Player Name: Mykheal
Link to Ledger:
Character Name: Anyabwile Daizo Qu'ade
Alias: Adqwa [ahd (as in Scheherazade) - kwah]
Race: Human
O.C.C.: DShifter
Alignment: Scrupulous
XP Level: 1st
XP Points:
Next Level @ XP: 2,151
Sentiments/Non-Humans: Curious about all life forms.
Disposition: Often smiling even in intense situations.
I.Q.: 11
M.E.: 14+2 (DShifter bonus)
M.A.: 6
P.S.: 12 [supernatural]
P.P.: 13
P.E.: 13 +1 (running) [supernatural]
P.B.: 7
Speed: 21
Description: Be brief here folks, just a few lines at most
M.D.C.: 84 | [124] (+40 Within 500' of Blue Zone)
P.P.E.: 87 +2d6+10/lvl
I.S.P.: 32 +1d6+1/lvl
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 1" (1.8542 meters)
Weight: 121 (54.8847 kg)
Natural Abilities
Perception: 18% (+3%/lvl)
Charm/Impress: (P.B. 15=25%, 14=20%, etc.) -15%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: (M.A. 15=35%, 14=30%, etc.) -10%
Max. Encumbrance: see rules here
Max. Carrying Weight:
Max. Lifting Weight:
Max. Jumping Ability: see rules here
Natural Abilities of DShifter
Rather than cast spells, the D-Shifter draws and holds ley line energy inside them, not just as a living battery of magic energy but as a living conduit to the ley lines and the worlds to which they connect. Thus, the D-Shifter seems, on some level, to truly be one with the Megaverse. This “oneness” gives them the following abilities and powers.
Abilities are distinguished from “Powers” as things that come naturally, are automatic to the character, and don’t cost any P.P.E. to execute.
1. Becomes a Mega-Damage Being. Add the character’s Hit Points and S.D.C. together and double them; this amount is the character’s M.D.C. away from the Blue Zones. Whenever on or within 500 feet (152.4 m) of a Blue Zone/ley line, add 1D4x10+20 M.D.C. to that total, and the character regenerates M.D.C. at a rate of 1D6 per melee round! Away from the Blue Zones, the character recovers lost M.D.C. at a rate of 1D6 every 24 hours. Note: This also means the character’s Physical Strength becomes Supernatural, though nothing amazing. Just turn the character’s normal, human P.S. attribute into Supernatural – half of the D-Shifters have a P.S. of 15 or less, which does only 4D6 S.D.C. damage on a full strength punch and 1D4 M.D. on a power punch. About a third have a P.S. of 16-20 which does 1D6 M.D. on a full strength punch and 2D6 on a power punch, and only about 20% have a P.S. of 21-25. Remember, they started out as ordinary people, not heroes, professional athletes or anyone else with exceptional P.S., and that’s reflective in the average range of P.S.
2. Feel Ley Line Disturbance: Whenever the D-Shifter is on a ley line (in a Blue Zone), the character feels the ebb and flow of the ley line as if it were a living part of him. Consequently, the D-Shifter knows when a dimensional portal/Rift opens anywhere on the line, how long it is open, when it closes, if anyone (or “thing”) entered or exited the Rift, and whether the Rift is near or far or on a connecting line. Likewise, the D-Shifter feels the increased power of the Blue Zones at special times of the year and during cosmic events, as well as when something is draining or disrupting the flow of the line. Their connection to the lines of energy is so strong that D-Shifters also feel when demons spontaneously appear in a Blue Zone currently occupied by the character and whether they are near or far, or many.
3. Identify Dimensional Portal: The D-Shifter can sense where a dimensional portal leads to, i.e., what world or dimension lays on the other side. They can also sense whether that plane of existence is safe, hazardous or deadly to humans without having to enter it.
4. Impervious to Ley Line Storms & Weird Effects: The D-Shifter is the only being known to be unaffected by Ley Line Storms and other strange phenomena that spring from the ley lines/Blue Zones. Thus, storms and other disturbances generated in the Blue Zones roll over the D-Shifter without adverse effect. D-Shifters are aware of the storm and can feel the ebb and flow of energy, but suffer no penalties, discomfort or problems from it. This means they are not struck by lightning, are never teleported against their will, nor do they suffer power surges or side effects. Furthermore, D-Shifters can “feel” when a Ley Line Storm or other disturbance is occurring anywhere on the ley line or any connecting lines which they are currently on, and know if it is coming their way and how soon it will hit, accurate to within 2D6 seconds.
