BattleTech is here!!!

All new character submissions are to be posted here.
Recruitment threads for the various groups and extra-dimensional games are also located here.
Dark Lord handles character approval for Phase World.
Blackhaunt handles character approval for HU2: Century Station.
Underguard handles character approval for Rifts.
Ya-Blik handles character approval for PFRPG.
Consumer handles character approval for BTS.

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Sum of All Fears
Dimension Master
Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:24 pm

BattleTech is here!!!

Post by Sum of All Fears »

Grab your cooling vest and strap down your neural helmets cause the wait is over.

BattleTech has come to the forum!

Wanting to play a robot pilot without the hassle of only being able to fire one weapon at a time? Rifts Robots not big enough for you. Want to pilot a mobile skyscraper? Don't like the easy and safe life of a rifts merc? Come over to BattleTech, where war is our number 1 export and funeral arrangements are number 2.

Right now we are at the bottom of the page. But with your help we can make it to the top.
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Zephyr Stormbow (PF); Lynch (Spooks)

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