So it appears there is a wish to save MARS or have something rise in it's place. I'm throwing my hat in to GM this group...for better or worse...

The position which you seek to fill.
Game Master - MARS

Your understanding of the Duties and Responsibilities that go with such a position:
• Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
• Have the IM contact info of each player in their group.
• Notify all players in the group via IM or PM of new GM posts, and other important updates.
• Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Cabal. (Gist: If a random GM can't pick up and run the adventure from your notes, the notes are unsatisfactory.)
• Be available for IM chat at least one day a week.
• Coordinate with the AGM regarding expected adventure dates & time-frames.
• Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
• Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.

Two-ish paragraphs of narrative describing something of your imagining:
Winter PP Writing Contest
or the following:
After locking up Ty sat in the dim light of a candle slowly turning the box over in his hands. After taking in all of the beauty of the box Ty retrieved a silver monocular and set it over his left eye. The monocular began attempting to identify the magic from the lock. Ty could discern four different enchantments on the lock. The first was a standard defensive shielding spell to prevent the casual lockpicking attempt. The second was some kind of reaction spell should the shield be broken. The third was most interesting. It appeared to be an identification spell angled at the lock itself. Ty sat back for a moment. An identification spell on the lock. Likely looking for a very specific key to open it. If it doesn't register correctly...
Boom. Ty stretched is arms over his head feeling his shoulders pop.
Gods I’m getting old. Ty narrowed his eyes at the small silver bell that rang indicating the front door just opened. Ty rose and opened the door to the main room of his shop. He had just enough time to see two figures cloaked in shadow before a crossbow bolt took him in the chest spilling him back into the warded room.
Instinct took over as Ty’s back connected with the floor. His foot kicked out to slam closed the door to the room he was in. Scrambling to his feet he whispered to his armor.
“Alkirhi” and was immediately wreathed in darkness. Ty quickly scrambled up a shelf and onto the crossbeam running above the door. He drew his dagger, black flames rippling up the length of the blade he held in a reverse grip, and waited for his prey. The black fire would rip through the living and the dead equally. With all pretense of stealth gone the door slammed open and two bolts screamed through the empty room to embed themselves in the stone wall on the far side. Ty heard the clatter of the crossbows hitting the floor as the two figures charged into the room swords drawn. With their hoods still up Ty had a hard time gauging his opponents. He could tell they were humanoid and they both out massed Ty by a good twenty pounds or so. Yet even with their larger size they moved with a deadly fluid grace he had only seen in the most disciplined fighters. Ty fell on the second man as he entered the room his feet colliding with the man’s back pitching him forward face first into the desk with the box on it. The impact of the man’s face sent tools, looking glasses, monocles, and the box skittering across the floor. Ty plunged the dagger into the man’s back. The blade severed the man’s spine without effort and Ty gave the dagger a twist shattering the bones around it. While the black flames did not set the man’s clothes a light the smell of burning flesh began to fill the room. Ty ripped the dagger from the middle of the man’s back and dove out of the room to avoid a bisecting slash from the other intruder. Ty casually flipped the dagger and held it’s flaming blade for a moment before throwing it dead center at the man’s chest. To his credit the man recovered from his brutal swing and parried the dagger out of the air. A cruel smile twisted Ty’s face as his dagger clanged around behind his foe.
“Impressive. But you’re still going to die.” Ty began drawing his sword as the man charged him with blinding speed.
Ty managed to get the blade half way out of the scabbard before the impact of the other man’s sword locked his blade in place. The both stood for a moment straining to push the other away. Ty kicked out with his left foot connecting with the inside of the man’s knee pushing it in a way it was never meant to bend. A sickening pop rang through the empty store followed by a scream. The scream was cut short as the man’s neck caressed the blade Ty’s half drawn sword. Ty completed the draw motion freeing the blade from its scabbard and the man’s head from his shoulders. The lifeless head rolled across the floor away from its owner trailing blood as it came to rest against a display case of locks.