5. Recognize Dimensional Beings: From D-Bees to demons, the D-Shifter can tell at a glance whether someone is indigenous to a particular world, or not. Consequently, the character can always tell the difference between a native and a “visitor.” Note: In the case of creatures of magic who can change their shape, the D-Shifter cannot tell exactly what type of creature the being may be, but will know it is a creature of magic and can probably make a good guess at what it is (dragon, Sphinx, Faerie Folk, etc.) even if it is disguised as a mortal. Also see Recognize the Supernatural.
6. Recognize the Supernatural: The ultimate unnatural beings or dimensional visitors are supernatural beings, and the D-Shifter can sense and see them for what they really are even when the beings are physically transformed to appear as human or animal, as well as see supernatural beings who possess mortals to anchor themselves to the physical plane of existence. The D-Shifter’s innate knowledge of the supernatural is equal to the skill, Lore: Demons & Monsters at a 95% skill proficiency and Mythology (as it applies to Earth) at 90%.
7. See Astral Beings & Entities: Though not truly supernatural beings, the D-Shifter can see Astral Travelers, as well as Astral beings. By Shift Phasing, the character can touch, attack and hurt Astral beings with their punches and magic. D-Shifters can also see supernatural beings, like Entities and Elementals whose natural state is invisible.
8. Flawless Travel from the Astral Plane back to the Physical. The D-Shifter can Shift Phase his entire body into the Astral Plane (if so desired), and still flawlessly return to the physical world. Note: D-Shifters don’t feel comfortable in the Astral Plane and seldom linger there for any reason, using it as a passage from one reality to another, or a temporary holding zone, rather than a destination to visit and explore. There is just something about the Astral Plane they don’t like.
9. Strange Attractions: The color blue: D-Shifters develop a fondness for the color blue, in all shades and tints. Hooded capes and cloaks: They also like to wear (blue, of course) hooded cloaks and capes over their clothes, as well as gas masks to further conceal their features, even though, as creatures of magic, they don’t need any kind of air filtration system. Whether this is a psychological response or instinct to conceal their identity or to hang onto their humanity is uncertain. All D-Shifters, however, develop some inclination to wear blue and hooded garments.
Alien life forms: D-Shifters are curious about all alien life forms. This fascination makes them much more trusting and accepting of D-Bees and aliens, and can lead to hours of questions about the visitor’s home world, culture, and abilities.
1. Energy Expulsion. As a living conduit to ley line energy, the D-Shifter can fire a variety of energy blasts, as noted above, at will and at minimal P.P.E. cost. Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience, double in the Blue Zones. Damage: The D-Shifter can fire any of these energy blasts as he deems fit. Energy Bolt: 2D6 M.D., Electrical Bolt: 3D6 M.D., Fire Blast: 2D6 M.D., and Lightning Bolt: 5D6 M.D. If so desired, the D-Shifter can reduce damage by increments of 1D6. Duration: Each blast is instant and counts as one of the character’s melee attacks/actions. Bonus: +2 to strike. P.P.E Cost: Three, double when away from the Blue Zones.
2. Imitate/Duplicate/Recreate any Dimensional Magic
Spell. Range: Self and others as limited by the actual spell. Duration: The duplication must take place within 10 minutes of having experienced or witnessed the spell. Limitations: All dimension, space, time and reality altering spells including all Ley Line Magic spells, Rifts and portals, teleportation magic, Temporal Magic, and similar. Spells like Fire Ball, Wind Rush, Fly, Blind, Charm, Healing, Invisibility, curses, etc. can NOT be replicated. P.P.E. Cost: One third normal for the spell in the Blue Zones, half when away from them. The D-Shifter can mimic and repeat any spell or type of magic that involves space, time and dimensions at the same level of potency they have just witnessed or been subjected to themselves and at one third the normal P.P.E. cost when on a ley line. This is not permanent knowledge, but the ability to duplicate an effect that has just recently happened in front of them. Thus, if an opponent has teleported away using a Teleport spell or walked through a wall thanks to a Mystic Portal spell, the D-Shifter can repeat the effect to follow the spell caster or to do the same magic to go someplace else (a place of his own choosing).
