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Sum of All Fears
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Post by Sum of All Fears »

Post your Character Sheet and Equipment you wish to use as a reply to this thread!!!

Registration will close 25 July 2023!!!!

Arena matches will begin 1 August 2023
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Talon (PW: GA); Lynch (Spooks)
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Re: Registration!!!

Post by Guardian »

Pending Conversion

Player Name: Chris Clemens
Hangouts Handle: Chris Clemens
Character Name: Ajax the Telemonian 5th of His Name
Power Category: Godling
Alias: Guardian
Occupation: TBD
Alignment: Principled
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 13,176 (Updated 6/3/2023 by CHIMERA)
Next Level @ XP:20,001
Birth Order/Family Ties: First Born
Land of Origin: Olympus: Aquatic World
Childhood Environment: City - Medium (Telemon on Olympus)
Social/Economic Background: TBD
When Extraordinary Abilities First Manifested: After finding himself in the underworld his judgement was left to combat. Once completed he was granted a boon of becoming a Godling in order to become a guardian of Earth and its denizens.
Disposition: Nice guy, friendly, courteous and hospitable.
  • Quirk - Radical Honesty: Not an insanity per say, but a quirk. On Olympus Ajax was destined to be the Lord of Telemon. His family had ruled since the city's founding. He was the first son and normally he would inherit the role. However on Olympus he was considered a bit odd. First he wants to be liked by everyone and is a total "boyscout" but he is also completely utterly and radically honest. He does not lie. Never. Not even to be nice. He is the guy that tells someone their baby is ugly. He has difficulty understanding why when he is honest some people get upset with him. Unbeknownst to him, his brother Telemachus, pulled considerable strings to make sure he was selected for the mission. Even went so far as to convince him to volunteer. In Telemachus's mind he loved his brother and really didn't desire power, but felt if left to rule Telemon, Ajax would have caused a war, simply because he would turn an exchange of pleasantries into a brutal and cold analysis of the situation that would enflame passions of everyone present. For the sake of this Quirk, he doesn't see the name Guardian as a deception, it is a call sign.
  • Quirk - No One Left Behind: Ajax will change priority to a fallen ally. If an ally falls, he will drop all other objectives to saving them. He will also drop everything to help an ally in the process of falling.
  • Quirk - Evacuate the Area: Ajax will always make sure the area is clear of bystanders before engaging in a fight. If that isn’t an option he will prioritize their safety placing himself between them and a potential threat.
I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 21
M.A.: 18
P.S.: 100 SN (121 SN)
P.P.: 21
P.E.: 38
P.B.: 29
Speed: 54 (37 mph) Ground / 293 (200 mph) Flight (27 (20 mph) Ground / 147 (100 mph) Flight)

MDC: 1,140* (790*) *includes +15 M.D.C. from Talisman of Marduk
PPE: 70
Natural A.R.: 14 (16)
HF: 16
Age: 24 (1154)
Sex: Male
Height: 7’
Weight: 250 lbs. (1,250 lbs.)
Description: Large Man Appears to have Mediterranean Features with Black Hair and Beard Trimmed Neatly

  • Perception: 36% (+3%)
  • Charm/Impress: 90%
  • Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 50%
  • Max. Encumbrance: 250 lbs.(1,250 lbs.)
  • Max. Carrying Weight: 30,000 lbs. (36,300 lbs.)
  • Max. Lifting Weight: 50,000 lbs. (60,500lbs.)
  • Max. Jumping Ability: Horizontal: 138’ (170’), Vertical: 69’ (85’)
Protogenoi (Primordial God)
    • Supernatural P.S.
    • S.D.C. Increased by 50%
    • Range Increased by 50%
    • Considered a Supernatural Being: +1 to Save vs Magic, +2 to Save vs. Possession
  • Special Power: Immortal regeneration: The immortal character can recover from grievous bodily injury and even loss of body parts without actually dying, although he may often appearto be dead. When the immortal's Hit Points are reduced from a range of zero to 130 points below zero, he is racked with searing pain, is weak as a kitten and can barely concentrate. All combat bonuses are reduced to zero, melee actions per round are reduced to two (and are entirely defensive unless cornered), attributes are down 50%, and performance of all skills is -75%. At this point, the im­ mortal's survival instincts kick in, and his one goal is to get away where he can hide, collapse and heal. The character requires 1D4 hours of complete rest/sleep and may appear to be in a coma or dead during this recovery period.

    When this time elapses, the immortal awakens, achy and sore, but with 4D6 Hit Points above zero and his usual range of abili­ ties, attributes, bonuses, and skills all restored to normal. Bleed­ ing will have stopped and all grievous wounds, broken bones, intemal injuries, and similar damage will be well on their way to completely healing within a matter of hours and without any per­ manent side effects. At this stage (and for the next hour), there are scars, cuts, bruises, lumps and even open wounds (the guy looks like crap), but these will disappear as they continue to heal. One hour after awakening from the healing coma, the immortal can bio-regenerate as normal (2D6 Hit Points or 3D6 S.D.C. every 10 minutes - or roughly 1D6x10 H.P. or 2D4x10 S.D.C. per hour). When healing is completed, the character will look strong and healthy without so much as a scratch.

    If the immortal suffocates (which takes five times longerthan a normal human; about 15 minutes), or S.D.C. and Hit Points are reduced from a range of 131-300 points below zero, he will col­ lapse and appear dead. This massive amount of damage is likely to mean the immortal will literally have holes blown through him, shattered bones, lost internal organs, and possibly, missing limbs. In this case, the character will appear to be dead and does not regain consciousness for 4D6+12 hours. Once conscious, he
    heals as above, with missing limbs regrowing over a 72 hour pe­riod

    Death is possible - Innate Vulnerabilities:
    • Being truly atomized or vaporized means the character is dead; no chance for recovery. However, if the head and approxi­ mately one third of the body remains intact, the character will eventually regenerate and return to life. However, this massive amount of damage requires 3D4 years of being in the healing coma. Note: The same is true if the immortal is seemingly blown in half by an explosion.
    • Incineration. If the head and half of the body is completely incinerated (reduced to ash), the immortal is slain. However, if only reduced to skeletal remains the character will regenerate and return to life. This massive amount of damage requires 1D4x10 years of being in the healing coma. Note: The same is true if the immortal is seemingly blown to bits, but half of him re­ mains, albeit, in pieces.
    • Decapitation. If the head is removed from the body, the im­ mortal superbeing will appear to be dead. However, the head and body must be buried separately (or completely destroyed). If the two parts are buried in the same grave or left within 20 feet (6 m) of each other, they will be drawn together, reattach and the char­ acter will recover within 6D6 days. Even cut apart and separated, neither head nor body will deteriorate for 100 years, and any re­ union of the two within that time will result in a miraculous resur­ rection! After the 100 years, they rot away and the character is dead.
    • +20 to P.S.
    • +35 to P.S.
  • This power enables the character to sense the presence of the supernatural, enabling him to tell if one or more supernatural beings are far or nearby, as well as a rough idea of which direction they lie and whether there is one, a few, several or many.

    Unfortunately, the ability only gives the super being an impression about the supernatural creature(s) and does not reveal the monster’s alignment, power level, exact numbers, what it is or exactly where it is located. If the creature is disguised to look like a mortal person or animal and the hero comes face to face with it, he is able to sense that it is a supernatural being in disguise and whether it is good, selfish or evil, and if the supernatural creature is weak (Lesser), strong (Greater), powerful (Lord), or mega-powerful (a deity or Alien Intelligence). Whenever a supernatural being is using any of its abilities such as spells or psionics, the sensing range is double.

    Range: Varies depending on circumstances; 700 feet (+100’ per level), double the range when the supernatural creature is using magic, psionics or a special or super ability.
    Duration: This is a constant ability that does not require activation to use it. If supernatural beings are within the sensing radius, the character knows it. This ability is auto- matic and “on” all the time, even when the character is in his normal, non-super state or asleep.

    Bonuses: +2 on Perception Rolls, +1 on initiative, +1 to dodge, and +1 to save vs possession by supernatural beings.
  • The character appears to be a perfect physical speci­ men of the human species, very healthy, beautiful and bal­ anced - a god or goddess. However, appearances can be deceiving. Though more powerful than the average Joe, this character looks better, stronger, faster than he or she really is. Muscles are chiseled and well defined, there isn't more than 3% body fat, and the individual is healthy, beautiful, strong looking, and appears to be 1D4 levels higher and more powerful than is true. While this may help the super being to bluff and intimidate some opponents and thrill their adoring crowd, the apparent (and false) level of power (and beauty) is likely to make them stand out and attract attacks, vengeance and the wrath of those who are either jealous or figure they'd better take out this "powerhouse" first.

    Bonuses: +2 to M.A., +4 to Spd., +7 to P.B., +1 to P.E., +1 to P.P., +3 to P.S., +16 to S.D.C., +10 to Hit Points, and +5% to save vs coma/death.
  • The character is naturally tougher and more resistant to damage than normal humans, with skin that is almost bul­letproof and a huge amount of S.D.C., as well as additional Hit Points.

    Bonuses: +80 S.D.C., +18 Hit Points, +10% to save vs coma/death.
  • The superbeing radiates an aura of power that stops people in their tracks. Everyone encountering/facing this character, even if he/she is attractive, must roll a 20 sided die to save vs Horror Factor.

    A successful save is a roll higher than the H.F., and means the defender is not impressed and may attack without hesitation. He does not have to roll to save again until their next confronta­ tion/meeting.

    A failed roll means the individual loses initiative and one of his melee attacks for that round, and is the last to attack. He must roll again next melee round. Another failed roll means the same penalties are repeated.

    Base Horror Factor: 13 (+1 per every other level of experience.

    Bonus: The character is himself +9 to save vs Horror Factor.
  • Knock Back Distance:
    • 01-20 - 1D6’
    • 21-40 - 2D6’
    • 41-80 - 4D6’, 01-60% likelihood of be­ing knocked down.
    • 81-120 - 6D6’, Knocked Down
    • 121-160 - 1D10*10’, Knocked Down
    • 161-200 - 2D6*10’, Knocked Down
    • 201 or more - 3D6*10’, Knocked Down
    • Double Distance for SN.
    [*]Duration: Instant.

    Damage: As normal for the hero's P.S. from melee at­ tacks plus damage from blunt weapons. If the super being strikes with a large, heavy object, like a car, tree or brick wall, when knocked back the opponent will sustain an ad­ditional 4D6 points of damage from the impact.

    APM:As per the character's normal melee attacks.

    Bonuses: +3 to pull punch and inflict less damage than
    the maximum amount (any amount desired). Also roll to
    pull punch in order to hit an opponent without the subse­ quent Knock Back Attack taking place.
  • Heightened hearing enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away.
    At 75’ he can hear sounds as quiet as one deci­bel.
    At 150’ he can hear sounds as quiet as 10 deci­bels.
    At 360’ the audible perception is greatly taxed, allowing him to barely hear a normal conversation in the 30 decibel range. See Sonic Power for the decibel scale.

    Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing per­ ception. If the surrounding noise is in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 10‘ Continue to reduce by 5’ for every additional 10 decibels.

    Range: 360’ Other Abilities

    Include:[*]Estimating the distance of the sound at a 75% (+5% per level proficiency.)
    • Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 65% (+5% per level of experience.)
    • Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level of experience) (-10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill).
    • Imitate a voice at 40% (+5% per level of experience)

Andros Argyros (Silver Man)
  • The character is able to transform into living silver similar to the ability APS: Metal. Nothing can be bolted on or added to the character’s metallic body, however silver has unusual properties when it comes to dealing with the supernatural and many beings are vulnerable to it.

    Protective Properties:
    • Natural A.R. 16 and 775 S.D.C.
    • A roll of 17 or higher inflicts damage to SDC until depleted then to HP. Only a Natural Twenty does damage with normal strength attacks with punches or melee weapons. High caliber bullets, explosive or armor piercing rounds inflict full damage on a roll to strike of 17 or higher; rolls of below 16 or lower do half damage. Bullets that do less than 5D6 damage bounce off without harm to the silver character; no damage.
    • Only Extraordinary (Bionic), Superhuman (Robotic) and Supernatural P.S. are strong enough to inflict damage from punches, kicks and melee weapons. In the first two instances the attacker needs to roll above the A.R. of 16 to inflict damage. Any attack under the A.R. does no damage at all. However, Supernatural Strength, on a successful strike (unless parried), does half damage even if the attack hits but is below the A.R. 16. Full damage is done only when the roll to strike is 17 or higher.
    Material Properties:
    • Normal fire and heat does no damage. Magic fire and fire from super abilities inflict half damage.
    • The character is also impervious to cold and cold based attacks, and can survive water pressure at a depth of 2,000 feet.
    Increased Mass and Strength:
    • The character’s weight is increased by five times.
    • Physical Strength is also increased by 21 in Silver form.
    Other Abilities and Things of Note:
    • The S.D.C. of the metal recovers at three times the normal rate for humans.
    • The metallic body is typically cool to the touch and helps the character avoid detection by heat sensors and infrared optics.
    • Silver reflects light very easily and, as a result, the character takes half damage from lasers and similar light based attacks.
    • Horror Factor (optional): 12 when in metal form to most people, but 16 to supernatural beings vulnerable to silver.
    • Against monsters that are hurt by silver, the character’s physical hand to hand blows (fists, elbows, bare feet, head butt, etc.) inflict double damage.
    • Speed is reduced by half while in metallic form.
    • Armor piercing bullets, explosive rounds, grenades and explosives inflict full damage when the roll to strike is above the character’s Natural A.R., and do half damage if the roll is below it.
Elenchos Energeia (Energy Control)
  • This power is very similar to the minor energy expulsion pow­ers, but is more powerful and varied, and grants additional bo­ nuses not included with the minor powers.
    Energy Expulsion: Electricity:

    Range: 960’ (+30’ per Level)

    • Normal blast: 5D6 (+1D6 per Level)
    • Super-Blast: 3D6x10 (+1D6 per Level - +30 damage points for characters 6th level and higher), but must be done as the first attack of a melee round and uses up all but one of the character's attacks/actions for that round.

      Duration: Instant

      APM: Each normal blast counts as one hand to hand attack. Can divide dice between targets for an attack.

      Bonuses: +3 for an aimed shot, +1 for shooting wild.
    Absorb, Channel and Fire Any Type of Energy:
    The su­perbeing can momentarily absorb massive amounts of energy (the equivalent of something that would inflict 80 points of dam­ age or more), channel it through his body (stopping the energy from spreading or zapping out uncontrolled, or from overloading and exploding), and unleash that energy as powerful blasts. This means by standing in a blazing inferno, the character can un­ leash blasts of fire; by tapping into a generator or grabbing live electrical wires, he can fire electrical blasts; by taking a mega­ powerful laser blast he can in turn, fire (in this case, one) a laser blast back; and so on. The ability to fire a different type of energy than usual is limited to how long the character is exposed to the high amounts of energy he is channeling.
    Range: 960’ (plus 30’ per Level)

    Damage: Same as number one, above.

    Duration: Instant

    APM: Each normal blast counts as one hand to hand attack.

    Bonuses: +3 for an aimed shot, +1 for shooting wild.

    Every melee round that he absorbs and channels this powerful and deadly energy, he suf­fers 2D6 points of damage direct to Hit Points. Thus, if he taps this energy for too long a period, he could die.

    This power can also be used to stop and redirect en­ergy that might otherwise overload and explode, or cause tre­mendous damage all around the energy source as the energy flows unchecked. This is done by absorbing the energy and un­ leashing it as an energy blast (one for every melee action avail­ able to the character) into the air or someplace safe. It is a tactic that can be used to buy precious seconds to save lives and/or buy enough time to turn the energy source off.

    Aura Effect:
    Rather than fire an energy bolt, the superbe­ ing can unleash the energy as a spherical "flash of energy that hits everybody and everything around him, within 10’ . Usually, some sort of residue will be left from the burst, such as wisps of mist, smoke, ash or frost.
    Range: 10’

    Damage: 1D6+4 (+2 per Level); 01 - 60% chance that those exposed to the energy flash are temporarily blinded for 3D6 seconds (up to one melee round; -8 on all combat maneuvers while blinded).

    Duration: A few seconds

    APM: Counts as two melee actions.

    Bonuses: Automatically hits everything within range.

    Ricochet Blast:
    The character can ricochet or bounce his energy blast off of objects to hit a target. For each ricochet, there is a -1 to strike and a -1D6 to the damage. A ricochet shot can only be done as many times as the character has dice of dam­age; i.e. a character with 4D6 Energy Expulsion: Fire could rico­chet three times and still do 1D6 damage to the target when it finally hits. If a shot is ricocheted so that is hits an enemy from behind, then the enemy is at a -4 to dodge (unless he has radar, then no penalty applies). Each ricochet does 1D6 damage to the object from which it was ricocheted. Shots can be ricocheted off of a person, but the character must make a strike roll and it adds a -2 to strike instead of the normal - 1 . The same is true of ricocheting the blast off any object smaller than man-sized. Thus, it's best to ricochet a blast off large objects such as walls, doors, desks, automobiles, lamp posts, etc.

    Other Abilities and Bonuses:
    • The character is impervious to Electricity.
    • The character only takes half damage from all other forms of energy, including sonic blasts/sonic shock waves, fire, heat and radiation.
    • The superbeing can cause his eyes, hands, or similar parts to glow, providing up to 60 watts of light, the equivalent of a desk lamp.
  • The charac­ter's legs transform into energy and produce a 8-12’ energy tail behind him.

    Speed: 200 mph (+20 mph per Level)
  • The super being can generate an energy shield that is similar in appearance and use to a psychic's Psi-Shield or an energy/force version of a shield like those used by the knights of old. Can be used to parry hand to hand attacks, including punches, hand-held melee weapons, thrown ob­ ject or falling debris.

    Range: Self, hand-held.

    Duration: 30 min. (+1 min per level), or until canceled, whichever comes first.

    Damage: The shield blocks attacks, it is not a weapon. S.D.C.: Not applicable, is indestructible.

    Bonus:+3 to parry, plus the character's other parry bo­nuses from skills and such.
Aetos Dios (Bird of the Gods)
  • Telemachus - Avian Bio-Mech
    The Avian Biomech hails from an alien dimension populated by biomechanical life forms. They have a high animal intelli­ gence and are very loyal to their master. This biomechanical bird is metallic with silicon chips and hydraulic fluid.

