DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

All new character submissions are to be posted here.
Recruitment threads for the various groups and extra-dimensional games are also located here.
Dark Lord handles character approval for Phase World.
Blackhaunt handles character approval for HU2: Century Station.
Underguard handles character approval for Rifts.
Ya-Blik handles character approval for PFRPG.
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Dark Lord
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DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Dark Lord »

This is the thread to be used for the recruitment of AGMs and GMs.

Using your best writing, please state the following:
  • The position which you seek to fill:
    • DM (Dimension Master)
    • GM (Game Master)
    • AGM (Assistant Game Master)
    Your understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position.
    Two paragraphs of narrative describing something of your imagining.
    • Be creative and make this your best writing.

  • I will mentor all new GMs for at least one quad.
    Included in mentoring:
    • How to use maps in your posts
    • How to work out a combat post efficiently
    • Different narrative post styles & their pros & cons
    • How to manage player character assets, and a group forum
Aegis of No Retreat

Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Aegis of No Retreat »

The Spook Squad, EU's resident Team Evil, needs an AGM.

Post here and contact Aegis of No Retreat (GM) & Lahz (group leader) if interested.

The Spook Squad

The Spook Squad is seeking an active and reliable Assistant Game Master (AGM). Come and join us in the preparation and execution of great stories with a great team. I hear our evil heroes are keen on planning (and executing) an epic heist next.

The organizational duties are listed below, so apply today!
AGM Duties
Augur wrote:Assistant Game Master (AGM)

  • AGMs will notify players regarding their post-rate and any posts that need urgent reply.
  • AGMs will moderate for their group's PCs while in MercTown, and run periodic adventures during the GM's planning phase.
  • AGMs will moderate the group's catch-all thread, and police character equipment sheet accuracy.
  • AGMs are responsible for XP
    • Experience Points will be tallied and awarded for all groups on the following dates:
      • Quad 1: February 1st
      • Quad 2: June 1st
      • Quad 3: October 1st
    • AGMs are responsible for awarding XP within 1 week of these dates.
    • AGMs are responsible for posting the results to the appropriate thread in the GM forum
  • AGMs will be rated according to merit by their GM every quadrimester.
  • Rating will be done by their GM on the following schedule:
    • February 1st
      June 1st
      October 1st
AGM Rating Reward Table
  • 10: Irreplaceable AGM: You have earned 5 EP.
    9: Excellent Job: You have earned 4 EP.
    8: Highly Effective: You have earned 3 EP.
    7: Good: You have earned 2 EP.
    4-6: Mediocre Performance: You have earned only 1 EP, also, you're on probation.
    1-3: Poor Performance: Your position is now vacant; the group's GM will post the availability of the group's AGM position to the OOC Recruiting Thread.
Adventure Lengths:

Suggested adventure length is 12 months or less. A/GM's should plan accordingly.
  • There will be imposed no penalty for not meeting the suggested length, but players might judge their GM harshly for failing to meet expectations.
  • Epic adventures (those in excess of 9 months), must have unanimous player approval, and the GM's Cabal must be notified.
  • Primarily so we can beg, borrow, and steal ideas, but also so that we can advise one another regarding potential pitfalls and the like.
  • Following each adventure abroad, the Assistant GM will run in-town adventures for the group for a 3-month period.
  • During this time, the GM will do what he needs to for the next adventure.
If you managed to earn yourself probation:
Your next rating must be above probation level, or you will lose your position.

If you did not receive 100% of player votes:
A/GMs need to anticipate players potentially being unavailable during the rating period, and notify players to vote regardless of status, or some other means of recording their vote. Plan ahead!
Please note certain restrictions apply. Applicant cannot be an alien, monster, supernatural being or other dimensional being. Can be immortal, preferably. Must live with their phone on standby for random messages about story arcs and whatnot. Applicant must own all the Rifts books hard copy and carry them on them at all times in case there is ever a question. Note: If a book has multiple publication dates, grab both. Good conditioning. If you fail to meet any of these restrictions, that's fine. They're more like guidelines than actual rules.
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by The Apothecary »

So it appears there is a wish to save MARS or have something rise in it's place. I'm throwing my hat in to GM this group...for better or worse...

:arrow: The position which you seek to fill.
Game Master - MARS

:arrow: Your understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position:
• Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
• Have the IM contact info of each player in their group.
• Notify all players in the group via IM or PM of new GM posts, and other important updates.
• Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Cabal. (Gist: If a random GM can't pick up and run the adventure from your notes, the notes are unsatisfactory.)
• Be available for IM chat at least one day a week.
• Coordinate with the AGM regarding expected adventure dates & time-frames.
• Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
• Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.

:arrow: Two-ish paragraphs of narrative describing something of your imagining: Winter PP Writing Contest

or the following:

After locking up Ty sat in the dim light of a candle slowly turning the box over in his hands. After taking in all of the beauty of the box Ty retrieved a silver monocular and set it over his left eye. The monocular began attempting to identify the magic from the lock. Ty could discern four different enchantments on the lock. The first was a standard defensive shielding spell to prevent the casual lockpicking attempt. The second was some kind of reaction spell should the shield be broken. The third was most interesting. It appeared to be an identification spell angled at the lock itself. Ty sat back for a moment. An identification spell on the lock. Likely looking for a very specific key to open it. If it doesn't register correctly...Boom. Ty stretched is arms over his head feeling his shoulders pop. Gods I’m getting old. Ty narrowed his eyes at the small silver bell that rang indicating the front door just opened. Ty rose and opened the door to the main room of his shop. He had just enough time to see two figures cloaked in shadow before a crossbow bolt took him in the chest spilling him back into the warded room.