3. Re-Open Dimensional Portal.
Range: Self.
Duration: Can hold a portal open for 30 seconds per level of experience.
P.P.E. Cost: 100 points.
This is the power to re-open a dimensional portal whether it was a random ley line event, a spell, ritual or man-made gateway. Typically, such portals appear at a ley line junction. The D-Shifter can only open a portal or Rift that has appeared within the last 24 hours and it opens to the last place the portal led to.
4. Shift Location.
Range: Self.
Duration: Instant; about 1-2 seconds.
P.P.E. Cost: 30 points; double away from a Blue Zone.
This is the D-Shifter’s version of teleportation. In the Blue Zones the D-Shifter can vanish in the blink of an eye to reappear anywhere on the ley line (or a connecting line) with 100% accuracy. In addition, the D-Shifter can teleport to his home or anyplace within 100 miles (160 km) with which he is intimately familiar (knows well and visits often), or any location he can see within 100 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience (i.e., he could teleport to a rooftop, or from a rooftop to the street below, and so on).
5. Shift Phase.
Range: Self.
Duration: One minute per level of experience; double in the Blue Zones.
P.P.E. Cost: 15 points, double when away from a Blue Zone.
The character phases to straddle two dimensions simultaneously (one usually being the Astral Plane, and one the physical plane he starts out from). The effect makes the character fade, becoming semi-transparent. In this form, the ghostly D-Shifter is aware of what is happening around him in both dimensions, and he can react to events and speak to people in both dimensions. In the physical world he moves at half his usual Spd attribute and can speak, but cannot make physical contact or attack physically or with any of his magic powers or abilities, except to Shift Phase back to the physical plane or blink out entirely by D-Shifting completely into the limbo of the Astral Plane. In the alternative, he can Shift Location to go home or elsewhere on the ley line. While in Shift Phase, the character is intangible, like a ghost, and cannot be harmed by most types of magic, physical attacks or energy blasts. He does, however, remain vulnerable to psionic attacks and he cannot attack those in the physical world. While intangible, the D-Shifter can walk through walls and drop through floors, but cannot fly or float through ceilings.
6. Shift Through Time.
Range: Self.
Duration: The effect seems instant (only 1D6 seconds seem to have passed in the real world); witnesses 1D4+1 minutes of the past.
P.P.E. Cost: 10 points, double when away from a Blue Zone.
The D-Shifter can go back to any moment in time he has personally experienced to observe a moment from his own past. This can be used to remember some forgotten detail (telephone number, combination to a lock, a passage from a book, etc.), or to remember an enemy’s (or loved one’s) face or to relive a moment from a particular event. However, the D-Shifter sees the event as if it were an out of body experience in which he is floating, unseen (he’s not really there in the true sense of the word) and unable to influence the past event in any way whatsoever (can’t speak/communicate, touch, use powers, psionics, etc.) – only observe as a phantom. Some believe no time travel is involved at all and that the power is really more like a bizarre version of Total Recall.
7. Shift to Heavy Mega-Damage.
Range: Self.
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience, triple in the Blue Zones.
P.P.E. Cost: 12; double when away from the Blue Zones.
With a thought, the D-Shifter can increase his physical form to become a heavy Mega-Damage creature. Triple the character’s usual M.D.C. and any damage he sustains is taken off the extra M.D.C. first. HOWEVER, while a Heavy Mega-Damage being, and for 1D6x10 minutes afterward, the D-Shifter cannot use any of his other powers! P.S. is unchanged.
8. Shift to Light.
Range: Self.
Duration: Five minutes per level of experience; triple in the Blue Zones.
P.P.E. Cost: 14; double when away from a Blue Zone.