    IQ: 5
    ME: 12
    MA: 12
    PS: 12 SN
    PP: 24
    PE: 17
    PB: 15
    SPD: Ground - 15 , Fly - 83

    HP: 54
    SDC: 68
    Natural AR: 15
    PPE: 16
    Horror Factor: 9
    Alignment: Familiars are typically considered Scrupulous (50%).
    Size: Height - 1’, Wingspan - 6’
    Weight: 25 lbs.
    Average Life Span: Typically 20 to 30 years in the wild, but fa­miliars tend to live three times as long.
    Physical Appearance: The Avian Biomech looks like a me­chanical Golden Eagle. It has a metallic sheen around the head and claws, with metallic feathers the color of bronze. The metallic color is offset with an emerald green pattern of fiber optic bands that adorn the metallic bird.

    Perception: 25%
    Charm/Impress: 25%
    Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 20%
    Max. Encumbrance: 20 lbs.
    Max. Carrying Weight: 2,400 lbs.
    Max. Lifting Weight: 3,600 lbs.

    • Telescopic vision, can see a dime clearly up
      to two miles away.
    • Natural Radar: Range - 2000’, but is completely fouled up by rain, snow, and dust storms.
    • Strength is equal to Robotic.
    • Recovers lost S.D.C. at a rate of 1D4 per min. and 3D6 per every 12 hours, twice that if it has metal scraps to absorb and incorporate into its body.
    • It may feed on small metal scraps, bionic parts, metal shavings and iron dust particles, but its primary food in its natural en­vironment is other small Biomech animals.
    • Supernatural or Creature of Magic: The animal becomes a Supernatural Creature or Creature of Magic. Double Hit Points/ S.D.C., does supernatural damage in all attacks. The animal also has its P.P.E. base doubled (which it can freely lend to its master should he need the extra P.P.E.).
    R.C.C. SKILLS:
    • Track By Sight: 52% (+10% to track animals)
    • Land Navigation 75%
    • Prowl 55%
    • Tailing 77%.
    Number of Attacks: 4
    Initiative Bonus: +4
    Melee Strike Bonus: +8
    Ranged Strike Bonus: +1
    Parry Bonus: +6
    Dodge Bonus: +6
    HTH Damage Bonus: +0
    Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +2
    Bonus to Disarm: +3
    [*]Claws: 2D4 S.D.C.
    [*]Bite: 5D6 S.D.C.
    [*]Feather Projectiles: 1D6 S.D.C. - The Avian has 12 of these feather daggers and regenerates spent ones at a rate of ID6+2 per 24 hours. Feather daggers have an effective range of 2000’ and are + 1 to strike.

    Coma/Death: +5%
    Magic (varies): +1
    Lethal Poison (14+): +1
    Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
    Insanity (12+): +0
    Psionics (12+): +0
    Horror Factor (varies): +3
    Impervious to diseases that afflict flesh and blood animals.


Katara Haephaestou (Curse of Haephaestus)

  • The metal not only does double damage directly to Hit Points, but being touched on the skin by the metal burns the hero, doing ID6 S.D.C. per melee round. Also, simply being in close proximity to a high concentration weakens the Mega-Hero and disrupts many of his powers. For every pound of metal, the Mega-Hero needs to be 10’ away to avoid its effects. When within range the hero finds his powers function at only 10% capacity, and he can also suffers from nausea, headaches, body pain, tremors or other, similar debilitating symptoms. All of which accumulates to the loss of all combat abilities, reduces the number of attacks to one and speed down to a crawl (Spd attribute of 2). If the Mega­ Hero fights the response to the exposure he needs to save vs non-lethal poison (16+) and besides looking a little paler than usual, he can fake not being affected by it for 1D6 melees, at which point he would need to save again. If he is forced to do anything strenuous, the facade is instantly revealed. If he fails the saving throw he instantly keels over from the pain and dis­comfort from the exposure. Once out of range of the metal or if it is placed in a shielded box (1” thick of lead or 6” of concrete or stone), the Mega-Hero will return to normal in 1D4 melees, Note: This Achilles' Heel counts as two Achilles' Heels (essentially an add-on to the Deadly Metal Achilles' Heel).

Military Specialist

Basic Skills
  • Pilot: Automobile 64% (+2%)
  • Mathematics: Basic 55% (+5%)
  • Language: Native Language (Greek) 90% (+1%)
  • Literacy: Native Language (Greek) 50% (+5%)
Scholastic Skills
Military Program (Basic)
  • Climbing/Rappelling 40/30% (+5%)
  • Military Etiquette 65% (+5%)
  • Radio: Basic 75% (+5%)
  • Running
Espionage Program
  • Detect Ambush 55% (+5%)
  • Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
  • Intelligence 55% (+4%)
  • Interrogation 55% (+5%)
  • Tracking: People 50% (+5%)
  • Wilderness Survival 55% (+5%)
Physical/Athletic Program
  • Acrobatics
    • Walk Tightrope or High Wire 81% (+3%)
    • Climb Rope 89% (+2%)
    • Back Flip 75% (+5%)
  • Gymnastics
    • Sense of Balance 71% (+3%)
    • Work Parallel Bars & Rings 81% (+3%)
  • Boxing
  • Wrestling
Weapon Proficiencies
  • WP Energy Pistol
  • WP Energy Rifle
  • WP Handguns
  • WP Rifle
  • WP Shield
  • WP Spear
  • WP Targeting
Secondary Skills
  • Athletics
  • Body Building & Weight Lifting
  • Forced March
  • Language: Other (English) 56% (+3%)
  • Literacy: Other 40% (English) (+5%)
  • Lore: Demons & Monsters 40% (+5%)
  • Prowl 55% (+5%)
  • Swimming 60% (+5%)
Combat Data (APS: Silver) | (Energy Shield)
[s]1 An additional two attacks per melee round. +3 to roll with punch/falil impact, +2 on initiative, and +3 to pull punch.
2 +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to strike, and disarm.
3 Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any four of choice, except jump kicks.
4 One additional attack per melee round.
5 Jump kicks (all).
6 Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
7 Paired weapons and +2 to disarm.
8 Leap attack (critical strike).
9 One additional attack per melee.
10 Body throw/flip and +1 on initiative.
11 An additional +4 to damage.
12 An additional +2 to parry and dodge.
13 Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20.
14 One additional attack per melee round.
15 Death Blow (if desired; must announce his intention).

Number of Attacks: 9
Initiative Bonus: +12
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +11 (+14)
Dodge Bonus: +12 | +14 Flying <80 mph / +16 Flying > 80 mph
Automatic Dodge: +8
Disarm Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +85 | +4-40 Flying (+106 | +4-20 Flying)
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +10
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +10

Supernatural PS Damage
Restrained Melee Strike: 1d6 M.D. (1d6 M.D.)
Regular Melee Strike: 1d6x10+40 M.D. (1d6x10+61 M.D.)
Power Melee Strike: 2d6x10+40 M.D. (2d6x10+61 M.D.) - 2 Actions
  • Backhand Strike
  • Punch
  • Karate Strike/Punch
  • Elbow/Forearm
  • Power Punch
  • Body Flip
Kick Attacks:
  • Kick
  • Power Kick - Counts as Two Actions
  • Karate style Kick
  • Round House Kick
  • Axe Kick
  • Backward Sweep
  • Tripping/Leg Hook
Wrestling Attacks:
  • Body Block/Tackle [/b]Opponent must dodge or parry to avoid being knocked down (lose one melee attack if knocked down).
  • Crush/Squeeze
  • Pin/incapacitate on a roll of 18, 19, or 20.
Boxing Attacks:
  • Skilled boxers will automatically knock out opponents on a roll of a natural twenty when fighting with their fists. The victim of a knockout will remain unconscious for 1d6 melees. Characters with superhuman strength or tough bodies are only stunned instead of rendered unconscious (-4 to strike, parry, and dodge). Unlike normal knock out/stun, the player does not have to announce that he is trying to knockout his opponent before making a roll to strike.
Killing Blow
If declared killing blow on the dice of 16-20

Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Spear (rifle equipped with bayonet falls into this category, as do tridents)
  • +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 3, 6, 10, and 14. Maximum throwing range: 150 feet
W.P. Shield
  • +1 to Parry at levels 1, 3, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike with shield at levels 4, 8, and 12. Cannot be thrown.
W.P. Targeting
  • +1 to strike at levels, 1, 3, 7, and 10. If you have W.P. Targeting AND another missile W.P. (but not weapons not designed for throwing), then you may combine the bonuses from both proficiencies.
W.P. Handguns +1
  • +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +2
  • +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
W.P. Energy Pistol +2
  • +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
W.P. Energy Rifle +1
  • +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
Coma/Death: +54%
Toxins (15+): +8
Magic (varies): +13 (Includes +1 from Talisman of Marduk$
Lethal Poison (14+): +8
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +8
Insanity (12+): +3
Psionics (15+): +3
Horror Factor: +18
Possession: +9
  • The character is impervious to Electricity.
  • The character only takes half damage from all other forms of energy, including sonic blasts/sonic shock waves, fire, heat and radiation.
  • The superbeing can cause his eyes, hands, or similar parts to glow, providing up to 60 watts of light, the equivalent of a desk lamp.

  • Normal fire and heat does no damage. Magic fire and fire from super abilities inflict half damage.
  • The character is also impervious to cold and cold based attacks, and can survive water pressure at a depth of 2,000 feet.
  • Silver reflects light very easily and, as a result, the character takes half damage from lasers and similar light based attacks.

Gear Stats

Talisman of Marduk (Patron Item)
Godly Health: Even with the merest fraction of power from the Tablets of Destiny the talisman enhances the health of its wearer
  • +30 S.D.C. or +15 M.D.C., as appropriate

Magical Resistance: The Talisman protects it's wearer from harmful magical effects
  • +1 to save vs. magic

Voice of Kings: The wearer is able to speak any language even if only for a brief while and limited times per day
  • Tongues 3/day (per invocation at 5th level proficiency)

Sight of Destiny: The wearer is able to peer into the depths of time and space to view events as they happen
  • Oracle 3/day (per invocation at 5th level proficiency)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
Alpha: Image
Bravo: Image
Charlie: Image

S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
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Re: Registration!!!

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Player Name: Bert
Link to Ledger: viewtopic.php?p=1394118#p1394118

Character Name: Calvin Wallace
Alias: Sun WuFan
Race: Demi God Golden Haired Chimpanzee
O.C.C.: Mystic Knight, Order of the White Rose. MadHaven, P. 27
Alignment: Scrupulous
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 4,936 (Updated 6/3/2023 by G_D)
Next Level @ XP: 9,201
Sentiments/Non-Humans: Virtue makes the individal
Sentiments/Coalition: These people were raised poorly.
Disposition: Easy going, laid back. Has a strong moral compass but understands how to read a room.
Insanity: None.

I.Q.: 11
M.E.: 16
M.A.: 15
P.S.: 27 (SN)
P.P.: 15
P.E.: 20 (SN)
P.B.: 22
Speed: 65 (Approx. 45 MPH or 72 KM/H)

P.P.E.: 125
I.S.P.: 46
M.D.C.: 181
Age: 19
Sex: M
Height: 5 feet 4 to 5 feet 9, depending on how he stands
Weight: 165lbs
Description: Golden Haired Chimp that is often half crouched when standing on two feet. He is easy going in disposition, not a show off and is thoroughly aware of the responsibilities of his privilege.

Natural Abilities
Perception: 49% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 35%
Max. Encumbrance: 165lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 1200 pounds/540kg
Max. Lifting Weight: 2400 pounds/1080kg for 20 minutes.
Max. Jumping Ability: 40.5 feet in length, 20.25 feet in height
Max Depth in Option: 2000 feet.
Matheis81 (GM Consumer) @Bertrand K 2k' seems the limit, Bertrand K: Thats way better than what the 40k armors get me. 12:0& PM (CST), 7/7/2023 Templars Chat.

Special Abilities
Demi God Specific:
Fire and cold resistant (does half damage)
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Order of WR Mystic Knight Specific:
PPE Channelling: Can power most comparatively simple electronic items simply by holding them in his hand and willing them to function.
Includes flashlight/radio/video camera/computer. No PPE Cost.
Recharge most batteries:
  • Small SDC battery: 1PPE
  • Large SDC battery: 2PPE
  • Std E Clip: 12 PPE
  • Long E Clip: 18 PPE
  • Energy Canister/Rail Gun: 30 PPE
  • Recharge Energy cannon with one blast: (1D6-2D6)*10 MD, two blasts: 6D6 to 1d4*10.: 30 PPE
  • Recharge PPE clip: 60 PPE
Fire Energy Bolts:
  • 4D6 blue energy bolts (+1d6 at levels 4,8,12).
  • Range 1000 ft from eyes or hands. 5 PPE
  • Range 2000 ft from eyes or hands. 15 PPE
Impervious to Energy. Immune to lasers/ion blasts/particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat, radiation!
Magic created Energy and Ley line storms inflict half damage!
Steal & Redirect Ley Line energy.
The Knight can prevent others from drawing on leyline energy at a particular location along that line. 50ft/lvl. He can also steal PPE summoned by one or more mages during a time of power (eclipse/solstice/ritual) by redirecting the flare of energy into himself instead of the persons who draw it out in the first place. At key moments of the ceremony, the Knight can steal 1d6*10% of the energy and draw it to himself. He can use the stolen energy for his own magic. In all cases, the character must know who is drawing on the energy, have line of sight visual contact and be within 200 feet. This extra energy can be held and used for ten minutes/lvl after which any energy beyond his normal PPE capacity is released harmlessly. P.28 MadHaven

Ley Line Walker Abilities:
Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy: Can see and feel the presence of magic, providing all of the following sensing abilities as automatic powers which do not require the expenditure of PPE.
  • Sense Ley Line: 30 miles, 40%
    10 miles (16 km) per level of experience. Can tell whether it is near or far and follow the feeling to the location of the ley line. 30% +5% per level.
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 50%
    Can follow ley line to as many nexus points as it may have. 40% +5% per level.
  • Sense a Rift: 70 miles.
    Will automatically feel the sensation of a rift opening/closing anywhere within 50 miles (80 km) of him. Increase the sensing range 10 miles per each additional level of experience starting with level 2. Cannot tell exactly where it is, but knows if it is near/far and whether it is big/small. NOTE: when actually on a ley line, he will know exactly where the rift is located and can sense one wherever it is, as long as it is on the ley line or a connecting line.
  • Sense Magic in Use: 300 ft
    The expenditure of magic in the form of a spell, rifting, or techno-wizardry can be felt, if not seen, up to 100’ (30.5 m) away per level. Will not know the location or be able to trace it, but will feel its energy and know that magic is being used in the area of his sensing range. NOTE: does not include use of psionic powers.
  • See Magic Energy.
    Faint aura whenever more than 20 PPE points are present. Can see things made invisible by magic and invisible things that are magical (uses 1 attack per melee). Doesn't work on Invisibility: Superior. Range: 1,000' (305 m)
Ley Line Phasing (Teleportation)
Automatic success to anywhere on the same ley line, including height (+20% prowl/hide if phasing into the air). Takes 1d4 melees of concentration time.
Limits:Maximum 4 teleports per hour and maximum per 24-hour period is 4 +2 per level. Can only teleport himself and his possessions.

Ley Line Rejuvenation
2x rate of natural healing. Can also perform instant rejuvenation once per 24 hours – heals 20 HP, 20 SDC, plus 1d6 HP & 2d6 SDC per level (after 10 min. concentration). Cannot restore PPE/ISP this way.

Master Psionic
(Demigod Ability 9) Has all Healing Psionics and five Super Psionics.
Bio Regeneration (6)
Deaden Pain (4)
Detect Psionics (6)
Exorcism (10)
Healing Touch (6)
Increased Healing (10)
Induce Sleep (4)
Meditation (0)
Psychic Diagnosis (4)
Psychic Purification (8)
Psychic Surgery (14)
Resist Fatigue (4)
Restore P.P.E. (4)
Stop Bleeding (2 for self, 4 for others)
Suppress Fear (8)
Bio Manip (10)
  • Blind, -10 to strike/parry/dodge
  • Deafness, -6 to parry/dodge from behind, -3 to strike
  • Mute, -2 to strike/parry/dodge for first melee
  • Pain, -6 to strike/parry/dodge, -1 HP
  • Paralysis, immobilizes the motor part of brain. Arms/legs stop functioning. Victims incapacitated, spell casters cannot cast spells
  • Stun, Disorients/Confuses victim. -1 attack/ml, -4 to strike/parry/dodge/disarm/combat moves
  • Tissue Manip. -1 to strike/parry/dodge. Make victim feel itchy, hot, cold

Psionic Invisibility (10) Line of sight, 100 foot radius, victims -2 to save.
Telekinesis, Super (10), +3 to strike, +4 to parry
Telekinetic ForceField (30), Self or 40 feet. Can parry energy and projectile attacks.
  • Resistance, 3min/lvl, (4)
  • Discharge, up to 1d6 sdc (2)
  • MD Attack, 1d6-3d6, 6isp/d6
  • Manip Electrical Devices, 2 min/lvl, 45 ft+5ft/lvl, turn on and off electrical devices, sense electronics.
  • Sense Electricity, 2 min, 45ft+5ft, Extreme sensitivity. 55%+5% per lvl, failed roll means detect only 1d6*10% of all devices.

(Order of WR)
(+1 Physical or Sensitive/lvl) (+1 super @lvl 4,9)

Sixth Sense (2) 90ft, +6 to init, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, cannot be surprised by sneak attack.
See The Invisible (4)
See things that can turn invisible or naturally invisible: includes ghosts/entitles/elementals/astral beings

Resist Fatigue (4) Self, 1hr + 20min/lvl
Engage in physical activity without suffering from exhaustion

Mind Block (4) 10min/lvl, +1 to save vs psionics/mental attacks
block telepathy, empathy, hynotic suggestion, day dream, empathic transmission

Presence Sense (4)
Alerts Psychic to presense of SN Beings, Creatures of Magic and Monsters. Cannot pin point byt will give impression of distance: near (<50ft), far (>90 ft), how many: few (3-6), several (7-15), many (20-70), threat level: small/medium/big/huge. Can also sense humans/dbees, but not accurate. Just "we are not alone", one/two/many. More accurate when place is cleared out of life.