Instinct took over as Ty’s back connected with the floor. His foot kicked out to slam closed the door to the room he was in. Scrambling to his feet he whispered to his armor. “Alkirhi” and was immediately wreathed in darkness. Ty quickly scrambled up a shelf and onto the crossbeam running above the door. He drew his dagger, black flames rippling up the length of the blade he held in a reverse grip, and waited for his prey. The black fire would rip through the living and the dead equally. With all pretense of stealth gone the door slammed open and two bolts screamed through the empty room to embed themselves in the stone wall on the far side. Ty heard the clatter of the crossbows hitting the floor as the two figures charged into the room swords drawn. With their hoods still up Ty had a hard time gauging his opponents. He could tell they were humanoid and they both out massed Ty by a good twenty pounds or so. Yet even with their larger size they moved with a deadly fluid grace he had only seen in the most disciplined fighters. Ty fell on the second man as he entered the room his feet colliding with the man’s back pitching him forward face first into the desk with the box on it. The impact of the man’s face sent tools, looking glasses, monocles, and the box skittering across the floor. Ty plunged the dagger into the man’s back. The blade severed the man’s spine without effort and Ty gave the dagger a twist shattering the bones around it. While the black flames did not set the man’s clothes a light the smell of burning flesh began to fill the room. Ty ripped the dagger from the middle of the man’s back and dove out of the room to avoid a bisecting slash from the other intruder. Ty casually flipped the dagger and held it’s flaming blade for a moment before throwing it dead center at the man’s chest. To his credit the man recovered from his brutal swing and parried the dagger out of the air. A cruel smile twisted Ty’s face as his dagger clanged around behind his foe.
“Impressive. But you’re still going to die.” Ty began drawing his sword as the man charged him with blinding speed.
Ty managed to get the blade half way out of the scabbard before the impact of the other man’s sword locked his blade in place. The both stood for a moment straining to push the other away. Ty kicked out with his left foot connecting with the inside of the man’s knee pushing it in a way it was never meant to bend. A sickening pop rang through the empty store followed by a scream. The scream was cut short as the man’s neck caressed the blade Ty’s half drawn sword. Ty completed the draw motion freeing the blade from its scabbard and the man’s head from his shoulders. The lifeless head rolled across the floor away from its owner trailing blood as it came to rest against a display case of locks.
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Seamus Finch
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Seamus Finch »

The position I seek to fill:
-Any AGM (Assistant Game Master) position that needs filling.

My understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position:
All GM’s require different levels of activity from their AGM’s, but I understand that an AGM position can include but is not limited to: Tallying xp, Handling shopping, Assisting in communication between gm and players, assisting gm in planning and running adventures and scenario’s, Being able to take over for the GM should it be needed on a short term basis, generally relieve some of the workload of running a game for the GM.
Narrative submission :
The night is an ominous one. The second moon of the month is not completely hidden by the clouds threatening rain. As the last laborers get off of work, they quickly rush either home or to the tavern in order to find warmth and rest after yet another day’s work. Those who seek the villages’ only inn and tavern would be sorely displeased however, as almost half the village had decided the same. The main room is full of locals and travelers alike, all seeking the same thing: warmth and the relaxing comforts brought by the idle chatter of every commons room this side of the Abyss.

One patron might draw at least some small attention from anyone who could have been bothered to notice her tucked away in one of the far corners of the room, a tall goblet half full of wine resting in front of her…

The woman was young, barely, if even, past her twentieth year. A dark purple cloak decorated with feathers obscured any passing glance, and her attitude sharply refused any joyful drinking companions or curious drunkards. Splayed across the table in front of her is a large tome. The book is easily hundreds of pages thick and bound in old stained-black leather.

Taking a drink from her cup, the woman’s face is illuminated by the firelight for a brief instant. Her hair is jet black, perfectly framing sharp green eyes. Her face is hard but holding all the right details to make it uniquely beautiful by most standards. She seems to be absolutely engrossed in her readings as the other patrons all join in song, praising the end of yet another workday.

The Crone appeared in the chair with the blink of an eye or the shift of a glance. No one saw her walk in, no one saw her sit down, and no one would see her leave. The lady is old, incredibly old. She either has a supernaturally strong constitution, or she aged horribly. Her hair is grey, bordering on white. Her clothes are simply made and in desperate need of a wash. Beside all this, the spark of life shows brightly in her eyes, much too brightly than it should for a woman of her age. “I see you found my book. I was wondering where I left that; I could have sworn I packed it with the hemlock…” The old woman sitting across from the hooded female cackles in amusement.

The first woman’s gaze sharpens to daggers the moment she hears the voice. Looking up from her book she see’s the one person in the whole of the Material she had no desire to ever see. It takes a long moment for the younger one to respond, but the Crone waits patiently, a toothy grin splattered across her face as she reaches across the table and downs what is left of the others wine in one fast gulp.

“You left the cauldron on the fire when you left.”

“Oh did I?”

The hooded woman scowls. “The fire had spread by the time I returned. It almost reached the wards.”

The Crone frowns, matching the girls’ glare with one harder than the younger one could even imagine to muster. Thankfully, the tension is broken by the serving girl making her rounds. The old woman takes the liberty of ordering one of the oldest bottles of wine kept in the cellars for the table and sends the barmaid on her way.

The Crone pouted when the server leaves, teasingly batting her eyes at the other woman at the table. “Oh dear! Thank the Goddess I was not there when the fire began to spread. You see I was out gathering food-“

“Do not lie to me, Mother.” The younger woman’s voice s as cold as ice. She is gripping the table so strongly small scratches could be seen being carved into the tabletop preceding a soft click echoed from her finger and she stopped. One of the Daughters fingernails had torn off under the pressure exerted and a small pool of blood was forming on the table. She paused a half a breath and glanced at the flow of blood. “I know what you have done!” The words will come out almost a snarl.

The Mother laughs. “Oh do you know? What have those fools written of my deeds? What have they called me?” Her eyes narrowed once again upon her daughter. “You have called me much worse.”

Silence encompasses the table as the serving girl delivers the bottle and two fresh glasses, filling them both. Both Mother and Daughter each sip from their cup and stare at each other in silence for some time before either speak again.

Finally, the younger one breaks. “Four years I have not seen even a sign of you, and now you choose show yourself again? On this of all nights, what are you planning old woman?”

The Mother sips innocently from her goblet before smiling. “And here I was expecting the warm embrace from a loving child.” Her shoulders slump and she stirs the wine with one long and dirty fingernail with a mock frown.

“Do not play with me, Mother. I grew tired of your schemes years ago.” She sneers.

The others frown turns into a smirk. “You have grown since we last met.” She takes a moment to gulp unceremoniously from the goblet and wave dismissively at the book lying in between them. “I see you have continued your lessons.” She nods. “Good.”

The Daughter stars at the book for a moment. “It is only a passing interest.”

The Crone lets off a scoff. “Of course! You are after all you are a busy girl!” The woman’s face turns from playful to stone dead serious in an eye-blink. “What with all the nobles you have lured into your embrace.”

The girl’s eyes widen in shock for a moment. “How do you know about that?”

“Do not think me daft, child. I might be getting on in my years but I still know how to keep tabs on my children.” Refilling her goblet, the Mother downs it in one swig. “And apparently so do others.”

The Daughters gaze sharpens. “What do you speak of Mother?”

The Crone’s smirk only enhances the threatening aura surrounding her. “And so it seems you need your Mother still to prevent you from blindly walking into harm’s way.” She cackles in amusement.

The Daughter growls as the Crone soaking in the pleasure of asserting her dominance over her Daughter once more.

The Mother continues with a forceful tone. “Hear me child, I am here to warn you- time grows short.” She scowls, for once not at her wayward child, but this time at what she had to say. “My old associates have caught wind of your actions.”