The D-Shifter turns himself into a creature of light. He retains a vaguely humanoid shape, but is completely made of light; any color he desires. In light form, the character can hover and fly (maximum speed is 200 mph/320 km, no limit to height and can even exist in the vacuum of space), observe, fire a light beam to use as a searchlight (600 foot/183 m range), and radiate light on par with a 300 watt light bulb (fills a 20 foot/6.1 m radius). The character can also see in all spectrums of light, cannot be blinded by light regardless of the intensity, is impervious to radiation and can go through the tiniest of cracks and openings. However, the light being cannot impact/harm the physical world, has trouble telling time (one minutes seems like a second or two) and has trouble hearing and remembering sounds and conversations (is a visual being when made of light). Suffers from night blindness (is blind, -10 to strike, parry and dodge) in the dark and dim light (anything less than a 60 watt bulb means he is blind) for 6D6 minutes afterward.
9. Shift to Pure Energy.
Range: Self.
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience, triple in the Blue Zones. P.P.E. Cost: 12; double when away from the Blue Zone. The D-Shifter becomes a humanoid-shaped energy being who can hover and fly (maximum speed is 60 mph/96 km; maximum altitude is 3,000 feet/914 m), and is impervious to all forms of energy attacks. Punches and kicks do 2D6 M.D. and the character can fire any of his Energy Blasts at double their usual range and doing an extra 1D6 M.D. However, the D-Shifter feels drained for 2D6x10 minutes after he returns to normal, and feels like he’s starving. During this period he is -2 on initiative, -2 to strike and on all other combat bonuses, Spd is -20% and he eats like a pig (double normal) if he gets the chance.
Supress Fear
Sixth Sense
Psychic Diagnosis
Psychic Surgery
Mind Block
O.C.C. Skills
Skill name--Totaled %
Speak, Read and Write (Literacy) Native Language at 88%
+1% per level of experience (typically English or Spanish in
the US, English or French in Canada, and Spanish or English
in Mexico).
Japanese: (+5%)
Math: Basic (+10%)
Computer Operation (+15%)
Dance (+10%) (BBoy)
Lore: D-Bees & Aliens (+10%)
Lore: Indians (+10%)
Pilot: Helicopter (non-military; +10%).
Pilot: Submersibles (non-military; +10%)
Gardening: 36% +4%/lvl (+10%)
Hand to Hand: Basic
O.C.C. Related Skills
Skill name--Totaled %
Math: Advanced
Computer Programming
Literacy: Foreign Language (Japanese)
+2 (Skilled Professional) @+ 20%
Holistic Medicine
Entomological Medicine
Secondary Skills
Skill name--Totaled %
Astronomy & Navigation
Combat Data
HTH Type: Basic
Number of Attacks:
Initiative Bonus:
Strike Bonus:
Parry Bonus:
Dodge Bonus:
Auto-Dodge Bonus: Delete if not applicable
HTH Damage Bonus:
Bonus to Roll w/Punch:
Bonus to Pull a Punch:
Bonus to Disarm:
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. name--List totaled bonuses from W.P. only
Saving Throw Bonuses
Magic (varies):
Lethal Poison (14+):
Non-Lethal Poison (16+):
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Horror Factor (varies):
Add others as needed
Adqwa - DShifter
Adqwa - DShifter
Last edited by Adqwa on Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:53 am, edited 43 times in total.
Re: Adqwa - DShifter
When it comes time for you to make out your wish lists please also answer the following questions.
Standard Categories
Allocate your items into the categories listed in green!
Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.
Carried/In Hand
Worn on Person
Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
Stored in Vehicle
How to list Credits/Valuables:
Option 1: Secure or Non-Secure
Option 2: Universal Card or Black Card
Last: xxxx credits
Secure Universal Card: 1300 credits
Non-Secure Black Card: 2900 credits
Gear Stats
- Items which have stats have their name in bold type.
- Items which have stats or images are fully listed under Gear Stats.
- As such, there should be no stats or images above the Gear Stats header.
- Cybernetics/Bionics: your initial Cybernetics/Bionics is exactly as per the O.C.C.
- Follow wish list as normal, but expect modest equipment if you start with loads of bionics.
- Cybernetics/Bionics: your initial Cybernetics/Bionics is exactly as per the O.C.C.
- Follow wish list as normal, but expect modest equipment if you start with loads of bionics.
When it comes time for you to make out your wish lists please also answer the following questions.
- On a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being most important, please assign a value to each wish list category for this PC.
- Also, would you sacrifice an entire category to have a better selection in another?
- If so, which would you sacrifice and which would you improve?