Alter Aura (2) 1hr/lvl
Manip aura to appear stronger: 30% more/weaker: half of what they are/sickly/no psionics/no magic/change alignment/weak, fatigued, sickly, emotionally disturbed or unstable, depressed/6 Isp to appear possessed or terminally ill

See Aura (6) 60 ft, 2 melees
Estimate level of experience: low(1-3), medium(407), high(8+). Presence of magic, Presense of psychi, high/low ppe, possessing entity existence, unusual human aberation: e.g. serious illness, insanity, not human, could be mutant or sn

Sense Evil (2) 140 feet, 2 min/lvl
A psychic can sense supernatural evil without spending a single isp. A few(2-6), several (7-14), many(15+). Registers intensity of source to particular room, object, character and distance.

Night Vision (4) 600 feet, 10 min/lvl
Can see in dark and amplify light, could be blinded for 3d4 rounds if exposed to sudden light source, can also change one's vision to polarized sight

Spell Knowledge
Spell Strength: 12
(Can pick two spells per lvl between spell lvls 1-6)
Magic Shield (6): 2min/lvl, 60 MDC Shield, +1 to parry. Takes quarter damage from all attacks.
Armor of Ithan (10): 1min/lvl, Self/Touch, 10 mdc/lvl
Tongues (12): 3min/lvl, touch, speed and understand all spoken languages
Energize Spell (12): Pump additional PPE into an active spell to extend duration.
Fists of Fury (10): Punch with megadamage. (Talk to gm if I can change that)
Power Weapon (35): Turn SDC melee weapon to do MD. Increase MD melee weapons by 25%
Chameleon (6): 4.5 min/lvl, Self or touch, Blend into surroundings, nearly undetectable if not moving.
Shadow Meld (10): 2min/lvl +15% to prowl in darkness or 60%, -5 to strike caster.
Call Lightning (15): Range 300ft, 1D6/lvl
Teleport Lesser (15): 5 miles/lvl, Req 30 seconds, 50kg weight limit, 80%+2%/lvl
Cure Illness (15): Cure ordinary disease and illness cause by bacteria. Cannot cure magically induced sicknesses/disorders.
Carpet of Adhesion (10): 10ml/lvl, Range 30 ft + 10ft/lvl, Create 3x6m carpet of sticky.

O.C.C. Skills
Language: American (Native Tongue) -- 113% (+1%)
Language: Chinese -- 76% (+3%)
Language: Dragonese -- 76% (+3%)
Literacy American (Native) -- 70% (+5%)
Horsemanship: Equestrian Knight -- 50%/40% (+5%)
Horsemanship: Exotic Animal -- 60%/50% (+5%)
Lore: Demon Monsters -- 50% (+5%)
Lore: Magic
--General Knowledge -- 45% (+5%)
--Recog. Magic Circles, Runes, etc -- 35% (+5%)
--Recognize Enchantment -- 28% (+4%)

Forced March
Swimming -- 70% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 54% (+4%)
Detect Ambush -- 50% (+5%)
Tracking -- 45% (+5%)

O.C.C. Related Skills
(1 Additional skill at lvl 6,9,12,15)

Prowl -- 45% (+5%)
Paramedic -- 55% (+5%)
Demolitions -- 66% (+3%)
Demolitions Disposal -- 66% (+3%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert -- 50% (+5%)
- Basic Mechanics -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (+5%)
--Work Parallel Bars -- 66%+3%
--Back Flip -- 74%+2%
--Climb Rope/Rappel 64% (+2%)
Acrobatics (LVL1)
--Sense of Balance -- 56% (+3%)
--Walk Tightrope or High Wire -- 66% (+3%)

Secondary Skills
(2 additional skills at lvl 7,10,13)

Climb: 60% (+5%) 5,5
-- Rappelling: 50% (+5%)
Radio Basic: 55% (+5%)
Computer Operation 50% (+5%)
Athletics (General)
Astronomy & Navigation 30% (+5%) (LVL1)

Combat Data
HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +2
Parry Bonus: +6
Dodge Bonus: +4
HTH Damage Bonus: 5d6 SDC on a restrained punch. 3d6 on a full strength punch. 6d6 on a power punch.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +8
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +2
  • Backhand: 1d4
  • Elbow: 1d6
  • Knee: 1d6
  • Kick Attack: 2d4
  • Body Block/Tackle: (Knock-Down)
  • Knee (Martial Arts): 2d4
  • Roundhouse Kick: 3d6
  • Axe Kick: 2d8
  • Body-Flip/Throw: Knock-Down, -1 to attacks/mel on crit
  • Karate Kick: 2d6
  • Karate Punch: 2d4
  • Backhand (MA): 1d6
  • Leg hook/Tripping: knock-down
  • Snap Kick: 1d6
  • Whell Kick: 2d6
  • Crescent Kick: 2d4+2
  • Leaping attack: AoE Power Strike, x2 damage, must be 1st action of round.
  • Auto Knockout/stun on Nat20
  • Crit on Nat20


Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost

W.P. Sword -- +2 to strike, +1 to Parry - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4, 8, and 12.
W.P. Shield -- +2 to parry - +1 to Parry at levels 1, 3, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike with shield at levels 4, 8, and 12. Cannot be thrown.
W.P. Targeting -- +2 to strike - +1 to strike at levels, 1, 3, 7, and 10.
W.P. Energy Rifle -- +1 to strike - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons -- +1 to strike - +1 to Strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 49%
Magic (varies): +8
Lethal Poison (14+): +7
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7
Insanity (12+): +1
Psionics (varies): 8
Horror Factor (varies): +6

JA-12 Laser Rifle

Laser: 4,000'
Grenade: 2,000'
Laser: 4D6 M.D. per shot or 1D6x10+10 M.D. per burst
Grenade: 3D6 M.D. to a 10' radius
Rate of Fire:
Laser: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
Grenade: Single shots only
Laser: 10 shots per E-clip, 30 shots per LE-clip, 30 shots per E-Canister
Grenades: 4 per magazine
Weight: 13 lbs.
Features: Targeting scope
Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed or called shots
Book Reference: p.76, WB10
7 Normal Sized EClips

TW Conduit Sword

Damage: Mystic Knight Energy Bolt +2D6md
Duration: 5min per energy bolt
Weight: 6 pounds
Features: By channelling twice the normal ppe for one energy bolt, MK can form a blade the size of a short sword.
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: P. 82 WB29

NG-A8 Scout Armor
M.D.C. by Location:

Helmet: 35
Arms: 25 each
Legs: 40 each
Main Body: 50
Weight: 12 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to physical skills.
Can cast magic in them.
Polarized visor
Minimal radiation shielding
Directional, short-range radio built into helmet. Range is 5-10 miles.
Removable Face plate.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Registration!!!

Post by Steiblah »

Player Name: Paul
Hangouts Handle: paulshao80

Character Name: Odo'est Eiblah Me'kone <= Steiblah (pronounced: st-EYE-blah)
Power Category: Heroic Hellion (Raksasha)
Occupation: Enlightened Altruist
Alignment: Scrupulous
XP Level: 4
XP Points: 22,961(Updated 6/3/2023 by CHIMERA)
Next Level @ XP: 30,001
Land of Origin: Hades (City of Shek'Ra)
Disposition: Fun-loving seeker of life through the establishment of joy and peace. "Feeling good" like this stands in stark contrast to the eons of suffering and anguish (both received and delivered) while dedicated to the demonic cause.

I.Q.: 21 (+7% skills)
M.E.: 21 (+3 vs psi/insanity)
M.A.: 18 (+50% trust/intimidate)
P.S.: 37 (SN: +22 damage)
P.P.: 21 (+3 s/p/d)
P.E.: 26 (SN: +22%/+6 vs magic)
P.B.: 16 (+30% charm/impress)
Speed: 20

PPE: 600
ISP: 700
HP: 78
SDC: 30
Natural AR: 10
MDC: 1000
Age: 6923
HF: 13 (natural form)
Sex: Can alter at will, leans Male
Height: 1-10 feet tall, can alter at will. Preferred form is 5'6". Natural form is 7'.
Weight: Can alter at will, weighs 130 lbs in preferred form. Weighs 700 lbs in natural form.
Description: Steiblah's preferred form is that of a diminutive, skinny, brown-tabby furred humanoid with the head of a lynx or housecat. Natural form is an oversized and over-muscled version of preferred form. Stripe pattern grows more prominent into a black-striped brown tiger's head.

Natural Abilities
  • Perception: 66% (+3%/lvl)
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 1d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
Possesses all healing, sensitive, physical, and super psionic powers.

Magic Abilities or Spell Knowledge
Spell knowledge: Apparition (20), Aura of Death (12), Aura of Doom (40), Aura of Power (4), Armor Bizarre (15), Charismatic Aura (10), Death Trance (I), Fool's Gold (10), Hallucination (30), Horrific Illusion (10), Illusion Booster (15), Illusion Manipulation (25+), Illusory Forest (45+), Illusory Wall (15+), Illusory Terrain (55+), Mask of Deceit (15), and Multiple Image (7). All Metamorphosis spells and all Protection magic. Plus Cleanse (6), Fear (5), Mystic Fulcrum (5), Create Magic Scroll (100), Animate & Control Dead (20), Tum Dead (6), Exorcism (30), Remove Curse (140), Heal Wounds (10), Electric Arc (8), Carpet of Adhesion (10), Magic Net (7), Deflect (10), Create Wood (10-20), Mend Wood (10).

EP purchased: Life Source (2+), Breathe without Air (5), Cloud of Smoke (2), Create Bread & Milk (15), Globe of Silence (20), Mend the Broken (10+), Talisman (500)

All spells are cast at third level proficiency regardless of the Raksasha’s actual level.

Skill Equivalents (+1% /lvl)
Astronomy 85%
Anthropology 80%
Climb 90%/80%
Computer Operation 106%
Dance 100%
Forgery 85%
Horsemanship: General 105%/80%
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals (all Netherbeasts) 90%/70%
Intelligence 95%
Land Navigation 70%
Literate in Dragonese/Elven, American/English, Demongogian, Chinese, Spanish, Russian 108%
Lore: Demons & Monsters 104%
Lore: Faeries 104%
Math: Advanced and Basic 109%
Pilot Truck, Tanks and APCs, Jet Fighter 80%
Prowl 70%
Radio: Basic 108%
Seduction 65%
Sing 85%
Swim 70%
Streetwise 90%
Wilderness Survival 70%
W.P. Sword
W.P. Knife
WP Energy Pistol
WP Handguns

Combat Data
HTH Type: Special (Raksasha)
Number of Attacks: 7 (+1 @ 8, 12, 15)
Initiative Bonus: +4
Strike Bonus: +7
Parry Bonus: +7
Dodge Bonus: +7
Disarm Bonus: +3
HTH Damage Bonus: +22
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +7
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +7
Auto-Dodge (due to Step 5: Demonic Bonus - Awareness): +3

Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Sword - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4, 8, and 12; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
W.P. Energy Pistol - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
W.P. Handguns - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +22%
Toxins (15+): +10
Magic (varies): +10
Lethal Poison (14+): +10
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +10
+4 to all other saving throws

Heroic Hellion (Mega-Hero) Experience Table

1 0 - 5,000
2 5,001 - 10,000
3 10,001 - 20,000
4 20,001 - 30,000
5 30,001 - 40,000
6 40,001 - 60,000
7 60,001 - 80,000
8 80,001 - 110,000
9 110,001 - 150,000
10 150,001 - 200,000
11 200,001 - 275,000
12 275,001 - 350,000
13 350,001 - 450,000
14 450,001 - 600,000
15 600,001 - 800,000

$6,000 in cash.
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Re: Registration!!!

Post by Shazbut »

Player Name: Michael
Hangouts Handle:
Ledger: Ledger

Character Name: Shazbut
Power Category: Alien
Alias: "Skunk Who Sings", Mr Stinky
Occupation: Singer/Cook (Military Specialist - Sapper)
Alignment: Scrupulous
XP Level: 5
XP Points: 25,051 (Updated 6/3/2023 by CHIMERA)
Next Level @ XP: 25,401
Birth Order/Family Ties: unknown
Land of Origin: Uncertain, but over 133 years.
Childhood Environment: unknown
Social/Economic Background: unknown
When Extraordinary Abilities First Manifested: Alien crash site, exposed to strange chemicals and high radiation
Disposition: Sunny and mischievous in equal portions, deeply marinated in music, a pinch of philosophical musings and warmly baked in generosity. Served with a good sprinkling of chopped nuts.
Insanity: Overtrusting: Shazbut too often gives people the benefit of the doubt, believing their lies and getting himself into trouble. The alternative is unthinkable, shutting people out and being mistrustful. Better to be overtrusting.

APS: Void Form
Extraordinary Mental Affinity
Extraordinary Physical Beauty
Vibration / Vibrate Through Substances
Sonic Speed

I.Q.: 16
M.E.: 21
M.A.: 19 29
P.S.: 22 (Superhuman)
P.P.: 20
P.E.: 20
P.B.: 8 26
Speed: 30 (60/20) / 700 mph (1126 kph)
600 yards per minute (1200 yards per minute/400 yards per minute) / 11.67 miles per min
1800 feet per minute (3600 feet per minute/1200 feet per minute)
450 feet per melee round (900 feet per melee round/300 feet per melee round) / 3078.24 feet per round

PPE: 18
ISP: Only if Shazbut uses Mimic on a psionicist.
HP: 28
SDC: 267 (317)
AR: - (10)
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
Height: 4 feet
Weight: 200 pounds
Description: A bipedal skunk?! Sure he looks like a reject from a Pokemon movie, but that easygoing grin and toothy smile puts most at ease. He has glossy black fur, a bushy tail complete with the infamous dual white stripe from nose to tail. Just as you complete the mental adjustment, he begins to sing... in Italian.

Mutant Characteristics
Scaly Skin: A tough, smooth, reptilian skin with small scales. The only remaining hints of his original form prior to mutating. This tough layer is hidden underneath his lush black skunk fur.
OOC Comments
Adds 30 S.D.C.
Stocky : Exceptionally broad and husky skunk about twice as broad as a normal.
OOC Comments
Bonuses: Add 50 Ibs to weight (22.6 kg), +4 to P.S. (superhuman), and +6 to S.D.C.
Natural Abilities
Base Stats when using Mimic
  • Perception: 47% 17%(+3%) see rules here
  • Charm/Impress: 80%
  • Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 96% 55% (M.A. 19)
  • Max. Encumbrance: 120lbs. see rules here
  • Max. Carrying Weight: 4400lbs.
  • Max. Lifting Weight: 6600 lbs.
  • Max. Jumping Ability: 22' long or 11' high.
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • This alien radiates low levels of radiation that will begin to harm humans exposed to him for more than a few weeks. If the alien does not wear a radiation shielded survival suit, those around him will contract radiation poisoning on a result of 1-30%; roll once per each week of exposure.
  • Retractable claws (+1D6) damage from claw attacks.
Super Abilities
Major Powers
  1. Alter Physical Structure: Void
    • The character can shift his physical structure to a solid, inky blackness with what looks like "star-flecks" throughout. He keeps his physical shape and is so lid enough to interact with the material world, but seems somehow insubstantial and inhuman - a walking piece of the void.
    • Half damage from lasers
    • Flight: 100 mph
    • Natural Prowl: 40% in light, 75% in darkness, opponents are -1 to Strike & Parry
    • Invisible in space if moving at a speed of 12 or less
    • Cold touch: 1D6 damage
    • Can see in total or magical darkness, never blinded by bright light
    • Breathes without air and may speak in a vacuum
    • Impervious to cold, radiation, depressurization, zero gravity and the hazards of space.
    • Nourished by starlight
    • Depressurize - a bolt of black energy
      • Range: 100' or touch
      • Duration: 1D4 melees
      • Effect: -8 to Strike, Parry & Dodge and -25% to skills (save vs. 16 with no bonuses for 1/2, each blast counts as one action, +3 to Strike on Aimed Shots)
    • Suffocation Attack
      • Area of Effect: 15' diameter sphere around self or in room or specific area
      • Cost: 1 APM to maintain
    • Void Bolt - a cold dark energy blast
      • Range: 500' + 30' per level
      • Damage: 4D6 per blast
      • Rate of Fire & Modifiers: one blast per action, +3 to Strike on Aimed Shots
    • Other Abilities and Bonuses
      • +1 attack per melee round
      • +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and disarm, +4 to dodge, and +1 to roll with impact, punch or fall.
      • Natural A.R. 10
      • +50 S.D.C.