The Daughter narrows her gaze. “You speak of the Towers.”

She laughs. “Ever the quick learner!” As fast as her expression changes, it turns back. “You might have escaped the militias gaze by traveling so far across human territory, but you cannot run from the Tower. They hunt you even now!” Her gaze will dart to the door and the Crone will pour herself one last glassful of wine and down it.

The Daughter smirks. “What is this now? Are you trying to scare me with stories of the all-powerful Tower? I have met your supposed ‘deadly hunters’. They do not scare me.”

“You say that now, but what will you be saying in the next few minutes?” The Crones gaze dart back to her Daughter. Her child begins to speak but the woman cuts her off with a glare only a Mother could give. “Listen to me now Daughter.” Her voice comes out as only a scratchy whisper. “The spirits are troubled. Something is about to happen, something larger than even…” She will chuckle at an inside joke her Daughter did not even get. “… My own ambitions cannot ignore. You must continue your training…” She motioned to the book with a quick gesture. “… and reach your potential. Or the Enemy that begins to awake shall swallow you whole.”

The Crone glances once more at the doorway and then at her child, speaking before her protégé could get a word in. “Heed my words, daughter. Those you perceive as your adversaries now are nothing compared to what will come. Prepare yourself …” She smirks as she corks the wine bottle and slips it into her daughters’ backpack. “…Your hunters have found their prey.”

The beating of heavy wings can be heard followed by a loud roar. The inn goes silent. The Daughter notices she is once again sitting at an empty table.
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Underguard »

Seamus Finch wrote:The position I seek to fill:
-Any AGM (Assistant Game Master) position that needs filling.

My understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position:
All GM’s require different levels of activity from their AGM’s, but I understand that an AGM position can include but is not limited to: Tallying xp, Handling shopping, Assisting in communication between gm and players, assisting gm in planning and running adventures and scenario’s, Being able to take over for the GM should it be needed on a short term basis, generally relieve some of the workload of running a game for the GM.
Narrative submission :
The night is an ominous one. The second moon of the month is not completely hidden by the clouds threatening rain. As the last laborers get off of work, they quickly rush either home or to the tavern in order to find warmth and rest after yet another day’s work. Those who seek the villages’ only inn and tavern would be sorely displeased however, as almost half the village had decided the same. The main room is full of locals and travelers alike, all seeking the same thing: warmth and the relaxing comforts brought by the idle chatter of every commons room this side of the Abyss.

One patron might draw at least some small attention from anyone who could have been bothered to notice her tucked away in one of the far corners of the room, a tall goblet half full of wine resting in front of her…

The woman was young, barely, if even, past her twentieth year. A dark purple cloak decorated with feathers obscured any passing glance, and her attitude sharply refused any joyful drinking companions or curious drunkards. Splayed across the table in front of her is a large tome. The book is easily hundreds of pages thick and bound in old stained-black leather.

Taking a drink from her cup, the woman’s face is illuminated by the firelight for a brief instant. Her hair is jet black, perfectly framing sharp green eyes. Her face is hard but holding all the right details to make it uniquely beautiful by most standards. She seems to be absolutely engrossed in her readings as the other patrons all join in song, praising the end of yet another workday.

The Crone appeared in the chair with the blink of an eye or the shift of a glance. No one saw her walk in, no one saw her sit down, and no one would see her leave. The lady is old, incredibly old. She either has a supernaturally strong constitution, or she aged horribly. Her hair is grey, bordering on white. Her clothes are simply made and in desperate need of a wash. Beside all this, the spark of life shows brightly in her eyes, much too brightly than it should for a woman of her age. “I see you found my book. I was wondering where I left that; I could have sworn I packed it with the hemlock…” The old woman sitting across from the hooded female cackles in amusement.

The first woman’s gaze sharpens to daggers the moment she hears the voice. Looking up from her book she see’s the one person in the whole of the Material she had no desire to ever see. It takes a long moment for the younger one to respond, but the Crone waits patiently, a toothy grin splattered across her face as she reaches across the table and downs what is left of the others wine in one fast gulp.

“You left the cauldron on the fire when you left.”

“Oh did I?”

The hooded woman scowls. “The fire had spread by the time I returned. It almost reached the wards.”

The Crone frowns, matching the girls’ glare with one harder than the younger one could even imagine to muster. Thankfully, the tension is broken by the serving girl making her rounds. The old woman takes the liberty of ordering one of the oldest bottles of wine kept in the cellars for the table and sends the barmaid on her way.

The Crone pouted when the server leaves, teasingly batting her eyes at the other woman at the table. “Oh dear! Thank the Goddess I was not there when the fire began to spread. You see I was out gathering food-“

“Do not lie to me, Mother.” The younger woman’s voice s as cold as ice. She is gripping the table so strongly small scratches could be seen being carved into the tabletop preceding a soft click echoed from her finger and she stopped. One of the Daughters fingernails had torn off under the pressure exerted and a small pool of blood was forming on the table. She paused a half a breath and glanced at the flow of blood. “I know what you have done!” The words will come out almost a snarl.

The Mother laughs. “Oh do you know? What have those fools written of my deeds? What have they called me?” Her eyes narrowed once again upon her daughter. “You have called me much worse.”

Silence encompasses the table as the serving girl delivers the bottle and two fresh glasses, filling them both. Both Mother and Daughter each sip from their cup and stare at each other in silence for some time before either speak again.

Finally, the younger one breaks. “Four years I have not seen even a sign of you, and now you choose show yourself again? On this of all nights, what are you planning old woman?”

The Mother sips innocently from her goblet before smiling. “And here I was expecting the warm embrace from a loving child.” Her shoulders slump and she stirs the wine with one long and dirty fingernail with a mock frown.

“Do not play with me, Mother. I grew tired of your schemes years ago.” She sneers.

The others frown turns into a smirk. “You have grown since we last met.” She takes a moment to gulp unceremoniously from the goblet and wave dismissively at the book lying in between them. “I see you have continued your lessons.” She nods. “Good.”

The Daughter stars at the book for a moment. “It is only a passing interest.”

The Crone lets off a scoff. “Of course! You are after all you are a busy girl!” The woman’s face turns from playful to stone dead serious in an eye-blink. “What with all the nobles you have lured into your embrace.”

The girl’s eyes widen in shock for a moment. “How do you know about that?”

“Do not think me daft, child. I might be getting on in my years but I still know how to keep tabs on my children.” Refilling her goblet, the Mother downs it in one swig. “And apparently so do others.”

The Daughters gaze sharpens. “What do you speak of Mother?”

The Crone’s smirk only enhances the threatening aura surrounding her. “And so it seems you need your Mother still to prevent you from blindly walking into harm’s way.” She cackles in amusement.