Standard Categories
- Transportation
Note: This category includes: RCVs (robot combat vehicles), PAs (Power Armor suits), and various other types of water, ground, and air vehicles
super-duper Vehicle (book/page reference) Tricked out Helicopter, with onboard A.I. and pontoon landing gear
fine Vehicle (book/page reference) Tricked out Submarine, with A.I.
crappy Vehicle (book/page reference) Broken down Submarine or Helicopter (that just barely made it to the continent)
Primary Weapon
Note: This item is never larger than a one-handed weapon. This category cannot be sacrificed for the improvement of another.
super-duper weapon (book/page reference) Rune or Millenium Tree or equivalent Long Bow with a "bottomless" quiver
fine weapon (book/page reference) MD Composite or longbow
crappy weapon (book/page reference) sdc boomerang or throwing knife
Secondary Weapon
Note: I leave this item to player discretion
super-duper weapon (book/page reference) Rune or Millenium Tree or equivalent karambit style Axes
fine weapon (book/page reference) Dual Vibro Axes (karambit-style)
crappy weapon (book/page reference) Dual sdc Axes (karambit-style)
Note: This category includes: Force fields, EBA (environmental body armor), and assorted other types of armor and protection from damage
super-duper armor (book/page reference) Millenium tree environmental mage armor with reinforced arm mdc
fine armor (book/page reference) Environmental mage armor
crappy armor (book/page reference) MD flak jacket
Allocate your items into the categories listed in green!
Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.
Carried/In Hand
Worn on Person
Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
Stored in Vehicle
How to list Credits/Valuables:
Option 1: Secure or Non-Secure
Option 2: Universal Card or Black Card
Last: xxxx credits
Secure Universal Card: 1300 credits
Non-Secure Black Card: 2900 credits
- Secure cards are coded to the user's identity...and traceable by the CS central bank. Useless if stolen!
- Non-Secure cards are like the cash cards used today as gifts and usable by anyone. Readily available source of income if stolen!
Gear Stats
Last edited by Adqwa on Thu Aug 15, 2024 11:51 am, edited 4 times in total.
Background Story - WIP
Background Story
Background Story
“I’m a super hero, somethin’ like your friendly neigh- nope. It’s like, I bring a shock- nope. Sh*%... I’m a superhero… but you’d never know it-" The digital recording stops abruptly. An urban African kid in a colorful hoodie, lowers a digital recorder and looks out at the hustle and bustle of a famous park in New York that he’s been patrolling. He smiles to himself at the absurdity of the statement - since being on the run, technically homeless living out of a disgruntle helicopter, alone and not yet a legal adult – doesn’t usually fit the bill.
“Fuh real fuh real…” He places the mic of a fancy digital recorder to his mouth again, thinking, “Play time is over.” “I’m a superhero, but you wouldn’t know it if you saw me-“ “BLICKT!” He clicks the pause button hard again because he was about to try freestyling- as is one of the things he often tries but isn't any good- he thinks again, “This is serious. Its my epitaph and origin story, but its also my statement, plain and simply- my coming out party...”
He looks out into the night, sounds of the city park play in his ear. The smell of nature and human being blend to make a unique aroma under-appreciated by most visitors.
“Im a superhero…” he continues pointedly, “If you saw me on the streets though, you’d probably just walk right passed me- most do. Few beyond those involved know the things I’ve done for some in this city- human and non. Not in it for the clout, perooo, the appreciation has been nice when it came. So I am an anomaly, an enigma some might say, because I have yet to see another like me anywhere, and believe you me I have looked. Some of my abilities have literally taken me to places you wouldn't believe- well most people wouldnt have even dreamed were possible before the event, peroooo we here now. To get to the point and to try not to be long winded- as I said before, I am a superhero. When I use my powers I kinda fade and my features obscure. Its like "I am in this world, (in this dimension) but not of it" I perceive the things that go bump in the-"
"BLICKT" 'Such a kornball,' he thinks stopping the recording again, 'you gotta get to it son.'
"Mira, seeing my reflection the first time made me almost jump out my own skin. It would probably do the same to you- but don't be afraid, I am harmless unless you are harmful...
I am a SuperHero after all."