  2. Illusions (mutated)
    Details to be added
  3. Gravity Waves
    • Turns himself into a gravity well, causing all objects and people to be inexplicably pulled toward him. He can also reverse the power, creating a wave of gravity that pushes away and knocks down almost anything within its range. The gravity waves can even be focused inward to allow anti-gravity flight.
    • Generate Gravity Waves
      • Range: Point with the hands, focus on a specific target (weapon, person, vehicle) and a wave of gravity pulls that one particular object or individual to the super being from up to 500 feet (152.4 m) away. Or the character can radiate a gravity field 100 feet (30.5 m) in diameter to pull everything, in all directions, to him.
      • Duration: Instant blast used to disarm or grab someone and bring them over quickly, or a field that lasts as long as the character maintains his concentration.
      • Effects/Pull:
        • 10,001 Ibs or more (4500.5 kg or more) object - drawn 1D4 feet (0.3 to 1.2 m) closer per melee round.
        • 5,001 - 10,000 Ibs (2250.5 to 4500 kg) object - drawn 1D6 feet (0.3 to 1.8 m) closer per melee round.
        • 2,501 - 5,000 Ibs (1125.5 to 2250 kg) object - drawn 2D6 feet (0.9 to 3.6 m) closer per melee round.
        • 1,000-2,500 Ibs (450 to 1 1 25 kg) object - drawn 5D6 feet (1.5 to 9.1 m) closer per melee round.
        • 500-999 Ibs (225 to 449.5 kg) object - drawn 1D4x10 feet (3 to 12.2 m) closer per melee round.
        • 100-499 Ibs (45 to 224 . 5 kg) object - drawn 2D4x10 feet (6.1 to 24.4 m) closer per melee round.
        • 11-99 Ibs (4.9 to 44.5 kg) object - drawn 2D6x10 feet (6.1 to 36.6 m) closer per melee round.
        • 10 Ibs or less (4.5 kg or less) object - drawn 4D4x10 feet (12.2 to 48.8 m) closer per melee round.
      • Note: A gravity field stops all objects/people 1D4 feet (0.3 to 1.2 m) from the super being, and prevents the objects from slamming into him, but brings them close enough to be easily struck in melee combat. This natural buffer does not prevent the victim(s) from attacking the character in melee combat. The super being can use this power simultaneously with the Gravity Wave Shield, but not with the ability to Reverse Gravity Waves or his Anti-Gravity Flight abilities.
      • Damage: None.
      • Attacks per Melee: A quick blast used to disarm, snare a weapon or device, or to pull an opponent to the super being in one quick gesture counts as one melee attack. Heavy items typically take 2 or more melee attacks; so many feet (meters) per melee action/attack until the target
        reaches the super being. Once the heavy item is in front of the super being, he must spend one melee attack/action per round to maintain the gravity field to keep his adversary close. Failure to do so means the effect of the gravity waves ends immediately and the objects/people are no
        longer drawn toward the character.
    • Reverse Gravity Waves (Push): By creating a field of reversed gravity waves the character is able to push a specific person or object away from him. The push of these gravity waves is noticeably stronger than the pull of his normal gravity wave ability. Blasting an opponent with a push gravity wave will send him flying dozens of yards. Only characters who can fly (by any means) can stop themselves from slamming into a wall or object, and can fight the gravity push, reducing the distance by half. Only characters with a Supernatural P.S. of 45 or the ability to travel (run, fly, whatever) faster than Mach 1 can break the gravity wave and exit, or fight to hold their current position with out losing ground.
      • Range: Same as pull.
      • Duration: Instant blast or a field that lasts as long as the character maintains his concentration.
      • Damage/Effects from Push: Same distance as pull, above, only the target is being pushed away rather than pulled toward the super being. Typically, victims fall (01-75% chance; loses initiative and two melee attacks, and takes 1D6 damage; +4D6 damage if slammed into a wall, vehicle or other large heavy object, half that if slammed into another person).
      • Note: This power can not be used with the Generate Gravity Waves ability or Gravity Wave Shield ability, but it can be used with Anti-Gravity Flight.
      • Attacks per Melee: Same as pull.
    • Gravity Wave Shield: Causes all physical attacks, including bullets, grenade shrapnel , missiles, rail gun rounds, punches (regardless of the attacker's P.S.), kicks, swords and other melee weapons, car crashes or similar attacks, to stop short of hitting the super being. This power functions as a parry (roll a D20 as normal) against all incoming physical attacks, including those from behind or surprise, only the usual bonuses are NOT added to this gravity parry. However, the character is +3 to parry (+1 at levels 4, 8 and 12) using this aspect of his power. Note that a volley of bullets
      or a number of thrown items count as one parry. A successful parry means that the attack stops short of the super being, hangs in midair for a minute and floats to the ground, and the character suffers no damage from the attack.
    • Anti-Gravity Flight: The super being can hover and fly but at low speeds. However, as an anti-gravity power, the character can use it to breach a planet's gravitational pull and float into outer space.
      • Maximum Speed: 50 mph (80 kph).
      • Height/Altitude: Unlimited, right up into outer space. Still need protection from the cold and an air supply to breathe at high altitudes. Note: If the character goes into a thin atmosphere unprotected he loses two melee attacks/actions per round and could lose consciousness and
        fall to the Earth (impact is automatic death from that height).
    • Other Abilities and Bonuses:
      • Immune to all other gravity manipulating powers or effects, as his power cancels the other out, and vice versa.
      • Can sense the exact gravitational forces at work on any object (e.g. there is 0.17G on Earth's moon)
      • +9 to S.D.C.
  4. Mimic
    • Imitate or "mimic" another person's physical and mental attributes, including psionic powers, super abilities and innate magic abilities derived from enchanted weapons, objects or bestowed. However, the Mimic cannot copy memories, skills, education, spell knowledge/spell casting or experience.

      While the mimic has copied his opponent's entire physical structure, including P.S., P.P, P.E., P.B., Spd., S.D.C., Hit Points, and any other super abilities or psionics, the mimicking superbeing still thinks like himself, keeps his own I.Q., MA, and M.E., and fights and performs skills with his own experience and knowledge.
    • Range: Touch or 100' radius.
    • Duration: 3 minutes.
    • Added Note: Mimicked abilities function as if they were the mimic's level, not the target.

  5. Slime Generation
    • The alien skunk can shoot a vile, noxious slime that has the smell of blood, bile, vomit, feces and urine combined, a smelly slime that could make a maggot retch. The repulsive slime can be sprayed onto a victim or object, it can be used to cover the ground, or it can be used to coat
    • Completely immune to its horrific smell and all similar nauseating scents.
    • Nauseating Stench - Slime has a stomach-turning stench. Characters have varying likelihood of losing their lunch:
      • P.E. 14 or less have 01-93% chance
      • P.E. 15-24 have 01-75% chance
      • P.E. 25 or greater 01-50% chance

      Vomiting causes the character to lose all attacks for one melee round (15 seconds) and if attacked while retching, they are -3 on initiative, -3 to parry and dodge, and cannot perform a skill, cast a spell or use psionics.
      Even characters who manage to hold on to their stomach contents are distracted by the terrible smell. Stench Penalties: As long as they are within a 40 foot (12.2 m) radius of the slime they are -1 on initiative, -1 to parry, disarm and pull punch; doing a skill takes 30% longer and
      suffers a -15% penalty on skill performance. Double the range and the penalties for characters with Heightened Sense of Smell or Animal abilities. Triple the penalties when the individual is covered in slime. (Time for a wash!)
    • Bolts of Slime - a bolt of slime that strikes with a thud and splatters like a water balloon.
      • Area of Effect: 5 foot/1.5 m diameter per blast of slime.
      • Range: 20 feet (6.1 m) per level.
      • Duration: 2D6+12 minutes, when the slime finally dries into a crusty crud, or until it is washed way with ordinary soap and water (takes 1D4+2 melee rounds to clean), whichever comes first. Stench remains at half potency even after the slime dries.
      • Damage: 1D6 damage when the slime hits someone directly, plus the victim must save vs the nauseating slime.
      • Rate of Fire & Modifiers: one blast costs 1 action
    • Slime an Object - makes it impossible for anyone but the slime maker to pick it up or use without danger of it slipping out of his hands. There is a 01-80% chance that the item cannot be carried or used without slipping out of the hands; roll once for every melee round and for every attempt to use the slimed item. Slimed guns are -4 to strike and melee weapons are hard to use and hold onto (-3 to strike, -2 to parry).
    • Slime the Floor - slime bolts can also be used to cover the floor, ground and street. Going across a patch of slime-covered floor (or having
      slime-covered feet) must be done at a Spd of 5 or less. Going faster than a Spd of 5 has a 01-80% chance of the character slipping and falling (1D6 damage, loses initiative.
    • Slime the Eyes - If the slime is shot into an opponent's eyes (requires a Called S hot), he is temporarily blinded (-10 to strike, parry and dodge). Blindness lasts for 2D4 melee rounds or until the eyes are rinsed with water or eye drops. No damage, otherwise.
    • Coat Self with Slime - The super being can coat himself in his own slime to make him difficult to wrestle, pin, bear hug or entangle in hand to hand combat. Anyone striking/grappling/holding the slime maker is -4 to strike/hold/entangle and has a 01-60% chance of slipping and falling on the slime surrounding him. If the attacker falls, he takes 1D4 damage, loses his grip/hold on the slime maker, loses initiative and must spend two melee actions getting back on his own feet. ALSO roll for the stench factor! Roll to see if the opponent can avoid vomiting every time he grapples with the slime maker. Vomiting is likely to give the slime maker time to escape or counterattack.

      Similarly, the slime covered super being can attempt to escape any bonds once per melee round with the following chance for success: hands and/or feet tied with rope, handcuffed or chained - 70% likelihood of escape. Hands, arms, legs and body bound with rope, chains, straps or
      straightjacket - 60% chance to escape; or if the character has the Escape Artist skill, he gets a +30% bonus to escape.
    • Slime Slider - Exudes slime from his feet to slide across smooth (tile, linoleum, wood, etc.), and reasonably smooth surfaces (including concrete, asphalt and even grass and carpeting) at double his usual running speed as if he were traveling along a water slide. To maintain the sliding ability the character uses up three melee attacks per round.
    • Other Abilities and Bonuses
      • +1 P.E., +3 Spd
      • +5 S.D.C.
      • +10% to balance
  6. Sonic Speed
    • The power to run at supersonic speeds. This means the char­acter can run at the speed of sound, Mach One, or approximately 670 mph (1072 km/h). That is roughly one mile (1.6 km) every five seconds and 11.6 miles (18.6 km) per minute.
      In addition to running at incredible speed, the character has sharper vision, quicker reactions and greater dexterity than nor­mal humans. Despite what one might think, superspeed in hand to hand combat requires a comparatively slower, more meas­ured, and controlled pace, but the results are still devastating.
    • Fast Melee
      • Normal Punch - 1D6 damage.
      • Fast Punch or Kick -2D6
      • Super-Fast Punch -4D6 damage.
      • Super-Fast Kick -5D6 damage.
      • Super-Fast "Power" Punch or Kick - 1D6x10, but counts as two attacks.
      • Body block/ram at 400 mph (640 km) or greater does 2D4x10 damage, plus humanoid opponents weighing under 400 pounds (180 kg) are knocked off their feet and tumble for 2D6 yards/me­ters, and causes them to lose initiative and two melee attacks/ac­tions.
      • Note: Unfortunately, the speeding super-being also takes 5D6 damage, himself, and the attack counts as three melee ac­tions/attacks.
    • Leaping Ability (with a running start) -60 feet (18.3 m) high or 100 feet (30.5 m) lengthwise.
    • Swimming Ability (applicable only if the swim skill is known): Maximum speed is 300 mph (258 knots); can dive 300 feet (91.5 m) and has a maximum depth tolerance of 350 feet (107 m).
    • Can go from zero to 700 mph (1126 km/h) in four seconds (roughly one melee action) but such acceleration causes a small sonic boom punctuating his departure (unwise for stealth).
    • Running at superspeed is relatively quiet compared to the roar of a jet engine or race car, but the patter of feet on the ground and the air displacement makes a loud sound of rushing air like the roar of hurricane or tornado winds. Furthermore, a quick take off creates a sonic boom. The wind caused by the su­perspeed will also whip up clouds of dust and send paper and similar light items whirling in the air as the character runs by or comes to a sudden stop. Running under 100 mph (160 km) is considered quiet; a soft wind sound. Can stop on a dime and make sharp turns.
    • Superior vision about five times better than normal humans, which means an 18 inch sign can be read a mile away.
    • Nightvision - 500 feet (152.4 m).
    • Other Abilities and Bonuses
      • +1 melee attack/action per round (15 seconds) at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12.
      • +6 on initiative.
      • +1 to strike.
      • +3 to parry.
      • +4 to automatic dodge against hand to hand combat and combat using melee weapons (sword, axe, club, etc.). An Auto­matic Dodge means the act of dodging does not use up a melee attack or action. Dodging bullets, energy blasts, projectiles and thrown objects can be attempted, but without benefit of any dodge bonuses; un­modified dice roll only (it's difficult even for a super-fast character to dodge these fast moving, long-range and often silent, or quiet, attacks).
      • +6 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
      • +1 to pull punch at levels 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 14.
      • +1 P.E.
      • +50 S.D.C.
      • Perception Bonus: +5%
  7. Vibration
    • The manipulation of vibration and air flow
    • Shock Waves - shock waves that ripple through the earth damaging everything along the path.
      • Range: 120 feet (36.6 m) +10 feet (3m) per level, with 6ft (1.8 m) width, shorter length if desired.
      • Damage: 2D6 per level
      • Rate of Fire & Modifiers: one blast costs 2 actions, +2 to strike
    • Shock Blast - an amplified bolt of force fired like an invisible concussion blast
      • Range: 200 feet (61 m) +10 feet (3 m)
      • Damage: 4D6 (6D6 underwater)
      • Rate of Fire & Modifiers: one blast per action, +4 to strike
    • Vibrate Through Substances - vibrate so quickly one can pass through solid matter
      • Range: Self
      • Duration: As long as necessary, typically 7-15 seconds
      • Effect: Can only vibrate through inorganic (non-living) material and speed is reduced to one third
    • Vibrate to Become Intangible
      • Range: Self and items on his person
      • Duration: One minute for every P.E. attribute point
      • Effect: Physical attacks do no damage. Energy attacks, fire, electricity, etc., do one third normal damage.
      • Attacks Per Melee: Takes the place of all melee attacks and actions while intangible
    • Feel Vibrations
      • Range: 30 feet (9.1 m) +5 feet (1.5 m) per level
      • Effect: Sense the presence of nearby movement and even estimate numbers and speed of approach. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise.
      • Base skill: 66% accuracy, +2% per level.
    • Vibrating Punch - the vibrating Dim Mak. +1D6 points of damage to punches in addition to P.S. bonuses
    • Other Abilities and Bonuses
      • +4 on initiative, +1 to pull punch, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
      • +20 S.D.C.
      • Double normal speed attribute.
      • Perception Bonus: +10%

Minor Powers
  1. Extraordinary Mental Affinity
    • Description: An aura of likability, confidence and trust radiates from this character. He or she is so dynamic that they are often the center of attention and make the opposite sex swoon.
    • Bonuses:
      • Increase P.B. to 29; see attribute bonuses for the ability to impress and charm.
      • +10% to seduction, pick pockets and all skills of deception and sleight of hand.
  2. Extraordinary Physical Beauty
    • Description: An extremely attractive individual whose beauty is truly exceptional. Members of the opposite sex are particularly vulnerable to this character's charm.
    • Bonuses:
      • Increase P.B. to 26; see attribute bonuses for the ability to impress and charm.
      • +10% to the investigation/research, interrogation, seduction, palming and pick pocket skills.
  3. Limb Possession (mutated)
    Details to be added.
  4. Multi-Tasking (mutated)
    • Able to completely split his mind, using the right and left halves of the brain to concentrate on two separate topics simultaneously.
    • If the situation is right, engage in a full set of melee attacks while simultaneously performing a non-combat skill or melee action (things like searching files or reading the information off a computer, grabbing an object while shooting, etc.).
    • Consider:
      • Warp Sound whilst fighting so the fight has bad Kung Fu sound effects
      • Vibrating to intangibility while shooting slime at enemies
    • Paired Weapons skill
    • Ambidextrous
    • +1 extra attack per melee round
  5. Sense the Supernatural
    • Description: The ability to sense the presence of the supernatural.
    • Range: 500 feet +100 feet (152 +30 m) per level of experience. Double if supernatural creature is using magic, psionics or a special/super ability.
    • Duration: Constantly active, even when asleep. If supernatural beings are within the sensing radius, the character knows it.
    • Effect: Can tell if one or more supernatural beings are far or nearby, as well as a rough idea of which direction they lie and whether there is one, a few, several or many. Only an impression about the creature(s) is known, vague numbers and direction. If face to face can learn whether it is good, selfish or evil, and if the supernatural creature is weak (Lesser), strong (Greater), powerful (Lord), or mega-powerful (a deity or Alien Intelligence). Can also know if it is a supernatural being in disguise.
    • Bonuses:
      • +10% to Perception
      • +1 initiative
      • +1 dodge
      • +1 to save vs possession by supernatural beings.
  6. Shadow Cloak
    • Description: The ability to wrap oneself in natural shadows and pull them around him to create a cloak of darkness that conceals identity and helps to shield from attacks.
    • Bonuses:
      • All attackers see their bonuses to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and entangle, as well as initiative and perception reduced by half.
      • +20% to Prowl, but can still be seen by infrared, heat sensors etc.
      • Half damage from light and laser attacks as the shadows bleed away and dissipate them.
      • Impervious to all shadow-based attacks when the cloak in place.
      • Nightvision 60' +5'/level
      • Penalties: Less effective in daytime or bright lights. -20% on the Prowl skill and no penalties to strike, parry or dodge.
  7. Sticky Globs
    • Can fire sticky globs from his butt that stick on contact. Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    • Range: 60 feet +10 feet/level
    • Duration: 5 minutes/level OR the creator can make the globs disappear at will by touching them.
    • Damage: None
    • Attacks per Melee: Each sticky glob counts as 1 attack
    • Bonuses: Any hand to hand combat and P.P. attribute bonuses apply to the firing of Sticky Globs, but such bonuses are half when shooting wild or when moving and shooting.
  8. Summon and Command Small Animals
    • Able to summon animals that understand and obey him. These creatures are summoned via sheer will and appear out of nowhere as if teleported to his side. All creatures must be of one species and of a combined weight of 30 pounds, +5 pounds per level of experience (480 ounces + 80/level).
    • Striped Skunk: 2 pounds. About 27 skunks. (PFRPG - Monsters and Animals p223)
    • Canary: Between 0.4 and 1.05 ounces. About 1100 canaries.
    • Grey Squirrel: Between 14 and 21 oz. About 45 squirrels.
  9. Vocalization (mutated)
    • Description: Has a strong, clear voice and is a natural public speaker able to hold the attention of an audience.
    • Amplify Speaking Voice: Can amplify his voice to sound deep and booming, equivalent to using a bullhorn or loudspeaker, but not loud enough to hurt eardrums or cause deafness. The amplified voice remains clear and easy to understand even at great ranges.
      Range: Heard up to a half mile (0.8 km) away.
      Awe Factor: +2 to the character's Awe or Horror Factor (H.F.). (not applicable to Shazbut).
    • Speak in a Wider Range of Sound: Can "speak" in both the ultrasonic and subsonic range of sounds, enabling him to speak to animals and cannot be heard by humans.
      Range: Up to 100 feet (30.5 m) away, +30 feet (9.1 m) per level of experience.
    • Modulate Voice: Change the pitch and tone to sound deeper (male) or higher (female or child-like), and generally sound different. Can disguise his voice (86% +1 % per level of experience).
      Range: Normal speaking range or in conjunction with Amplify Speaking Voice
    • Mimic Sounds and Whistles: Can mimic most natural and common sounds. Can do bird calls, animal noises or sound effects. Create sounds that sound convincingly real (especially over a radio or cell phone). Has perfect pitch and vocal control so he can whistle a tune at a professional level of quality and sing beautifully (if he has the Sing skill).
      Base Skill : 70% +3% per level of experience
    • Power of Command: Once per minute (every fourth melee round), can issue a single, simple command, with no more than two words. Everyone who hears and fails their saving throw (12 or higher), must comply for the next 1D4+1 melee actions/attacks (6-12 seconds). Note: Commands that encourage violence, violence on others, self-destruction , or suicide, do NOT work.
      Range: 100 foot radius (30.5 m) of the speaker.
      Duration: 1D4+1 melee actions/attacks.
      Damage: None, just issues a simple command.
      Attacks per Melee: Two melee actions and may only be used once every 60 seconds.
      Saving Throw: 12 or higher (M.E. bonuses applicable) means the person(s) does NOT have to obey the command. Furthermore, characters with an M.E. of 24 or higher and characters with mind control abilities of their own are immune. Master psychics need only roll a 10 or higher to save.
    • Bonuses (as applicable): +10% to Sing, Impersonation and all spoken Language skills, +5% to Interrogation and Seduction.
  10. Warp Sound
    • The ability to change and distort sound waves in the vicinity of the character to disguise one's voice (can sound completely different), and produce a variety of minor effects.
    • Range: Self or sound waves within a range of 100' + 20'/level, unless stated otherwise.
    • Duration: Up to five minutes per level of experience. Triple when used on self.
    • Warp Sounding Abilities:
      • 1. Amplify Sound/Booming Voice: The character can increase the loudness of his own voice or a specific sound as if turning up the sound on a stereo or television. Increase up to 70 decibels (level of heavy traffic) and used like a police bullhorn. The effect can be performed on another person or any type of audio equipment provided the target is within range and line of sight. Making a car stereo suddenly boom (perhaps one after another) can be an effective distraction, with everyone looking in that direction for at least the first 1D4+1 times it happens. It can also be used to drown out conversations and cause trouble.
      • 2. Muffle Sound: Reduce the volume to as low as a soft whisper (10 decibels). Can also bend sound around him to muffle his own movement to move almost completely silently. Only characters with heightened hearing might hear the character. No sound of footsteps, no rustle of clothing, breathing, etc. everything is like a soft whisper. +20% to Prowl skill.
      • 3. Silence Sounds: The character can manipulate sound to completely mute it. This can be done on a living being (human or animal) or audio device and machine to silence them. This can, in effect, temporarily negate the power of spell casters (no sound no spell) and silence stool pigeons.
      • 4. Disguise/Change Voice: This can be done to oneself for obvious reasons, or one specific person, for fun or confusion, provided that individual is within 100 feet and in line of sight. The voice may sound high or low, male or female, mechanical, gutteral, or lyrical.
      • 5. Change Sound: In this case the sound is made to be completely different than its true nature. Thus the roar of a revving motorcycle engine can be made to sound like a police siren, or the tinkling of bells, or the rush of wind, or laughter, etc.
      • 6. Parry Sonic & Sound-based attacks: The superbeing can parry and deflect sonic blasts and sound-based attacks, bending the sound waves around him. Roll just like a normal parry with -2 penalty. In the alternative, the character can create a sort of bubble that covers a 10 foot diameter that will warp sound around it, thus protecting those inside the bubble from sound and sonic attacks.
      • 7. Bend and redirect Sound Waves: The character can warp sound waves to send signals in different directions or back where they came from. For example, an individual is standing in front of the radio can't hear it because the superbeing has redirected the sound waves to go right or left and even around corners. Great for eavesdropping on conversations, concealing conversations and mischief.
      • Bonuses: The character's sense of hearing is about twice as good as a normal human's; +1 initiative.
        1d1001d1001d100 Die rolled in error on wrong post.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Military Specialist (+10% on espionage and military skills)
Base Stats when using Mimic