The Daughter growls as the Crone soaking in the pleasure of asserting her dominance over her Daughter once more.

The Mother continues with a forceful tone. “Hear me child, I am here to warn you- time grows short.” She scowls, for once not at her wayward child, but this time at what she had to say. “My old associates have caught wind of your actions.”

The Daughter narrows her gaze. “You speak of the Towers.”

She laughs. “Ever the quick learner!” As fast as her expression changes, it turns back. “You might have escaped the militias gaze by traveling so far across human territory, but you cannot run from the Tower. They hunt you even now!” Her gaze will dart to the door and the Crone will pour herself one last glassful of wine and down it.

The Daughter smirks. “What is this now? Are you trying to scare me with stories of the all-powerful Tower? I have met your supposed ‘deadly hunters’. They do not scare me.”

“You say that now, but what will you be saying in the next few minutes?” The Crones gaze dart back to her Daughter. Her child begins to speak but the woman cuts her off with a glare only a Mother could give. “Listen to me now Daughter.” Her voice comes out as only a scratchy whisper. “The spirits are troubled. Something is about to happen, something larger than even…” She will chuckle at an inside joke her Daughter did not even get. “… My own ambitions cannot ignore. You must continue your training…” She motioned to the book with a quick gesture. “… and reach your potential. Or the Enemy that begins to awake shall swallow you whole.”

The Crone glances once more at the doorway and then at her child, speaking before her protégé could get a word in. “Heed my words, daughter. Those you perceive as your adversaries now are nothing compared to what will come. Prepare yourself …” She smirks as she corks the wine bottle and slips it into her daughters’ backpack. “…Your hunters have found their prey.”

The beating of heavy wings can be heard followed by a loud roar. The inn goes silent. The Daughter notices she is once again sitting at an empty table.
I am the Assistant Game Master for MARS as Overguard. I am willing to resign this position and give it to you as I believe all of our current AGM positions are filled. The GM is Kyle as Sum of All Fears.

I have spoken with Kyle about this, and he is good with the swap if that is a route you would like to pursue, Philip.
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Underguard »

Due to personal obligations, my current AGM, The Bos needs to step down as my AGM for GIRLS. He has been a great AGM for me and now I am seeking a replacement. You will not be tasked with the Feb 1st XP, as my current AGM will ensure that is tended too.

If you feel like wetting your feet in the field of Game-mastering the GIRLS of Merctown, give me a holler. You'll get experience in Tinkering, Maps, NPCs, and more on the administrative side as you work with me (and you'll never be overly burdened). Coupled with that, you will be in a unique position help me plot and terrorize the fearless owner of the site, Augur and his PC, Jezebel; along with those crazy enough to follow her.

If you think this might interest you, PM Underguard today, and we'll talk it over!
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Armstrong »

The Roughnecks are looking for a new GM
Roughnecks GM
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Sum of All Fears »

The Spooks Squad needs a AGM or a GM or both.

Atlantis is Seeking a new AGM.

MARS is currently seeking an New AGM.
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Zephyr Stormbow (PF); Lynch (Spooks)
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by SNAFU »

Looking for an AGM for Spooks! We've got cookies!

((Cookie offer void in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, parts of Papau New Guinea and West Brooklyn.))
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Whisp »

Position I am seeking to fill:
Assistant Game Master for After the Bomb or any Rifts Group

Duties and Responsibilities as I understand them:
  • Notify players regarding their post-rate and any posts that need urgent reply.
  • Moderate the group's PCs while in MercTown, and run periodic adventures during the GM's planning phase.
  • Moderate the group's catch-all thread, and police character equipment sheet for accuracy.
  • Responsible for XP
    • Experience Points will be tallied and awarded for all groups on the following dates:
      • Quad 1: February 1st
      • Quad 2: June 1st
      • Quad 3: October 1st
    • Responsible for awarding XP within 1 week of these dates.
    • Responsible for posting the results to the appropriate thread in the GM forum
Narrative of my Imagining:

The small band of adventurers begin the slow, arduous trek up the boulder filled hill. The jetting edges of the rocks protruding upward. Enticing the adventurers to keep climbing with lures of hand and footholds. Dark spots of emerald green moss hugs the rocks closest to shady crevices. Occasionally some giving way, causing the group to stop and check for safety. Watching the bigger boulders gather friends as they dance their way to the river below. Thundering crashes echo in the distance. Tho, stealth is not their objective here. The giant army had been encamped around the town for the past two days. The envoy came in the early morning. The message was direct and simple. "A sample delegation will scale the hill side along the road. Use the road and we will raze the town. Reach me before nightfall or we will raze the town." It takes the adventurers almost three more hours to reach the pinnacle. Opening to a wide clearing, trees surrounding on all sides. A slight incline leading in a diagonal direction to their right anterior. The wind whips all around them as a greeting. Coming from all directions with varying intensities. The cold twilight begins to make its presence subtilty known. Catching their breath, they can see a single figure standing stature like, several hundred years away. The setting sun perched above his shoulder and the distant tree line. Casting long shadows, like teeth swallowing the light. Red and people hues near the horizon hung like clumps of lever over food. These conditions make it hard for the group to distinguish anything with great accuracy beyond several dozen feet.

"If anyone comes out alive from this, they going to the biggest 'I told ya so'." Butch yells back, as he's the first to continue forward.

"Oh, just shove it. We all know how your negotiations end up. Shut up and let's see what he wants first." Billy snapped back quickly.

Watching the tree line for any sign of movement. After a minute or two the group feels satisfied and begins the walk forward. Together they approach the man, who has remained motionless the entire way. A suit of battered and worn armor engulfs all of his body from the neck down. Pieced together with various models. Slivers of shiny new metal stretches out towards his jaw from under the neckline. Layers of dirt and grime lay thick on some. While others seem to be acquired more recently. All are covered with some type of laser marks, dents or some other type of battle scar. A set of broad, square shoulders frame a high powered rifle resting within his folded arms. The man wears no helmet. Which allows his curly, peppered hair to bounce freely with the wind. A massive scar covers the left side of his face. Starting from above his eyebrow, wrapping around past where his ear would be. Years of scar tissue layering the scar can be visibly seen. Proudly displaying like a badge of honor. His posture remains unresolved as the adventurers stop a few feet away. All of them stand there in dead locked stares. No one daring to flinch or make a move first.

"You finally made it. See, I told you it wasn't impossible. Let's get down to the bass tax, shall we?" Them bellows out suddenly, catching the group off guard. "I must apologize. You met my demands and yet I'm still going to attack. I confess that I just like playing these little games." The man raises his left arm straight into the air.
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Armstrong »

I am happy to take him.
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Underguard »

Hello wayfayers of the stars, celestial observers and surfers of the galaxies;

I am actively looking for an Assistant Game Master for the Phase World CAF Game. No prior experience is required but you must familiarize yourself with this thread.