Recording stops. Filed under "My Intro." #17
An elderly yet sturdy built, tall and spry African man stands a few meters back from the open curtain of a 5th floor window. His loaded custom bullpup pointed down and away toward the wall at a subconsciously safe angle for the elderly war general. His squinted eyes softly glowing, barely reflecting the ambient light of the evening, the only indication that this human- unlike his species, appears to be nocturnal by nature.
He has finished one of his random self-appointed rounds in their loft-style penthouse, and is on alert due to the last conversation had with his currently, late-to-arrive son.
A stifled screech in his daughter-in-laws room brings him, imperceptibly quick, to round a door the way trained professionals do. Reflexively he is speaking while moving, and before she notices the gun at her back, he lowers it and looks to where she is looking:
"What's wrong Kimiko, I told you we needed to be qui-" [Translated from Japanese into English]
"Ojisan- but how did he get all the way up there, first it was the baby speak I kept hearing when my own husband denied my sanity, and now this?!?" She frantically whispers, her eyes trying to deny the impossibility of what she is seeing but never leaving the boy.
The retired general smiles in spite of himself and loosens a bit. He gestures toward the boy outside of her perception, and the little thing giggling and gurgly begins a controlled toppling toward the old Generals outstretched empty right hand, his left comfortably having the modified shotgun pointed downward in such a way, finger straight and off the trigger, makes it appear as if his left arm has elongated super-naturally. “Ahh Kimiko, come with me to the study, there I will tell you of this boys lineage on his fathers side- my side.”
Time passes, Kimiko nursing the little one, is noticeably more at ease, she smiles a mothers’ smile at him as he feeds. The General, at ease but alert in his comfy chair, has finished telling his tale so he looks at the two thinking, “He will never know her- his, sadly, is not a life of leisure.”
A near inaudible click of the keycard is heard at the door by the General- It. Is. Not. Family.
The young man grows up with his grandfather, constantly training, and often moving. He's provided for since most of the wilderness survival skills he is taught don't seem to stick. He does however excel at the hand to hand combat, and has an aptiude for certain sciences and healing modalities.
In the whole scheme of things however, The General never could properly nurture the boy, it just was not in him. A life of continual conflict, survival, and war made it so those parts of the man did not exist, or were just so far buried they never came to light, but in his way he showed love by preparing him for what may come.
As the young shifter grew with his grandfather, who made nearly every mundane thing about training, and training that often centered around some unseen enemy, the boy and eventual youngling would never know what or whom it was that endangered him and his family. From the night his mother discovered his budding powers until late in the boys 17th year, they had been constantly moving, avoiding attachments and didn’t stay in one place for longer than a few months, this last place being the longest they had ever been (one reason they had to move so hastily) the young man was terrible at making friends any way so it mattered little that he was leaving another place again, but he had started to actually like this one.
“My grandson is in your charge ‘til I come for him again when all this is settled-“ He looks at the boy with no indication of what he is thinking, having already spoken with his grandson days prior, “Yes Sir,” says the Captain of the water going vessel...
Adqwa, is later ship-wrecked on the North American continent. He lives out of a [insert details] helicopter. To his knowledge he is the only survivor. His grandfather The General explained before the voyage that he could find his mother somewhere in North America and sent him ahead to find her while he ended the people on his trail once and for all. He said he would find him like he always did during their "hide and seek" games. Another group took his mother for reasons not even The General knows of.
1 0,000 - 2,150
2 2,151 - 4,300
3 4,301 - 9,600
4 9,601 - 18,900
5 18,901 - 26,200
6 26,201 - 36,500
7 36,501 - 52,800
8 52,801 - 73,100
9 73,101 - 98,400
10 98,401 - 134,700
11 134,701 - 185,300
12 185,301 - 240,600
13 240,601 - 292,900
14 292,901 - 342,200
15 342,201 - 415,500
Background Story
“I’m a super hero, somethin’ like your friendly neigh- nope. It’s like, I bring a shock- nope. Sh*%... I’m a superhero… but you’d never know it-" The digital recording stops abruptly. An urban African kid in a colorful hoodie, lowers a digital recorder and looks out at the hustle and bustle of a famous park in New York that he’s been patrolling. He smiles to himself at the absurdity of the statement - since being on the run, technically homeless living out of a disgruntle helicopter, alone and not yet a legal adult – doesn’t usually fit the bill.