Language Skills
Language: English 102% 92%
Language: Italian 102% 92%
Language: Shoshoni 102% 92%

Espionage Skills
Detect Ambush 42% (+5%)
Detect Concealment 37% (+5%)
Impersonation 67%/43% 57%/33%(+3%)
Interrogation 67% 42%(+5%)
Tracking: People 37% (+5%)

Military Skills
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert 52% (+5%)
* Basic Mechanics 52% (+5%)
Demolitions 72% (+3%)
Demolitions Disposal 72% (+3%)
Trap Construction 32% (+4%)
Trap & Mine Detection 32% (+5%)

Rogue Skills
(EP) Seduction 51% 26%(+3%)

Physical Skills
Hand To Hand Assassin
  • Sense of balance 70% 62% (+2%)
  • Walk tightrope or high wire 62% (+3%)
  • Climb rope 72% (+2%)
  • Back flip 52% (+5%)
  • Climb 57%
  • Prowl 37% (or adds a +5% to prowl skill)

(EP) Fencing
  • Sense of balance 62% 52% (+3%)
  • Work parallel bars & rings 62% (+3%)
  • Climb rope 62% (+2%)
  • Back flip 72% (+2%)
  • adds a +5% to prowl skill.

  • Body block/tackle does 1d4 damage and the opponent must dodge or parry to avoid being knocked down (lose one melee attack if knocked down).
  • Pin/incapacitate on a roll of 18, 19, or 20.
  • Crush/squeeze does 1d4 damage per squeeze attack.
Secondary Skills
Pilot: Hover Craft (Ground) 52% (+5%)
Art 37% (+5%)
Cook 37% 37%(+5%)
Lore: American Indians 27% (+5%)
Performance 42% 32% (+5%)
Philosophy 32% (+5%)
Sing 47% (+5%) (Professional - from Vocalization power)
(3rd) Athletics (General)
(3rd) Running

APS: Void Form
Base Stats when using Mimic (weaponless)

Combat Data
HTH Type: HTH Assassin (level 15)
Number of Attacks: 12 / 13 / 9
Initiative Bonus: +18 /+20 / +6
Strike Bonus: +10 / +11 / +6
Parry Bonus: +14 / +15 / +6
Dodge Bonus: +12/ +16 / +6
Disarm Bonus: +7 / +8 / +4
HTH Damage Bonus: +13 (+1d6 Vibrating Punch, +1d6 Retractable Claws, +1d6 Cold Touch) / +4
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +24 / +24 / +12
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +13 / +13 / +6
  • Death Blow (if desired; must announce his intention).
  • Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any two of choice, except jump kicks.
  • Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
  • Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 17-20.
  • Prowl: 127% in darkness (APS: Void/Shadow Cloak/Warp Sound/Skills), 72% (APS: Void/Warp Sound/Skills)
  • +7 automatic dodge (+3 vs bullets, energy blasts, projectiles and thrown objects etc)
  • W.P. Knife and W.P. Sword +1 strike, +1 parry (Fencing Skill)
  • W.P. Sword +1d6 damage (Fencing Skill)
  • +3 body flip/throw. Whatever that is...
  • Shooting while in Void Form
    • APS: Void (Depressurize Bolt, Suffocation Attack or Void Bolt) +8 strike
    • Slime Generation (Bolts of Slime) +5 strike / shot to eyes requires called shot
    • Sticky Globs +11 strike / +9 strike for called shot
    • Vibration (shock waves) +7 strike (2 actions)
    • Vibration (shock blast) +9 strike

      Strike bonuses:
      • Hand to Hand +6
      • P.P. +3
      • Superpowers(APS:Void, Sonic Speed) +2
      Total Strike:
      • Slime Generation->Bolt of Slime = PP + Superpowers
      • Sticky Glob = Hand to Hand + PP + Superpowers
      • Vibration->Shock Waves PP + Superpowers + 2
      • Vibration->Shock Blast PP + Superpowers + 4
      • APS:Void->Depressurize or Void Bolt = PP + Superpowers + 3 (-3 if shooting wild)
Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Axe - +1 to strike and parry at levels 2, 5, 8, 12, and 15. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 8, and 12; not designed for throwing.
(4th) W.P. Knife - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
W.P. Paired Weapons (see RUE p. 327) -Axe and Axe (All weapons with Multi-Tasking)
W.P. Heavy MD Weapons +1 to Strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13.
(s) W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
(3rd) W.P. Sword - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4, 8, and 12; not designed for throwing.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +10%
Toxins (15+): +3
Magic (varies): +3 (+1 extra vs supernatural possession)
Lethal Poison (14+): +3
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +3
Insanity (12+): +4
Psionics (varies): +3

Illusions Major Power: +6 to save vs illusions, +4 to save vs fear/Horror Factor.
+4 to save vs all stench-based attacks and suffers half the penalties for half the duration time.


Dragonbane Blade (Patron Item)
Legendary Enchanted Knife
M.D.C.: 200
Damage: 1D6+7
Weight: 1 lb.
Magic Features
  • Dragon Slayer: double damage to dragons and sea serpents
  • Eternally sharp blade: Weapon never dulls and is +3 to damage
  • Super-Sharpness: +4 to damage, but more importantly it lowers the required roll for a critical strike by two points
  • Armor Piercing: bypass the A.R. of their targets. If used against targets wearing body armor, the armor will not be harmed by this weapon, as it will automatically seek out gaps and chinks in the armor through which to strike. When used against creatures with a high natural A.R., this weapon simply goes through the natural defenses.

Curse: None
History: During the great Elf-Dwarf war, a singularly exceptional Elven alchemist created a number of identical enchanted knives used to add some gravity to the Elves' negotiations with the dragons of their time. From time to time across the ages, these knives have surfaced in the hordes of ancient dragons, and among ruins from that era. They are often associated with the appellation "folly" as those who bear them have frequently overestimated the power of the weapons, and underestimated the might of dragons.

  • A standard axe with a handle generator like the sword.
    • Damage: 3d6+P.S. bonus (if any)
    • Dimensions: 2.25' long.
    • Notes: Alien Equipment.
    • Weight: 4.5 lbs.

  • An Italian wide-bladed war axe.
    • Damage: 3d6+P.S. bonus (if any)
    • Dimensions: 33" long.
    • Notes: Once owned by "Vinny Five Fingers", an Italian gangster of the 1950's. This intimidating piece is based on an Italian 14th century design, the axe is an overall length of 33". Axe head and handle grip constructed of steel alloy.

  • A square hovering platform
    • S.D.C.: 150
    • Size: 4' square in size, that comfortably supports two people (can hold up to four)
    • Foldable to stow inside backpack for easy travel.
    • Notes: Alien Equipment, requires Pilot: Hover Craft (Ground) to fly.
    • Maximum Speed: 90 mph (145 km). Hovers 3 to 300 feet above the ground.

S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field

Contains a half dozen special items.... each a crusty baguette stuffed with lightly seasoned mayonnaise, lettuce, mozzarella, tomatoes and generous helpings of genoa salami.
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Registration!!!

Post by Eve »

Player Name: Kylie
Gmail: fgltw12
Ledger link: Eve Ledger

Character Name: Eve Curtana
Power Category: Crusader of Light
Alias: Glory
Occupation: Martial Arts Instructor
Alignment: Unprincipled
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 16,486 (Updated 6/3/2023 by CHIMERA)
Next Level @ XP: 20,001
Birth Order/Family Ties: None; Father deceased
Land of Origin: Century Station
Childhood Environment: Large City
Social/Economic Background: Middle Class - Military
When Extraordinary Abilities First Manifested: Late teens
Disposition: Open, charming and captivating with others. Well trained in hiding her intentions and feelings. Cares deeply about the disadvantaged in life, and can be as hard as nails when there is a need.
Insanity: Atelophobia/Perfectionism - Eve's striving for flawlessness and perfection has gifted her with exceptional prowess with the sword even before being blessed with supernatural power. The downside is her need for symmetry. In her apartment, all hangers in the closet are the same distance apart. All boxes, cans and containers in the pantry and refrigerator are lined up in size order with the labels facing forward. Every new thing she possesses must be washed, wiped, or cleaned in some way, and then put in its new and special place. Her sword is a highly polished work of art, her car interior is immaculate.

I.Q.: 12 (13)
M.E.: 28
M.A.: 8 (17)
P.S.: 51 (58) (Supernatural)
P.P.: 30
P.E.: 16 (21)
P.B.: 23 (33)
Speed: 23 (35) (fly at 190 mph)

Stats in Blue are the result of Super form
APS: Human Force Field

PPE: 56 61
HP: 76 81
SDC: 210 (285 at night) (1050)
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 170 pounds
Description: With a young and lithe figure, Eve is tall with luxurious honey blonde hair and deep blue eyes. There is a supple strength in her arms, and she has the look of a dedicated athlete.

Special Abilities
Horror Factor: 11 in "super" form, 13 if flying. (+2 at night)

Natural Abilities
Perception Bonus: 40% (+3%) (+15% when in darkness at night, +10% to perceiving any temporal changes)
Charm/Impress: 65% 92%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 0 45%
Max. Encumbrance: 51 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 15,300 lbs 17,400 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 25,500 lbs 29,000 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: 76.5 feet long / 38 feet high 87 feet long, 7.75 / 43.5 feet high

Bestowed Crusader Super Abilities
+10% to perception

Swallowing Limbo
OOC Comments
The character possess the unique ability to generate an extra-dimensional limbo within the silhouette of his own body. The super being cannot enter the limbo himself because his own body forms the portal through which the limbo is entered. Inside this extra-dimensional space there is nothing but a black void where even time and space seem to stand still. This limbo state might be considered a dimensional bubble in between the normal dimensions. Anyone/thing forced into the swallowing limbo is stored there until the duration ends or they are released by the super being. Even when two or more people/objects occupy the limbo at the same time, they cannot interact, because there is no light to see by or atmosphere to carry sound. But any victims in the limbo will not suffocate or starve because no time passes for them. Those trapped inside just wait helplessly until they are released.
To those outside the limbo, it appears as if the individual has disappeared after touching the super being. For an instant, observers will see the super being and victim turn into an inky blackness as the victim vanishes. This is actually a brief glimpse of the inside of the swallowing limbo. A similar blackness is seen when the victims/objects are released from within the limbo. These are the only times that the inside of the Swallowing Limbo can be glimpsed.
Because it's the super being's silhouette that is the doorway to the limbo, not just his actual body, many super beings with this power use a cape or cloak to expand their silhouette and make it easier to swallow larger victims and objects.
The uses of the Swallowing Limbo are many. It can be used to swallow and protect an innocent bystander or to capture a particularly vicious villain. It's important to note that anyone held inside the swallowing limbo is completely protected from harm and is not damaged even if the super being is, himself, injured. If the super being is killed, however, everything and everyone held inside the limbo is released unharmed. For the people so captured, the time between their capture and release seems like no more than a few seconds, even if days or weeks have passed. That also means those captured in the throes of combat will come out swinging.
  • Holding Capacity: As a Mega-Hero, the number of people he can keep in limbo is three per level of experience (9 people or objects). Weight for nonliving items is 500 lbs per level of experience.
  • Range: Touch, hand to hand combat only.
  • Duration: As a Mega-Hero, victims may be held as long as three months per level of experience (9 months).
  • Range: Touch, hand to hand combat only.
  • Damage: None, the swallowing limbo just holds/contains its victims/objects. Targets successfully struck by a swallowing limbo attack must roll an M.E. based saving throw. Base save for Swallowing Limbo is 16+.
  • Attacks per melee: Counts as two melee attacks/actions to swallow one person/object.
Angel Wings
OOC Comments
  • Appear when wanted, angel-like wings that fly at 160 mph plus 10 mph per level (190 mph).
  • While flying +2 to base Horror Factor/Awe Factor, +1 attack per melee, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge while in flight, +6 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flying speed.
  • Each wing has 112 S.D.C., plus destroyed wings regenerate within 24 hours. (includes 50% Mega-hero bonus)
  • Once per level of the hero’s experience each day, the hero can pluck 6 feathers and hurl them at falling targets (3 times per day). Any person or target struck with a feather takes one point of damage but stops falling and gently floats to earth.
  • Weight limit is 500 pounds (225 kg) per feather.
  • Range 1,500' +150' per level (1,950 feet); +2 to strike with an angel wing feather.

Major Super Abilities

Alter Physical Structure: Human Force Field (must be activated)
  • A.R. 14 and 1050 S.D.C.
  • regenerates 2D6 S.D.C. per melee round
  • if S.D.C. depleted resume human form for at least 45 minutes, and S.D.C. regens 8D6 or 1D4x10+3 per minute
  • Attacks per Melee: changing form takes 1 melee action
  • +10% to prowl and +30% prowl if travelling through water
  • does not need to breathe
    • half damage from projectiles, arrows, bullets, explosions, force bolts, punches, kicks and most physical attacks
    • full damage from Ex. P.S. or better, provided the roll to strike is 14 or higher
    • half damage from lasers and light-based attacks
    • full damage from other forms of energy, fire, plasma, heat, cold, and energy
    • full damage from magic, psionics, and shadow powers
    • immune to radiation, poison, drugs, and disease
    • form force field bridge, wall or simple structure
    • form hand weapons (+1 to strike, parry, and disarm, +2 to pull punch)
    • max. stretch is 40'+10' per level
    • max. force field size is 40' sq. +10' per level
    • Range: 150' +30' per level (240')
    • Damage: 4D6 +1D6 at level 4, 7, 9 and 12. (4D6)
    • Attacks per Melee: 1
    • Bonuses: +4 to strike on an Aimed/Called Shot
    • Range: 750'
    • Damage: 1D6x10 +2 per level (1D6x10+6)
    • Attacks per Melee: 2 (only one can be performed each round)
    • Bonuses: +3 to strike

Karmic Power
  • When the cause is just, the motives good and/or selfless, the following bonuses apply:
    • +6 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
    • +2 to strike.
    • +4 to parry.
    • +3 to disarm.
    • +2 on initiative.
    • +3 to automatic dodge.
    • +6 to save vs poison/toxins/gases.
    • +6 to save vs psionic attack and possession.
    • +4 to save vs magic.
    • +20% to save vs coma/death.
    • An opponent's Death Blow does not kill; only stuns the character.
    • Critical damage attacks do normal damage.
    • Knocks opponent unconscious (if so desired) on a roll of a natural 20 to strike; unconscious for 3D4 melee rounds.
    • +10% on a skill if it is to save a life or help an important cause.
    • +15 to S.D.C. (includes 50% Mega-hero bonus)
    • +15% perception
    • Note: Under this noble situation, opponents get no bonuses to strike, parry or dodge the Karmic character. Straight, unmodified dice rolls only.
    • can also affect others and instill the above combat and saving bonuses at half strength to another, although only 1-3 bonuses apply at a time.
    • while transferring the bonuses of his good will, the Karmic character cannot take any action, not even to defend herself
    • Range: 225', in line of sight
    • can also affect villains in the same way as blessing allies.
    • while transferring the penalties against the wicked, the Karmic character cannot take any action, not even to defend herself
    • Range: 225', in line of sight
    • Comes when cruel, unnecessarily selfish or petty, evil acts. Anything strictly against her alignment. Just don't do it!