For a taste of the game, see this recruitment ad

What I want from an AGM is someone willing to dive into the nuances of play by post and its storytelling, someone to help me make NPCs and handle the XP those few times a year. See below for the full structure of the role as seen from the above link.
Organizational Roles wrote:
  • AGMs will notify players regarding their post-rate and any posts that need urgent reply.
  • AGMs will moderate for their group's PCs during downtime, and run periodic adventures during the GM's planning phase.
  • AGMs will moderate the group's catch-all thread, and police character equipment sheet accuracy.
  • AGMs are responsible for XP
    • Experience Points will be tallied and awarded for all groups on the following dates:
      • Quad 1: February 1st
      • Quad 2: June 1st
      • Quad 3: October 1st
    • AGMs are responsible for awarding XP within 1 week of these dates.
    • AGMs are responsible for posting the results to the appropriate thread in the GM forum
  • AGMs will be rated according to merit by their GM every quadrimester.
  • Rating will be done by their GM on the following schedule:
    • February 1st
      June 1st
      October 1st
AGM Rating Reward Table
  • 10: Irreplaceable AGM: You have earned 5 EP.
    9: Excellent Job: You have earned 4 EP.
    8: Highly Effective: You have earned 3 EP.
    7: Good: You have earned 2 EP.
    4-6: Mediocre Performance: You have earned only 1 EP, also, you're on probation.
    1-3: Poor Performance: Your position is now vacant; the group's GM will post the availability of the group's AGM position to the OOC Recruiting Thread.
Adventure Lengths:

Suggested adventure length is 12 months or less. A/GM's should plan accordingly.
  • There will be imposed no penalty for not meeting the suggested length, but players might judge their GM harshly for failing to meet expectations.
  • Epic adventures (those in excess of 9 months), must have unanimous player approval, and the GM's Cabal must be notified.
  • Primarily so we can beg, borrow, and steal ideas, but also so that we can advise one another regarding potential pitfalls and the like.
  • Following each adventure abroad, the Assistant GM will run in-town adventures for the group for a 3-month period.
  • During this time, the GM will do what he needs to for the next adventure.
If you managed to earn yourself probation:
Your next rating must be above probation level, or you will lose your position.

If you did not receive 100% of player votes:
A/GMs need to anticipate players potentially being unavailable during the rating period, and notify players to vote regardless of status, or some other means of recording their vote. Plan ahead!
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Shazbut »

"Are you tired of the old routines of XP calculations, day in and day out?
Is your time better spent elsewhere, time that can't be spared for the confused dolts surrounding you?
Why fritter away your time on petty details, when you can hire a skunky minion to manage the boring stuff!"

Employment Objective
  • To AGM with some group out there in the multiverse called 'Spook Squad'.
  • To find an appropriate creative outlet in the comfort of a well-maintained and well-stocked brewery.
  • To enjoy being part of a community of like minded nutjobs.
I am an exceptional programmer specialising in API integration algorithms to share information system metadata across technological silos.

What? This is an RPG forum? Ah ok, well I enjoy world building and have been known to write extensively wherever there is a chat client, email box, code comment block or weird online play-by-post forum available.

Work History
  • Heroes Unlimited: Century Station - In the last year I have tormented my fellow players in playing a pokemon-like alien skunk with a love of song, food and fun.
  • Dead Reign - I take great delight in playing an Australian grandmother farmer who finds herself in the middle of the apocalypse.
  • Phase World: CAF - I just started to play a beer swilling warlock. The less said the better.
  • General RPG's - Played a bunch of RPG's over the years, and have mostly been a DM since about 1988. (Not Palladium sorry). A player since 1985 if you count those most excellent Fighting Fantasy books. I do enjoy playing but have spent more time as a DM. Someone please explain to me why I am volunteering for DM-like duties? I must be out of my mind. Does that count as a strength in this application?
Special Skills and Activities
  • I am told I stink at everything I do.
  • I am an adept writer, though often I don't know what the hell I'm doing until I do it.
  • I am very good with ideas, often slanted towards humour, and refuse to take myself too seriously.
  • I seem to trigger spellcheckers by writing in English not American.
  • I don't know a whole lot about the background stories of various dimensions, nor the magic/psi systems, but as a consequence can easily be moulded by an enterprising DM.
  • I am a master archer. Here put this apple on your head. Trust me!
  • I have gained much fitness by ducking responsibility and dodging accountability.
  • I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
Dark Lord - Phase World DM
Blackhaunt - Heroes Unlimited:CS DM
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by William Summers »

The Roughnecks (baddest ass team since sliced bread team [RIP]) are looking for a GM and AGM!

We are comprised of:
  • William Summers - Battle Magus Extraordinare/TW Ordinare, totally hasn't died ever.
  • Wolf Whittaker - Best Sharpshooter ever (RIP sliced bread team). Maybe he's talking to himself? Don't worry about it if you wanna live.
  • John "Pebbles" Altfeld - Giant trash talking Rockman looking to smash your plot device.
  • Jack "Fireman" Killian - Was the name Fireman too on the nose? He's a man who can turn into fire. Whatever, cool Aussie Burster.
  • Theros - Magic Tattoos? Check. Axe? Check. Chip on his shoulder? Absolutely.
  • Nathan Cooper - You like mecha? He's the mecha guy.
  • Venenifer - Totally just a regular mage and not a Royal Frilled Dragon... that'd be ridiculous...
  • Pantera - It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a feline bounty hunter and you're probably getting arrested.
We're in the middle of an adventure we would like to wrap up and start something new, awesome and high paying. These bills ain't gonna pay themselves.

If you're interested, post here and contact Blackhaunt (totally not me, don't know the guy, sounds sketchy).
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by SNAFU »

@Shazbut Spooks could use an AGM. I'd gladly take you if you are interested. Though maybe Roughnecks is in more dire need.
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Nightbane GM Application WIP

Post by General Disarray »

The position which you seek to fill:
Nightbane GM - Time Frame. Game Start Date is January 1st 2023 if at least 4 players are secured.