“Fuh real fuh real…” He places the mic of a fancy digital recorder to his mouth again, thinking, “Play time is over.” “I’m a superhero, but you wouldn’t know it if you saw me-“ “BLICKT!” He clicks the pause button hard again because he was about to try freestyling- as is one of the things he often tries but isn't any good- he thinks again, “This is serious. Its my epitaph and origin story, but its also my statement, plain and simply- my coming out party...”
He looks out into the night, sounds of the city park play in his ear. The smell of nature and human being blend to make a unique aroma under-appreciated by most visitors.
“Im a superhero…” he continues pointedly, “If you saw me on the streets though, you’d probably just walk right passed me- most do. Few beyond those involved know the things I’ve done for some in this city- human and non. Not in it for the clout, perooo, the appreciation has been nice when it came. So I am an anomaly, an enigma some might say, because I have yet to see another like me anywhere, and believe you me I have looked. Some of my abilities have literally taken me to places you wouldn't believe- well most people wouldnt have even dreamed were possible before the event, peroooo we here now. To get to the point and to try not to be long winded- as I said before, I am a superhero. When I use my powers I kinda fade and my features obscure. Its like "I am in this world, (in this dimension) but not of it" I perceive the things that go bump in the-"
"BLICKT" 'Such a kornball,' he thinks stopping the recording again, 'you gotta get to it son.'
"Mira, seeing my reflection the first time made me almost jump out my own skin. It would probably do the same to you- but don't be afraid, I am harmless unless you are harmful...
I am a SuperHero after all."
Recording stops. Filed under "My Intro." #17
An elderly yet sturdy built, tall and spry African man stands a few meters back from the open curtain of a 5th floor window. His loaded custom bullpup pointed down and away toward the wall at a subconsciously safe angle for the elderly war general. His squinted eyes softly glowing, barely reflecting the ambient light of the evening, the only indication that this human- unlike his species, appears to be nocturnal by nature.
He has finished one of his random self-appointed rounds in their loft-style penthouse, and is on alert due to the last conversation had with his currently, late-to-arrive son.
A stifled screech in his daughter-in-laws room brings him, imperceptibly quick, to round a door the way trained professionals do. Reflexively he is speaking while moving, and before she notices the gun at her back, he lowers it and looks to where she is looking:
"What's wrong Kimiko, I told you we needed to be qui-" [Translated from Japanese into English]
"Ojisan- but how did he get all the way up there, first it was the baby speak I kept hearing when my own husband denied my sanity, and now this?!?" She frantically whispers, her eyes trying to deny the impossibility of what she is seeing but never leaving the boy.
The retired general smiles in spite of himself and loosens a bit. He gestures toward the boy outside of her perception, and the little thing giggling and gurgly begins a controlled toppling toward the old Generals outstretched empty right hand, his left comfortably having the modified shotgun pointed downward in such a way, finger straight and off the trigger, makes it appear as if his left arm has elongated super-naturally. “Ahh Kimiko, come with me to the study, there I will tell you of this boys lineage on his fathers side- my side.”
Time passes, Kimiko nursing the little one, is noticeably more at ease, she smiles a mothers’ smile at him as he feeds. The General, at ease but alert in his comfy chair, has finished telling his tale so he looks at the two thinking, “He will never know her- his, sadly, is not a life of leisure.”
A near inaudible click of the keycard is heard at the door by the General- It. Is. Not. Family.
The young man grows up with his grandfather, constantly training, and often moving. He's provided for since most of the wilderness survival skills he is taught don't seem to stick. He does however excel at the hand to hand combat, and has an aptiude for certain sciences and healing modalities.
In the whole scheme of things however, The General never could properly nurture the boy, it just was not in him. A life of continual conflict, survival, and war made it so those parts of the man did not exist, or were just so far buried they never came to light, but in his way he showed love by preparing him for what may come.
As the young shifter grew with his grandfather, who made nearly every mundane thing about training, and training that often centered around some unseen enemy, the boy and eventual youngling would never know what or whom it was that endangered him and his family. From the night his mother discovered his budding powers until late in the boys 17th year, they had been constantly moving, avoiding attachments and didn’t stay in one place for longer than a few months, this last place being the longest they had ever been (one reason they had to move so hastily) the young man was terrible at making friends any way so it mattered little that he was leaving another place again, but he had started to actually like this one.