Slow Motion Control (must be activated)
  • Has an uncanny sense of time and is never late
  • Knows the day and time within 1D4 minutes without refering to a timepiece.
  • +3 to save vs time altering powers, magic or effects from others, including kinetic energy attacks that slow things down.
  • Add one extra attack per melee round.
  • +1 to initiative at levels 1, 5, and 10.
  • +1 to strike
  • +2 bonus to automatic dodge
  • +10% perception when perceiving any temporal changes
    • Victims feel weighted down and cannot move quickly.
    • Range: (232.5') 210' +7.5' per level for a specified handful of targets or 40' radius around hero (limits apply)
    • Duration: 1D4 rounds; roll for each target
    • Attacks per Melee: 1 (only one can be performed each round)
    • Damage: No initiative, and reduce all combat bonuses, attacks per melee, and speed of the affected persons or vehicle by half. Likewise, damage inflicted by slowed attackers is also half.
    • Slow her or another's metabolism to extremely low levels. It can be used to simulate death,
      slow bleeding, or slow the spread/effects of disease, or poison/toxin through the body; half damage and duration from toxins.
    • +1 to save vs poison/toxins/drugs and +10% to save vs coma.
    • Range: 60'
    • Duration: as long as desired
    • Attacks per Melee: no other actions possible while concentrating
    • Mentally slow or stop the internal mechanisms of clocks, wristwatches, timer-activated bombs and all things with timepieces.
    • Range: 150'
    • Duration: as long as desired
    • Attacks per Melee: no other actions possible while concentrating
    • life expectancy doubled to about 150 years (at 50 she will look to be 25 etc).
    • +6 to the P.B.

Minor Super Abilities
Blur (must be activated)
  • +1 on initiative
  • +2 automatic dodge
  • +1 to disarm an opponent
  • +2 to perform a Judo-like Body Flip
  • +1 to pull punch.
  • -3 to strike, parry and dodge in hand-to-hand combat
  • aimed or "called shot" is impossible
  • -4 to strike for long-range attacks (rifle, energy blasts, etc.)
  • voice disguised, no fingerprints or clear photos possible
  • -60% to Prowl
  • -40% to perform any tasks requiring dexterity, precision or finesse
  • handwriting is impossible
  • double his normal running speed, for 30 seconds (2 melee rounds)

Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy (doubled by Power Amplify Mega Power)
  • Range: 2100' maximum.
  • Damage: 6D8 damage, and an additional +2D8 per level of experience to supernatural beings of evil and selfish alignments (12D8); increase by 50% when used against dark gods, Alien Intelligences and Demon and Deevil Lords (18D8).
    4D6 damage, and an additional +2D6 per level of experience to mortal beings of evil and selfish alignments (10D6).
    +2D4 damage per level of experience to supernatural and mortal beings of good alignment (6D4).
  • Attacks per Melee: Each energy blast counts as one melee attack, twin simultaneous blasts at the same target (i.e. both eyes point and fire at the same target) does double damage and counts as one attack. A simultaneous attack firing at two different opponents counts as one melee attack, but is considered shooting wild.
  • Bonuses: +3 to strike if an aimed shot, +1 to strike if shooting wild; neither bonus is applicable to divided attacks.

Extraordinary Mental Endurance
  • Increase M.E. to 28
  • Needs a 12 to save vs psionic attack (plus M.E. bonus).
  • +6 to save vs mind altering drugs.
  • +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
  • +6 to save vs possession.
  • +1 to save vs magical illusions
  • original PC M.E. was 13

  • Hide in shadows/darkness 73% +3% per level of experience (82%)
  • Sense the exact moment of the rising and setting of the sun.
  • Recognizes vampires and sees Shadow Beasts even when they are in shadow.
  • Can see those cloaked in unnatural or magical darkness.
  • Cannot be turned into the undead.
  • +10% on the skills tracking, land navigation, and prowl.
  • Nightvision 1000'
  • Horror Factor of 13
  • +1 on initiative.
  • +1D6 to damage (only at night).
  • +75 S.D.C. (only at night) (includes 50% Mega-hero bonus)
  • +15% perception when in darkness at night

Shadow Stepping
  • step into a shadow and "jump" to any other shadow within range. A line of sight form of teleportation with various shadows being the final destination.
  • shadow must be at least 4' long
  • Range: 45' per level (135')
  • Attacks per Melee: each step takes 1 melee action

Mega Powers
Heals 3x faster than normal
Increased the total S.D.C. by 50%
Increased power range by 50%
Considered a Supernatural Being, +1 to save vs magic (unless that's his vulnerability), and +2 to save vs possession
and Horror Factor
  • Tremendous Physical Strength: +20 to supernatural P.S., and death blow on a 16-20
  • Power Amplification or Specialization (R37)
    - double any one major or 3 minors
    - Divine Energy + two minors not chosen yet
Achilles Heel
GM to decide

EDUCATION LEVEL: Military Specialist
+10% on any skill if it is to save a life or help an important cause.

Scholastic Skills
Military Program (Basic) +20%
Climbing/Rappelling 80/70% (+5%)
Military Etiquette 55% (+5%)
Radio: Basic 65% (+5%)
Trap & Mine Detection 40% (+5%)
W.P. Rifle

Espionage Program (Basic) +20%
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Detect Ambush 50% (+5%)
Detect Concealment 45% (+5%)
Intelligence 52% (+4%)
Surveillance 50% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival 50% (+5%)

Criminal Program +15%
Streetwise 40% (+5%)
Pick Locks 45% (+5%)
Pick Pockets 40% (+5%)
Prowl 50% (+5%) (+10% at night)
Seduction 35% (+3% plus Attribute bonuses)

W.P. Skill Program
W.P. Quick Draw
W.P. Shield
W.P. Handguns

Physical Program (Other Skill of choice) +10%
• Sense of balance 70% +2%
• Walk tightrope or high wire 70% +3%
• Climb rope 80% +2%
• Back flip 60% +5%
• Sense of balance 60% +3%
• Work parallel bars & rings 70% +3%
• Climb rope 70% +2%
• Back flip 80% +2%

Secondary Skills
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Computer Operation 40% (+5%)
First Aid 45% (+5%)
Wardrobe & Grooming 50% (+4%)
W.P. Sword

Level 3:
Athletics (General)
Dance 30% (+5%)

Karmic Power
Karmic Power + Blur
Karmic Power + Blur + Flying

*+8 P.P. bonus added to all combat moves including Pull Punch, Roll/Punch/Fall and Disarm.

Combat Data
HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5 6 if flying
Initiative Bonus: +4 +6 +7 (additional +3 with Quick Draw and +1 at night)
Strike Bonus: +11 +13 +14 flying
Parry Bonus: +14 +18 +19 flying
Dodge Bonus: +14 +18 flying
Autododge Bonus: 0 +11 +13
Disarm Bonus: +10 +13 +14
HTH Damage Bonus: +36 +1D6 (night only) +43 (+6 extra every 20 mph flying speed)
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +17 +21
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +11 +11 +12
  • Death blow on a 16-20 (if desired)
  • An opponent's Death Blow does not kill; only stuns the character.
  • Critical damage attacks do normal damage.
  • Aimed or "called shot" on Eve is impossible when blurred.
  • Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage), backward sweep kick, tripping/leg hook kick, roundhouse kick and axe kick.
  • Automatic kick attack at first level; 2D4 damage (Gymnastics).
  • Fencing +1 to strike and parry with a sword or dagger, and +1D6 to damage with a sword.
  • "Faith" Holy Spatha Saburo Sword; 1d20+17, Damage 5d6+43, Parry 1d20+21 (Powers must be active)
  • "Aegis the Greater" Shield; strike +14 , parry +21, damage 2d4+43 (returns when thrown)
  • Divine Energy*; (aimed shot) +14 / (wild shot) +12, damage 12D8 (24D8) vs Supernatural Evil/Selfish, 18D8(36D8) vs Dark Gods, Demons etc, 10D6(20D6) vs Mortal Evil/Selfish, 6D4(12D4) vs Any Good - (double for simultaneous shot for 1 APM) *Doubled by Power Specialization Mega Power
  • Swallowing Limbo; strike +11, damage none, save 16+ with M.E. or trapped, costs 2 attacks.
  • Karmic KO; a natural 20 to strike; unconscious for 3D4 melee rounds.

Weapon Proficiencies
(s) W.P. Handguns
  • +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
(s) W.P. Rifles
  • +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Quick Draw - Bonuses depend on P.P. score; 17 or less: +1 to initiative; 18-23: +2 to initiative; 24-30: +3 to initiative; 31+: +4 to initiative
W.P. Shield - +1 to Parry at levels 1, 3, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike with shield at levels 4, 8, and 12. Cannot be thrown.
W.P. Sword - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4, 8, and 12; not designed for throwing.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +32%
Toxins (15+): +9
Magic (varies): +9
Lethal Poison (14+): +9
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +9
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +13

+10 vs Horror Factor
Additional adjustments:
+15 vs possession
+3 to save vs time altering powers, magic or effects from others, including kinetic energy attacks that slow things down.
Needs a 12 to save vs psionic attack.
+6 to save vs mind altering drugs.
+1 to save vs magical illusions

Base Awe/Horror Factor of 11 (13 when flying) (+2 at night)

Gear registered

Greater Holy Spatha Saburo Sword
Damage: 4D6
Common Holy powers
  • 1. Unusually tough; seldom break — it takes a lot to destroy one of these weapons and the blades rarely dull.
  • 2. Made of ordinary metal but glow with a halo of energy that is white, yellow, red, or light blue; register as magic.
  • 3. Adds +5% to all prayers to one's deity.
  • 4. Its bonuses, doubled damage capacity and special powers will not work when used by creatures of magic, supernatural beings, undead or animated dead!

Special Abilities (if any):
  • Damage bonus: The weapon inflicts 2D6 additional damage (S.D.C. in S.D.C. worlds, changes to M.D.C. on mega-damage planes of existence).
  • Healing touch: Restores 2D6 S.D.C and hit points (2D6 M.D.C. in Rifts). Can be performed six times per 24 hours.
  • Radius of protection: Basically the same as the protection circle: simple, wizard spell. The weapon must be raised above one's head and then struck to the ground. Duration: Five minutes per level of the weapon user. A circular area covering a six foot radius around the sword glows with magic energy and protection.

Curse: None.
Personality: Quiet and keeps to herself. She knows that whoever wields her must be doing good in the world. Will occasionally ask to be bathed in olive oil. Oh how she misses olive oil.
History: Faith used to go by the name of Daeira. She was one of the Oceanids, the 3000 daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. She was a mother, a nurse, a jailer and after some time, she decided to impart her soul upon a blade that would do only good in the world.

Aegis the Greater
Greater Enchanted Hoplite Shield
S.D.C.: Indestructible
Damage: 2D4
Magic Features
  • Indestructible: Cannot be destroyed by any means, save alchemy.
  • Returns to Wielder When Thrown: Applicable only to weapons suitable for throwing, including most knives, small axes, hammers, and javelins. The enchanted weapon returns to the thrower immediately after striking the target (mentally commanded); counts as one melee attack! Maximum range: 120'
  • Armor of Ithan:
    • 3x per day.
    • SDC: 150.
    • AR: 18.
    • Magic Fire, Lightning and Cold do half damage.
    • Range: Wielder only.

Curse: None.
History: Aegis was created by Athena and wielded by herself and Zeus. It fell into the hands of mortals, seeing many battles and always protecting its wielder. Hades recently claimed it for his own personal arsenal.

Long Sword
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 2D6
  • Weight: 3.5 lbs
  • Length: 3 feet
  • Features: Favorite sword of her father. This blade is not magical nor exceptional but is functional and well used.
  • Modifiers:

Large Iron Shield
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: A shield-bash does 2D4 damage
  • S.D.C.: 130
  • Weight: 8 lbs
  • Subtract 10% of the damage that would normally be inflicted by a weapon when parried by a shield.
  • Modifiers: requires a P.S. of 22+ to use (else -4 to parry)

Colt Anaconda
  • Range: 150'
  • Damage: 6D6
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6 chamber side-loading cylinder
  • Weight: 3.7 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Handguns, .44 magnum cartridge
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: HUGMG

3 x Smoke Grenades
  • Weight: 10 ounces (283 grams)
  • Effective Casualty Radius: 20ft.
  • Effective Range: 100ft.
  • Damage: None; creates a smoke filled area to provide protective cover (opponents can not see into or through the smoke) or as a signal. Opponents whose vision is obscured by the smoke are -6 to strike.
  • Color: Yellow
Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field

Joyse's Magic Die (Patron Item)
An ancient-looking one inch square die depicting water fowl and a number of pips on each facing.
Unique Enchanted Item
S.D.C.: Indestructible
Magic Features
  1. Once per day, the owner can call upon the power of the die to grant a modifier of -2 to +2 to any die roll.
  2. Once per day, the owner can call upon the power of the die to grant a re-roll of any one die roll.
  3. Once per day, the owner can call upon the power of the die to negate one Critical Failure.
    • This depletes the die for the rest of the day, and it may no longer be used until the next sun-up.

Curse: The owner gradually becomes more reliant on luck, and may develop a gambling problem.
History: This die enters the historical record in the possession of an inscrutable figure known only as the "Dark Lord of the game table" in the Western Empire at the height of that Empire's decadence who amassed a fortune in the salons of the elite and came to a predictably bad end in the taverns of the lowly.

First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(4) Signal flares
Passive nightvision goggles
H.P.: 81/81, S.D.C.: 210/210
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Chef Icky
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Re: Registration!!!

Post by Chef Icky »

Chef Icky

Player Name: Eric
YIM Handle: uncle_servo
Hangouts: uncle.servo
Eric's PP Ledger Entry

Character Name: Iktinos
Alias: Usually "Icky" or "Chef Icky"
Race: Space Minotaur
O.C.C.: Former Warlock Marine, Currently a Priest of Dionysus (he prefers “freelance holy combat chef”)
Alignment: Aberrant
XP Level: Level 8 Warlock Marine (Frozen), Level 6 Rifts Priest
XP Points: 71,201 (Frozen); 32,724 2023-06-01 DSM
Next Level @ XP: 96,401 (Frozen); 34,601

Sentiments/Non-Humans: Icky figures their credits spend just as well as humans’. Just about the only races he has a problem with are Splugorth and their minions.
Sentiments/Coalition: Icky's never heard of the Coalition. If asked he might reply with something like, "Dunno, ain't familiar wit' it. Do ya serve it wit' red or white wine?"
Disposition: Icky is your quintessential 'tough guy' -- normally good-natured yet somewhat abrasive and prone to moments where he uses his size and appearance to intimidate others into getting what he wants -- until the subject turns to food. Icky then undergoes a complete change of personality; he loves talking at length with anyone who is knowledgeable about cooking (or at least is willing to listen).
  1. Obsession with cooking and food in general. Covets and pays for only the finest foods and drinks available; complains about common or plain food and prefers not to eat it whenever possible.
  2. Obsession with wealth/money. Icky himself explains why he left the UWW with the phrase, "yer not gonna become stinkin' wealthy cookin' for da Marines." Icky will at least consider doing almost anything if the price is right.
  3. Hatred of slavers and Splugorth minions. Only a substantial reward for live capture will keep him from bringing back a slaver/minion in a body bag. Likely to kill them with his bare hands if at all possible to avoid paying for the spent ammo.
I.Q.: 18 (+4% one-time bonus to all skills; included in skill percentages)
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 12
P.S.: 36 (Supernatural; +21 SDC on restrained punch. Also see lifting/carrying/encumbrance)
P.P.: 24 (+5 parry, dodge and strike bonus in HtH combat)
P.E.: 29 (+28% vs coma/death. +7 vs magic/poison)
P.B.: 14
Speed: 29 (can run 20.7 yards/meters per attack/action, 145 yards/meters per melee round and 580 yards/meters per minute)

PPE: 114
ISP: 68
MDC: 214
Age: 215 Standard Years
Sex: Male
Height: 9' tall
Weight: 800 pounds (360 kg)
Description: Icky is a massive barrel-chested, bronze-skinned, hoofed-footed humanoid with the head and shiny black horns of a bull and red eyes that sparkle with an intelligence uncommon for his race. He is usually seen in standard fatigues with twin bandoliers crossed over his chest -- one holding the obligatory grenades, ammo clips, and assorted combat accessories and the other holding spices, utensils, and other items one would find in the possession of a gourmet chef. His "chef's belt" (as he calls it) is almost always either on his person or within easy reach; he feels naked without it.

Racial Abilities
  • Horror Factor: 11
  • Nightvision – 100’/30.5 m (can see in total darkness)
  • Good color vision
  • Superior sense of smell
  • Fire and cold resistant (does half damage)
  • Fatigues at half the normal rate of humans
Natural Abilities
  • Perception: 58%
  • Max. Encumbrance: 880 pounds (Fatigues at half the normal rate of humans)
  • Max. Carrying Weight: 1,800 lbs
  • Max. Lifting Weight: 3,600 lbs
  • Max. Jumping Ability: 21.6’ across/10.8’ high standing still; 54’ across/27’ high with a running start.
Special Abilities
  • Standard Warlock Marine attribute, combat and resistance bonuses (factored into final stats)
  • Can drink enormous quantities of alcohol without ill effect; Warlock Marines are famous for being able to drink any sapient under a table.
Priestly Abilities
  • Special Abilities for Priests of Dionysus
    • Level 1 -- Water to Wine
      The priest can cast Water to Wine at half PPE cost (20 PPE) with the addition that it can be any desired alcoholic beverage. The spell caster is able to change ordinary fresh water into wine, affecting 10 gallons (37.9 liters) per level of the spell caster's experience. The wine is of fair to average quality (with one-time bonus of 4%), with the quality increasing by 5% per each level of the sorcerer's experience.
      Range: 12 feet (3.6 m)
      Duration: Instant/permanent
      Saving Throw: None
      PPE: 40
    • Level 2 -- One with Nature
      Not feared by animals, can walk through natural environments without leaving a trace, won't be attacked by animals, if provoked they will run away instead.
    • Level 4 -- Mystic Herbology (modified)
      With a successful skill roll and expenditure of PPE can enchant an alcoholic beverage with the any of the consumable magical herb abilities listed in WB3: England. So he could create the potion of youth for 500 PPE, but not create a magic staff or wand. Base Skill 24% +5%/level. Can enchant 8 ounces of liquid at a time, and a person must imbibe the 8 ounces to gain the effect.
    • Level 8 -- Cast Metamorphosis: Animal or Insect
      Cast Metamorphosis: Animal or Insect on others without need of a ritual at half PPE cost.
      Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience
      Saving Throw: None
      PPE: 25 normally for animal; 60 normally for insect
  • Spell Casting
    Priests gain their abilities directly from their deity(s) and their faith. The spells and spell effects are identical to the spell magic of wizardry. The difference lies in how the spells are attained, not how they function. Priests are endowed with the ability to cast spells by their deity. It is not a learned nor practiced skill. Most clergy know nothing about the ways of magic. The spells of priests are invoked by the chanting of their god's name and the type of spell needed. Spells are gained at the same rate as the mystic player character (see the Rifts RPG, page 86), with the same restrictions. Priests cannot be taught nor purchase additional spell knowledge.
  • Prayer of Communion
    The prayer allows the priest to contact his deity or one of the gods in the pantheon. The god responds by creating an inspirational vision or dream which will motivate and encourage the priest. There is a 60% chance of a divination or an omen which warns of impending danger, treachery, or good fortune (in this instance, the priest will automatically correctly interpret the signs of an omen). Visions and dreams are usually symbolic and cryptic, and always concern people and matters close to the priest. Can only be attempted twice per 24 hour period.