Your understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position:
  • First Establish Rules and Guidelines for Character Creation.
  • Establish overall story arc segmented into manageable sequences with defined potential goals that are adaptable to success or failure.
  • Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
  • Have the Discord Username for each player for the sake of maintaining communication. May opt for Google Hangouts/Chat depending on Player preference.
  • Notify all players in the group about new GM posts and other important updates via prescribed communication platform.
  • Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Guild so that others may pick up should I be indisposed
  • Coordinate with the AGM regarding story and coordination.
  • Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
  • Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.
Writing Sample:
The man, probably in his mid 40's, with greying temples and a graying beard stands before you in a black suit and a gray trench coat. He has a fedora upon his head framing his face. He looks somber, and unphased by your Morphus Form. You can feel the Arcane Energy vibrating from him. "It began with the plague. I mean, that isn't what we called it of course. We called it COVID-19, a nomenclature meaning a corona virus discovered in 2019. SARS CoV 2 was its more technical name. Infections didn't spike until early 2020. The world had already gone crazy. Right Wing Fascism had began reemerging in the Western World. Honestly knowing what I know now, I am baffled as to how the Guardians didn't see it coming. The world polarized until every aspect of human culture became at odds with one another. In the turmoil came the plague. Millions died as the world shutdown. Those who survived changed in to more Nightbane and other like creatures. The Nightlords would collect people like you as their foot soldiers. During this time the Nightlords ultimate plan emerged. Their first act was replacing both Presidential Candidates in the Presidential Election of 2020. They would leverage the ire of the loser's supporters to seize control of the government. The Guardians, my masters, were caught off guard trying to keep up with the changes. Then January 6th 2021 occurred. You remember it of course. The protest that became a riot, the riot that stormed the Capital Building. 'But fear not! The politicians were saved!' At least that is what was reported. The Nightlords replaced them all with their doppelgangers. Other governments all over the world would fall to less fanfare. The Guardians were reeling but developed a way to fight back. Using their extensive resources they developed a vaccine to the plague. Those that would normally died lived and they were unchanged mitigating losses. Those who would of lived without the vaccine still changed, but the Lightbringers, were able to recruit these changed to their cause because the vaccine helped them locate them. Soon others aware of the Nightlords' schemes, groups old and new began strengthening their resistance. They also would recruit new Nightbanes and other humans to their ranks. The battle moved underground. The Nightlord's would cast those who resist as villains, but it was becoming harder and harder to sell. A foiled plot of the Russian Nightlords to invade Ukraine in a first step of rebuilding the Russian Empire, became a rallying cry to thwart the Nightlords machinations. The world believed it was just the people of Ukraine defending their home from Russian authoritarianism, which was true, but it was also a pocket of the Resistance destroying Nightlord plans. The vast majority of humans were unaware of what was really happening. That was a good thing. The Nightlords couldn't show their hand but they needed citizens to keep power at least until they could establish autocratic regimes. Those resisting couldn't put citizens in harm's way so they would also keep their exploits secret. The bad thing was the veil to the Darklands had never been so thin. The good thing was that the groups resisting the Nightlords had never been so strong." By the end of the explanation he becomes more expressive with a subtle direness to his voice.

He pauses dramatically. He then begins in a somber tone again. "So here we are in 2023. The new year is upon us. The ancient battle however rages on, larger than ever before. The factions have made headway, and the less we feel like we are struggling to breathe, the more comfortable we become, and in turn the more likely the old prejudices return. In the beginning the Lightbearers, the Nocturnes, Warlords, the Underground Railroad , etc. worked together out of necessity and temporarily forgot the things that divide them. But that time is over. We are returning to the old ways. Yes we all want the Nightlords to fall but now we quibble over what happens next. As a member of the Lightbringers I have become cognizant of this and if we continue to split hairs and refuse to focus on the real threat we will doom ourselves to fail. Now is the time to find those that are ready to do away with the Nightlords once and for all. Regardless of what group you belong to, as long as the end to the Nightlords is your primary focus you are welcome here. I am Arthur Calibast, and we are the Reclaimers of the Dawn. Are you ready and willing to join our ranks?"
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by General Disarray »

The position which you seek to fill:
Roughnecks GM (For the sake of expediency I used my previous sample for AGM)

Your understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position:
  • First Establish Rules and Guidelines for Character Creation.
  • Finish the current then establish overall story arc segmented into manageable sequences with defined potential goals that are adaptable to success or failure.
  • Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
  • Have the Discord Username for each player for the sake of maintaining communication. May opt for Google Hangouts/Chat depending on Player preference.
  • Notify all players in the group about new GM posts and other important updates via prescribed communication platform.
  • Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Guild so that others may pick up should I be indisposed
  • Coordinate with the AGM regarding story and coordination.
  • Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
  • Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.
Writing Sample:
The man, probably in his mid 40's, with greying temples and a graying beard stands before you in a black suit and a gray trench coat. He has a fedora upon his head framing his face. He looks somber, and unphased by your Morphus Form. You can feel the Arcane Energy vibrating from him. "It began with the plague. I mean, that isn't what we called it of course. We called it COVID-19, a nomenclature meaning a corona virus discovered in 2019. SARS CoV 2 was its more technical name. Infections didn't spike until early 2020. The world had already gone crazy. Right Wing Fascism had began reemerging in the Western World. Honestly knowing what I know now, I am baffled as to how the Guardians didn't see it coming. The world polarized until every aspect of human culture became at odds with one another. In the turmoil came the plague. Millions died as the world shutdown. Those who survived changed in to more Nightbane and other like creatures. The Nightlords would collect people like you as their foot soldiers. During this time the Nightlords ultimate plan emerged. Their first act was replacing both Presidential Candidates in the Presidential Election of 2020. They would leverage the ire of the loser's supporters to seize control of the government. The Guardians, my masters, were caught off guard trying to keep up with the changes. Then January 6th 2021 occurred. You remember it of course. The protest that became a riot, the riot that stormed the Capital Building. 'But fear not! The politicians were saved!' At least that is what was reported. The Nightlords replaced them all with their doppelgangers. Other governments all over the world would fall to less fanfare. The Guardians were reeling but developed a way to fight back. Using their extensive resources they developed a vaccine to the plague. Those that would normally died lived and they were unchanged mitigating losses. Those who would of lived without the vaccine still changed, but the Lightbringers, were able to recruit these changed to their cause because the vaccine helped them locate them. Soon others aware of the Nightlords' schemes, groups old and new began strengthening their resistance. They also would recruit new Nightbanes and other humans to their ranks. The battle moved underground. The Nightlord's would cast those who resist as villains, but it was becoming harder and harder to sell. A foiled plot of the Russian Nightlords to invade Ukraine in a first step of rebuilding the Russian Empire, became a rallying cry to thwart the Nightlords machinations. The world believed it was just the people of Ukraine defending their home from Russian authoritarianism, which was true, but it was also a pocket of the Resistance destroying Nightlord plans. The vast majority of humans were unaware of what was really happening. That was a good thing. The Nightlords couldn't show their hand but they needed citizens to keep power at least until they could establish autocratic regimes. Those resisting couldn't put citizens in harm's way so they would also keep their exploits secret. The bad thing was the veil to the Darklands had never been so thin. The good thing was that the groups resisting the Nightlords had never been so strong." By the end of the explanation he becomes more expressive with a subtle direness to his voice.

