, like the character losing all his S.D.C. and/or half or more of his Hit Points Equal to a doctor's surgical skill of 75%

- Heals twice as quickly as an ordinary human

- if the character fails to save, any disease, illness, poison, toxin, or Bio- Manipulation is at half its normal strength, damage, effect, and duration.
Penalties: These bonuses also apply to saves against good lifesaving chemicals and drugs.

-Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Impervious to possession.

Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)

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Dark Lord
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Re: Megaversal Arena Suggestion Box

Post by Dark Lord »

Have each character who wants to participate do a separate post for their arena equipment.
Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?
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Re: Megaversal Arena Suggestion Box

Post by Servo »

Dark Lord wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 5:14 am Have each character who wants to participate do a separate post for their arena equipment.
You mean a separate post in their character sheet thread with "ARENA EQUIPMENT" in big bold letters at the top?

I can dig that.
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Re: Megaversal Arena Suggestion Box

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Here's a few crazy suggestions:

1) Instead of a 1v1 death match, which is terribly discouraging to lower power players, let's do a modified form of capture the flag instead.
2) Each player starts off next to his flag. He takes his flag from the pole position. He has to get his enemy flag position, plant the flag in his foes base.
3) If at any point the player's flag gets destroyed, it is an automatic win for the other player.
4) The Arena Master is free to spawn random low to mid level baddies to obstruct the players from getting to where they need to go. They can die.
5) The players can run interference on one another, they can cast spells, use psionics etc. But attacks that cause bodily harm on other players are not allowed (i.e. if the target takes direct damage to armor or body).
6) The players can however, shoot at or otherwise hope to destroy each other's flag.
7) Any time a player drops a flag and it lands on the ground, it is teleported back to the original base. Players have to their trip all over again.
7) Each player has a general idea of what the arena terrain looks like. They are supplied with a map that updates itself every round with an approximate location of where both players are at. There is fog of war, so while the players locations are reviewed, whatever else is living in the map are not.
8) Arena Master can deter tactics that can ignore terrain such as flying into the oppositions base, such as dropping foes that are in hovercycles or power armor. Any kind of teleportation will lead to accidents, catastrophic results such as death are a possibility. The only consistent outcome, however, ought to be is schadenfreude.

In this setting, differences in things like hitting and staying power are no longer nearly as important as it would be in a death match. Players can showcase what their players are good , and more importantly, how they like to play. It invites more players, it is open to a wider variety of characters and it allows the Arena Master something more interesting than adjudicating a fight between power classes that strongly benefited players who found favor in the prior administration.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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