    Success Ratio: 25% at level one, + 7% per additional level.
  • Remove Curse
    This ritual is similar to exorcism except that it removes magic curses. If successful, all the effects of the magic or god induced curse are removed (of course new curses can be placed on the character). Unfortunately, while the priest can remove a curse from a person or animal, he cannot remove curses placed on/in rune weapons, magic items or sacred/supernatural places. It takes 1d4x10 minutes to perform the remove curse ritual.

    Success Ratio: 4% base plus 7% per level of experience. The priest can only perform remove curse ONCE per each curse on the same person. However, he can perform this ability on innumerable different people and other priests can try to remove a curse on those another priest failed to help.
  • Resurrection
    This is one of the most awesome of all priests’ abilities, to actually breathe life into the recently deceased. Impressive as it may be, there are a number of limitations and conditions. The body must have all of its parts; small body parts like fingers and toes may be missing, but will remain missing after the resurrection. The person should not have been dead for more than 4 weeks (refrigeration can add up to 6 months to the 4-week limit without penalty). A penalty of - 3% is applied to each month beyond 4 weeks since the time of death. Deceased over one year old has only a total of a 5% chance for a successful resurrection. Ratio of Success: This ability can only be attempted by priests of fifth level or higher. At fifth level, the priest has a 14% chance to perform a successful resurrection, plus 3% per each additional level beyond five. Note: A resurrection can only be attempted ONCE on the same character by the same priest. A failed roll means the dead character remains dead.
Psionics (Minor Psionic)
  • See the Invisible
    See the Invisible (1 min/lvl, 4 I.S.P.) -- The character can see entities, beings, forces, objects and creatures which can turn invisible or are naturally invisible. Even if the creature has no form per se, the psychic wi ll be able to discern the vaporous im­age or energy sphere which is the being. This includes ghosts, entities, elementals and Astral Beings.
    • Range: 120 feet (36.6 m); double on a ley line.
  • Sixth Sense
    Sixth Sense (2 I.S.P.) -- The Sixth Sense is a power that gives the psychic a precognitive flash of imminent danger to himself or somebody near him (within 90 feet/27.4 m). The character will not know what the danger is or where it will come from, nor who it will be directed at when in a group. All he knows is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60 seconds (4 melees)! The Sixth Sense is triggered automatically, without the consent of the psychic, whenever his life is in great peril or the life of somebody he greatly cares about (friend, partner, loved one, etc.). The Sixth Sense is only triggered by an unexpected, life threatening event (a trap or ambush is within 90 feet/27.4 m or a flash flood is rushing his way) which is already set into motion and will happen any second. The power cannot be called upon at will to sense for traps or ambush. Instead. it works like an automatic reflex. If the character has used all his I.S.P. the Sixth Sense is temporarily rendered inoperative.
    • Range: 90 feet (27.4 m)
      Bonuses: The sudden flash of insight provides the following bonuses All bonuses apply only to the first, initial melee (15 seconds) when the attack danger occurs. Bonuses are lost in subsequent melee rounds after the danger is revealed. +6 on initiative roll, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge: and the character cannot be surprised by a sneak attack from behind
      Duration: Until the danger passes or happens. Bonuses apply only to the first melee round of the attack from the source of the sensed danger.
  • Speed Reading
    Speed Reading (3 min/lvl, 2 I.S.P.) -- This is the ability to read and comprehend the written word extremely quickly. Reading speed is 30 pages per minute. The psychic will retain the information as he would normally. Highly technical texts will reduce the speed reading by half (15 pages per minute) and may require two readings. The character must be literate to use this power.
    • Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience.
  • Telepathy
    Telepathy (2 min/lvl; 4 I.S.P.) -- The power of Telepathy allows the psychic to eavesdrop on what another person is thinking at a particular moment. This is done by focusing on that one individual and picking up on his or her surface thoughts. Surface thoughts are those thoughts and musings uppermost in a target's mind. A deep probe into memory is not possible. Although the psychic can read the thoughts of several people, he can only do so by focusing on one person at a time. Simultaneous, multiple mind reading is impossible for the character.

    Limited telepathic communication is also possible. The telepath can send a directed thought message to one person at a time. The message must be as brief and clear as possible. Like, ''John, I need you immediately. Hurry!" or ''Stop! Don't do that." ''Come here," ''Look out" or "Press the green button." However. two-way telepathic communication is not possible except between two characters both with telepathic abilities.
    • Range: Read surface thoughts up to 60 feet ( 18.3 m) away or two-way telepathic communication up to 140 feet (42.7 m) +40 feet (12.2 m) per level of experience.
      Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.
      Saving Throw: Conditional. When a character suspects he is being telepathically probed he can resist getting the standard saving throw. Mind Blocks will completely prevent telepathic probes or communications as long as the block is up.
  • Total Recall
    Total Recall (2 I.S.P.) -- The character remembers every word he reads or hears, or everything he sees. Specific blocks of information can be recalled in perfect detail at will. Each block of information costs 2 I.S.P. to recall in absolute detail. If all I.S.P. have been expended, the memory is a little fuzzy, so exact quotes and details may be impossible to recall. Roll percentile:
    • 1-50: Remembered in full detail, word for word
    • 51-80: Details are forgotten, but the full essence of the ideas are clear
    • 81 -00: Can only recall the most basic concepts; no details nor strong comprehension.
Magic Knowledge:
Level One
  • Cloud of Smoke (2)
  • Globe of Daylight (2)
  • Lantern Light (1)
  • Thunderclap (4)
Level Two
  • Cleanse (6)
  • Fear (5)
  • Manipulate Objects (2+)
  • Turn Dead (6)
Level Three
  • Armor of Ithan (10)
  • Breathe Without Air (5)
  • Light Healing (6)
  • Negate Poison/Toxin (5)
  • Paralysis: Lesser (5)
Level Four
  • Cure Minor Disorders (10)
  • Magic Net (7)
  • Seal (7)
  • Watchguard (10)
Level Five
  • Eyes of Thoth (8)
  • Heal Wounds (10)
  • Horrific Illusion (10)

O.C.C. Skills (Color indicates frozen skills)
Body Building
Climbing 84%/74% (+5%)
Computer Operation 89% (+5%)
Dance 84% (+5%)
Detect Ambush 89% (+5%)
Detect Concealment 79% (+5%)
Hand to Hand: Expert
Language: Dragonese/Elven 92% (+3%); using Welsh
Language: Demogogian 92% (+3%); using Uzbek
Language: Faerie Speak 92% (+3%); using Frisian
Language: Gobblely 92% (+3%); using Turkish
Language: Greek 98% (104%)
Language: Trade One 98% (104%) (+5%); using Latin
Literacy: Dragonese/Elven 84% (+5%)
Literacy: Demogogian 84% (+5%)
Literacy: Trade One 98% (104%) (+5%)
Land Navigation 74% (+4%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters 84% (+5%)
Mathematics: Basic 98% (99%) (+5%)
Pilot: Power Armor Elite (Warlock Combat Armor)
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor 84% (+3%)
Pilot Tanks & APCs 82% (+4%)
Radio: Basic 98% (99%) (+5%)
Sensory Equipment 89% (+5%)
Weapon Systems 98% (109%) (+5%)
Wilderness Survival 74% (+5%)
W.P. Energy Pistol -- equal to 8th level
W.P. Energy Rifle -- equal to 8th level
W.P. Staff
W.P. Targeting

O.C.C. Related Skills (Color indicates frozen skills)
Appraise Goods 79% (+5%) -- taken twice (not applicable to military goods, bionics, technology, livestock, slaves, or rarities, does apply to magic items)
Barter 55% (+4%)
Basic Electronics 49% (+5%)
Basic Mechanics 64% (+5%)
Brewing: Medicinal 79%/84% (+5%)
Demolitions 75% (+3%)
Demolitions Disposal 95% (+3%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert 74% (+5%)
Holistic Medicine 74%/64% (+5%)
Identify Plants & Fruits 74% (+5%)
Literacy: Trade Four 49% (+5%)
Law: Space: CCW/Phase World 65% (+5%)
Lore: Galactic/Alien 60% (+5%)
Navigation 79% (+5%)
Pilot Hovercraft 98% (99%) (+5%)
Pilot: Jet Packs 59% (+4%)
Pilot Small Spacecraft 95% (+3%)
Preserve Food 79% (+5%)
Recognize Weapon Quality 85% (+5%)
W.P. Energy Heavy -- equal to 4th level
W.P. Sword -- equal to 12th level
Zero Gravity Movement and Combat 98% (152%) (+4%)

Secondary Skills
Brewing: Basic 98% (99%) chance of success, 98% (104%) quality of drink (professional quality) (+5%)
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 98% (104%) (+5%)
Cook 98% (109%; professional quality) (+5%)
Language: Trade Four = 98% (120%) (+3%)
Prowl 98% (99%) (+5%)

Combat Data (Combat skill is frozen)
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 8
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +10
Parry Bonus: +13
Dodge Bonus: +14
HTH Damage Bonus: +21
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +4
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8
Bonus to Disarm: +4
  • Kick attack (1D8)
  • Karate Punch
  • 6D6 +21 SDC on a restrained punch
  • 5D6 MD on a full strength punch
  • 1D6x10 MD on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks)
  • 5D6 MD on a karate-style kick
  • A charging head butt with horns acts as a power punch (counts as two attacks), plus it has a 60% chance of knocking the victim down. Victims lose two melee attacks/actions and initiative (in addition to damage).
  • 1D4 MD on Backhand Strike
  • W.P. Paired Weapons
  • Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, 20.
  • Automatic KO on natural 20 (boxing); victim remains unconscious for 1d6 melees
  • Body flip/throw: does 1D6 damage, victim loses initiative and 1 attack.
Robot Combat Data: (Warlock Marine Combat Armor) (Robot combat skill is frozen)
Number of Attacks: 12
Initiative Bonus: +5
Melee Strike Bonus: +14
Ranged Strike Bonus: +3
Parry Bonus: +16
Dodge Bonus: +15 (+17 while on the ground)
HTH Damage Bonus: +30 S.D.C.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +7
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +12
Bonus to Disarm: +7
Bonus vs. Magic: +13
  • 1d6x10 SDC on a restrained punch
  • 6d6 MD on a full strength punch
  • 2d4x10 MD on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks)
  • 6d6 MD on a karate-style kick
  • Full Speed Running Ram does double punch damage, plus it has a 50% chance of knocking opponent off his feet if the opponent is the same size or smaller (reduce by half if twice as big). Victim takes MD and is knocked off his feet, losing two melee attacks/actions and initiative.
  • 1d4 MD on Backhand Strike
  • W.P. Paired Weapons
  • Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, 20.
  • Automatic KO on natural 20 (boxing); victim remains unconscious for 1d6 melees.
  • Body flip/throw: does 1D6 damage, victim loses initiative and 1 attack.
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost

W.P. Energy Pistol -- +4 strike
W.P. Energy Rifle -- +4 strike
W.P. Energy Heavy -- +3 strike
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Staff -- +2 strike; +2 parry
W.P. Sword -- +5 strike; +4 parry; +3 strike when thrown
W.P. Targeting -- +2 strike

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28%
Magic (varies): +10
Lethal Poison (14+): +9
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +9
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +3 vs mind controlling psionics
  • +2 vs Horror Factor
  • +10 vs mind controlling drugs
  • +9 vs disease/toxins
Priest Experience Table
Priest Experience Table
1 0,000 - 2,000
2 2,001 - 4,000
3 4,001 - 8,200
4 8,201 - 16,400
5 16,401 - 24,500
6 24,501 - 34,600
7 34,601 - 49,700
8 49,701 - 69,800
9 69,801 - 94,900
10 94,901 - 129,000
11 129,001 - 179,100
12 179,101 - 229,200
13 229,201 - 279,300
14 279,301 - 329,400
15 329,401 - 389,500


Carried/In Hand
  • V-81 Volcano Mark-1 Plasma Discharger (Rifle Configuration)
    • Weight: 70 lbs with e-clip canister
    • Mega-Damage:
      • Concentrated Blast: 1D6x10 MD
      • Wide Blast: 4D6 MD to any targets in a 30 foot (9.1m) area or 2D6x10 MD to a 30 foot length of wall or starship hull
    • Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack. Cannot fire bursts.
    • Maximum Effective Range: Concentrated Blast: 4,000 feet (1,200m). Wide Blast: 2,000 feet (610m).
    • Payload: 24 shots per canister.
  • Giran's Green-Glowing Magic Sword (worn on back)
    • Damage: 4D6 M.D.
    • Note: Given to Icky by Oradro, who himself claimed it after a battle with the FWC traitor Giran.
  • Darkwing -- an enchanted long sword (worn on back)

    Legend has it that this blade was created for one of the primordial minion wars -- the earliest large-scale clash between demons and deevils. It has been passed down from warrior to warrior through the eons since, carving a bloody trail through history.
    • Damage: 6D6 M.D.
    • Abilities:
      • Adds +6 to the wielder's P.S. attribute and makes it supernatural (if it isn't already) when wielded.
      • Inflicts double damage to beings of an evil alignment.
      • Can cast Armor Bizarre at 10th level proficiency three times a day.
        • 10 minute duration
        • 150 M.D.C.
        • Opponents are -1 to initiative and must make a save vs H.F. 14 at the beginning of every melee round. A failed roll means the usual Horror Factor penalties.
Worn on Person
  • Set of everyday fatigues
  • Holographic Personal Computer (with additional recipe/cooking database and ability to uplink to other computers -- especially ship's galley computers)
  • Comlink
  • Universal Language Translator (including Demongoggian)
  • Backpack
  • Utility Belt
  • Bandolier
  • Chef’s Belt
  • Enhanced Nuclear Grav-Pack

    • Weight: 20 lbs.
    • Speed: 200 MPH in Atmo, 670 MPH in Space
    • Capacity: 1,000lbs
    • MDC: 30/30
    • Range: Unlimited
  • CAF Heavy Battle Armor with integral N-40B Heavy Force Field
    • Weight: 25 lbs (11.3 kg), force field adds 15 lbs (6.8 kg)
    • Mega-Damage Capacity: 120/120 MDC, force field adds another 110 MDC
    • Force Field Duration: an e-clip will power the force field for 4 hours of continual use; if MDC of field is depleted it has overloaded it can't be reactivated for 12 hours; as long as MDC hasn't been overloaded it replenishes 1 MDC per melee round (4 per minute)
    • Penalties: -15% prowl penalty

Utility Belt
  • Multi-tool (standard military version)
  • 3 doses of Blood & Tissue Builder Spray (Space Minotaur specific)
  • Pair of restraints
  • 50' of rope/light cable
  • Grappling Hook
  • EP-5 Energy Pulse Pistol
    • Weight: 4 lbs (1.8 kg)
    • Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D.
    • Rate of Fire: Standard; single shots only.
    • Maximum Effective Range: 1,000 ft (305 m)
    • Payload: 9 shots
    • Note: borrowed from the DSM’s group inventory along with 2 extra e-clips

  • 6 grenades (NE-10G High Explosive -- 6d6 MD to a 12' area)
  • 1 additional e-clip for force field
  • 3 additional e-canisters for Volcano
  • 3 additional full magazines for NE-75H
  • 2 additional e-clips for pulse pistol
  • 2 additional e-clips for heavy phase beamer

Chef’s Belt
  • Assorted herbs and spices
  • Multi-tool (civilian version; used for cooking)

  • Basic Survival Pack (equal to an NG-S2)
  • robot medical kit/IRMSS
  • Pen/pencil and notebook
  • A couple days' worth of rations and water

Stored on board the Dime Store Magic
  • A spare set of everyday fatigues
  • A set of ‘dress clothing’ for special occasions
  • A spare suit of CAF Heavy Battle Armor with integral N-40B Heavy Force Field
  • Large duffel
  • Misc. personal items (toiletries, pen/pencils/notebook, etc.)
  • 68 additional rounds of NE-75H ammo
  • 14 additional NE-10G High Explosive grenades
  • Custom-Fitted Battle Harness for Metri
    • Mega-Damage Capacity: 15 MDC
    • Can only be targeted on a called shot (or by explosion)
    • This harness was crafted so Metri could ride on Icky's back/shoulders and increase his mobility on the battlefield. Metri will be somewhat uncomfortable, but not so much so that it translates to any in-game penalties
  • NE-75H "Shoulder Cannon" (a.k.a. "Big Borgtha")
    • Weight: 30 lbs (13.6 kg)
    • Mega-Damage: 2D4x10+20 M.D. per shot from heavy bore cartridges.
    • Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
    • Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 ft (1,830 m)
    • Payload: 8 cartridges in magazine
    • Note: nicknamed "Big Borgtha" after a female Orc named Borgtha Gra-Lumblg that Icky knew while in the Warlock Marines. Icky claims the gun reminds him of her because it's stout, bulky and punches hard -- just like Borgtha.
  • PH-100 Heavy Phase Beamer (a.k.a. "The Heirloom")
    • Weight: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
    • Mega-Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. to humans and other S.D.C. creatures; 5D6 M.D. to mega-damage beings and force fields. Body armor is not damaged!
    • Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks.
    • Maximum Effective Range: 800 ft (244 m)
    • Payload: 20 shots
    • Note: Icky originally acquired this weapon from Jeggo just as the Promethean was sucked out into the void through a hull breach. It later came into Alison's hands when Icky was captured/corrupted by the demon minion Lurana. Icky ultimately recovered the weapon when Alison heaved it towards the group prior to blowing herself up to destroy other corrupted minions in Warlock Power Armor.
  • Demon Skull Axe (a.k.a. "Nibbles")

    • Damage: 3d6 M.D.
    • Weight: 60 lbs.
    • M.D.C.: Indestructible
    • Total Length: 8', Blade Length: 3'
    • Combat Bonuses: -1 Strike and Parry
    • Horror Factor: 9
    • Other Effects: -20% prowl (+20% to tracker because of the strong smell)
    • This axe appears to have a handle of metal and a blade made of stone carved in to the face of a demon. Glowing red letters (not any trade language) are engraved into the axe blade. The weapon itself exudes a magical aura, and while not evil, those sensitive to psychic auras get a sense of hunger (but not sentience) from the weapon. The axe gives off a pleasant smokey meaty odor. In battle, the weapon is unwieldy and when it strikes flesh, a murmur of satisfaction is heard (can be heard by those within 10' -- Horror Factor: 9).
  • NE-105 Super Rail Gun

    • Weight: 120 lbs for the gun, 10 lbs for the hip pack generator, 100 lbs for the ammo drum (worn on the back)
    • Damage: short burst of 10 rounds does 5d6 MD, heavy burst of 20 rounds does 1D6x10 MD
    • Electric Arc: 2d6, double damage to unshielded electronics, humans ona most humanoids have to make a save of 14+ or lose initiative and two melee attacks/actions for one melee round
    • Range: 4,000'/1219m for the rail gun, 200'/61m for the electric arc
    • Payload: 3,000-round drum (300 short bursts or 150 heavy), 90 for electric arc (recharges 30 per hour)

  • Secure Universal Card: 1,349,000 credits
  • Secure Universal Card: 1,650,000 credits - last edited 02/03/2016 DSM
  • Secure Universal Card 2,000,000 UTC (DSM 2018-12-11)
  • Secure Universal Card: 1,071,429 © UTC (Updated 2020-06-18 DSM)
  • Secure Universal Card: 892,857.14 © UTC (Updated 10-13-2021 - Starchief)

"Sarge" -- Icky's Warlock Combat Armor
When Icky graduated from training to become a full-fledged Warlock Marine, he was assigned his personal suit of armor. He stepped into the armor while a team of techno-wizards conducted a powerful ritual. The armor molded itself perfectly around him and his mind and soul were linked to the armor. Many scientists and magicians speculate that the suit might be alive in some way as a result of this mystical union.