He pauses dramatically. He then begins in a somber tone again. "So here we are in 2023. The new year is upon us. The ancient battle however rages on, larger than ever before. The factions have made headway, and the less we feel like we are struggling to breathe, the more comfortable we become, and in turn the more likely the old prejudices return. In the beginning the Lightbearers, the Nocturnes, Warlords, the Underground Railroad , etc. worked together out of necessity and temporarily forgot the things that divide them. But that time is over. We are returning to the old ways. Yes we all want the Nightlords to fall but now we quibble over what happens next. As a member of the Lightbringers I have become cognizant of this and if we continue to split hairs and refuse to focus on the real threat we will doom ourselves to fail. Now is the time to find those that are ready to do away with the Nightlords once and for all. Regardless of what group you belong to, as long as the end to the Nightlords is your primary focus you are welcome here. I am Arthur Calibast, and we are the Reclaimers of the Dawn. Are you ready and willing to join our ranks?"
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

I am Seeking to be AGM for the coming Nightbane game and maybe others.

My understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position:
All GM’s require different levels of activity from their AGM’s, but I understand that an AGM position can include but is not limited to: Tallying xp, Handling shopping, Assisting in communication between gm and players, assisting gm in planning and running adventures and scenario’s, Being able to take over for the GM should it be needed on a short term basis, generally relieve some of the workload of running a game for the GM.

My posts in Blackhaunts amazing Heroes Unlimited game is where some examples of my writing may be found on site, but I present an example taken from a Splicers game I run elsewhere:
An example as a GM:
The Splicers continue on in the correct direction and after a few minutes more of travel, a light drizzle starts from the night sky. the forest seems dense with trees and shrubs as ever.

Ruanas barrel chested and hugely muscular armor continues to hum to her with the movement of many small creatures, but those few strange ones have remained a couple hundred feet away. The hideous biped that is the Grendal grumbles its usual low, carnivorous growl as it marches in the direction Julian wants it going in, occasionally snatching at creatures it sees pass its field of vision.

the enhanced visions of Ricks armor shows many things as it travels along, a huge variety of animals, the party members, and massive rodent-like creatures skulking about a couple hundred feet away on a couple sides.

The three converse on the uncertainties ahead of them as they travel, day getting closer and closer to its end. The sensing of rodents of unnatural size and orientation turns the conversation to one of of fire that may be used against the beasts should they decide to attack them.The creatures do spring their trap against the three in their host armors and hungry Grendal and stand against them only a short while as they were barely a nuisance to them and they continued on.

The trio continue on still to their destination and their host armor and the Grendal see the silhouette of a giant on treads and centauroid in appearance. it seems to be traveling in the opposite direction and paying them no mind. As the dust trios sudden and violent volley of heavy fire on the construct in the distance looks to be enough to send it crashing down, the sound of snapping tree limbs and ruffled brush heard for who knows how long really. animals are sent scattering in all directions. one such creature that had been sent running is an agile heap of muscle with jet black fur and easily the size of an adult human, but is all feline. this startled creature is headed directly toward the groups location.

An extra example if that is not enough:
The extraordinarily strong hero finally gets a break in the darkness of the slums he has found himself. The outside itself is cool in the air and ground cold to sit on. He looks around in suspicion of the night around, his only light being that which comes from the streetlamp over his head and the lighting from the outside of buildings. Even with the lighting around him, it seemed cold and bleak, the street dead for the night likely is no solace to his mind. What terrible creature was that he run from? It was grotesque and seemed to phase through the brick wall as he passed. He definitely hoped it hadn't followed him at all.
From the silence only broken by the breeze in his ear and the automobile that went by faster than the street sign said to be a soft, warm voice broke through, "Daniel, you seem cold. Come here and I can give you a coat"
He couldn't believe his ears. No one in the area knew his name and he didn't recognize the voice and froze with the shock.
"Daniel. Aren't you cold?" The voice reaches out to him again "You must be tired as well"
He sniveled in place before hurriedly getting to his feet and running away from the direction of the voice.
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Underguard »

I am seeking an AGM for the Phase World CAF Game.

It is a space-military esqe game - planet hopping, etc. Fairly easy to jump in and AGM for if anyone has never AGMed before and is interested in giving it a shot. Post a reply here as per the above rules if you are interested.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Sicilia »

I am seeking to become an AGM of Phase World CAF or any group seeking an AGM.

Duties and Responsibilities of an AGM
To my understanding, the work of an AGM here is to tally XP each quad, help plan and design campaigns and reduce the admin load for the GM I work for. I also would keep the shopping running smoothly, and take over the narrative for the GM when necessary, such as the time in-between larger adventures or if the GM needs to take an extended leave. Generally I need to be communicative and help facilitate with the GM and their players.

Narrative Sample

Thomas chuckled, sipping his wine smoothly, and admired the taste of it. Bitterness cut with just a hint of sweetness from the Alvinian grape-equivalent it was fermented with. It certainly helped distract him from the poor conversation he was currently a part of. The doctor thought about making an excuse and ducking away, but he couldn't get away just yet, else his cover as a high society type would be blown. Instead, here he was, stuck listening to the prattling of Madame Henrietta Valliance deCarinth III, High Lady of Carinthia.

"-was such a darling about all of it. I'm certain that should the guards find him again, he'd be positively thrilled to return to his station," she blathered, a light sheen of sweat on her face. While not particularly cold out, the nearly half-dozen layers of clothing she wore meant that Thomas was unpleasantly aware of the smell wafting from just underneath the objectionally green-and-blue dress she wore. All frills and lace and poof, it was meant to look elegant and reflect her colors. Thomas simply thought it made her look like an overripe blueberry.

"Of course," he replied, swirling the wine in his goblet around with a brief glance down. His tie was slightly off, the knot almost a full inch to the side, partially hidden under his collar. It bugged him, but it would be improper to fix it now. The rest of his fancy grey tuxedo attire would do, and he would make a fool out of anyone who mentioned it. "It is his proper place, after all."

It was to Thomas' great relief the door to the ballroom burst open, the harsh snow and winds howling from just outside. The environmental controls and light force field around the building did a great job of making it seem like the weather outside was a pleasant spring day. Clearly, it was not the case as a figure strode in, green cloak almost completely covered in a white powdering from outside, hiking boots crunching as they deposited an unsightly layer of slush behind. Whisper-quiet bots slipped in immediately to clean it, their presence completely unnoticed from the intrusion.

The doctor sipped his drink, hiding his grin as his fiance made an absolute scene just by existing, like always.