“My grandson is in your charge ‘til I come for him again when all this is settled-“ He looks at the boy with no indication of what he is thinking, having already spoken with his grandson days prior, “Yes Sir,” says the Captain of the water going vessel...
Adqwa, is later ship-wrecked on the North American continent. He lives out of a [insert details] helicopter. To his knowledge he is the only survivor. His grandfather The General explained before the voyage that he could find his mother somewhere in North America and sent him ahead to find her while he ended the people on his trail once and for all. He said he would find him like he always did during their "hide and seek" games. Another group took his mother for reasons not even The General knows of.
- Post as a reply to your finalized character sheet.
- Please include the applicable XP chart for your character at the bottom of this post.
- Address the questions in this video, and your background is likely to be very solid.
- Where were you born & what follows from that?
- Who are/were your parents & what follows from that?
- Are your parents still alive & what follows from that?
- What were you doing before you started adventuring & what follows from that?
- Why did you leave & what follows from that?
- What did you leave behind & what follows from that?
- What do you want & what follows from that?
- Optionally, see also 20 questions to flesh out your character.
1 0,000 - 2,150
2 2,151 - 4,300
3 4,301 - 9,600
4 9,601 - 18,900
5 18,901 - 26,200
6 26,201 - 36,500
7 36,501 - 52,800
8 52,801 - 73,100
9 73,101 - 98,400
10 98,401 - 134,700
11 134,701 - 185,300
12 185,301 - 240,600
13 240,601 - 292,900
14 292,901 - 342,200
15 342,201 - 415,500
Last edited by Adqwa on Thu Dec 19, 2024 1:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Adqwa - DShifter
Regular Stats:
4d6-L: [6, 4, 2, 3]-L = 13
4d6-L: [1, 2, 3, 6]-L = 11
4d6-L: [3, 1, 5, 4]-L = 12
4d6-L: [3, 1, 1, 2]-L = 6
4d6-L: [4, 4, 1, 6]-L = 14
4d6-L: [1, 2, 5, 2]-L = 9
4d6-L: [3, 2, 3, 4]-L = 10
4d6-L: [3, 5, 5, 1]-L = 13
( 2d6+12: [5, 6]+12 = 23 + HP=15 + 1d6: [4] = 4 (running) )*2 = 84
1d4*10: [2]*10 = 20 + 20 = Within 500' of Blue Zone
( 6d6+40: [4, 2, 6, 2, 1, 5]+40 = 60 ) + ( 2d6+10: [6, 6]+10 = 22 )/lvl + 1d6+2: [3]+2 = 5 (19 yr old bonus) = 87
Psionic Potential:
1d100: [5] = 5
4d6: [1, 3, 6, 4] = 14 + ME + 1d6+1: [1]+1 = 2 /lvl =
Running Bonus to Speed
4d4: [3, 2, 4, 2] = 11
4d6-L: [6, 4, 2, 3]-L = 13
4d6-L: [1, 2, 3, 6]-L = 11
4d6-L: [3, 1, 5, 4]-L = 12
4d6-L: [3, 1, 1, 2]-L = 6
4d6-L: [4, 4, 1, 6]-L = 14
4d6-L: [1, 2, 5, 2]-L = 9
4d6-L: [3, 2, 3, 4]-L = 10
4d6-L: [3, 5, 5, 1]-L = 13
( 2d6+12: [5, 6]+12 = 23 + HP=15 + 1d6: [4] = 4 (running) )*2 = 84
1d4*10: [2]*10 = 20 + 20 = Within 500' of Blue Zone
( 6d6+40: [4, 2, 6, 2, 1, 5]+40 = 60 ) + ( 2d6+10: [6, 6]+10 = 22 )/lvl + 1d6+2: [3]+2 = 5 (19 yr old bonus) = 87
Psionic Potential:
1d100: [5] = 5
4d6: [1, 3, 6, 4] = 14 + ME + 1d6+1: [1]+1 = 2 /lvl =
Running Bonus to Speed
4d4: [3, 2, 4, 2] = 11