When Icky finished his tour of duty he chose not to keep his armor and opted for the compensation instead. He came to regret this decision during a near-death experience where the armor berated him for abandoning it. Upon his return to Center he inquired about the armor at the UWW consulate, only to discover it had gone missing. He would later be reunited with his armor in Center’s lower depths -- but not in the way he had hoped. Unbeknownst to Icky, Deevils had corrupted his armor just as their agents in the Warlock Marine Academy had with hundreds (perhaps thousands) of other suits over the past several years. The process through which he and his suit were corrupted was rushed and was not complete. It was because the process was flawed that Icky’s companions were able to free him from the Deevils’ influence while in the very lowest of Center’s undocumented sub-levels.

Icky gave up the suit due to concerns over the corrupting influence taking away his free will, handing it over to the UWW consulate in the hopes that a way could be found to either reverse the corruption process or neutralize its influence on the wearer. Unfortunately the consulate was caught up in the violence during the demonic invasion attempt of Center and when Icky came to check on the staff he found the establishment destroyed, and his corrupted armor secured away with instructions to get it to the UWW proper. Icky reclaimed the armor but while he attempted to study (and perhaps tame) the Deevil that was possessing it he used it very sparingly until he was told by his patron god Dionysus that he would have need of it on Axis V.

Upon entering the mysterious ritual chamber on Axis V, the relics carried by Kaedras and Quan Tran activated and triggered a wave of energy that affected everyone present. In Icky’s case, the energy wave expelled the Deevil in his armor and restored it to its original status -- just in time for a Necrol invasion of the planet.

NOTE: The time relic the Galactic Adventurers claimed on Axis IV has bonded with Sarge's left arm.
Model Type: W-1
Class: Techno-wizard assault armored exoskeleton.
Crew: One.
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Shoulder Plates (2) - 120 each
  • Mini-Missile Launcher (2, 1 on each shoulder) - 90
  • Arms (2) - 150 each
  • Legs (2) - 200
  • * Head - 120/50
  • ** Main Body - 400
  • *** Armor of Ithan Force Field - 100
  • *Destroying the head will eliminate all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot is forced to rely on his own human vision and senses. However, the mystical link between armor and wearer is not lost and the wearer can continue to fight, albeit with reduced abilities. The wearer only loses one attack per melee and half the power armor combat bonuses from such damage. NOTE: Whenever the head armor is depleted, a mini-armor of Ithan bubble comes online, protecting the head from further damage. An additional 50 M.D. must be inflicted to damage the pilot. Hitting the head requires a called shot at -3 to strike.
  • ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down completely, making it useless.
  • *** The force field can be activated up to three times over a 24 hour period. Each field will last 10 minutes or until its M.D.C. is depleted, whichever comes first.

  • Running: Can run at up to 70 mph (112.6 kmph) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out the operator, but at only 10% of the normal fatigue rate.
  • Flying: Not possible. Icky must rely on his grav-pack instead.
  • Range: Limited only by the endurance of the pilot.

Statistical Data:
  • Height: One foot (0.3 m) taller than the wearer (in Icky’s case, 10 feet/3 m overall).
  • Width: 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 m) wide, depending on the size of the pilot (in Icky’s case, 7 feet wide).
  • Length: 3 feet (0.9 m) average.
  • Weight: 450 lbs. (202.5 kg) to 1,200 lbs. (544 kg).
  • Physical Strength: Equal to a supernatural P.S. 45!
  • Cargo: None
  • Power System: Anti-matter and magic; average energy life of 50 years.

Weapon Systems
  1. Wrist Blaster: Mounted on the left wrist is a short-range particle beam weapon used as a back-up weapon. Some cocky Marines fire their Volcano rifles one-handed while shooting their wrist blaster with the other hand.
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
    • Secondary Purpose: Defense
    • Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per shot
    • Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand at­ tacks of the pilot.
    • Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet (152 m)
    • Payload: Effectively unlimited.
  2. HI-800 Assault Laser: When the Deevils stole Icky's armor they replaced the missing Volcano rifle (that he had kept) with the optional heavy HI-Laser rifle weapon system. The laser system has greater range than the Volcano and is connected to the power source of the armor for unlimited power.
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-armor
    • Secondary Purpose: Sniper
    • Mega-Damage: 1D4x10+6 M.D. per concentrated blast.
    • Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
    • Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1,830 m)
    • Payload: Effectively unlimited.
  3. Missile Launchers (2): Three mini-missiles are mounted in each of the shoulder plates.
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-armor.
    • Secondary Purpose: Defense
    • Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
    • Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two, three, four or six.
    • Maximum Effective Range: About one mile (1.6 km).
    • Payload: Six total, three per launcher.
  4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the wearer of the Warlock Combat Armor can engage in hand to hand combat. The following bonuses are in addition to combat training and attributes:
    Bonuses from the armor:
    • +1 to initiative
    • +1 to strike, parry and dodge
    • +1 additional hand to hand attack at levels five and ten
    • +1 to roll with impact or fall.
    • + 1 to pull punch.

    Damage (Supernatural P.S. of 45):
    • Restrained Punch: 1d6x10 +30 S.D.C.
    • Punch: 6D6 M.D.
    • Power Punch: 2D4x10 M.D. (counts as two attacks)
    • Kick: 6D6 M.D.
    • Body Flip/Throw 1D6 M.D.
    • Body Block/Tackle 2D4 M.D.
Sensor Systems
The Warlock Combat Armor has all standard sensor systems.
  • Radar: Can identify and track up to 72 targets simultaneously at a range of 40 miles (64 km).
  • Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.
  • Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).
  • Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of +1 to strike when using long-range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat or SAMAS
  • Radio Communications: Long-range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
  • Complete Environmental Battle Armor: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater (500 foot/152 m maximum depth unless stated otherwise). Includes the following features:
    • Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and temperature control.
    • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
    • Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Eight hour oxygen supply.
    • Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
    • Radiation shielded.
  • Magical sensors: each of these abilities can be activated 4 times per 24 hour period.
    • See the invisible (200 feet/61 m range, lasts 15 minutes per activation)
    • Sense evil (90 ft/27.4 m range, lasts 30 minutes per activation)
    • Presence sense (120 ft/36 m range, lasts 30 minutes per activation).
Corrupted Suit Stats
Corrupted Warlock Power Armor 200x539.jpg
Icky's Corrupted Power Armor had taken on a Deevilish appearance and exhibits new powers and characteristics. The legs of both the armor and its wearer have taken on a more goat-like appearance, and shaggy metallic fur appears in patches. The upper torso, shoulder and legs of the armor appear more organic, and an additional set of horns curl out from the helmet. Even the weapons have morphed and changed. The result is a suit of power armor that bears little resemblance to the original Warlock Combat Armor.

The corrupting process has had an effect on Icky as well, providing him with the following even outside his armor:
  • greater physical endurance (fatigues at half his usual rate)
  • an animal magnetism (+1D4+2 to M.A.; see character stats)
  • increased speed and agility (add 2D6+4 to the Spd attribute and +1 attack per melee round; see character stats) outside his armor!
Furthermore, the power armor now feels like a comfortable second skin. A skin that heals damage (1D6 M.D.C. per melee round; 4D6 M.D.C. per minute).

Corrupted Warlock Power Armor (also known as Corrupted Armor and Deevil Power Armor).
Model Type: W-D1 Infantry.
Class: Techno-Wizard/Deevil Hybrid Assault Armored Exoskeleton.
Crew: One.

M.D.C. by Location:
Shoulder Plates (2) - 180 each
Mini-Missile Launchers (2; I on each shoulder) - 100 each
Arms (2) - 200 each
Legs (2) -225 each
Spiked Tendrils (6) - 40 each
* Helmet - 150 (+60 for Ithan head protection)
** Main Body - 500
*** Armor of lthan Force Field - 100

* Destroying the helmet eliminates all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot is forced to rely on his own senses. However, the mystical transformation of the Corrupted armor and the link between the armor and wearer is such that the wearer can continue to fight, with only minor impediment (-1 one attack per melee and reduce bonuses from the power armor by half). Special: 1. Just like the conventional Warlock Armor, whenever the helmet armor is depleted or the helmet is lost, a mini-Armor of lthan bubble comes on-line, protecting the head with 60 M.D.C. for up to 20 minutes. 2. The helmet regrows in 24 hours.

Shooting the head/helmet requires an attacker to make a Called Shot with a penalty of -3 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body to zero or below temporarily shuts the armor down, making it useless and dead weight. Reduce the wearer's number of attacks by half, and all augmentation (P.S., Spd, flight, environmental protection, etc.) and bonuses from the armor are negated; gone. Special: The ar­mor Bio-Regenerates 2D6 M.D.C. per melee round. Even if damage to the suit is reduced to -150 below zero it will regrow until it looks like new. It just takes time; typically within an hour. Suffering damage greater than -150 destroys it.

*** The force field can be activated up to three times over a 24 hour period. Each field will last for 10 minutes or until its M.D.C. is depleted, whichever comes first.

Speed from Power Armor Augmentation:
Running: Run 80 mph (128 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out the operator, but at only 10% the normal fatigue rate.
Leaping: Leap 25 feet (7.6 m) across or 10 feet (3 m) high, twice that with a short run.
Flying Speed: Not possible for this model, but the W-FD1 has a Contra-gravity system that provides flight.
Underwater Capabilities: The armor can move at half its maximum speed under water.
Maximum Ocean Depth: One mile (1.6 km).
Techno-Wizard Enhancements: In addition to the Armor of Ithan, the armor provides its wearer with Supernatural Strength and can Bio-Regenerate 2D6 M.D.C. per melee.

Statistical Data:
Height: Two feet (0.6 m) taller than the actual pilot as the suit molds to fit its owner.
Width: 5 to 7 feet (1.5 to 2.1 m) wide depending on the size of the pilot.
Length: 4 feet (1.2 m) average.
Weight: Averages around 1,000 pounds (450 kg).
Physical Strength: Supernatural P.S. 40.
Cargo: None.
Power Systems: Anti-matter and magic, average life span of 50 years.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Deevil forces, but could sell for as much as 15 million credits, provided one doesn't mind being corrupted by the armor and turned to Anarchist or an evil alignment with an appreciation for Deevils.

Weapon Systems:
  1. Telekinetic Pulse Pike: The corruption process has transformed some of Icky's weapons into a Telekinetic Pulse Pike that fires telekinetic bolts. It looks like a mini-gun with a pike mounted underneath it. On voice command the pike extends to its full length and the pilot can opt to engage in hand to hand combat. Often victims are impaled on the pike and then the pilot fires a burst into them to finish them off.
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
      Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
      Range: 4,000 feet (1218 m).
      Weight: 65 pounds (29 kg).
      Mega-Damage: Short Telekinetic Pulse: 1D4x10 M.D. Long Telekinetic Pulse: 2D4x10+10 M.D. The pike does 4D6 M.D. If the pike is impaled in its victim when the killing strike is made (by it or the TK blast), it draws in the ambient P.P.E. that is doubled at the moment of death to store and recharge the weapon.
      Rate of Fire: Burst fire only. Each long or short pulse counts as one melee attack.
      Payload: 50 bursts before requiring 100 P.P.E. to recharge.
  2. Mini-Missile Launchers (2): A pair of mini-missile launchers are located on the shoulders.
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Armor.
      Secondary Purpose: Defense.
      Range: Approximately one mile (1.6 km).
      Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type but typically 1D4x10 M.D.
      Rate of Fire: One mini-missile at a time or in volleys of two, four or six.
      Payload: Six total; three per launcher.
  3. Spiked Tendrils (6): The spiked tendrils can take on several appearances. In Icky's case they appear to be made of chains that end in wicked spikes. They can extend out of the armor to climb, fight, entangle or otherwise help in a fight.
    • Primary Purpose: Close Assault.
      Secondary Purpose: Defense.
      Range: Can extend up to 40 feet (12 m).
      Mega-Damage: As per Supernatural P.S. 17, +1D6 M.D. from the spiked barbs on the ends of tendrils when used to stab or slash.
      Rate of Fire: Even though there are six tendrils, they add only two attacks per melee (not three), and if the pilot has Paired Weapons he can attack with multiple tendrils at once.
  4. Magic Abilities: Once the Corrupted Armor fully awakens, the pilot can cast the following spells, each three times per day, equal to a sixth level practitioner of magic:
    • Vacuum Speak
      Magic Tether
      Shooting Star
      Space Fire Stream
Sensor Systems Note: The armor can See the Invisible at a range of 200 feet (61 m). In addition the suit has all standard sensor systems for power armors:
  1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
  2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 72 targets simultaneously at a range of 40 miles (64 km).
  3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.
  4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range ( 16 km).
  5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of +1 to strike when using long-range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat or SAMAS.
  6. Radio Communications: Long-range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
  7. Complete Environmental Battle Armor: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater (500 foot/152 m maximum depth unless stated otherwise). Includes the following features:
    • Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem­perature control.
    • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
    • Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Eight hour oxygen supply.
    • Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic tires do full damage.
    • Radiation shielded.
The Time Relic
The Galactic Adventurers came into possession of the Time Relic after defeating High Priestess Haad in the pyramid on Axis-5 and retrieving it from her corpse. When Corwin Decker (Vice Executive Director for Naruni Enterprises) informed the group that the relic had to be bonded with a deevil or else risk it being tracked down by demons, Icky introduced the relic to Sarge -- where it bonded immediately.

Currently the relic -- or "Sahtalus," as Decker implied was 'her' name -- is largely dormant, but Icky has recently tried to nudge it within the depths of the giant pyramid. The relic fails to heed general commands, but Icky sensed that it will respond to small things. What it needs is a target. And a semi-herculean effort on his part.

Current Abilities Unlocked:
  1. Slow Individuals and/or Vehicles.
    The superbeing can slow one individual or vehicle (car, truck, etc.) per level of experience, for 15 seconds; 1 melee round. Victims of the time distortion feel as if they are weighted down and cannot move quickly no matter how hard they try. None of those affected have initiative, plus reduce all combat bonuses, attacks per melee, and speed of the affected persons or vehicle by half. Likewise, damage inflicted by slowed attackers is also half.
    • Range: Limited to a specific target up to 140 feet (42.7 m) away, +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience; or a 40 foot (12.2 m) radius area affect radiating around the superbeing. Even in this latter case, the character can only slow one individual or one vehicle (car, truck, etc. Thus, not everybody in the area of effect will be affected/slowed. As usual, the character can mentally direct the power to slow specific targets.
    • Duration: 1 melee round.
    • Saving Throw: None; the desired target is instantly affected.
    • Attacks Per Melee: This aspect of the power can only be used once per melee round, but only counts as one melee attack, so the character can take other actions or attack in other ways during that same melee round.
    • Cost: Each use of the ability costs Icky 5 ISP
    • Note: The character using the time distortion power is not affected by his own power.
Food is da universal language, an' me galley is da universal translator.
Don't ya mess wit' either one while I'm 'round. An' especially when I ain't 'round.


- Max Bodily MDC: 187 ... Max ISP: 48 ... Max PPE: 12
- Armor Max MDC: 120 ... Force Field Max MDC: 110
- Natural Abilities: HF 11 ... 100’ nightvision (can see in total darkness) ... Fire/cold does 1/2 damage ... Fatigues at half rate of normal humans ... Lift 3,600 lbs & carry 1,800 lbs ... Jump 21.6’ across/10.8’ high standing; 54’ across/27’ high with running start
- Combat Notes: 8 APM ... +3 initiative; +11 strike; +13 parry; +14 dodge; +4 roll, disarm; +8 pull; +21 PS bonus ... Critical Strike on an unmodified 18-20 ... Boxing: auto KO on nat 20 for 1d6 melees ... Paired Weapons ... Body flip/throw

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