The flame-haired woman flicked back her hood and cloak, revealing a light body armor, humming lights of a basic set of power armor in stark contrast to the fine suits and dresses of the gathered nobles. "Lord Revinforth!" she called out, moving in towards a fountain in the center of the room, glittering water cascading with just a flicker of the hologram to betray its true nature. "I've got your damned info. Get down here!"

Thomas watches as the Lord, a portly man with a mop of thick brown hair and matching handlebar mustache waddles his way over, looking absolutely aghast that such a dirty figure would approach him in this situation. "E-excuse me miss, I do think that this is better talked about-" he starts, before he's cut off with an undignified squeak by the engineer.

"I don't really care if I'm killing your party right now," she says shortly, digging into a pack and dumping out a half-charred hunk of metal and electronics. "Your geostationary satellite barely functioned when I found where it crashed. I wait any longer and it'll give out completely." It was a bold-faced lie, as she had backed and copied the data a week ago when she first got to the downed orbital, but it was all part of the plan.

"I-If that's the case, then we can go to a backroom now and-" the Lord begins to say before faltering, watching as Vivian swats through the holographic fountain, finding the projector and clicking something. The fountain disappears, and for a moment there is nothing as Vivian hooks the seemingly barely-functioning piece of equipment to it, and the projector lights back up with zoomed-in footage.

Out past the forest, in a mined out section of the mountain, a gate made of bone juts out of the ground. A shimmering Rift twinkles between the oversized ribs, a whole platoon of demons marching through in disorderly fashion, half setting up a staging ground and half in-fighting, kept in line by massive pit fiends. The remains of a dozen lesser demons makes it clear what outright rebellion leads to.

The room is completely silent as the nobles take in the scene. The mountainside was only a month's walk away from the very manor they stood in. Vivian looks Revinforth dead in the eye. "Your war isn't being won like you keep telling them. You'd better think of something quick." She glances up at her husband-to-be, flicking her gaze away quickly.

That was Thomas' cue, and the doctor steps forward with a cough. "If I may, Lord Revinforth," he says to the trembling and proverbially cornered Lord, "I feel a surgical strike would be best, though I am naturally no scholar of war. However, I think I know of the perfect team for such a task. And their rate would be very reasonable, I do think." He sips his wine once more, a month of planning to get a contract worth the task finally coming together for him and his team.
An Italian Noodle who bites back!
Gear and Current Status
Quick Stats
I.S.P.: 44/44
H.P.: 25/45
S.D.C.: 99/99
Stone Form S.D.C.: 600/600
Omega Suit S.D.C.: 126/250

Omega Suit v3.1.7
  • Main Body: 126 / 250
  • *Body Camera: 15 / 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Tail mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field

APS: Stone Transformation Bonuses/Changes

-Natural A.R. 16
566 / 600 (replaces natural S.D.C. while transformed)
-Normal punches, kicks, knives, swords, clubs, bullets, and similar deal no damage regardless of strike roll
-Extraordinary, Superhuman P.S. deal quarter damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Supernatural P.S. deals half damage with strike roll below 17, deals full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Fire, plasma, electricity, laser, energy bolts deal half damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Impervious to cold
-Resistant to heat: 200 degrees F or below deals no damage, half damage between 201-299 degrees F, full damage at 300+ degrees F
-AP bullets, explosives rounds, grenades and light explosives deal half damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Gas, ingested drugs, magic, and psionics have full effect
-Powerful explosions, infernos with blast-furnace like heat (300+ degrees F), hurricanes, earthquakes do full damage and do not require a strike roll
-Endure underwater pressure up to depths of 800 ft
-Function in vacuum until air supply is gone

-Weight is tripled
-P.S. increased by 16, considered Superhuman
-Can carry 200 times P.S. in pounds, can life 300 times P.S. in pounds
-Fatigues at half rate

-S.D.C. of stone (600) recovers at three times normal rate
-Radiates no heat in stone form, invisible to infrared and heat sensors
-Speed reduced by half in stone form
-Hold breath twice as long in stone form
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Underguard »

The PW CAF Team graciously accepts your application!

Make a new account you want to be your AGM account and we'll get the ball rolling :)
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Actively seeking an AGM to get familiar with the Roughnecks with a long-term goal of taking them over as GM after their next adventure- approximately February 2025. This is not a hard deadline either- just a date I picked.

I am not hiring you just to do the minutiae of XP and MGP accounting.

I will make sure you can do this at least once before I move on, but I am hiring you because I want you to take my job eventually and it will take at least a few quads to get someone without practice GMing play-by-post ready for the Roughnecks full-time.

I intend to free myself up so I can either help interested players found a new group or help another existing one to avoid the chopping block and help them find a forever GM too. February is typically chopping block season so its a good time to be available.

If you are wanting to try GMing out, the Roughnecks are a rough bunch but GMing them will be good on you, because the player base also GMs half our sites games today so they have a solid brain trust to help out.
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Re: DM, GM, and AGM Recruitment

Post by beteb25 »

Your understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position:
As a GM, I understand my role involves creating an immersive and engaging narrative, managing player interactions, and ensuring the smooth progression of the storyline. I would be responsible for maintaining a consistent post schedule, communicating effectively with players, and adapting to their choices to create a dynamic experience.
As an AGM, my duties would include assisting the GM in planning and running scenarios, tallying XP, helping manage in-game assets, and stepping in as necessary to maintain continuity. I recognize the need for organization, creativity, and a collaborative approach in either role.

Narrative submission:

The wind howled through the desolate ruins, its mournful wail echoing against the broken stone walls. Alaric knelt by the shattered altar, his breath misting in the cold night air. The relic he sought glimmered faintly in the moonlight—a shard of obsidian etched with runes that seemed to pulse with their own eerie light. He reached for it cautiously, his fingers brushing the jagged edges, when the shadows around him began to writhe.

A voice, low and guttural, reverberated through the chamber. "You dare disturb the sanctity of this place, mortal?"

Alaric spun around, his hand instinctively gripping the hilt of his sword. From the darkness, a figure emerged—a towering entity cloaked in shadow, its eyes burning like twin embers. It raised a clawed hand, and the very air seemed to thicken, pressing down on him.

"I seek only what was stolen," Alaric said, his voice steady despite the hammering of his heart. "Release the shard to me, and I will leave your domain."

The entity laughed, a sound like grinding stone. "It was stolen, yes, but it belongs to me now. If you wish to claim it, you must prove your worth."

With a flick of its wrist, the chamber erupted into chaos. Shadows coalesced into snarling beasts that lunged for Alaric. Drawing his blade, he faced them head-on, the steel flashing in the dim light as he fought for his survival—and for the fate of the relic that could change everything.
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